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圣诞节英语话剧剧本:LOVE AT CHRISMAS EVE爱在平安夜 地点:圣诞老人住所前 人物:三头驯鹿,即


斯科特(Scott),墙头草,常与林登站在统一战线上,一起排斥贝克。 贝克(Baker),善良,常常看不惯林登的所作所为。特点是长得胖。 场景:圣诞老人住所前

道具:房子,一块写着“For Sale”的牌子。 ACT ONE第一幕

Voiceover: As the financial crisis is sweeping acro the world, The Santa Claus who used to be rich became so pool recently.For him, it’s doubt how to celebrate the Christmas Eve tonight.Look, his three reindeers are walking in front of the house.Let’s listen to what they will say.旁白:随着金融危机席卷全球,向来出手阔绰的圣诞老人也变得窘迫起来了。今年的平安夜将如何度过,这对于圣诞老人来说,无疑是一个伤脑筋的问题。看,他那三头驯鹿正在家门口散步呢,让我们来听听它们会透露些什么。

Linden: I hope to eat turkey! Scott: Oh, darling, tonight is Christmas Eve, not Thanksgiving Day.We’re stars tonight! Linden: Star? No, no, tonight the stars are those kids and that guy ----- the bo.You know, we haven’t touched meat since last Thanksgiving Day.Now, everyday eats potato, and potato and potato, I hate potato! Now anything is turkey in my eyes.

You, and you, are all turkeys.

Oh, my turkey.Baker: You\'re crazy! Linden: I can\'t bear it any more, so, I plan my job hopping.Baker: You? Job hopping? Serve Obama, I believe he has never eaten a reindeer.Linden: Shut up! You fatty! Scott: Linden is right.Bo owes us so much salary, moreover, I have a big family to support.I think we should take a measure by now.

We need to get a life, a clay life.Baker: But it’s due to the financial crisis.Linden: Stop! Scott: Sh~ bo is coming. 林登:我想吃火鸡!


林登:不,不,今天的主角是那些孩子——还有老板(圣诞老人)那家伙。你要知道,自从去年感恩节,我们就一直没有吃过肉。现在每天都是薯条,除了薯条还是薯条,我讨厌薯条。现在我的眼里全是火鸡。 (指着斯科特)你,(指着贝克)还有你,全是火鸡。 (说完,上前一把抓住贝克的手臂咬了一口)噢,我的火鸡。 贝克:(一把推开林登)你疯了!

林登:我受够了,所以,我决定跳槽。(说完从背后取出一块牌子,上面写着“For Sale”) 贝克:你跳槽?到奥巴马那吧,我相信他从未尝过鹿肉。 林登:住嘴,你这死胖子。

斯科特:(冷静地分析了一下)林登说得对,老板欠了我们好几个月的工资,何况咱上有老下有小,我想我们是时候采取进一步的措施了。(停顿一会儿,望着天幕)我们需要的是生活,有品位的生活。 贝克:可是这都是金融危机惹的祸……(被打断) 林登:住嘴!

斯科特:(听到背后似乎有声响)嘘~老板来了。(林登急忙把胸前的牌子藏起来) ACT TWO第二幕

Voiceover: The Santa Claus is coming to us.Oh, I have never seen such a pool Santa Claus.Have a look, he is so pool that only has an egg.Oh, my dear, Let me ble you in the name of Jesus.旁白:圣诞老人向我们走来了,噢,我从来没有见过如此窘迫的圣诞老人,你看,他穷得只剩下一颗蛋了,噢,可怜的孩子,我代表耶稣对他表示无限的同情。

Santa Claus: Year, look into my bag.There just leaves an egg, and that’s my breakfast today.But God just made only a Santa Claus.My dear kids!

Hey! Boys! Go to work, it\'s our day.





旁白:圣诞老人坐上了车子,开始降临人间,但是他万万没有想到,麻烦才刚刚开始,他的车子挂到了树上(同时打开照明设备) Santa Claus: Oh, my lady gaga! Policeman: Ser, please show me your driving license.Santa Claus: What? My driving license? But I’m, I’m just a Santa Claus.Policeman: I know, everybody can gue it through your dre.And you are a kind old man.But it’s important that, your driving license.Santa Claus: No, I’m just a simple Santa Claus.Policeman: Oh, it’s so serious.

Destroy public property.

What’s your name? Santa Claus: Santa Claus.Policeman: Santa Claus? Year, I know you, since I was a baby.

Is the sled yours in the tree? Santa Claus: Yes.Policeman: Are you sure you haven’t had a drink? Santa Claus: Year, my mum never allow it.Policeman: OK.Very good boy.I’ll detain your sled.Tonight is Christmas Eve, you can dre up as a Santa Claus, but your sled should be parked in your own garden, not in the tree.And, take your pets to go back home.They will scare kids.Happy Christmas Eve! Santa Claus: Happy Christmas Eve.圣诞老人:噢,我的天啊。



警察:是的,你是一个和蔼可亲的老人。但关键是,您没有驾照? 圣诞老人:没有。我只是一个普通的圣诞老人。

警察:(低吟)噢,太严重了。(同时拿出一个本子和笔,用笔在本子上写东西,再次低吟)破坏公物。 你叫什么名字?

圣诞老人:Santa Claus。

警察:Santa Claus?(诧异,打量圣诞老人,依然坚持认为他是市民装扮的圣诞老人,并用开玩笑的口气)噢,我知道你,我从小就认识你。(抬起脸打量挂在树上车子)挂在树上的车子是你的? 圣诞老人:是的。 警察:你确定你没喝酒?




