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Topic one Studying Abroad

1、Do you want to go abroad to study further? Why or why、not?

答案:No, I don’t want to go abroad to study.Because I don’t want to leave my parents to far, studying abroad must costs a large sum of money, and my family can’t afford it.

2、If you intend to study abroad, which country do you prefer?、And why?

答案: I intend to study abroad, I prefer to go to US.Because in there have a lot of famous University.

3、If you study abroad, which major or project would you、prefer? And why?答案: choose International economy and trade.Because I like this major.

4、What are the advantages of studying abroad?

答 案 : Studying abroad can make many friends are from different countries.And It can exercise the abilities of dealing with various kinds of problems and the abilities of overcoming different difficulties.

5、Do you think there are any shortcoming of studying、abroad?

答案 : Yes, I think studying abroad have some shortcoming.Studying abroad costs a large sum of money and you’ll feel lonely when you get to a new environment.

6、Can you imagine the various difficulties you will encounter、when you are studying abroad?

答案:Students studying abroad may face a lot of unexpected problems and difficulties.The most problem they encounter is language problem.When you new there, you can’t communicate with other people, even if you master native languages.

7、When you complete your studies abroad, would you choose、to come back or stay overseas?

答案:I’ll choose come back.Because I think I’m studying is badly needed nowadays in China and come back will be much more convenient for me to look after my parents.

8、If you come back to China, what would you do?

答案:If I come back to China, I’ll find a job in China it can be more convenient for me to look after my parents.

9、What are the required qualities for students to study well、abroad?

答案:Good spoken English and good communication.These can help students to adapt to the new environment.

10、Do you think young students should go to study abroad?、Why or why not?

答案 No, I don’t think young students should go to study abroad.Because there are a lot of young students studying abroad and they can’t take care of themselves well.And nowadays China’s education is not bad.

Topic two Campus Love

1、Have you ever fallen in love with someone? Could you tell、your feelings about your love?

答案:No, I’m single.

2、Do you think college students should fall in love with each、other?

答案:No, I don’t think so.College students are adults and they can control their emotions and behavior, and also they can choose whether they should fall in love or not.

3、What are the pros and cons about college love?、

答案 College love can enhance one’s confidence and make one more beautiful, happine.

But love also may be influence their study.

4、Do you think college students can get married? Why or、why not?

答案:Yes, I think college students can get married.Because if they really love each other, get married this thing is happy.So, the happy things why we can’t do it?

5、What characteristics will you consider when you choose、your girlfriend or boyfriend?答案:I hope my boyfriend is a warmhearted man and good for me.

6、How can we deal with campus love properly and keep a、balance between study and love?

答案:I think as long as we treat each other with sincerity.And trust each other, I think any problem can be solved.

7、How can we get out of the gloom(忧郁 or depreion(沮丧、忧郁) 沮丧) 忧郁 沮丧 of losing a boyfriend/girlfriend? If you lose a boyfriend/girlfriend, what would you do?

答案:I think I’ll cry, eat many foods and sleep for a long time.When I wake up next day, I’ll start again.Any problem we can be solved.

Topic three Smoking

1、Do you smoke? Are you heavy smoker or light smoker?

答案:No, I don’t and I hate smoker.

2、Do you think smoking has some advantages?

答案:No, I don’t think so.But some smoker may think smoking can make they relaxed.

3、What are the disadvantages of smoking in your opinion?

答案:Smoking is not only harmful to the smokers themselves, but also results in deaths of non-smokers.Smoking may even leads to lung cancer.

4、If your family members smoke, what will you do?

答案:I’ll tell he smoking is bad for our health.And I’ll tell he smoking not only wastes a large sum of money, but only may lead some disease.

5、Could you give some suggestions to those who can’t quit、smoking?

答案:If you think your body, I hope you will quit smoking.When you want to smoking, you can chewing gun or eat some snacks instead of smoking.

6、If there were no cigarettes, what would the world become?

答案:I think the world will be health.It can reduce the number of deaths and the air will be more clean.Also, more people won’t have cancer.

7、Do you think it neceary to prohibit smoking completely?

答案 Yes, I think it’s neceary to prohibit smoking completely.Because smoking not only pollutes the air but also lead many people have some diseases.

8、Could you provide some advice about prohibiting smoking、in public?

答案:Paste some “No Smoking” posters in some public place and advertise some ads tell about damage.

Topic four Family life

1、Do you think children should learn to do some housework?

答案:Yes, I think children should learn to do some housework.Because I think it can help children more independent and let their children to know their mothers to housework is hard.

2、Who does most of the housework in your family? What do、you think of it?

答案:My mother.I think it’s too tired to her.She not only have to go to work, but also she

will do hard housework after work.

3、Nowadays many young people hate housework.What do、you think of it?

答案:i think these young people is too lazy.Because they are not hate to do, just not want to do.

4、If you were to find a life partner, would you choose、someone who doesn’t do housework? Why?

答案 No, I hope find someone can do some homework.Because we can share the housework, it can’t make our too tired.

5、What do you think of those young people who always rely、on their parents?

答案 I think those young people are lack of independent ability.They can’t understand how to take care of themselves well.

6、Do you think young people should take care of their、parents?

