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高等教育出版社 冒国安《实用英汉对比教程》 重庆大学出版社 叶胜年《中西文化比较概论》首经贸大学出版社3


Contrastive analysis on






P3-24 第3周


P25-51 第4周


P51-72 第5周


P73-88 第6周


P90-103 第7周


P105-118 第8周


P119-132 第9周


P133-159 第10周


P160-188 第11周


P189-220 第14周


P222-260 第15周


P288-296 第16周


P316-319 第17周



Lecture One



中英两种语言作为当今使用人数最多和使用范围最广的人类交流工具,对世界文明进步起到不可嘀咕的影响。英汉语无论是在经济社会还是文化精神方面都有关不同寻常的过去,而且在适应外部环境的巨大变化方面体现了很好的适应性。相比之下,英语单词的字母构成和意义之间并无必然联系,更显得客观和中性;而汉语就其构建的笔画和 1 偏旁,都具有不少涵义,所以显得主观,带有主观性且容易引发想象力。 典型传统的民族特色

例如: 汉字: ―日‖ 来源于对于太阳的描绘。因而与太阳相联系的字,如:晒、阳、旭、春、明、旱等带有―日‖字。


汉语以形表意,英语以声表意。 英语有一种比较完整的语言体系,依靠这种相对复杂的语言规律。这套规则包括:发音、词汇和语法等方面。这些每个方面都有一套必须遵循的规则。如: 词尾的拼写法、语态时态、名词单复数、动词的时态变化。 2.对比方法是什么?从三个层面上进行:

1).表层对比: 分析结构、形式和语义。


3).深层对比:分析中西文化、思维差异是怎样体现在语言符号上。西方的理性思维与中国的感悟性思维方式体现了不同的哲学思想。英语常受亚里斯多德的演绎思维模式的影响,用形合法,显性衔接法,注重形式接应,语法、语义的逻辑性。 如:This is what he said.

I am not what I was .

He said he was a boy.汉语常用意合法。意念被动式和形象性语言充分体现了汉语的非演绎、领悟式和漫谈式思维模式;强调语言的‗自然‘语序。所以,汉语强调语言的结构均匀,对仗有整体感。表现为‗约定俗成‘ 的语言模式。

如: 白云冉冉, 彩蝶翩翩,绿草萋萋, 微乎其微,呆头呆脑...气冲冲,雾蒙蒙... 宝宝,星星,老虎,石头, ―上路‖ 快 汉语中形象化的成语 Feed on fancies画饼充饥

Make a little contribution添砖加瓦 On the verge of destruction危在旦夕 Await with great anxiety望穿秋水

Lack of perseverance 三天打鱼,两天晒网

3.Contrastive analysis is a diachronic one.

We play emphasis on the difference and peculiarity of the two languages.

A.Language structural system concerns with phonetics, vocabulary and grammar.a.mophology ; the motivation of vocabulary; the collocation of words; syntax; etc. b.grammatic rules, rhetorics...c.thinking modes, cultural connotation External linguistic system B.Language progmmatic rules concern with speech approprietne and the background of speakers.It deals with when and how use what language. 长期以来,人们关注的是语言的内部结构。 ,忽略了相关的社会与文化等干扰因素。


语言是文化的体现,文化融合在语言之中。 因此,语言具有深刻的人文属性。



1).从造词心理看民族的文化程度 2).从借词看文化的接触


4).从姓氏别号看民族来源和宗教信仰 5).从亲属称谓看婚姻制度

3.1 探讨如何从中西文化角度研究语言;或从英汉语言角度研究中西文化 表现在英汉词义的褒贬,涵义的宽窄,民族感情的差异,语用背景...成语谚语,委婉禁忌语,礼貌祝福语,称谓恭维语等等都是我们探讨的话题 3.2中西文化差异还反映在思维模式上。


思维表现于语言形式中,是语言生成和发展的深层机制; 语言又促成思维方式得以形成和发展,语言是思维的主要工具,是思维方式的构成要素。语言是文化载体,文化是语言的管轨


词语与文化;语义与文化;语法与文化;修辞与文化;语体与文化;语用与文化 等方面之间的关系,从而找出目的语的文化特征。 所以文化在一定程度上对语言进行制约。 Eugene A.Nida put in Language &Culture The most misconception about language is the idea that certain language more or le controls the way people think, sometimes expreed as ―We think the way we think because we talk the way we talk.‖ It is true that the particular structures of a language(sound, leximes, syntax, and discourse patterns) may reflect to a certain degree the way people think and they may be said to form ―the Ruts or paths for thinking,‖ but they do not determine what or how people may think.Human imagination is too creative to ever be rigidly ruled by the regulatons of syntax or of any other feature of language.‖ ---语言与文化(-翻译中的语境2001)

Language univasals far outweigh the divergencies.All languages employ figuative expreions, have poetry, use language in singing, and have a great number of literary forms or genres.(风格)

Changing in culture often give rise to new types of discourse, e.g.Technical prose , financial reports, and news resumes.Telegraphic style is giving way to the fuller statements employed in faxing, and commercial codes for cabling instructions to overseas agents are being dropped in favor of telephonic transfer of comuter meages by means of modems (信息处理调解器).

