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POLICE AND THIEF-“First-rank Police”


A: it’s a quiet and unusual night, one suspicious man is wandering in a street.小偷:最近手头有点紧,去商店偷点东西,当做这几天伙食了,随便再弄点高档货,变卖赚点钱。嘿嘿,好主意!

T:These days, I don’t have some money.I think I should steal something that be my meals in a shop.And I can also get something, sale them for my pocket money.Yeah, it’s a good idea.旁白:过了会后,小偷若无其事的走进商店,偷了点东西(我想是个惯犯)。走出商店后,随后走了一会后,一名路人醉醺醺的走了过来。

A: After a while, the thief get into the shop as usual, steal something.( I think he is a recidivist) Getting out the shop ,the thief walk along the street , soon ,a paerby A is coming who is in drink.路人A:呵呵。我醉了吗?不,我没醉!哈哈!

PA: oh, I’m drunk? No, No, I’m not drunk.Wu „


A: The thief runs into the paerby A.小偷:哦,我的天啊,你在做什么啊!你闻起来味道好难闻啊!

T: Oh, my god! What are you doing? You are so smelly.路人甲:哦?对不起啊,我不知道我为什么会撞到你。你没事吧?

PA: OH? I’m sorrow.I don’t know why I will run into you? Are you ok? 旁白:就在这个时候,另一边,商店销售员发现了东西被偷了,于是报了警。销售员甲乙和警察一起追了上来。

A: In the meantime, on the other side, the shop aistants find something is stolen.So they call the police and chase the thief with the police.销售员甲:sir,你看,那小偷就在那边,我们跑的快点,我们快要抓到他了!

AA: sir, you see, the thief is there, we run faster, we will catch him at once.警察:不要担心,我相信我们能抓住他的。我可是一流的警察哟。没有人能从我手上溜走。

P: Don’t be worried, I believe we can catch him.I’m a first-rank cop.No one can flee on my hands.销售员甲:YES.SIR!


A: soon after, the thief see the cop and aistants, he feels afraid.So, knock down the paerby A, running away.警察:站住,不要跑,你是跑不掉的。

P: stand here, don’t run, you can’t done that.接上:跑了一会后小偷自己也觉得逃跑很困难,而在此时刚好有一路人乙走了过来,小偷立马把他抓住,将他作为人质(拿着凶器),就在此时警察他们也赶到了。

A: Later, the thief feel it’s difficult to flee, in the meantime, paerby B is coming, so the thief grasps him at first.Police and aistants also arrive there.小偷:不要再靠近,如果你们靠近了,我将杀了他,我真会那样做的。

T: don’t be closer, if you do, I will kill him, I will do it.It’s true.路人乙:不要杀我啊,我是无辜的。

PB: Don’t kill me, I’m harmle.警察:好的,我们不会靠近的,你冷静下来,好吧?

P:Ok, we don’t move closer, you are calming down, ok? 销售员乙:对,不要杀人啊,那些东西就算是送你的了,要冷静,万事好商量

AB: Of course, don’t kill the man, you will owe those things, Calm down, all thing can be told.旁白:此时,路人甲又出现了,并且无意识的从后面靠近小偷,将要靠近的时候,突然路人甲觉得有些恶心,“哦”的一声,把酒吐了出来,刚好吐在了小偷的头上(小偷一惊,不知所措)。

A: right now, paer A turns up again and close to the thief unconsciously.But now, paerby A feels sick, oh, the wine is disgorged and it’s on the thief’s head exactly.路人甲:对不起啊,这只是一个意外,呵呵!

PA: I’m so sorry.It’s only an accident, he he! 旁白:cop看到机会,就飞快的跑过去,抓住了小偷。

A: police see the chance.Run fast and catch the thief.警察:你看,我没有说谎吧,我的确是一名优秀的警察哟。吼吼!

P:you see, I don’t tell lies, I’m indeed a first-rank police.旁白:警察与路人甲对话。

A: Cop talks to the paerby A 警察:做的好,孩子(boy),我要奖励你一份礼物。

P:Well-done.Boy, you can get one thing.路人甲:我不要其它东西,我只想一杯啤酒,要冰过的哟。

PA: I don’t want others.I only want a cup of iced bear.旁白:此时销售员乙看着警察。

A:this moment, aistant B stare at the cop.销售员乙:哦!最后我终于知道了你为何说自己是一名优秀的警察!(鄙夷的表情)。

AB: Yeah.I know you’re indeed a first-rank police at last.You are right.










