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发布时间:2020-03-03 14:41:08 来源:范文大全 收藏本文 下载本文 手机版


Explore the Moon


There are rich mineral resources on the moon.Such as Silicon, aluminum, iron and other metals, it is a huge repository for future Earth mineral resources.Particularly Unique helium-3 in the moon soil, will change the energy structure of human society.In surface soil of the moon there are millions of tons of helium-3, which is a highly efficient, clean, safe nuclear fusion fuels, 1 ton of helium-3 power is sufficient for the whole of mankind arising out of use 1 year.


Because moon environment is complex changeable, so exploring the moon have many technology problems.Such as designing and controlling of satellite orbit, observation, controlling and data transmiion ,satellite navigation and control technology, thermal control technology and so on.Need to solve gradually.个人认为,月球探测是维护我国月球权益的需要,将促进中国基础科学和高科技的发展,有助于加强中国航天领域的国际合作。

I think, Moon exploration can maintain our country moon rights and interests.It will lead and promotes the China basic science and the high science and technology development, will be helpful in strengthening the international cooperation in the aviation domain of China.


Energy Protection


With the development of human society, increasing resource consumption, energy wasting widespread, many resources are being gradually reduced, or even close to dry up, sounded a serious warning to mankind.


The energy is the eential resources which we survive.We need the mineral resource to manufacture product, need to plant crops on cultivated land, need the forest-tree to adjust climate, need the water resources to maintenance health.But, because resources willfully mining and abuses, our ecological environment faced with the serious threat, protects the energy resources to be extremely eential.


In order to protect the near-depleted energy, we need to save water and electricity, to do the recovery and recycling of resources; we should vigorously promote the use of energy-saving environmental products, need to systematic exploitation of resources, and to draw up laws and regulations, standardizing the management of resources.


On Sports


Participation in sports is indispensable in our daily lives part.Some like playing, some like swimming, and some like running, and some people like challenging rock climbing, car racing, bungee jumping, and adventure sports.


However, some people just don\'t like sports, they say that too much work, there is no time to exercise, or exercise with a certain degree of risk, for fear of injury to the body, also some people say that there is no sports facilities and venues.


I like sports, like cycling, rope skipping, playing table tennis and so on, I think , due to take part in sports, helping to improve our health, to deal with stre, can also search for happine and excitement.Now countries are promoting fitne, Government spent money to support communities to equip with fitne facility, is designed to promote sports culture, enhance people\'s quality.


Major differences between men and woman


The world is made up of men, women, because of differences in their personalities and physical, there was only a different Division community, that the world has become rich and colorful.


Men has robust body, for dry heavy physical and high load of labor, as mine mining, material handling, built house and so on, woman is careful as silk, is more for engaged in clothing, financial and housekeeping; Men has strong psychological bear ability, so they full can overcome general difficulties, woman is relative soft, easy be hurt, need others protection; men like contend for power and money, woman like simple, and calm and stability life.


The man, the woman exists differently, may be engaged in the different work, but enjoys the equal politics, the society and the life right.关于明星私人信息

About famous people private information

现在,许多报刊杂志不同程度报道明星私人信息,譬如他们平时喜欢吃什么,喜欢穿什么,甚至结婚、生子和婚外恋情。我认为适当报道是可以的,可以帮助大家了解明星的动态,丰富群众的业余文化生活。 Now, many newspapers,magazines and other media reports star private information in different levels , for example, what would they like to eat, like what to wear, or even get married, have children and an extramarital

affair.I think that appropriate reporting is poible, can help you understand the dynamics of stars, rich amateur cultural life of the maes.


But, some media are reporting the star personal information aspect a little exceively, even some information have encroached upon their privacy.Although this has met certain noodles needs, but does not favor cultural the development.At present, because the media falsely reported the star personal information, causes the phenomenon which brings a lawsuit to be many, hoped the correlation department and the concerned personnel bring to the high attention.


Alternative Energy


All energy comes from energy sources, energy is indispensable to mankind.Energy is the main basis for human survival, life and development.

进入21世纪后,人类目前技术可开发的能源资源已将面临严重不足的危机,当今煤、石油和天然气等矿石燃料资源日益枯竭,甚至不能维持几十年。但随着社会的不断发展,对能源的需要求日益扩大 ,为使人类生存得到永久维持,我认为未来清洁能源不能完全替代矿石燃料,只能作为一种补充。After entering the 21st century, human is technology development of energy resources has been facing a serious shortage of crisis.Today\'s foil fuels such as coal, oil and gas resources increasingly depleted or even maintained for decades.But with the development of society, seeking growing needs for energy.To permanently maintained human survival, I think of clean energy cannot entirely replace foil fuels, can only be used as a important supplement in the future.











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