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清华大学 格桑多吉 寄语母校通中的老师和学弟学妹:

记得拿到录取通知书时,我没什么特别激动,因为我觉得这应当属于我的,因为我曾在母校奋斗过付出过,流过泪出过汗。母校通中有优秀的教师和优良的学风校风,诚于做人恒于学问的精神催人奋进,激励着每一位通中学子永不松懈;热爱祖国追求真理的信念造就了一位位学术大师和治国英才。母校通中以特有的魅力吸引着一批批学子,以丰厚的历史底蕴塑造了一代代新人。我们在校时只是粗浅地感受到这一切;走进大学以后,经过比较才深刻地理解了这一切。我跟现在的同学聊起这些,他们很羡慕我读过通中,还说要是他们也有这样的机会多好啊。 母校通中给了我们很多,其中最好的可能不是让我们考进名牌大学,而是给了我们一种生活态度,一种积极向上的人生观,一种真善美的价值 1 观。这里没有浮躁,有的是踏踏实实做学问,老老实实做人。这种生活态度激励着每一位通中学子,在茫茫人海中,在物欲横流的现实中不会迷失方向,永不畏惧,能够走得更远,更有信心。 北京大学 黄奕磊 寄语母校通中的老师和学弟学妹:




I still remember the words told by one of my senior fellows on my first day of college life: even the air on the campus of PKU nourishes a person’.Some vague images flashed then out of memory, all of a sudden, through the mind into a clear picture.With all memories linked together, I looked back from every inch of land to every breath of fresh air of my middle school, filled with

2 gratitude for its ‘nourishing’ me for as long as six years.I would sometimes think, with a bitter smile, of my birth: what if not in that year, say, earlier or later for a year or two? Were I older, I wouldn’t have had to sit beside piles of textbooks in the high school claroom, weaving out imagination of the Peking University’s 110th anniversary.Were I younger, I would not mi my mother school’s centenary celebration in the near future.However, the glorious future of a child named ‘Tongzhonese’, who has been coached along the way by the motto of ‘Chengheng’ of his mother school, by the long-lasting friendship with his clamates, by those unforgettable moral educations carefully designed for his age, as well as by the remaining spirit of those retired teachers, has been guaranteed from the moment he got in the school.All graduates have been carved with the feel and smell from its century-long land, along with six year’s memories, in their lives.

Perhaps, only time could tell how deeply I’m miing my high school„„

南京大学 鲁楠 寄语母校通中的老师和学弟学妹:

我每天都在想 想那北濠河畔 钟鼓楼旁

那红砖白瓦里的孩子们 是多么幸福地

3 踏着天宁寺的木鱼声 开始又一天的生活

这个时候 尽责的班主任们


就好像曾经我的班主任 那样教育曾经的我

呵呵 怀念的 又岂仅仅是班主任的唠叨呢








更记得 每天早晨在学校门口

为同学们带去暖暖问候的 可爱校长和老师们

我曾在天地清霾之际 站在求真楼西头

看着静谧的校园 和光孝塔一起




有海纳百川的胸襟 有兼容并包的智慧

有素质教育的灵动 有敢为人先的勇气




笑过 疯过 哭过 伤过

跌倒过 爬起过 沉沦过 振奋过

是亲爱的母校 承载了我的喜怒哀乐

告诉我路在何方 给我平和温暖的力量

无论我会到何处 无论我将去何方


我 是南通中学的孩子

亲爱的学弟学妹们 就请你们




让你们的辉煌人生 从这里 启航 你听

钟楼的声音 未来的声音 人生的声音

咣~~~~~~ 咣~~~~~~~

上海交通大 汤林鹏 寄语母校通中的老师和学弟学妹:


I\'ve studied in Shanghai Jiaotong University for nearly a semester now, and I\'ve never felt more grateful to my mother school, Nantong Middle School.Though I haven\'t received much training for those disciplinary contests during my middle school, the solid knowledge base I have established is now helping me learn well in all my subjects in this experimental cla.Of all the wonderful things in my mother school, I have my deepest gratitude towards all my teachers.Not only have they taught me the knowledge, but their perspectives of conducting and their

6 attitudes toward life have enriched my life experience.These teachers have encouraged me to accept new things with an open mind in this unfamiliar environment without disturbing the tradition of my hometown and my mother school--honesty, kindne and diligence.

