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英语教师演讲稿 good morning , honored judges .it is my greatest honor to be here today.i would like to share my english learning and teaching experience with you . i could remember english has been my favorite since my junior high school.at that time i had a dream that one day my job must be something that connects with english. that is why i, together with you, strive our best to be an excellent english teacher today! thank you very much for your attention!篇2:英语教师演讲稿 good morning , ladies and gentmen it is great honour to speak here .i value this chance of sharing teaching experience with distinguished teachers very much.to be honest i felt rather nervous.i can still remember when i made my first speech in college.i ev en couldnt control my breath . .because i really didnt know what to say at that time .well- today, being an english teacher for some years in zhongxin, i have a strong sense of responsibility, which always fills me with strength and confidence. after being an english teacher, i think, to be a good english teacher, you should know your major well.your personality is as important as your knowledge. a good english teacher must be enthusiastic.you must love your students and respect them.in addition, you must also respect yourself and take pride in your work.a good english teacher should be kind, encouraging, and helpful and you should motivate your students to seek knowledge. ill tell you a true story, last year, a boy named liulei came to our cla, he looked so quiet, no age childrens lively and cheerful, he didnt dare to answer the question loudly, when i asked him to do the dialogue in front, he even had a big cry .and he didnt dare to see anyone ,whose voice low like a whisper, i am well aware that he lacked of confidence and neceary encouragement .so, then i give the opportunity to him for each cla , and i encouraged him to say: jake you have been done better than last time, and i also make the clamates to applaud him, i also told his mother to encourage him when seeing his progre, day by day , i am surprised to find the child really progreed, now he can put up hands to answer a question activly ,whats more, he can take part in the game, performance has been greatly improved.his mother was pleased to tell me her child progreed .every time, after school he always chatter without stopping told her that what he learned in zhongxin , and the performance is greatly improved, as his teacher was really excited for his progre, i realized the unprecedented : [?npresid?ntid)achievement! this sense of achievement is no substitute. in bible,it says: love is patient; love is kind; .it does not insist on its own way; it bears all things, hopes all things, endures all things.love never ends. grow up,use love to bring them bright sunshine, use love to improve my life value,that is what i want to do. if there is another chance for me to choose my occupation, i won’t choose anything except being an english teacher. i enjoy my job, and i love my life.thats all .thank you for listening! 上午好女士们先生们

我非常荣幸站在这里,我珍惜这次和这么多优秀老师一起分享教学经验的机会,说实话我还是有点紧张,我记得我的第一次演讲还是在大学的时候,我甚至无法控制我的呼吸,因为那时我不知道说些什么. 今天,作为中信的一名多年的教师,我有种强烈的责任感,那使我充满了力量和信心。



我给大家讲个真实的故事,去年我们班来了一个男孩,他的名字叫-刘磊,他看上去是那样的沉默寡言,没有同龄孩子的活泼与开朗,在上课的时候不敢大声的回答问题, 当我让他到前面做对话的时候他甚至都大哭了一场,连看大家一眼都不敢,声音低的就像在说耳语一样,我深知这是他对自己没有信心并且缺乏必要的鼓励所造成的。所以,后来我每次上课都给他表现的机会,并且每次我都鼓励他说:jake 你这次比上次有进步, 同时我也让全班的同学一起为他鼓掌,我也告诉他的妈妈在家也多鼓励孩子,只要看到他的进步就表




如果在给我一次机会去选择职业,我还会选择做英语教师,我喜欢我的工作,我热爱我的生活。谢谢各位的聆听!篇3:英语教师英语演讲稿 my simple teaching life 付贤

围子街道宋庄小学 good morning ,teachers and students.my name is fuxian from songzhuang primary school.the name of my speech is > .it is my greatest honor to be here today.i would like to share my english learning and teaching experience with you . i studied english educashion at my college.i chose this major just because its tuition was not high at that time.then half a year before my graduation i came to shandong to be an english teacher.far away from my hometown.then i have lived here for 7 years and taught for 7 years too.i love teaching.i love talking to my students. how do i enjoy myself with my students? i don’t think i can expre how i love my students in a few words.i just know, they are the future of china; they are infinity in my hand.what could i do with them? to wait, to be patient, to expect and to love.from them, every teacher must see their future, teaching and guiding them responsibly. to me, my students are just like the wild flowers.can we see a world or heaven in them? the answer is definitely yes.if you want to enjoy yourself while teaching, respect and love your students as their friends; work hard with full responsibility. because i love my students, then i enjoy myself with full responsibility.that is why i together with you,try our best to be an excellent english teacher today! thank you very much for your attention!篇4:英语老师演讲稿 英语老师演讲稿




在座的各位,是否,你们曾猜想过,一个初中英语教师的工作如寒冬般毫无生机,毫无新意,机械重复,令人厌倦?工作的内容无非是听写单词,背诵课文,留学生辅导? **的中英组老师却不是这样。我们的工作是生机勃勃,创意满满,充满活力,令人喜爱的。我们**中英组也有春天!

大家可别不信,因为咱们中英组今年有了新起点,新目标,新发展! 先说我们的新起点。我们这支队伍里,有临近退休年龄,腿部受伤,仍旧坚守在教学一线,充满爱心,深受孩子们喜爱的年长的孙美月老师;有数年如一日,坚持在教学实践中进行科研,硕果累累的刘佩亮教师;有潜心试题研究,教学成绩名列前茅,两次押中中考作文题的徐郁葱老师;也有才来**两年却成绩突出,进步飞速的小蔡瑞老师。今年,我们中英组队伍注入了大量新鲜血液。屡屡获教学大奖的程曙辉老师,人靓课更靓的刘海丽老师,初中高中都教过的金苗苗老师,以及口语特别优美的江霞老师。中英组的队伍更加充实了。我们的这支队伍中,担任班主任的多达9人。整个队伍里充满了和谐互助,共同进步的氛围。这样的一支队伍,我可以说它迎来了新的起点吗?


最后说说我们的新发展。可以说,如今的中英组,已经迎来了发展的全新契机。在学校的大力支持下,我们充实了队伍,充满的奋进的力量,制定了新的目标。回顾**年中考, **英语均分再次考进了**市前10名。七八九三个年级的老师个个斗志昂扬,渴望在自己的岗位上做出成绩,为学生们,为中英组,为**的发展,贡献自己的力量。新学期伊始,教研组长已经制定了详细的师徒结对计划,班主任相互学习计划,年轻教师交流计划等等。**-2015新学年,中英组已经整装待发。




英语老师 演讲稿






