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1.她要做妈妈是不是太小了,她自己还没长大呢(grow up)

Isn’t she rather young to be a mother? She’s hardly had time to grow up herself.

2.对于有些女孩子来说,嫁给有钱人就能得到幸福(the key to)

For some girls, marrying a rich man is the key to happine

3.你的这些主意从哪里来的?(pick up)

Where did you pick up such ideas?

4.根据我们的记录,你借的书该还给图书馆了(according to)

According to our records, the books you have borrowed should now be returned to the library.


Several advertising agencies are competing to get the contract.


As a child,she recalled, her parents had seemed very happy together.

7.别在胡闹了,赶紧工作吧(horse around)

Stop horsing around and get to work

8.他大器晚成,到了四十来岁才在学术上有所建树(a late bloomer)

He was a late bloomer.He had made some academic achievements when he was in his forties.


What impreed the judges most was the originality in the dancer’s performance.

10.我记得当时我想再也不会让人看到我哭,但我并不总能做到(make it)

I remember thinking then that nobody’s ever going to see me cry again.I did not always make it.


The first two years at college provide a solid foundation for my English study.

12.他们正大光明的赢得了这场比赛(fair and square)

They won the game fair and squre

13.他父亲告诉他抓住任何一个出现的机会(come along)

His father told him to take every chance that comes along

14.你应该利用好这好天气给篱笆上油漆(take advantage of)

You should take advantage of the fine weather to paint the fence


1.国庆时,人们多爱去**广场欢呼庆祝(whoop it up)

Tian’anmen square is a favorite place for people to whoop it up on National Day

2.他由于上班时总是磨洋工而被开除了(goof off)

He got fired because he kept goofing off on his job


I always have the image of my mother bustling in and out


The government set up a task force to tackle the rising crime rate in this city.

5.他经常滔滔不绝地说起他在部队时的有趣的事(spout off)

He often spout off ahout the funny things that happened when he was in the army

6.这个五岁小男孩能一口气说出一百来个国家的名称(reel off)

This five-year-old boy can reel off the names of more than a hundred countries

7.现在的问题是资金短缺,你所说的和这毫不相干(off the mark)

The problem is that we are short of funds.What you said is off the mark.

8.我们没法按计划进行,只能走一步看一步了。(play it by ear)

We could not do it according to plan.We have to play it by ear

9.我都不知道大学四年我是怎么稀里糊涂地过来的(muddle through)

I myself don’t know how I muddled through the four years at collage

10.她说她受不了那些成天无所事事、到处闲逛的人(have no use for)

She said she has no use for those who idle around all days

11.他总能找到迟到的借口(come up with)

He can always come up with excuses for being late

12.我非常感谢他帮我摆脱了困境(let somebody off the hook)

I owed him a lot for letting me off the hook


1.他总是在日记中抱怨周围人的虚伪和贪婪(rail against)

In his diary, he always rails against the hypocrisy and greed of the people around

2.法庭对这名警官的初审判决引起了严重的骚乱(set off)

The court’s initial verdict in the police officer’s trial set off serious riots

3.在写作时,她努力想在常见的散文体和创新之间找到一个平衡点(strive to/for)

In her writing she strove for a balance between innovation and familiar prose forms

4.她主动宣称自己是同性恋并且为同性恋权利摇旗呐喊,这种胆量为她赢得了全世界各地歌迷们的爱戴(on sb’s own terms)

It is her courage in coming out, on her own terms, and speaking up in defense of lesbian and gay rights that makes her loved by fans all over the world.

5.我们的婚礼乔治叔叔没有来,因为他在半路上被一辆车撞倒了(show up)

Uncle George didn’t show up for our wedding, because he was knocked down by a car on his way.

6.他越坚持自己无辜,别人越不相信他(the more/le …the more/le…)

The more he insisted he was innocent, the le other people seemed to believe him

7.我只是匆匆瞥见了那辆逃窜的车里的司机,但是我怀疑再次见到她时我是否还能认出来(get/catch a glimpse of) I only caught a fleeting glimpse of the driver of the getaway car, but I doubt I would recognize her if I saw her again.

8.他们的房屋周围垫上沙袋以抵御水灾(keep out)

They sand bagged their homes to keep out floods

9.那些都是从事该职业的种种有利条件(attach to)

Those are advantages that attach to the profeion.

10.许多观察家都将戴安娜那种平易近人的个性与王室中其他成员更为正式的态度进行对比(common touch)

Many observers contrasted Diana’s common touch with the more formal approach of other members of the royal family.


