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发布时间:2020-03-03 14:10:54 来源:范文大全 收藏本文 下载本文 手机版


\"Water and air are the sources of people\'s lives, and the bases of the world.\" This was said by the ancient Greek philosopher ThalesLooking at the dirty air in the sky, smelling the gro smell from Yangtze River, I can\'t agree with him any more.The environmental iues are always the most important to a country, especially the country I live in, China

When the environment is becoming worse and worse, I have to say it is the most serious problem in this country.My junior high clamate , Anita, lived by the end of the Yangtze River.The industrial area is around there and all the factories pollute the water day by day.Unfortunately she got cancer, like many people who lived there If the polluted environment wants to \"kill\" you, there is no doctor in this world can save us.Looking at her face in the funeral, I finally understood the importance of protecting environment

It is always early to improve the health care, but never the environment.My dad is the president of the city hospital, and he always tells me \"If the government gives us enough money, this hospital can be the best one in this country very quick by hiring best doctors and buying newest equipment but we all know that the environment is always harder to save.After second industrial revolution in Britain, the pollution in Thames River became horrible.When the British government realized that problem, it took them tens of years to solve it .Just like my mom always told me, \" It\'s easy to make something dirty, really hard to make it clean again.\"

It\'s kind of like the paradox, but many times, the environmental problems cause many health care iues Many data do prove that, the people who live in a good environment have better qualities of lives.In 1970s, LBJ, the president of United States, paed a proposal which was called Clean Water Plan It was made to make the water clean in the US, and it did work.The most amazing thing is that the data show the numbers of patients in hospital decreased rapidly during first 15 years.That does prove my point, the environmental iue is a important factor of the health care iues.

As I said, we do realize the seriousne and importance of the environmental iues.We do need a \"Heaven\" with clean water and air, green trees and beautiful mountains.The \"Hell\" with doctors and hospitals is always our last choice.










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