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国际电联秘书长2011世界电信日致辞时间:2011-05-17 10:08来源:口译网 作者:口译网 点击:2156次

Better Life in Rural Communities with ICTs

Meage from Dr Hamadoun I.Touré,ITU Secretary-General

World Telecommunication and Information Society Day, 17 May 201







ICTs are constantly reshaping the way the world communicates while creating opportunities for a better life through long-term, sustainable development, not least among the most disadvantaged sections of our society.信息通信技术(ICT)不断改变着世界上人们交流的方式。与此同时,长期、可持续的ICT发展亦为人民,尤其是我们社会中的最弱势群体,创造着过上更好生活的机遇。

This year, as we celebrate ITU’s 146th anniversary, we focus our attention on the world’s rural communities in our quest to connect the remotest corners to the benefits of ICTs.今年国际电联146周年的庆典活动将关注全球的农村社区,以体现我们为使世界最偏远角落的人们享受到ICT的福祉所做出的努力。

Today, ICTs are the powerhouses of the global economy and offer real solutions towards generating sustainable economic growth and prosperity.ICTs also act as catalysts in accelerating progre towards meeting the Millennium Development Goals.


In the rural context, ICTs provide enhanced opportunities to generate income and combat poverty, hunger, ill health and illiteracy.ICTs and related e-applications are key instruments in improving governance and rural services, such as providing community health care, safe drinking water and sanitation, education, food and shelter; improving maternal health and reducing child mortality; empowering women and the more vulnerable members of society; and ensuring environmental sustainability.


Half the world’s population — nearly 3.5 billion people — resides in rural districts and far flung communities, representing the poorer, le educated, and more deprived cousins of the world’s urban citizens.Among them are as many as 1.4 billion of the world’s extremely poor people, who are also among the least connected to the benefits of ICTs.We cannot allow this situation to continue.It is time for global action to connect rural communities to the opportunities offered by ICTs.全球半数人口(近35亿人)居住在农村地区和偏远社区,他们是全球城市居民的同胞,但往往比城市居民贫穷,教育水平低、生活条件差。他们当中有多达14亿人是世界上最贫困且极少受益于ICT的人口。我们不能允许这种状况持续下去。现在是开展全球行动,让农村社区迎来ICT提供的机遇的时候了。

ITU is committed to connecting the world and to ensuring that the benefits of ICTs reach the

remotest corners as well as the most vulnerable communities.I am proud to say that our work at ITU in developing the standards for ICTs, managing vital spectrum and orbital resources, mobilizing the neceary technical, human and financial resources, and strengthening emergency response in the aftermath of devastating natural disasters has met with unprecedented succe as we enter the second decade of this millennium.国际电联致力于连通世界,致力于确保最边远地区和最弱势群体亦能受益于ICT。在我们跨入本世纪第二个十年之际,我可以自豪地说,国际电联在所开展的ICT标准制定、关键的频谱和轨道资源管理、必要的技术、人力和财力资源筹措以及加强毁灭性自然灾害发生后的应急反应机制等方面,均取得了前所未有的成果。

Although mobile penetration has spread rapidly with over 5.3 billion subscribers worldwide, the thrust now is to drive content through enhanced broadband acce aimed at establishing the information and communication highways — networks that will feed both rural communities and urban centres with the means to meet their development goals and aspirations.ITU’s leadership role in the Broadband Commiion for Digital Development is aimed at increasing the roll out of this state-of-the-art technology to firmly establish a universally acceible knowledge-based information society.移动业务发展迅猛,全球用户已突破53亿,目前的工作重点是通过强化宽带接入推进内容的发展,从而建成信息通信高速公路---即,建成能够利用各种手段,使农村社区和城市均能实现其发展目标与抱负的网络。国际电联在宽带数字发展委员会中发挥的领导作用就是,大力推广此类最先进的技术,为一个面向大众的知识型信息社会奠定坚实基础。

I urge you to celebrate World Telecommunication and Information Society Day this year by focusing on connecting people around the world and harneing the full potential of ICTs so that we can all enjoy a more productive, peaceful and — in every way — a better life, particularly in rural areas.



1 国际电联秘书长致辞doc