圣诞老人:(眼看东西被扣留,无奈地摊开双手)平安夜快乐…… ACT FOUR 第四幕

Voiceover: The crows have broken up in the cold midnight.Santa Claus and the reindeers are walking in the street alone.They have no sleds, no food, they just have sorrow and hunger.旁白:寒冷的午夜,庆贺圣诞的人潮已经退去,圣诞老人和他的宠物们孤单地走在马路上,他们没有了车子,没有食物,他们只有难过和饥饿……(这时,聚光灯照向他们。背景音乐:寒风呼啸) Baker: I hate Franklin Raines! Linden: I hate all the Americans! Linden: No, it’s my fault.Voiceover: On the other side of the road.A little match-girl is also walking forward.She has no hat, no gloves, and no sweater.She just has a couple of large slippers and a pile of matches.She stares at the chicken in the show-window, only finding she didn’t touch any food for one day.Little match-girl: Wow~ Smell so delicious.

Who needs match? Little match-girl: Ser, do you need some matches? Little match-girl: It should be so nice if I can use a stick of match from them for warmth.But my dad can’t allow me do that.

Grandma, I mi you.Where you are? I remember you would give me a warm egg every Christmas Eve in the past.You said the Santa Claus would tuck some gifts into my socks.But, I have no even a pair of socks.How will the Santa Claus get in touch with me? Little match-girl: You are…

Santa Claus: Year, I’m Santa Claus.Oh, my son.Why do you stay in the cold corner by yourself in the midnight? Where are your parents? Little match-girl: I…

Santa Claus: I see, I’m your grandpa.

Oh, son, you must be very hungry.Little match-girl: Egg? It’s really egg? Santa Claus: Year.Little match-girl: Oh, hooray, I also got a gift from the Santa Claus!

My grandpa, are you hungry, too? Santa Claus: No, no, it’s your only food.Little match-girl: No, I ----- I have an egg.Santa Claus: Thank you! The reindeers: Thanks! Santa Claus: Son, why don’t you eat it? Little match-girl: I want to save it to my mum.Santa Claus: Son, you are my good son! Voiceover: This is a lonely Christmas Eve but be full of love.How can you say a perfect Christmas Eve should be a gifts’ Christmas Eve? Santa Claus also has a bad time, but a truth tells us: The one is full of love, the one has a full life.Happy Christmas Eve! Happy Christmas! 贝克:(垂头丧气)我讨厌富兰克林•雷恩斯!(Franklin Raines,金融危机的罪魁祸首) 斯科特:我讨厌所有的美国人!(暗指是资本主义制度才是真正的罪魁祸首) 林登:不,这都是我的错(指撞树事件)。 (这时,聚光灯照向卖火柴的小女孩。)

旁白:在马路的另一边,卖火柴的小女孩也在艰难地前进,她没有帽子,没有手套,没有毛衣,她只有一对大大的拖鞋和一堆卖不出去的火柴。她望着橱窗里的烤鸡,才发现自己已经一天都没吃过饭了…… 小女孩:(停住脚步,望着橱窗,做闻了闻状)真香!(摸了摸肚子,继续前行,用无力的声音叫喊着)谁需要火柴~ 小女孩:(这时,一个路人走过,她拉了拉他的衣袖)先生,您需要火柴吗?(马上被路人甩开,路人消失) (这时,照明全开,小女孩失望地在一个角落坐了下来)



(圣诞老人和他的驯鹿们路过了,他看到了独自坐在一角的小女孩,走了过去。同时,小女孩抬起头,看到了圣诞老人,神情变得诧异而兴奋,她不敢相信眼前的一切,不由自主地站了起来) 小女孩:你是……



圣诞老人:(圣诞老人打量了一下小女孩,明白到这是一个孤苦的孩子,于是上前挽着她,两人慢慢坐下)我知道了,我就是你的爷爷。(这时小女孩的肚子咕噜咕噜地叫了)噢,孩子,你一定很饿了。(说完从礼物袋里掏出一个鸡蛋,递给小女孩) 小女孩:(很激动地)鸡蛋?真的是鸡蛋吗? 圣诞老人:是的。

小女孩:(忍不住跳了起来)噢,耶,鸡蛋!(说完,圣诞老人的肚子也咕噜咕噜地叫了起来) (两人愣了一下,互相看着对方,圣诞老人露出尴尬的表情,似笑非笑,支支吾吾)



小女孩:不,我还有……(想了想)我还有一个鸡蛋呢!(说完举起鸡蛋) (在小女孩的热情下,圣诞老人只好收下那一点点面包屑) 圣诞老人:谢谢!(说完,转过身又把面包屑分给驯鹿们) 驯鹿们:(十分感动地看着圣诞老人)谢谢! (于是两人又坐了下来)

圣诞老人:(看着小女孩手中紧握的鸡蛋)孩子,怎么不吃? 小女孩:(紧紧地握着鸡蛋)我要把它带回家,让我妈妈吃。 圣诞老人:(眼里饱含泪水)孩子,你真是个好孩子!


旁白:这是一个凄清却又充满爱的平安夜,谁说只有收到各种各样漂亮的礼物才能度过一 个完美的平安夜呢?圣诞老人也有穷得响叮当的时候,但是充满爱的人却拥有一生 的财富。祝您平安夜快乐!圣诞节快乐!









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