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一\\(一)31.One of the main challenges facing many countries is how to maintain their identity in the face of golbalization and the growing multilanguage trend,DDABC 36.Thomas Adams discovered bubble gum in the 1870s.托马斯·亚当斯发现口香糖在1870年代提出的主张。ADDBB 41.One of the most famous writers from England by far is Agatha Christie.CCACA46.With only about 1000 pandas left in the world, China is desperately trying to clone the animal and save the endangered species.DCDDA(二)31.Do you know why different animals or pests have their special colors?你知道为什么不同的动物或宠物有他们独特的颜色? DDBCD 36.Do you love holidays but hate putting on weight during your holidays?你喜欢假日,讨厌的体重在增加在你的节日吗? ABDCB 41.some theorists argue that the minimum wage law can cause problems in the same way.一些理论家认为,最低工资法能够造成问题在同样的方式。BAAAB 46.Automobile drivers and paengers now face a new danger on the road: the users of cell phones.DACCA 汽车司机和乘客现在面临着一个新的危险的道路:用户的手机。

(三)31.since it was published in 1818, Frankenstein, a claic horror story, has been in print in many languages.因为它是在1818年出版的,《科学怪人》,经典的恐怖故事,已经在打印多种语言。 AADBC 36.there are many different kinds of beer made around the world.有许多不同种类的啤酒环游世界。 ADDAB 41.If you didn\'t sleep for hours during the early part of the evening ,you would be more ready to sleep at bedtime .如果你没睡几个小时在早期的晚上,你会更愿意睡在睡觉的时候.CBBAA46.Parents are the closest people to you in the world .父母是最亲密的人在你的世界。They would do anything for you .他们会为你做任何事情。CDCAD(四)31.Popeye the Sailor first became a popular cartoon in 1930s.大力水手水手首次成为一个受欢迎的卡通在1930年代。DADAA36.The word rodeo comes from the Spanish word for a place where cowboys sold cows .这个词来自西班牙的牛仔字一个地方卖牛的牛仔。CCDCC41.now there are about forty-three percent of the adult men and thirty-one percent of the adult women in the united states who usually smoke cigarette.现在有大约百分之四十三的成年人和百分之三十一的成人女性在美国人通常吸烟。CDACD46.popular music in america is what every student likes .在美国流行音乐就是每一个学生喜欢。CDCBA

(五)31.Many students of English think that learning a new language is very difficult .许多学习英语的学生认为学习一种新语言是非常困难的。BACDD 36.Throughout history man has changed his physical environment in order to improve his way of life.人类有史以来不断改变自然环境,以改善自己的生活方式。DCABA 41.you are twenty-one years old and have a good life.你21岁了,好好生活。but one day ,your doctor tells you that you have a bad disease and may not live more than one year.但是有一天,你的医生告诉你,你有一个严重的疾病,可能活不超过一年。BBCDB46.According to chinese medicinethe body is like a tree that lives through the seasons of nature , and it needs regular energy to stay healthy and prevent illne.根据中国的医学的身体就像一棵树,生活的每一个季节,通过自然,而需要定期的能量来保持健康和预防疾病。DACAB 二.1.As people continue to grow and age, our body systems continue to change.随着人们继续生长和年龄,我们的身体系统继续发生变化。DDAB2.For more than 40 yearsearth has been sending out distre signals.40多年来地球已发送遇险信号。CCDB 3.to most people, rats may be frightening and dirty animals ,but they change with the environment surprisingly well.对大多数人来说,鼠可能惊吓和肮脏的动物,但是他们随环境变化好得令人惊讶。CDCD4.Take any long piece of paper .采取任何长片纸。Now glue the ends of the paper together.现在胶头的纸张粘在一起。BBBC5.ever since humans have lived on the earth ,they have made use of different ways of communication.自从人类生活在地球上,他们已经有了用不同的方式交流。CDCB 6.In 1987, the National Board for Profeional Teaching Standards began its work to set new standards of achievement for the teahing profeion and to improve the quality of education for all children in USA.在1987年,美国国家专业教学标准委员会开始其工作制定新的标准的教学成果,提高职业教育质量为所有的孩子在美国。CCAA7.elephants who paint are not new.大象谁油漆不是什么新鲜事了。DDBD

8.The development of rapid transit rail lines in cities should parallel local economic development and blind construction of such lines should be avoided ,a conference made such report yesterday.快速公交系统的发展在城市轨道交通线路应该平行了当地经济的发展,盲目建设这样的线路是应该避免的,一次会议上报告了昨天。 BCCA 9.ask three people to look out the same window at a busy road corner and tell you what they see.三个人来问同一个窗口望出去在繁忙的路角并告诉你他们所看到的东西。ADAB10.when henry ford was manfacturing automobiles , he wanted to sell them to everyone.当亨利。福特是汽车不予办理,他想卖给每一个人。BABC11.We all aociate colors with feelings and attitudes .我们所有附属情感和态度的色彩。BADD12.though it is mere I to 3 percent of the population, the upper cla poees at least 25 percent of the nation\'s wealth.虽然这只是我对3%的人口,上层阶级拥有至少25%的国家的财富。 CBDA 13.wall street is the name of a street in New York and very famous in the whole world.华尔街街道的名字在纽约和非常著名的整个世界。BDDC14.The Us , government has recently helped people learn more about the dangers of earthquake by publishing a map.美国政府最近帮助人们了解更多关于地震的危险性发布一张地图。15.In the latter part of the 20th century, child labor was a serious problem in many places of world.在后者20th世纪的一部分,童工是一个严重问题在世界上许多地方。CDCB16.being poor is a shameful experience for a young person trying hard to be accepted by the society.贫穷是可耻的经验对于一个年轻人来说努力是被社会所接受的。CBAB 17.as early as 1988, consumers could buy almost anything over the internet.早在1988年,消费者可以买到几乎任何在因特网上。CCDA18.someday a stranger will read your e-mail without your permiion .总有一天,一个陌生人会读你的邮件未经您的许可。BDBA19.the west began to take more notice of the east.西方开始更注重他的东部。ABBA 20.we spend our leisure time efficiently for higher production, live by clock even when time does not matter, modernize our homes and speed the rhythm of living in order that we can go to the most places and do the most things in the shortest period of time.我们花费我们的闲暇时间效率更高的生产、生活时钟即使时间并不要紧,现代化的房屋和速度的生活节奏,以便我们可以去的地方,做最大多数的东西在最短的时间。ACDB 21.the most amazing thing about education in the united states is the number of choices of reentry it offers.最让人惊奇的教育,在美国是可供选择的数量再提供。DBBB 22.between 1815 and 1914, the world witneed the greatest peaceful migration in its history:35 million people, mostly europeans, left their homelands to start new lives in america.从1815年到1914年,世界见证了人类历史上最和平的移民的历史:3500万人,其中大部分是欧洲人,离开他们的祖国在美国开始新生活。ACAD 23.more than 30000 drivers and front seat paengers are killed or seriously injured each year.有超过30000名司机和前排乘客严重受伤或死亡每年。 DCBD 24.there are thousands of animals that live in the sea.有成千上万的动物生活在海洋里。one of the most interesting of these animals is the whale.最有趣的一个这样的动物是鲸鱼。 ABAB25.fire worship is a religious devotion to fire.拜火仪式是一个宗教献身于火。BDAD





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