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英语教案:必修1 Unit2 Growing pains Period 1 Welcome to the unit

发布时间:2020-03-01 18:37:37 来源:范文大全 收藏本文 下载本文 手机版


Lead in:

Questions for the students to answer 1.How many people are there in your family? Who are they? 2.Do you love your parents? 3.Who do you like better, your father or your mother? 4.Do you like to stay with your parents? Why?

Maybe most of you have some trouble in communication with your parents.There are troubles and misunderstandings between you and your parents.

Can you tell me what kind of problems you have with your parents?


Yes, there are problems between parents and children.I think that is the “generation gap” or “growing pains”.Today we will begin to study a paage about such a problem.The topic is “Growing pains”.Now please turn to page 21 and read the instructions and the pictures.Are you familiar with the situation?

Now I’ll give you five minutes to describe the pictures in your own words.You can have a discuion with your partners, using your imagination.(Group 1 picture 1, group 2 picture 2, group 3 picture 3 and group 4 picture 4)

Ask some students to the front to describe the pictures.

Discuion A.Now sometimes there are misunderstandings between you and your parents. Question: 1.How will you feel when your parents misunderstand you?

2.Do you want to tell someone about your unpleasant experience and sad feelings? 3.When you have trouble to talk to sb., who would you like to talk to / with?

I know everyone has his own problem to talk to someone. Now I’ll give you five minutes to describe an unpleasant experience with your parents.You can discu it with your partner and then I will ask some of you to come to the front and let us share your experience.

B.When there is misunderstanding between you and your parents, Questions:

1.Do you think it is your fault or your parents’ fault?

2.What do you wish your parents would be like?

3.As a child, what should you do when meeting with misunderstanding of your parents?

4.Do you know the purpose of your parents by saying these words and doing such things?

C.Suppose there are misunderstandings between you and your teacher, how would you deal with such a situation?

Now we know that what our parents do is for our good.It is a way for our parents to show their true love and concern for us.We should understand and love our parents. Now would you like to:




1.Write a sentence to your parents from the deep of your heart which can expre your love? 2.Finish this article:










请把双方的观点阐述一下,并表明自己的观点。 One poible version:

Our cla has just had a discuion on “Is it neceary to communicate with parents?” There are pros and cons.

Those who are in favor of the idea say “Our parents love us.They have much more life experience than us.And communication can get rid of misunderstanding between us.”

Those against the idea say, “Parents and we are of two different generations, and we have different ideas about live and value.We have all grown up, and are able to deal with our own affairs.Besides, we should have private things of our own.”

I think communication is …….

Language Focus:

1、turn up:出现、到来,把(声音)调高

e.g.Please turn up the radio so I can hear clearly.

Mr.Wang didn’t turn up at the meeting.

c.f.turn down:把(声音)调低、把(领子)下翻、拒绝

e.g.The baby is sleeping, so better turn down the TV.

My request was turned down.

turn 的常用短语有:turn off:关„„;

turn on:开„„;

turn out:结果是„„;

turn over:翻过来;

turn to求助于;

in turn:依次;

by turns轮流地;

take turns to do sth.:轮流做某事;

It is one’s turn to do sth.:轮到某人做某事

2、waste: n. a waste of …

adj.a waste pipe / waste paper / waste land

vt.waste time / money / energy in doing sth./ on something.

类似:spend …

3、no more:不再有„„,„„就这么多了,后接名词。

e.g.You’ll have no more help from me.

There is no more chance for you to do it.

No more talking, please.

— Can I have some more rice?

— No, no more.


e.g.spare money / spare room / spare parts …

vt.吝惜(金钱、劳力):e.g.He spared no effort on his studies.匀出/抽出(时间等):e.g.Three minutes is all I can spare now.

They spared me a seat.学习巩固资料---英语



e.g.He lives in an empty house.

The bus is half empty.


e.g.No word can describe my surprise at the moment.

Please describe exactly what you think of him?

describe sb./ oneself as …:把„„说成„„

e.g.He described himself as an artist.

She described his cla as beyond all praise.


give sb.a brief / general / full / vivid description of…:向某人简要/大概/完整/生动地描述„„

e.g.At the meeting, the headmaster gave us a general description of the schools he visited.

The witne gave a brief description of the accident to the police.





7、with your legs croed: with + sth./ sb.+分词短语、介词短语、形容词、副词、不定式


1) vt.要价、收费:

charge sb.money.

2) n.费用、价钱:

free of charge:免费的


be in charge of:担任、管理

e.g.He is now in charge of the shop.

be in the charge of = be in a person’s charge:由„„照顾 / 管理

e.g He was in charge of the factory, but now it is in the charge of Mr.Smith.take charge of:担任、接管„„

e.g.Who will take charge of our cla when Mr.Brown goes abroad?

9、shout at sb./ shout to sb.

shout at sb.:(因愤怒而)向某人大声叫嚷

e.g.It’s not polite to shout at your parents and teachers.

shout to sb.:(因怕对方听不清而)而喊着告诉某人

e.g.I have to shout to tell him the time in the busy street.

10、…., following ….

…., followed by ….

11、common / ordinary / usual


e.g.In the past, cars were rare, but now cars are common.

It is a common sight to see foreigners walking in the street.


e.g.I don’t want to wear this dre to attend this ordinary meeting.

He is one of the ordinary workers in our factory.


e.g.He is reading in his usual chair.学习巩固资料---英语


After the flood, everything returned to usual.常用短语:as usual:与往常一样;than usual:比平常„„;as is usual with sb.:某人一贯如此

e.g.As usual, today he got up at 5:30 and prepared breakfast.

But yesterday he got up earlier than usual.As is usual with him, he failed to do his homework.常用句型:It is usual (for sb.) to do sth.:(某人)做„„是常有的事。 e.g.It is usual for him to be late for school.














英语教案:必修1 Unit2 Growing pains Period 1  Welcome to the unit
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