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A Mountain Home

It was a hot morning in June in the 阿尔卑斯山.Heidi walked 穿过the village and up the mountain.

Heidi was very hot because she was 穿着all her clothes.She had to carry them to her new home.She was only six years old.当。。。的时候 Heidi and her aunt hurried out of the village, a villager stopped to talk.‘孤儿 your sister left when she died? Where are you taking her?’‘Yes, this is Heidi.I’m taking her to live with her grandfather.I’m starting a job in the city.So I can’照顾 her any more.’ ‘Poor Heidi,’ said the 村民.‘No one 其他的 old man.’

While 当。。。的时候Dete was talking with the villager, Heidi met a boy named Peter.He was the village goat 牧羊人.Every morning , Peter came to the village to get the goats.He was going to take them up the mountain.Heidi followed him up the mountain.She couldn’跟上脱掉all of 内衣.Then she danced behind Peter.He thought she was funny.The two children began laughing.赶上 them.‘Where are your clothes?’ she asked.‘I don’t need them!’ Heidi said.‘自由地like the goats!’Aunt Dete scolded 责骂,训斥 Heidi and sent 派某人去做某事Peter to get her clothes.They walked for another hour.Near the mountaintop1

was Grandfather’s hut 小木屋.The old man was sitting in front of the house.Heidi ran up to him and held out伸出 her hand.‘Hello, Grandfather,’ she said .hold拿着,握着)盯着her.‘Good morning, Uncle,’ said Dete.‘Heidi must stay with you now.’解释why she couldn’t take care of the child any more.The old man was angry.‘You can just get out of here!’大喊at Dete.Aunt Dete said goodbye to Heidi very quickly and left.

Heidi looked around her new home.‘Where can I sleep?’ asked Heidi.‘Anywhere you want,’ answered Grandfather.Heidi saw a 梯子.The loft was filled with fresh新鲜的 .‘I’ll sleep up here,’ said Heidi happily.Heidi followed Grandfather everywhere.She watched as he made a new chair for her.When the sun was 落下.Heidi heard a 口哨.It was Peter bringing the goats home.Grandfather had two 立刻.The next morning.Peter’wake叫醒) 准备做某事.The mountain was 摘 追赶the goats.Peter told her all of the goats’ names.Heidi was sad when she heard that a 许诺,答应特别的 care of that goat.By 到。。。时候为止now, the sun was setting.It 洒满光辉顶部of the mountains.‘Peter!’ cried Heidi.‘着火了!’ ‘Don’t worry,’2

(reply回答)Peter.‘意味着,意思是 it’s time to 该到做某事的时间了go home.’在。。。期间 the (grow 长得)健康and strong.She was as free as a bird.But when the fall 秋天做某事(有强迫的意思)her stay at home.He was afraid the strong winds 吹her off the mountain.She spent the days helping him make 奶酪.Then came the winter and lots of snow.Peter went to school in the winter.One day, he came to the hut.He told Heidi that his 想要做某事meet her.She wanted to go.But Grandfather said the snow was too deep.最后stopped.The sun came out, and Grandfather said she could go out.雪橇.The sled 赛跑 down the mountain very fast.Grandfather stopped the sled in front of Peter’s small hut.Heidi met an old woman that was 纺织.‘Hello, Grannie,’ said Heidi.Grannie smiled and felt Heidi’盲的,瞎的.‘Why can’t you see?’ asked Heidi.

‘I can’t see,’ Grannie said kindly, ‘ But I can hear.’剩余的of the winter with Grannie.Sometimes Granfather came and 修理the windows and chairs in Grannie’s hut.