1.这匹马在比赛进行一半时开始领先(get ahead)

The horse began to get ahead halfway through the race.

2.如果她当时不替我说好话,公司不会录用我(put in a good word for)

If she hadn’t put in a good word for me, the company wouldn’t have recruited me

3.他伸出舌头,对着镜子仔细的看(poke out)

He poked out his tongue and looked at it carefully in the mirror

4.当房子倒塌的时候,人们惊恐的向后退(draw back)

The crowd drew back in terror as the building crashed to the ground

5.街道上到处是垃圾(be strewn with)

The streets were strewn with rubbish

6.丢失的包最后在湖里找到了,里面空空如也(turn up)

The miing bag turned up, completely empty, in the lake

7.如果我丢了车钥匙就麻烦了(be up the creek)

I would be really up the creek if I lost my car key

8.这个问题本身不重要,但其长远影响可能很重要(in itself)

The problem is unimportant in itself, but its long-term effects could be very serious

9.考虑到会下雨,他们关上了窗户(in the expectations of)

They closed the windows in the expectations of rain.

10.如果你想生意成功就得冒险(take the risk)

They have to take the risk if you want to succeed in busine

11.经过几年的努力,他终于感觉到走向成功了(the road to)

He finally felt he was on the road to succe after years of hard work.

12.他过去对宗教及其他人们的影响嗤之以鼻(be scornful of)

He used to be scornful of religion and its influence over people


1.她很生儿子的气,就挂断了他的电话(hang up)

She was so angry with her son that she hung up on him

2.在得知自己被开除的消息时,他发出了愤怒的吼声(let out)

At the news of being dismied, he let out a cry of anger.

3.公众的注意力集中在下周的总统选举上(center on)

Public interest centers on the outcome of the next week’s presidential election

4.他花了一个小时才解出了那道题(grapple with)

He grappled with the problem for an hour before solving it

5.她似乎就要斥责他了,但马上又控制住了自己(lash out)

It seemed that she was going to lash out at him, but she controlled herself.

6.他们不得不连续站立好几个小时(at a stretch)

They had to remain standing for hours at a stretch

7.服药后,她进入了深睡状态(lapse into)

After talking the medicine, she lapsed into a state of deep sleep

8.她仍然抱着这样的信念:她的丈夫还活着,有一天会回家来的(cling to)

She still clings to the belief that her husband is alive and will come back one day

9.我们没能赶上这一场现场表演,最终还是在电视屏幕上欣赏它(end up)

We were late for the live show and ended up watching it on a TV screen

10.经理桌上堆满了要看的资料,她知道今晚又得开夜车了(pile up)

The manager had so much work piling up on her desk that she knew she was going to have to burn the midnight oil to finish it.


1.墙上的弹痕说明这里曾发生过激战(speak of)

The bullet marks on the wall spoke of the fierce fighting that took place here.

2.他完全忘记了从前受到邻居们嘲笑的经历(be oblivious to)

He was totally oblivious to being laughed at by his neighbors.

3.他今年五十九了,虽然身体还硬朗,却即将退休了。(head for)

He is fifty-nine this year and heading for retirement, though he is still healthy

4.在中国,大多数老人都帮助照看孙子孙女。(help out)

Most of the old people in china help out with their grandchildren.

5.别老是指望别人来替你安排时间,要学着自己制定计划(look to)

Don’t always look to others to structure your time.Learn to make your own schedule.

6.一到拍摄现场,他就立刻在树荫下架起了摄像机(set up)

He set up the camera in the shade of a tree as soon as he got to the shooting scene

7.在讨论快结束的时候,他做了小结并补充了几点。(sum up)

At the end of the discuion, he summed it up and added a few points.

8.汤姆是个优秀的外科医生,做过很多成功的手术,但是说道传统中医,他所知甚少。(when it comes to)

Tom is an outstanding surgeon and has conducted many operations succefully.However, when it comes to traditional Chinese medicine, he has little to say.

9.通过学习历史,他懂得了一个道理,就是国家必须强盛,后就要挨打。(fall behind)

We learned a leon from history that a country must be strong and will be bullied if it falls behind.

10.父母对孩子的溺爱使孩子长大后不懂得理解和尊重他们。(set the stage for)

Parents’ spoiling sets the stage for children’s lack of understanding and respect for them when they grow up.


