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发布时间:2020-03-03 23:06:51 来源:范文大全 收藏本文 下载本文 手机版

1.A Send-off Speech Suppose your English teacher Profeor Smith will return to his country after teaching you for one year, please give a speech to send him off.1.从Profeor Smith的授课中所得到的效果 2.表达对其的感激之情

We still remember that one year ago, it was just here that we gave Profeor Smith a warm welcome.Now we gather here once again to say good-bye to him. During the past year, Profeor Smith has made great contributions to the improvement of English teaching quality of our school.He has brought to us not only effective teaching methods but also new ideas of how to balance the learning of written English and that of spoken English.It’s obvious that the English communicative abilities of our students have improved a great deal as a result of Profeor Smith’s efforts.During the last year, Profeor Smith and our students and teachers have become good friends.We feel sorry that we have to say good-bye now.But I’m sure we will remember each other forever. Now in bidding farewell to Profeor Smith, allow me on behalf of all the students and teachers of our school to expre our sincere thanks once again to him and I would also like to take this opportunity to wish him a pleasant safe journey home.

2.A Notice of Exchange Suppose you are Li Ming.You intend to improve your English with the help of a foreign friend.You plan to look for a foreigner who intends to learn Chinese so that you can exchange leons.1.简单介绍自己并说明该启事的目的 2.给出人选的条件 3.提供你的联系方式 To whom it may concern, I, the undersigned, am a senior in the Computer Science Department of Herbing University.I would like to improve my spoken English so that I write the notice to look for a foreigner for help. Since I am a student and still do not have my own income, I would like to look for a foreigner who wants to learn Chinese and exchange language leons with him/her.The foreigner must be native American and college graduate.What’s more, his/her major should be linguistics.By the way, my spoken Chinese is standard. Any foreigner who is interested in the exchange may reach me via the mobile phone number 1380000000.

Sincerely yours,

Li Ming

3.You are allowed 30 minutes to write A Letter Applying for a Bank Loan under the name of Yang Lin 1.个人情况介绍



Dear Sir and Madam, I am a freshman in Sandong University, majoring in Mathematics.Since I enter the university, I have been studying hard and was the top of my cla in the final exam of last semester. However, I am now facing the danger of dropping out of school.Both of my parents are ordinary farmers, and even worse, my mother has suddenly fallen ill.It is now a must for me to find some other ways to support myself.So I’m applying to your bank for a loan of 10, 000 yuan.All the money will used to cove my tuition. A family tutor and the work-study programs provided by the university will help me earn enough money to support myself.I guarantee that I will gradually repay the loan within tow years after my graduation. Please have confidence in me, and many thanks.

Yours, Sincerely

Yang Lin

4.A Letter to the President of the University 假设你是一名大二的学生,学校向学生征集建议,你想向校长写信提出两点建议: 1.学校教学应该注重学习方法的培养 2.学校应该丰富学生的校园生活 Dear Sir, My name is Li Dan, and I am a sophomore in the Department of Electronics.I am writing to put forward my proposals responding to the call of our university. There are two proposals that I would like to present.The first one is that the teaching model of our university should emphasize much more on the learning method cultivation.In most of our claes now, students paively receive what the teachers teach them and rarely know how to study by themselves.So I think it will be helpful to us if the teaching model of our university can be improved.

The second proposal is that the university should enrich the students’ cultural life on campus.We really need more interesting and instructive activities in our leisure time. Thanks for your time, and your kind attention to the iues will be highly appreciated. Yours,

Li Dan

5.My View on college Students’ Playing Truant 1.逃课现象在大学生中很普遍 2.人们对此有不同看法 3.我的观点

It is common that many college students play truant.This phenomenon can be traced in many writings concerning college lives, as one reporter observed. Although students always have various excuses for playing truant, there is no consensus of views among college students and teachers.On the one hand, it is generally acknowledged that college students can selectively play truant.Because some students occupy positions in student aociations and some have part-time jobs or internships and they believe these experiences are more important.Furthermore, some claim that claes are boring and unpractical.On the other hand, teachers are of opinion that college students should not play truant otherwise they would let their parents down. As for me, claes are our stage on which we perform our lives and make progre.When we play truant, we would inevitably mi something which may turn out to be crucial for the prospects.Therefore, we should try not to play truant.