答案: Yes, of course.Take care of our parents is our duty, anyoneshould do it.

7、Do you prefer to live with your parents or by yourself after、graduation? Why? ?答案:Yes, I prefer to live with my parents when I graduation.Because I can much more convenient for me to look after my parents.

8、Some parents love their children in such a way that they do、everything for them.What is your opinion?

答案:I think spoil their children is a wrong way.Parents should be not too strict nor to spoil.This is a right way to teach children.

9、What do you think of the parents who often beat their、children?

答案:It’s a bad way to teach children.Because many children may think their parents don’t love them, so they may hate go home and even do bad things.So, parents teach children should gently.

Topic five Part-time job

1、Have you done any part-time jobs? What are they?

答案:Yes, I had a part-time job.It’s a waiter.

2、What part-time jobs would you suggest for college students、to do?

答案:Waiter, handing out leaflets, cashier and shopping guide and so on.

3、What do you learn from your part-time jobs?

答案:I learned the labor means and the value of a dollar.

students obtain a great deal of knowledge from jobs that can’t be learned from their books.

4、Are there any disadvantages of part-time jobs? If so, what、are they?

答案:Part-time jobs usually occupy a large quantity of students’ time, and part-time jobs may distract their attention from their studies.

5、Do you think college students should do part-time jobs?

答案:No, I don’t think so.Because it will wastes study time and we also can do part-time jobs on summer vocation.

6、What are the purpose for which college students so、part-time jobs?

答案:Many students want to earn some money and gain some social experience.

7、Are you there any difficulty and trouble for par-time jobs?

答案: Yes, too many people want to do this and work-time not fit for our cla-time.

8、Do you know how to keep a balance between jobs and、study?

答案:Yes.In fact, I’m only work on free time.Topic six Advertisements

1、Where can you find ads.?

答案:Computer, television, telephone, magazine and so on.

2、Can you give several ways of advertising?

答案 Make a short film, make picture on the magazine and newspapers.

3、Do you like ads.or TV commercials? Why or why not?

答案:No, I don’t like it.Because advertising time is too long.

4、Do you believe what is said ads.Or commercials? Why or、why not?

答案:I think advertising is introduce some goods advantages to people.

5、Have you found any misleading ads.?

答案:Yes, I found some misleading ads..For example, let people grow tall drug.

6、Are you satisfied with all kinds of ads.? if not, do you have、any suggestions for their improvement?

答案:Shorten time, enhance the quality of ads.

7、What are the functions of ads.in our daily life?

答案:Advertisements provide some goods information to the consumers.

8、Can you think of an interesting ad.And perform it?

答案:Yes, I can.A beautiful lady walked into elevator, and when the elevator door close.She’s clothes was bursting.

Topic seven Following the Fashion

1、Do you follow fashion? Why (not)? What do you think of、“slaves to fashion”? describe someone who is a “fashion victim”.

答案:Yes, a little.Because fashions make people look more beautiful in appearance and make people more confidence.For example, Lynne.Everyday she must get up early one hour to make up and she always eat le to save money to buy beautiful clothes.

2、What particular fashion do you feel corresponds(符合 best、符合) 符合 to what you wear at the moment? Grunge? Punk? New romantic? Sixties? Hippy? Ethnic? Feminine? Macho? Claic? Preppy? Anti-fashion? How do you prefer to dre?

答案:I like light color and simple dre.

3、、Fashion shows cost a lot of money, both for the organizers and for the designers who show their clothes.What is the point of a fashion show and in what way do the designers benefit? Do you think fashion show deserves its costs?答案:

4、The Italians spend twice as much on clothes as the Danes.、Does this fact surprise you? How much do you think people spend on clothes in your country?

答案:I’m not surprise for this.I think

5、What is the link between music and fashion? Give some、examples.

答案:Supplement each other.

6、What are the advantages and disadvantages of following the、fashion?答案:Topic eight Watching TV

1、Do you like watching TV? Why do you like or why don’t、like watching TV?答案:Yes, I like watching TV.Because some TV programs can make me cheerful.

2、How many hours a day do you spend watching TV?

答案 One hours.

3、What kinds of TV programs do you like watching TV?

答案:I like entertainment programs.

4、Could you describe one kind of TV program you like?

答案:Yes, I like to see a program is called“we’re married”.“ There are many stars pretend to get to married.I think it’s very funny.

5、What can you learn from watching TV?

答案:I learn many things from different countries and many news from watching TV.

6、What are the advantages and disadvantages of watching TV?

答案:When we feel tired and bored, we can watching TV.Also when we want to learn English, we can language programs to learn.But watching TV will waste lots of time and bad for children eyesight.

7、Could you give some advice for those who are addicted to、watching TV? 答案:

8、Do you like watching films on TV or video or going to、cinema? What are the differences between them?

答案:No, I don’t like watching films on TV.I prefer to going to cinema, because good feelings in the cinema.Cinema’s screen bigger than TV.

9、What are your comments about Chinese TV programs/、Could you give some suggestions for their improvement?

答案:Advertising-time is too long.

10、Do you know the differences between Chinese TV、programs and Western TV programs?

答案:No, I’m not clear.


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