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Frank: Jerry! My financial counselor! Good to see you...as always.

Jerry: Hey Frank, nice to see you, too.How\'s your stock portfolio these days? F: Not that bad.I bought into a hedge fund and it helped minimize my loes.J: Wise! You seem to beat the market at its own game pretty often.What\'s your secret?

F: I don\'t really have a secret.I just read a lot and pay attention to trends.投资顾问Jerry问Frank投资的股票赚不赚钱,How\'s your stock portfolio? portfolio is spelled p-o-r-t-f-o-l-i-o, portfolio,是投资组合的意思。Frank说他买 hedge fund,对冲基金,减少了不少损失。Jerry说Frank投资总能赚钱,beat the market at its own game.这里所说的to beat someone at his own game,意思是以其人之道还治其人之身,在这里意思就是利用市场规则,成为市场投资的赢家。

J: Well, I commend your busine sense.You seem to be staying ahead of the curve.

F: You win some and you lose some, that\'s busine.So, I hear you have a sales pitch for me.

J: Well, actually...it\'s not really a sales pitch...I have a vision I want to share with you! This idea could turn your company into a leader in the industry!

Jerry对Frank的商业头脑busine sense,表示赞赏,说Frank 总是stay ahead of the curve, 走在别人前面,stay ahead of the curve,意思是比别人更有远见,更能预见未来走向。Frank则说,You win some and you lose some, that\'s busine,做生意就是有赚有赔。you win some and you lose some,是很常用的一句话,意思是有输有赢,正常现象。Frank问Jerry想向自己推销什么。 A sales pitch,是推销的意思。Jerry说有个投资想法,能让Frank的公司成为行业领军人, turn your company into a leader in the industry。Jerry的想法是什么呢?

F: Ok...you\'ve got me interested.Let\'s hear the idea.

J: You know that old expreion: strike while the iron is hot?

F: Uh huh.

J: Well, it comes from blacksmiths.They would get the iron really hot so they could shape it.But, if the iron cooled

down, the blacksmith couldn\'t beat it into the shape he needed.

F: Ah...I never thought about where that expreion came from...Makes sense: you\'ve got to strike while the iron is hot.

Jerry问Frank听没听说过 strike while the iron is hot,趁热打铁这句话。这句话是从打铁来的,铁匠打铁,一定要趁热,等铁冷却下来,就不行了。可这跟Jerry的投资想法有什么关系呢?我们下次继续听。


F: I don\'t know....sounds like a gamble to me.

J: All investing is a gamble! But sometimes gambling pays off big time! F: That\'s true...but sometimes you lose your shirt.

J: I\'d recommend we take it step by step.The first step is to do lots of research.We really have to do our homework.

F: And then? What\'s step two?

J: I\'m recommending buying a small Chinese company called WinTron Power.They hold several key patents and they have a good R&D department.

Frank觉得投资电池技术的开发听上去有些象gamble,赌博,可是话说回来,投资就要有风险,堵注下对了就会赚一大笔钱,pay off big time, 全军覆没则会,lose your shirt,倾家荡产。Jerry已经做好了全盘规划,第一步是要做一下市场调查,do our homework,意思是先做好准备工作。第二步是收购一家叫WinTron Power的小公司。这家公司掌握着好几项关键专利,而且有优秀的R&D Department,研究和开发部。

F: How much is this going to cost me?

J: The initial investment is about five million.

F: Five million U.S.dollars? That\'s steep!

J: Yes...but you could end up becoming a major supplier to the auto companies of the future.Invest millions for a chance to make billions.

F: It\'s a tempting idea.It could be huge.

Jerry说,首期投资the initial investment估计要500万美元,Frank 说,that\'s steep.这么多钱, steep is spelled s-t-e-e-p, steep,意思是倾斜度大,坡陡,也有过份的意思,比如说 The price is steep,意思是价钱太贵。 Jerry 劝他说,如果成功,投个几百万,就有机会赚回几十亿,是个上算的买卖。Frank说,It\'s a tempting idea,他好象动心了。

J: China has the potential to be the leader in the field.This is an

once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and I think it would be foolish to let it slip away.F: Jerry...you sold me.I\'ll get working on this project right away.This could be my big break! Thanks for the info!

J: Just doing my job.

Jerry说,This is an once-in-a lifetime opportunity,这可是千载难逢的好机会,过了这个村就没这个店了;这样的机会千万不能错过。Frank终于被说动了。他说,you sold me,意思是你把我说服了。This could be my big break,这回没准我的机会来了。 Big break,往往用来指突如其来的好运气。Jerry,回答说,Just doing my job.这是我份内的工作,这是我应该做的。


Jerry: I believe the iron is hot right now in the field of energy and transportation.Everyone is looking for new ways to reduce energy consumption.

F: Yeah, you\'re right.I bought a hybrid car last month...saves me as much as 50% in gasoline use!

J: Hybrids are the hottest thing on the market these days, and I think they fill a niche right now, but I\'m betting that the future belongs to fully electric-powered vehicles.

Jerry 觉得,能源和交通是投资的正确方向,一定要趁热打铁。Frank表示赞成,说自己上个月刚买了一辆汽电混合动力车hybrid,耗油量少了一半。Jerry承认,汽电混合动力车现在很流行,有自己的市场定位niche, niche is spelled n-i-c-h-e,但他觉得,汽车今后还是要向纯电动的方向发展。

F: That might be true.But I manufacture in China.Millions of people there don\'t even have a gas-powered car yet.

J: Yes...but don\'t you see? This is a golden opportunity! Millions of middle cla Chinese could potentially leapfrog over the old technologies and embrace electric vehicles.

F: It\'s an interesting idea.I know the government is supporting electric vehicles since many cities have serious air pollution.

Frank的工厂在中国,而中国很多人连汽油动力车都没有,哪谈得上什么纯电力车呢?Jerry却觉得,这是绝好的机会。This is a golden opportunity.因为中国数以百万计的中产阶级都可以跨越陈旧的技术,直接利用新技术,这里所说的leapfrog蛙跳,是跃过,跨过的意思。Frank觉得,这种想法有道理,因为中国政府为了治理空气污染,非常支持电动汽车的发展。

J: Just imagine! You could make a lot of money AND help make China a better place for people to live.

F: So you want me to invest in producing electric cars?

J: I think the real area of interest here is batteries.Battery technology needs to catch up.We already have a lot of companies that can make the cars, but batteries are far too expensive.

开发电力汽车,这种既能赚钱,又能改善中国生活环境的事何乐而不为呢?Jerry补充说,他其实不是建议 Frank投资电力汽车,The real area of interest is batteries,真有干头的是电池这一块,因为battery technology needs to catch up,电池技术还需要改进。Frank会被Jerry说服,投资电力汽车电池技术的开发吗?我们下次继续听。










