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发布时间:2020-03-01 19:27:05 来源:范文大全 收藏本文 下载本文 手机版

Avatar, a very succeful film that reflects the greed of human.

I knew the movie from the ad,it\'s the work of director James Cameron.In the ad,it\'s environment is splendid,fantasy,and I hear it\'s great,finally I saw the movie I am looking forward to a few days ago.

This movie is about the future of a day ,the earth we depend on for surviving has been difficult to live on ,so they go to a planet called \"Pandora\",that\'s a wooded planet ,there are a wide variety of organisms ,and intelligent creature that\'s similar to human,and it\'s called \"Wisconsin people\".They are tall than people,bone is fine,and human use their genes to creat the avater.Wisconsin people live around a towering tree that\'s called the world tree,and the are in perfect harmony.However,human break down the silence.Because human beings discover that their world tree is buring rich resources, driven by the interests of the human race,human send troops to go toconsultat with Wisconsin people, and \"Avatar\" is the tool to enter into negotiation.The main character in the movie drive their own avatar, and penetrate into local tribal fish for information, soon get trust of locals .But later human cann\'t wait, they send the military to attack the local people, thus the leading role lead local tribes to fight with human.

This movie has stunning visual effects.But when we enjoy the visual shocks, whether you are thinking, what this film is inreflect? Nature? Humanity? Resources? Outer space? Unknown world? Perhaps these all have, but I think it really reflects human\'s natural disposition.First, human\'s greed.

In order to get high quality mineral resource,the peace talk is inadequate, human does not hesitate to use the army, does not hesitate to receive so-called benefit by the soldier blood.This kind of people who place benefit first really should be spit on.

Second, human\'s poeivene.

Human\'s own home has been destroyed and it is difficult to survive, also they go to grab other people\'s homes,getting other\'sfamily are partly dispersed and partly dead.Human completely ignore the powers of other living things, like himself is God, can contain everything, and all good things should be put into their own pockets.

Plus, I also feel their destruction,when tree branches are blown to pieces , when the world tree collapse with no time, those soldiers,officers have no pity, but cheer.If that tree is on earth, it\'s must a perpetual tree ! Happy for destructing such a tree, I\'m speechle.

Wisconsin people\'s development is far from the human in the movie,theyonly use cold weapons to attack, so humans cann\'t treat them seriously, wanton destruct their home,which reflect the mind that people like to bully the weak.

After watching the film, I start to think about something .....When the humanity can awake!


早在广告里,就知道了《阿凡达》这部电影,它是由詹姆斯卡梅隆导演的作品,在广告里,这电影里的环境很壮美,很奇幻,并且听说很好看,前几天终于看到了期待已久的它。 这部电影讲的是未来的某一天,我们赖以生存的的地球已经难以生存,于是便来到了一颗明叫”潘多拉”的星球,那是一颗树木茂盛的星球,上面有着各种各样的生物,还住着类似人类的智能生物,人们把他叫做”纳威人”,他们比人高大,骨骼精奇,而”阿凡达”就是人类利用他们的基因创造出来的。 “纳威人”世世代代围绕一颗叫世界树的参天大树居住,十分和睦,



首先, 人的贪欲。


其次, 人的占有欲。


再有,我还感觉得到他们的破坏欲,当战机将无数导弹对着世界树发射,当世界树的枝干被炸的粉碎,当世界树轰燃倒塌时,那些士兵军官竟毫不惋惜,而是欢呼雀跃, 那棵树要是在地球上,定是一棵万年大树啊!为破坏一棵这样的树而高兴,我真无语












