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每日一练 历年真题 模拟测试 章节知识点

21 1.实验设计和准实验设计 |区别在于:是否存在控制z在自然状态下的研究,被观察对象按自己的轨迹发生 z在实验研究中,事件被制造出来以便进行研究z如:对服务对象人为分组并采用不用的干预/服务方法,就是实验研究|在社会工作中,自然状态下的研究多用于对现象的一个时点的考察。 z如考察一个机构案主的人口学特征 z如研究婚姻状态和健康的关系 z如机构对服务传递的影响|实验研究多为干预研究,多用于评估考察治疗/服务的效果|实验设计就是通过改变现象研究改变的效果 |有助于揭示因果关系zTo establish causality between independent variable (SW intervention/control) and dependent variable (problem or outcome) zExplanatory分类:Field experiment and laboratory experiment zField experiment: in natural settings, usuallyzLaboratory experiment: in lab, rare in social work|(True) experiment and quasi-experiment:z

Experiment: designs with equivalent groups produced by random aignment zQuasi-experiment: lacking equivalent groups

•quasi-experimental designs for evaluating programs and practice when practical

constraints in agencies make it impoible to conduct experiments•If participants are placed in groups using some other method such as selecting natural groupings (a claroom or community)2.Pre-experimental designs |Pre-Experimental Designs:|(1) One-shot case (group) study|只对因变量进行干预后的一次测量,没有说明相关关系|虽说明了时间先后,但不能说明因变量变化,不能排除任何其它原因解释 |只能通过直觉判断因变量变化情况|(2) One group pretest-posttest design |比较前后测值|说明了相关性和时间先后,但不能排除自变量以外的其它解释,如:history, maturation, testing, and statistical regreion| 如测量社会工作学生在入学时和毕业时对贫困问题重要性的认识。其它解释?| (3) posttest only design with nonequivalent groups XO O1XO2XO O

22|比较两组后测值|实际工作中常发生的情况:来不及前测,也无法分等价组 |无法排除:如selection biases|以上三种方案,internal validity都不高|但它们也有实际价值,可用于探索或描述性研究|实验设计和准实验设计的internal validity要高于pre-experimental designs3.实验设计类型|May not be feasible in real social work setting but can be done in some agency settings |Eential components of experiments:z1) randomly aigning individuals to experimental and control groups z可按抛硬币、随机数码表等方式进行;人数越多,随机分配更有效•例如:申请服务的人和未申请服务的人不算等价组,在申请服务的人中随机分组才可能是等价组z如果没有干预,这两组会一样z虽然无法确保实验组和控制组在所有方面都一样或面临同样的发展过程,但是

机分组可帮助实现减少实验组和控制组的差异。 z不同于Random sampling (pertains to generalizability)zRandomization or random aignment旨在提高internal validity, 不寻求样本对总体的代表性,而是重在减少实验组和控制组的差异z2) introducing the independent variable (a program or intervention) to experimental group while withholding it from the control group •Multi-group:2 or morez3) comparing the amount of experimental and control group change on the dependent variable|再次强调:Key element is random aignment of participants to control or comparison groupszSymbol:R = random aignmentzi.e., each participant has an equal opportunity to be aigned to each group, AND every poible combination of participants has an equal opportunity to be aigned to each group|类型1:

claic experimental design or pretest-posttest control group design |Change in scores compared

|古典设计要素: z前后测REO1XO2CO1O2

23 z 实验组和控制组 z随机分配|古典设计zCan control: selection, history, testing,

instabilityzCan control IF groups are equivalent:maturation, statistical regreion zCan

control IF equal numbers & types of dropouts:mortality zDepends on data-collection

procedures:instrumentationzCannot control: nonspecific effects, reactivity|类型2 :

Partial Croover Design

Elements:|Data collection:3 times|

Control group receives intervention AFTER post-test, then 2ndpost-test

|Allows for intervention to be given to all|Partial Croover Design (with Follow Up) 变形PrePostF/U F/U RE O X OO OC OO X O OAble to

determine intervention’s endurance|类型3:Solomon four-group design |两个实验组,两


Comparative/Contrast/Alternative Groups Design|比较两个可选干预方案|NO

knowledge of how groups compare to no intervention|变形:alternative treatment design

with pretest |比较三个后测值之间的差异|Same controls in comparing each intervention to

no intervention|其它可能设计:REOXOCOOXOREOXOEXOCOO



24 课堂讨论:|请分为三组,讨论实验设计的后三种类型分别可以控制或不可以控制哪

些threats to internal validityz第一组:类型2 : Partial Croover Design z第二组:类型3: 所

罗门四组实验z第三组:类型4: Comparative/ Contrast/ Alternative Groups Design社会

工作评估第七讲 准实验设计与评估04/06/2011本次课程内容z准实



随机分配 z实验设计的替代方式:准实验设计zNon-equivalent Groups (aignment through

other means)准实验设计和实验设计形式相同z内部有效性:pre-experimental designs

果的影响Elements of quasi-experimental designs: –Pre-test and post-test–Multiple

groups with experimental and control group–Non-equivalent groups:Participants aigned

to groups by non-random meansz形成nonequivalent groups的途径: z(1) use natural

groups–Cla, town, 居住单位,不同社会工作者的案主,等 z(2) aign clients in some

systematic or haphazard way –e.g., every other client;–如, whoever has space on

caseload, 将案主分配给下一个空闲的社工 –接近随机分配,但和随机分配不同(3) the

wait-list or overflow approachz先来的案主进入实验组,后来的进入控制组 z有可能后来者

差异很大,或控制组人数不够(4) time: use a comparable group at a different timeze.g.,

new clients in March vs.those in April, 今年的案主作为控制组,明年的案主进入实验组z如,


25 z无法控制不同时点的差异z准实验设计示意:zNonequivalent treatment and control group design–Find an existing group that appears similar to the experimental group–研究老人院老人的抑郁情况,假设两栋楼的老人基本情况相同,但一栋楼开始养 猫,另一栋楼不允许养。可考察宠物对抑郁的影响。 –



z增加多次前测z减少selection, maturation, statistical regreion等z如实验组有强烈的改变意图,则即使两组第一次前测相同,那么在第二次前测上也有区别z 若两组在两次前测上都相同,那么后测的区别更有可能是干预引起 准实验设计与评估z变形:z在后测后对参照组也实施干预z若参照组干预后的后测与实验组不同,则可能是两组间差异引起不同,也可能是干预效果的问题z若两组干预后效果相同,则可排除组间差异,确认干预效果z变形:增加多个控制组 z其它准实验设计示意: zNon-equivalent Contrast or Comparison Groups:zCausality:z(1) Aociation - outcome varies between groups z(2) Time priority strong–if have pre-test, can show change –Independent variable manipulated z(3) Alternative Explanations04/09/2011整理








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