6.The Safety of Food 1.目前食品安全的状况

2.产生这些食品安全质量问题的原因 3.我们应该怎么做

Despite the decline in the number of cases related to fake foods and foods of poor quality, problems remain serious in the market.Food-born diseases remain responsible for high levels of sickne and mortality in the general population, particularly for at-risk groups, such as infants, young children, and the elderly.The most notorious case involved low-quality milk powder in Fuyan, in east Chine’s Anhui Province, which caused the death of a dozen babies.In my personal opinion, I think the responsibility goes for the most part to the food producers, especially those who fail to meet safety standards.In order to sell more products, some food producers may even internationally use various chemicals, such as pesticides, animal drugs etc., during manufacturing and proceing just to make food look or taste good without taking people’s life into consideration.As we all know, food additives and contaminants can adversely affects the health. In this regard, in order to reduce the incidence and economic consequences of food-born diseases, the supervision of food production should be stepped up.What’s more, it is important to drastically increase penalties on those who neglect food safety statutes.

After all, the Food Safety Department in our country should educate consumers about the risks presented in food and the safe food handling behaviors that can help minimize those risks, Neverthele, it is our own awarene of good life style and hygiene habit that a healthy life relies on.

A Letter Advocating Saving Water

You are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter to your fellow students advocating saving water 1.我国是个淡水资源十分匮乏的国家 2.如何从我做起节约用水

I am writing to inform all of my fellow students to save water in daily life.Our country is not rich in water resources, and the poeion of water resources per person in China is below the world average.In some regions of our country water is so scarce that it is hard for the people and animals to get enough water to drink.What makes it worse, the pollution of water resources by the industries is getting more serious. Of course, our government has taken many measures to deal with this problem, and the good effect has been seen to some degree.However, that is not enough because saving water needs the participation of everybody.As college students, we have a good reason to do a better job in saving water.Her are some suggestions, we wish all of you to follow.First of all, we hope you bear saving water in mind when using water in you daily life, for example, do not let water running without restraint when you wash dishes, clothes or have a bath.

8.How to Increase Your Working Experience in the University a) 大学期间,大学生有必要获得一些工作经验 b) 获得工作经验的途径

While studying in universities, students are required to make a detailed study of the knowledge in books.Certainly the academic knowledge is the foundation for future work, but it is not the only thing that students have to acquire.Some working experience is also indispensable for them to adapt themselves to the future occupations.How do they increase the working experience without the sacrifice of studies? Firstly, I think the students should get mentally and physically prepared for the coming part-time jobs.Secondly they should widen the scope of choices.Whenever mentioning the part-time jobs, students will inevitably think of tutoring little kids or working in the supermarkets.In fact, there are a lot of other choices, such as working as volunteers for some aociations, teaching in some underdeveloped areas, and writing articles for newspapers.Finally, write down promptly what they have learned from work.By doing so, they will be impreed deeply by that experience and make it really valuable for the future work. In a word, working experience gained while the students are studying in universities will benefit them throughout their life.

13.On Idol Worshipping 1.许多青少年将娱乐明星当作崇拜偶像



Idol worshipping is not a new phenomenon, but the recent cases of unreasonable behaviors conducted by some young people have made it a focus of attention again, especially, a young girl’s father has committed suicide just to wake up his daughter who is poeed by the idea of following her idol wherever he goes. Some people argue that the ma media is to blame for the tragedy.The media always show a picture of glamorous movie stars, pop singers and all the other entertainers.They represent a lifestyle that young people desire to have, while the young people are just not mature enough to distinguish the reality from the dream.Other people believe that is shows that weakne of our educational system.The school pays much attention on their studies and exams, while overlooks their psychological status. As far as I am concerned, I think the tragedy sends out an alarm signal to us all.The media, the school, the parents and even the youth themselves have to reflect on the iue and try to stop such kind of tragedy from happening again.