1.有些广告的成功在于充分利用了人们崇拜名人的心理.(capitalize on)

The succe of some ads lies in that fully capitalize on people’s psychology of worshipping celebrities.2.要是把这么大一个企业交给一个二十几岁的年轻人我还真有点不放心(hand over)

I am really concerned that such a big company will be handed over to a young man in his twenties.

3.这个节目的目的是要告诉观众这些英雄们在本质上和我们一样都是平常人(at heart)

The purpose of this program is to tell the audience that these heroes are at heart ordinary people just like us.

4.诉诸理智而不是感情,这是处理矛盾的一个基本原则。(appeal to)

One basic principle in solving conflict is to appeal to mind not emotion.

5.我至今还非常怀念在北大附中度过的中学时代。(attached to)

I still mi very much the days I spent in the high school attached to Peking University.

6.长时间在阳光下暴露皮肤容易得皮肤癌,这也是我不喜欢在海滩上晒太阳的原因。(expose to)

One may get skin cancer easily by exposing oneself to the sun for a long time.That is why I don’t like to lie on the beach enjoying sunshine.

7.越是在艰难的环境里,越要互相依赖,才能最后克服困难。(lean on)

The harder the situation is, the more people should lean on each other.Only in this way can difficulties be eventually overcome.

8.在这次选举中,我们的策略是先赢得民众的信任,然后获得他们的支持。(win over)

Our strategy in this campaign is first to win over the trust of the public and then to get their support.

9.在这个公司里,经理的话就跟命令差不多。(amount to)

In this company what the manager says amounts to an order.

10.报告的内容很多,但是篇幅有限,所以不得不省略不少细节。(leave out)

The content of the report is extensive, but the scope is limited.Many details have to be left out


1.打斗一开始,警察和记者很快就到了现场。(on the spot)

When the fighting started, policemen and reporters were soon on the spot.

2.某些人的思维模式过时了。他们应该与时俱进以便能更好地适应当今社会。(fit in)

Some people’s mode of thinking is outdated.They should try to move with the times so as to better fit into modern society.

3.兔子很骄傲,因为乌龟远远落后在他身后(way behind)

The rabbit feels very proud because the tortoise is way behind him.

4.杰克到巴西去了,我接替他几天(fill in)

I’m filling in for Jack for a few days, since he’s gone to Brazil.

5.病人一吸入麻醉药后就昏迷过去了(go under)

The patient went under as soon as he breathed the anaesthetic.

6.琳达抓住了一只蝴蝶,但是它挣扎着逃脱了(get away)

Linda caught a butterfly, but it managed to get away from her.

7.他说他会游泳,但当我们到了湖边时他却退缩了。(back off)

He said he could swim, but he backed off when we got to the lake.

8.他觉得自己受了冷落,因为在大会上没人愿意听他的意见。(feel left out)

He felt he was left out because nobody would listen to him in the meeting.

9.总在同一件工作上混日子是没有意义的。(muddle on)

There’s no point in muddling on in the same old job forever.

10.每一个人都应该尽一份力,保持公园的整洁。(pitch in)

Everyone ought to do his or her part and pitch in to keep this park clean


1.公司一直搁置他的报告。(sit on)

The company has been sitting on his report.

2.她是不是学习方法不对头?(have a problem with)

Does she have a problem with her learning method?

3.你必须为你的侮辱行为向他们赔礼道歉。(make amends)

You must make amends to them for the insult.


The English teacher just couldn’t convince him of the importance of learning English.

5.我们不能报道讨论的内容,因为讨论是秘密进行的(behind closed doors)

We cannot report the discuion, as it look place behind closed doors.

6.现在人们总是忙着赶最后的期限。(meet deadlines)

Nowadays people are always busy meeting deadlines.

7.他一直不断地向我提供他的消息。(keep somebody posted)

He always keeps me posted about what he’s doing.

8.在接受该提议前我本应仔细考虑,当时听起来就有点可疑。(think twice)

I should have thought twice before accepting that offer, it sounded rather suspicious.

9.她是刚毕业的研究生。(fresh out of)

She is fresh out of graduate school.

10.我们可以用列单子来确定事情的先后顺序,计划活动并衡量进展情况。(set priorities)

We can use lists to set priorities, plan activities, and measure progre.


1.这样的话简直是唐突无礼。(verge on)

Such a remark verges on impertinence

2.这些因素对于工业界科学研究的效果发生巨大的不利影响。(weigh against)

These factors weight heavily against the effectivene of scientific research in industry.


The consumer’s viewpoint should be factored into decision making.