北京外国语学院 吴子牛 寄语母校通中的老师和学弟学妹:


In the first semester of university,studies, activities and chores have taken up most part of my life.However, I always keep the complex of my Alma Mater in my heart.So sincere is the emotion that it never comes to disturb me when I feel busy or cosy or even fuy.Yet it indeed melts into my ordinary life: Greeting

7 teachers and clamates, taking part in extracurricular activities and caring the collective and others.All of the good habits have been shaped in the past six years of my middle school .In cla, I enjoy introducing my Alma Mater to my clamates when I am giving a presentation.I like showing them the enormous achievements and varous activities of Nantong Middle School, guiding them to feel the profound humanity of my middle school.Every time I see them attracted and absorbed, a strong sense of belonging and pride rises in my heart.Quietly, this emotion exists in a certain angle of your heart——no need for florid vocabulary or wide publicity——Through your whole life, it warms you and influences you.

江苏警官学院 邢闽江 寄语母校通中的老师和学弟学妹:

很多人都说大学是发展个性的地方,可是当我真的进入大学,我才发现,中学才是发展个性的最好时光。在大学里,自信是你的敲门砖。所以,应当从中学时就树立自信。不仅是为将来,也是为了迫在眉睫的高考„原来在学校里,我是负责社团活动的,包括楸阳剧社和我创建的楸云讲辩团。不过很少有人知道,我在高一申请加入学校社团,像学校广播站和电视台时,都失败了。不过,我实在不想让自己的高中时光就这么平平淡淡地度过。于是,我开始策划自己创建社团。组建社团不是件容易的事,尤其是在学业繁重的高中。但是我足够自信!在那些日子里,有 8 失落、迷惘,也有欣喜、自豪!我将永远珍藏这份宝贵的回忆! 自信,决不是自负。它是对自己的一种肯定,建立在充分认识自己的基础上。有了自信,就有了在人生路上前行的勇气!不管道路怎样崎岖难走,我们都会奋勇前进!因此,我要告诉学弟学妹们,不管遇到什么不顺,都不可以放弃!自信永远!

Some people say that university is a place where we can develop our personalities.However, when I really got into university, I just realized that the best place was the high school.In university, self-confidence is requested and useful.Therefore, we\'d better establish our self-confidence in high school.Not only will it influence your future, but also it will give you the courage to confront the coming College Entrance Examinations.In high school, I was in charge of students\' aociations, including Qiuyang Drama Aociation and Qiuyun Speaking and Debating Group, which were organized by me.However, few people knew the difficulties that I had experienced when I tried to get acce to the school Radio Station and the school TV Station when I was in the first year of my high school.Since I didn\'t want to go through my high school time without any achievement,I planned to establish an aociation myself.It was absolutely not easy ,especially when I was under the preure of so many exams.During those days,although sometimes I felt perplexed and

9 depreed,I really enjoyed it!I will cherish these wonderful memories forever.Self-confidence is absolutely not conceited.It is a positive appraisal to ourselves,and gives us the courage to keep on walking along the way of our lives.No matter how craggy the way will be,we will go forward bravely! So,I just want to tell my dear schoolmates:No matter what difficulties you will meet with in the school years, never lose your confidence and do be self-confident!

北京大学 张芃 寄语母校通中的老师和学弟学妹:




10 我想对学弟学妹说,珍惜在通中的每个日子。那些人,那些事,一旦错过就不会重来。

My memory still keeps in touch with the land, where went through happine and sorrow, joy and difficulty in the last century, although I’ve been away from Nantong Middle School for several months.As I catch sight of the waves on the Weiming Lake or hear the bell ringing from the Boya Pagoda, pictures of the Lotus Pool and the Guangxiao Pagoda at sunset will frequently appear in my mind.When asked what impreed me most during the middle school years, my answer is definitely the motto of our school--诚恒.From my perspective, six years’ hard work led me to a challenging but bright road to the eternal truth.Six years’ cultivation helped building up my characters.Six years’ precious time was so influential in making me from an ordinary little girl to an outstanding young adult.The motto will be undoubtedly printed in my heart forever and witne my further steps during my life time.I’d like to show my sincere gratitude to my former teachers for helping me realize my dreams.I’d like to remind my former schoolmates that no matter where we go and what we do, we will tightly connected by our memories of being a member of Nantong Middle School.

11 I’d like to encourage those who have just begun their middle school life to treasure every day and to seize the people they meet and the things they encounter, for once gone, they will never return.

校友刘淇贺卡寄语 祝贺母校60周年校庆(修改)






百年泥小 百年辉煌

石油圣火 百年辉煌

百年北大 再创辉煌

百年耕耘 科技辉煌
