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发布时间:2020-03-03 16:21:28 来源:范文大全 收藏本文 下载本文 手机版




Sister,where are we? 小白:容我找一下(拿出地图寻找),现在在雷峰塔边上,前面就是西湖了!(准备地图)Eh.Let me find the location on the map .Oh, If Lei Feng tower comes ,can the West lake be far behind?


Sister, the phone is smallerl than my hand.Can you find the West Lake? 小白点头:携程在手,说走就走

Critp in hand, The saying goes

小青:我姐真牛!不就是找个恩人嘛?累死了!(虚脱状,垂头丧气) What a genius! We’re too tired for looking for the benefactor.小白:饿货,一饿你就虚,快来条士力架吧!

Hungry ghosts ,once you are hungry,you feel weak ,come to get a Snickers 小青(恢复精力,容光焕发)兴奋道:姐姐,那里有个男人,他朝我们走过来 Dear sister, look at that man! ,he is coming ! he is coming! 许仙出场(放音乐,《渡情》)(准备音乐)


Goose goose goose ,singing crooked towards the sky , white hair floating on green water,red foot paddlling clear wave.Good poet! Really Good! 小青:姐,好吃,肯定好吃! Good food! Delicious! 小白:青儿,控制你的欲望,口水都流出来了(边说边为小青擦口水),看这位公子挺斯文的。

Qing,control your desire , a lot of Saliva sets on you mouth ,but the young man looks really grace.小青:姐,谁知道他是不是表里如一呢?

Sister,who knows whether he thinks and acts in the same way.小白:那我们来考验考验他!你行你上呀!(推小青上前) So we need test him.You can you up

小青(装较弱道):太阳好大,头好晕哦(林黛玉状向许仙晕倒) Oh ,the sun is so big that I have a headache ,help me 许仙:连忙扶着,正准备揩油,斜眼看到了白娘子,(心说:恩,那个更漂亮),遂丢开小青 Wow ,that in white is more beautiful 小白:娇羞掩面,害羞状

许仙:美女,我看太阳这么大,你肯定热了吧?(边说边扇风) Beauty,the sunlight is so strong, you must feel hot ,yeah? 小白:这真是个体贴的人啊! How Considerate he is! 小青:你个色狼,放开我姐姐(边说边施法术袭击许仙) Colour wolf ,leave my sister alone 许仙向后跌倒,小白上前营救,虚扶着许仙(音乐响起my destiny).时间静止。含情脉脉四目相对

小白:Dear man ,I just want what’s your name?And where are you going? 许仙:姑娘,容禀啊!(唱:姓许名仙字汉文,祖籍钱塘有家门!我要去蓝翔)不知二位姑娘名与姓,为何要来杭州城?

My name is Xuxian.I live in Qiantang.I’m going to LanXiagn.So,what’s your names? 小白:我是白素贞! I am Bai Suzhen.We are sisters (摆出史密斯夫妇的造型) 小青:我叫小青!我们是姐妹。 I am Xiaoqing.We are sisters (摆出史密斯夫妇的造型) 小白:请听我讲一个故事,记得,我还是条小蛇的时候,我很贪玩!有一天去山上玩耍! Please let me tell you a story.When I was a mini-snake,I was playful.One day,I played on the hill.小青:姐,你出去玩,不带我! Sister,why didn’t you take me outside? 小白:(低语)因为,那时候,你还只是个蛋!(继续对许仙说):我趴在青青的草地上晒太阳,这时候,来了一头牛,它踩住了我的尾巴!是公子你!救了我啊!后来我悄悄拿了你这条手帕做信物。

Because you were just an egg.You know I was basking in the sunshine ,lying on the green gra.Suddenly a bull came and stepped on my tail.It was so painful !Then you came our like a hero and saved me.So I felt in love with you at that time and I remember you forever 许仙(似有所悟):原来是这样!

(手机铃声响 山东蓝翔的广告声)噢,我的师傅让我回蓝翔了,我得马上回去学挖掘机了,实在是遗憾,不能和两位姑娘一起欣赏西湖美景了。

I see.Oh,I am sorry ,My teacher gave me a meage and call me to LanXiang.I have to go back to learn excavators.It is regrettable, for can not enjoy the beauty of West Lake with two girls. 小青:公子是蓝翔的呀,前途无量,姐姐你真幸福 I admire You can study in LanXiang, sister,you are so luck 许仙:我可以用挖掘机做饭。 I can cook with excavators. 小白:妹妹放心,姐姐会给你找个新东方的厨师的

Dear Qing, don’t worry ,I will look for a Handsome cook graduated from New Oriental for you

许仙:新东方也是很牛的!和我们蓝翔一样卓越!The New Oriental is as outsanding as LanXiang 小青:姐姐再也不用担心我的饮食问题了 My sister don’t have to worry about my diet any more

:我们就是幸福的一家(吉祥三宝的歌调) We are a happy family











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