4.广播员们力图去掉自己的乡音,渴望达到BBC的发音标准。(aspire to)

Broadcasters tried to abandon their native regional accents and aspired to BBC pronunciation.

5.这一系列中的大多数影片均由男人担当导演,因此为了作调整,他们现在推出的一些影片是由妇女担任导演的。(redre the balance)

Most of the films in this series were directed by men, so in order to redre the balance they are now showing some films by women directors.

6.大厅内人山人海。(burst at the seams)

There were so many people that the hall was bursting at the seams.

7.一旦所有的椅子摆放好了,我们就可以让人们进来。(in place)

As soon as all the chairs are in place, we can let the people in

8.他的权力主要来自他在军队中的威望。(derive from)

His power derives mainly from his popularity with the army.

9.法国大革命开创了一个新时代。(usher in)

The French Revolution ushered in a new age.

10.艰苦的生活条件已让位于比较宜人的境况。(yield to)

Hard conditions of life yielded to more propitious circumstances.

11.我在某种程度上同意你的看法。(up to a point)

I agree with you up to a point.

12.警察封锁了这一地区并仔细盘查每一个人。(seal off)

Police sealed off the area and questioned everybody closely.

13.有些人生在福中不知福。(well off)

Some people don’t know when they’re well off

14.这类事故发生得太频繁了。(all too)

Accidents like this happen all too often.

15.这一年对你们的关系,特别是你们的爱情生活是非常关键的。(in general)

This is a crucial year for your relationships in general and your love life in particular.


1.节假日里少了平时的压力,这让人感到很舒服。(shut off)

Being shut off from preure during working hours makes one feel comfortable.

2.这些志愿者们承担了让这些乡村孩子受教育的责任。(take sth upon oneself)

These volunteers take it upon themselves to make it poible for those rural kids to receive education.

3.房间里到处都是书,把我整个包围起来了。(hem in)

Books are scattered everywhere in the room, and I am almost hemmed in by them.

4.我儿子说长大了以后要当一名篮球教练。(grow up)

My son said he would like to be a basketball coach when he grew up.

5.如果我们今年不按时完成任务,明年又会很辛苦。(look forward to)

If we don’t finish the work in time this year, we will look forward to another hard year.

6.经过一番训练,孩子们的英语水平提高得很快。(pick up)

After training, the English level of the kids picked up quickly.

7.为了能提高成绩,他决定要花足够的时间来学习。(make a point of)

In order to improve his academic achievements, he made a point of spending enough time on study.

8.成功当然让人高兴,不费很大劲就获得成功更让人敬佩。(make it)

It makes one happy to be succeful.It makes one admired to make it without much effort.

9.关键的问题是要在会上向领导们宣传这个好主意。(talk up)

What is crucial is to talk up this new idea to the leaders at the meeting.

10.你只有试一试后才能知道能否入队。(try out)

Only after you try out will you know whether you can join the team.


1.他决不辜负父母对自己的期望。(live up to)

He will give up to what his parents expect of him.

2.他的病是饮食不佳造成的。(bring on)

His illne was brought on by poor diet.

3.警方决心要查出谁是杀人凶手。(find out)

The police are determined to find out who was the killer

4.这辆自行车已无法修了。(be incapable of)

This bicycle is incapable of repair.

5.概况地说,在我们这个社会里还是存在着大量的不平等。(sum up)

To sum up, within our society there still exist rampant inequalities.

6.你为什么把这件小事看到那么重?(make much of)

Why are you making so much of such a trifling matter?

7.演讲者称他是一位有为的政治新秀。(refer to…as…)

The speaker referred to him as an up-and-coming politician.

8.他们很不策略地造成普遍的不满。(contribute to)

They contributed tactlely to a general discontent.

9.我们最终不得不承认他丰富的经验。(bow to)

Finally we had to bow to his greater experience.

10.他与她的两个朋友一起踏上旅途。(along with)

He went on the journey along with his two friends.

11.你应按保险合同担保的条件找他们交涉。(take…up on…)

You should take the insurance company up on their guarantee.

12.这种工作在那个国家不但被贬低,而且工作的性质也被许多人误解了。(not only…but…) Such work is not only devalued in that country, but its nature is widely misunderstood.

13.一说起音乐,他就极有自信。(be poeed of)

He was poeed of great self-confidence whenever he spoke of music.

14.我不喜欢那幢房子,但新家具往里一放,情况完全变了。(make the difference)

I hated the house but the new furniture made all the difference.


乙:“那又怎么样呢?”(so what)

A:“He doesn’t like you.”

B:“So what?”










