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The King\\x27s Speech 国王演讲观后感

发布时间:2020-03-01 23:56:49 来源:范文大全 收藏本文 下载本文 手机版

The king’s speech

Several days ago, I watched “the king’s speech”, a very meaningful film, which attracted me most.

The story was adapted from the history.It happened in England during the Second World War.The main character in this film is King George who suffered from serious stutter.

George Ⅵ lived in the shadow of his father and brother in his early life.He had a shutter which made it very difficult for him to many of the public duties of a king which required him to make speeches.But with the help of Lionel, he overcame the difficulty, and finally he made a succeful speech.The background of the film also tells us something.At first, Britain adopted the “Phoney war” to the German.But after Norway fell into German’s hand, they began to fight with German.The false peace always hides the truth.People seek for peaceful life, but they should never compromise with the evil.So the king’s speech encouraged them to struggle for their country, also for their freedom and their family.

Then what else does the story tell us? In my humble opinion, the film first highlights their efforts to achieve succe.The saying goes,“ Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration” Maybe you are not clever or beautiful, but through your hard work ,you can also be the winner.

What’s more, I think everyone has his or her own duty.For example, the king has an obligation to bring the country a more splendid future and make sure his people enjoy a good life.As the result, George Ⅵ in this film fulfilled the obligation of a king.In our daily life, we are bound to study hard as college students.When we grow up, we should support our family and raise our children.It seems that our life remains a lot of duties that can’t be escaped from. Last but not least, I can also see the love for their friends, for their family and for their motherland in this film.In a word the film really teaches me a lot of thing.







国王的演讲 观后感(57)



国王的演讲 英文观后感

The King\\x27s Speech 国王演讲观后感
《The King\\x27s Speech 国王演讲观后感.doc》