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发布时间:2020-03-01 20:06:06 来源:范文大全 收藏本文 下载本文 手机版

This is the first time I was late for self-study last night.These mistakes made me think a lot of things, reflect on a lot of things, and regret myself very much.I was angry with myself to break the iron law of the school.I also deeply realized the seriousne of my mistakes and felt ashamed of my mistakes.When the school starts, it is impoible for me to emphasize the rules and regulations of the school and remind the students not to violate the rules and regulations of the school.But I have not taken the words of the school and the teachers seriously, and have not paid attention to the important matters promulgated by the school.It is also a disrespect for teachers.We should keep the teacher\'s words in mind and keep the school regulations and discipline promulgated by the school in mind.This time I made a mistake that not only brought trouble to myself, but also delayed my course.If everyone was late for cla like me, the order of cla would be disturbed, the teacher could not teach normally, and other students could not attend cla normally.Moreover, my behavior has caused bad effects on schools and has destroyed the Gu n l system.Among the students, it also has bad effects.Because of my own mistakes, it is poible to cause other students to imitate, affect cla discipline, grade discipline, destroy the school discipline and good learning environment, and give teachers and parents who have great expectations for themselves is also a kind of injury, but also for themselves and other students and parents of both sides of a non-compliance.Responsible for.Every school hopes its students to achieve both good quality and learning, all-round development, establish a good image, but also our school has a good image, for students, do not violate school rules, do not violate discipline, do their own thing is a basic responsibility, but also the most basic obligation.Now, I have deeply regretted having made a big mistake.My teacher was also very angry about my school rules.I also know that for students, attending claes on time is a basic responsibility and a basic obligation.But I didn\'t even do the most basic things.I will always use this violation as a mirror to examine myself, criticize and educate myself, and consciously accept supervision.I need to be ashamed and alert, to be shy and to work hard.I will also enhance my sense of time and enhance responsibility measures through this incident.I have a deep regret for this incident and sum up, I hope the teacher can forgive my mistakes, in order to thank the teacher Chunchun teaching, I hereby guarantee that if there is a chance to come back in front of me, I do my best to restrain myself, never let the teacher down.Ask the teacher to forgive me for this mistake.First, as a student, cla is my duty and my most basic responsibility.A student, he does not attend cla, how can he acquire knowledge, how can he communicate with his clamates, how can he continue to make progre? Claes are the most important way for me to acquire knowledge, but I didn\'t realize it.It was my first big mistake to ignore the rules and regulations of the school and the regulations of the cla Two, run away privately and ignore the presence of the cla committee.Cla committees are elected students with outstanding abilities and a sense of responsibility.They serve their clamates conscientiously and conscientiously.They contribute their sweat and efforts to the cla diligently and unknown.They are the leaders of the cla.As a responsible cla committee, it is their duty to do a good job of attendance, to make sure that every student who is absent has a reason to be absent, and I, a student who has made an abhorrent act of dragging the back of the cla, have not made any explanation for his early withdrawal behavior, so that the cla committee has shouldered such a great responsibility for me.This is the second mistake.I am ashamed of the selfle dedication to the cla committee, ashamed of their hard work, and compared with them, more reflects my ignorance, no organization and no discipline.Third, learning is the duty of the students.As a student, I enjoy the resources provided by the state, enjoy the selfle service of many advanced organizations, including the Department of Discipline Inspection and the cla committee, but do not know how to cherish, do not work hard, do not love the cla collective, do not have the intention to study every day.It is a typical generation of waste of national resources and waste of school degrees.It is my third big mistake that, instead of rewarding the school with a good attitude and excellent results, it has become a disgrace to the school and a negative teaching material for the school to teach its students.Through your ocean-like enlightenment, through your mother-like warmth, through your clear guidance like a teacher, I deeply realize my mistakes, and feel guilty and regretful for them.If time can return, then, at that moment, I will never choose to leave early, if time can return, then, at that moment, I must adhere to their will, suppre the impulse to escape, if time can return, then, at that moment, the glory of human nature will wash my dust-covered mind, teaching.How can I be a competent student? However, time can not be repeated.So, after realizing my mistake, I can only aure you that I will never make the same mistake again.In the future learning life, I will certainly achieve: First, do not be late, do not leave early without truancy.We should resolutely fulfill our students\'obligations, study diligently, and strive to learn from those students who respect discipline and abide by the law, and strive to become a responsible and self-restrained college student in the new era.Second, in the future study, we should make great efforts to enrich ourselves, learn profeional knowledge, learn to correctly handle the contradiction between our own factors and the environment, improve our own quality and cultivation, not only learn scientific and cultural knowledge, but also strengthen moral and cultural cultivation, enhance ideological awarene, and carry forward the spirit of the Chinese nation with patriotism as its core.To fight for great communism for life.Thank you for giving me the chance to correct this.I would like to expre my highest respect and respect to you.I write this review to you with a hundred and twenty thousand guilt and a hundred and twenty thousand regret to show you my abhorrence of truancy and my determination to stop truancy.As early as I stepped into this cla, you have been three orders, repeatedly streed that the cla must not be late, not truancy.At that time, the teacher taught repeatedly in the ear, serious expreion is still in front of me, I have a profound understanding of the importance of this matter, so I repeatedly told myself to take this matter as a top priority to grasp, can not live up to the teacher\'s pains on us.But this week I was absent for no reason.I felt very ashamed.Not only did I skip cla for no reason, but I still didn\'t repent even after you had ordered the name once.The next day I still didn\'t go to cla.I thought it was really a very exceive thing.I thought it was okay for you to be so angry with me.Every time you called me, teacher.At the roll call, I emphasized the importance of not skipping claes and often mentioned the importance of grades.I often talked to us about the importance of grades for the future entrance examination, postgraduate education, postgraduate education and work.But I did not put your teachings into practice, and I felt extremely ashamed and regret for it.As a university student, I learned the leons.I think what students need to learn is not only the claroom knowledge, but also the method of dealing with people.I do not obey the rules, hang around, do not listen to the teacher\'s instructions, skip claes without authorization, which damages not only myself, but also the teacher\'s expectations of us.And it will make the teacher worried about my safety.I was supposed to appear on time but I couldn\'t appear on time.How could I not worry the teacher who cared about every student so much? Such worries are likely to distract teachers from working all day, resulting in more serious consequences.In addition, this will also cause adverse effects among students.Because I a person\'s absence, may cause other students to imitate, affect cla discipline, but also to other students\'parents are not responsible.Every school wants its students to be both excellent in character and learning, develop in an all-round way, establish a good image, and also make our school have a good image.Every student also wants the school to give oneself a good learning environment to learn and live.Including myself also hope to have a good learning environment, but a good learning environment depends on everyone to maintain to build up, and I made a mistake this time, to destroy the good environment of the school, it is not appropriate, if every student makes such a mistake, then there will be no bad.A good learning environment is formed and punishment should be given to students who violate school regulations.I think a lot and realize that I have made a serious mistake.I know that I should pay for the mistakes I made, and I am willing to take the responsibility, even though I can\'t afford to do so.Those who receive education in key universities should bear the primary responsibility in this mistake.I sincerely accept criticism and accept the treatment given by the school.But for me, this eentially affects the improvement of the comprehensive level of individuals, so that their instincts can not be improved under the conditions of improving, although theory is linked to practice, but the basis of theory, practice is a waste of time, so I skip cla is a waste of learning time, skip cla time to do projects is also a waste of time line Yes.

