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发布时间:2020-03-04 01:34:48 来源:范文大全 收藏本文 下载本文 手机版

听句子,从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳答句 1. A.There’re thirty teachers in our school.

B.There’re sixty claes in our school. C.It’s thirty-six.2. A.He works in Shenzhen.

B.He is a worker.

C.He works with machines. 3. A.I’m playing basketball.

B.He loves watching TV.

C.Playing badminton.4. A.In London.

B.I lived here 30 years ago.

C.I live with my parents.5. A.Last year.

B.Next year.

C.At the moment. ii.听对话及问题,选择最佳答案 6.Which sport does May not like?

A.Table tennis.


C.Volleyball.7.What is Jason’s sister’s name?


B.Li Jia.

C.Jason.8.What did the woman want the man to do? A.Travel to Dalian with her. B.To visit her family.C.Travel to Dalian with her family.9.Which subject is the man good at? A.Chemistry


C.History 10.How about Sabrina’s brother’s height?

A.He is taller than Sabrina. B.He is le than 170 cm.C.He is 170 cm.


11.How many people are there in Lisa’s family?



C.Six. 12.What’s Lisa’s mother?

A.A doctor.

B.A dentist.

C.A teacher. 13.Do Lisa’s grandpa and grandma work now? A.Yes, they do.

B.No, they don’t.

C.Yes, they own a big restaurant. 14.Does Lisa’s brother work in a factory now?

A.No, he works as an actor. B.Yes, he does.

C.No, he is a student. 15.What does Simon think of Lisa’s family? A.A big one.

B.A happy one.

C.A small one.


16.Jerry is in England.He thinks people in England are very ________. 17.He is in Form ______ at Walker School. 18.He likes reading _________.

19.He is a member of Rugby ________. 20.At the end of the letter, he sends his best __________ to Linda.



) 1.A.pocket

B.packet C.racket

D.jacket (

) 2.A.carton


C.pardon D.garden (

) 3.A.please

B.place C.palace



) 4.A.wait


C.waitre D.weight (

) 5.A.naughty






) 6.A.Please don’t say so. B.The bus was late.C.All right .D.That’s all right.


) 7.A.Yes, she is a very good student.

B.She does well in English and maths.

C.She is good at Chinese and English.

D.Yes, she is a Young Pioneer, but she isn’t strong.


) 8.A.How can a map of Shanghai be put on the back of the wall ?

B.I don’t want you to do so.

C.Yes, you will.

D.No, thanks.Let me do it. (

) 9.A.Yes, it’s time to answer.

B.Sorry, I forgot.

C.There were no questions in the letter.

D.No, I didn’t.Because I didn’t know the answer.


) 10.A.It’s ten kilometers away.B.It’s not far away.

C.I wonder how far it is from here to Yangpu Bridge.

D.Is that so ?



) 11.A.A drink of water.


C.Some peanuts.

D.Some oranges.(

)12.A.Alice’s report . B.John’s report

C.My report.

D.Mary’s report.(

) 13.A.Half past ten.

B.Ten twenty.

C.Ten thirty

D.Ten forty.(

) 14.A.The boy has thrown it away .

B.On the desk.

C.It’s not here.

D.The girl has returned it to the boy.(

) 15.A.After 8:00 . B.Before 8:00 . C.At 8:00 . D.At 7:00 .

四、根据你所听到的短文判断下列句子的正误。正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。 (

) 16.Mr and Mrs Black lived in a beautiful place.(

) 17.They often went to stay with their friends in Summer.(

) 18.One of their friends was going to visit them with his family in June.(

) 19.Mr Black was not happy about this.


) 20.His neighbor told him to borrow money from his rich friends and lend it to all the poor ones.

A. 根据听到的句子选择对应的答语 1. A.She is a student.

C.She is twelve. 2. A.He is fine.

B.She’s from England.B.He is forty.

D.She will come to English. D.He is good to me.

C.He is my brother.D.He is my uncle.

D.It is sunny.

D.You too.

C.Thank you.C.He’s a policeman.

3. A.She is my sister.B.He is my father.5. A.Yes, I am.

6.A.She’s Jill.

B.No, I’m not.

B. 听对话和对话后的问题,选择正确答案

B.She’s Sally.

4. A.It\'s October 10th.B.It\'s Sunday.C.It\'s spring.

C.She’s Millie.

D.She’s Lily

7.A.No, she can’t.B.Yes, she can.C.No, she can. 8.A.He is doing his homework.

C.He is watching TV. 9.A.By bike.10.A.8:00.

C. 听短文填空。

B.On foot. B.8:15.

D.Yes, he can.

B.He is in the cinema.

D.By taxi1 D.8:45.

D.He is reading in his room. C.By bus. C.7:45.

In the USA, people like to__________ Halloween.They have a ________ party on _________ 31st.The children often play a game called “ trick or ________”.They also ________ up in special costumes.