After twelve years of hard study, we were lucky enough to pa the canopy bridge of the college entrance examination and step into the quiet campus of the university.Since then, no one has been like a high school teacher to urge their study.In my humble opinion, some students who lack self-discipline begin to relax.Claes are no longer the main part of the students\'minds.They think that it is not important to listen to some courses at ordinary times.They just need to fight a surprise battle before the exam.So in the usual study on the lower requirements, with a \"60 million years old, one more waste\" negative attitude to cope with the exam, and think that a month before the exam preparation time is enough, usually cla is just wasted time.Instead of playing games and chatting online, some even get addicted to the Internet, unable to extricate themselves.Some students because the profeional employment situation is not optimistic, so blindly believe that learning good claroom knowledge for their own future is not useful, truancy has become a common practice.As a result, the phenomenon of truancy is not only enduring, but also becoming more and more serious.In the eyes of some students, truancy has become a \"trend\", truancy is an indispensable part of \"college students\" life.But what results did this bring? How many students are burning the midnight oil on the eve of the exam, causing physical and mental exhaustion, but still inevitably fail to pa the exam; how many students are \"fleeing\" after four years of college, worried because they can not get a diploma or diploma.In my opinion, one of the main reasons for students to skip claes is that they feel impetuous and empty in cla.They don\'t know what practical use these courses have.They don\'t have a clear direction for the future.Over time, skipping claes becomes a vicious circle. To this end, I first relearned the \"Student Handbook\", one by one check-up, I seriously violated a lot of articles, is really not guaranteed in the





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