Differences lie in culture emphasis Rice ---米, 稻,谷,米饭


Cousin ---堂兄弟,堂姐妹,表兄弟,表姐妹


会议---meeting, conference, concil, convention 神---god, spirit, deity, divinity 意见---opinion, view, complaint ,objection, criticism 3.4 差异与类同是不可分割的.英汉语的共时对比,我们发现两语言同中有异,异中有同,似同实异,似异实同。

Long hair and short wit. 头发长,见识短. Blood is thicker than water. 血浓于水.

谚语,所表达的含义完全相同,但所隐喻的事物略有文化上的差异. The foremost dog catches the hare (野兔 ) .


Every potter praises his own pot.



总之,西方的逻辑理性和抽象性认知型文化体现在它的概念名词化,物称化和抽象化,表现出它崇尚客观,间接的,变换, 替代的表达法。

Eg.The polularity of certain types of discourse may also reflect culture concern. Epic poetry seems to have suffered a severe lo of popularity .

4.中国伦理型文化的中庸和谐,阴阳平衡和辩证统一体现在它的语言最求均衡美和对称美。对偶、排比、重复和重叠,以及同义词组和反义合成的四字格都会给听者带来美感。 无论是现在语言学奠基人索绪尔,还是美国语言学家布龙菲尔德,还是结构主义大师乔姆斯基都只能对语言进行表层现象研究。语言学家还应该研究―谁在何时用何种语言向谁说话‖(Who speaks what language to whom and when).P9 越来越多的语言学者深感:只有把语言与文化结合起来,把语言作为一种社会现象和文化现象来研究,以文化阐释语言,以语言诠释文化, 才能更加深刻的认识语言。打着“中国文化语言学”旗号的语言学家以申小龙,游汝杰和陈建民为代表的语言学家。 英汉语对比研究应该从中西文化角度来归纳英、汉语言规律,从英汉语言角度去探究中、西文化内涵。以哲学的高度,历史的眼光,现在的角度将宏观和微观相结合,从纵横,虚实、深浅和中外等层面,进行发散性、多学科、多层次的综合研究。 思考:

1) What‘s the aim of ―Contrast Studies of English and Chinese?

2) Why do we make the contrast between two languages or cultures?

Lecture Two 综合语与分析语P25-50 目 的 要 求


从形态上来说,英汉语存在哪些异同? 举例说明。(参考P34-48)

4 1.从英汉语的语言特征来说:英语是综合语, 汉语是分析语。

英语通过形态,语序和虚词来描述; 带有声调的汉语没有形态变化,语序相对稳定,语句的连接全在词语的含义之中。

英语综合语:运用形态变化来表达语法关系。 句段严密规范,以形寓意。―语法生硬,没有弹性‖,属于‗法治‘语言。汉语分析语:句子以意役形,以神统法,用语序及虚词来表达语法关系。―语法是软性的,富有灵性‖。属于‗人治―语言。

如:画饼充饥 ,添砖加瓦,危在旦夕,


2.1 Binary Oppositions between English & Chinese 英语:法治,刚性,显性,语法型,主体性,聚焦型 借助:倒装,形式主语和宾语,主从复合句等。 There goes the bell.It’s interesting to talk with you.2.2 汉语:人治,柔性,隐性,语用型,平面性,流散型 ―晒太阳,闯红灯,生怕,生米煮成了熟饭‖。 那个拐弯处发生过多起车祸。 好像写作课你上过。

3.汉语属于汉藏语系,英语属于印欧语系。 印欧语言重形合(hypotaxis) ,语句各成分的相互结合常用适当的连接词语或各种语言连接手段,以表示其结构关系。

汉语重意合(parataxis) ,句中各成分之间或句子之间的结合多依靠语义的贯通,少用连接语,所以句法结构形式短小精悍。

Hypotaxis and parataxis are the performance of the language law.The so-called hypotaxis refers to the realization of the connection of the words or phrases, with the help of language forms.The so-called parataxis refers to the realization of the connection of them without the help of the language form but the semantic connection of the words or phrases The former one focus on the language cohesion in form, the latter focus on the significance of the vocabulary.―…so far as English and Chinese are concerned, the most important difference linguistically is the contrast between hypotaxis and parataxis.‖

--- E.A.Nida ―形合‖ (syntactic connection)和―意合‖ (semantic connection)‖是已故语言学家王力先生所译。

A.分析型的语言语序相对稳定,综合型的语言语序相对灵活P26 。

eg.a very important question

a question of great importantce


I gave him a book.I gave a book to him.

我给了他一本书。 我给了一本书他。 1) 好好学习,天天向上。

Study hard, make progre every day.Study hard, and make progre every day.If one studies hard, he will make progre every day.

5 2) 他不来,我不走。

He doesn’t come, I won’t go.I won’t go unle he comes.I’ll stay until he comes.More examples 3) 去了也白去。

Even if you go there, there won’t be any result.4) 天气寒冷,河水都结了冰。

It was so cold that the river froze.5) 跑得了和尚跑不了庙。

The monk may run away, but the temple can not run away with them.B.英语形态变化表现在:性、数、格、时、体、语气。有了这些变化,一个词常常可以表达几种语法意义。

1)Thus encouraged, they made a still bolder plan for the next year.2) I regret not having taken her adivice 汉语通过借助词语,安排语序,隐含意义或其他办法表达语法意义。 3) 他被剥夺了权利之后,只好离职,流落他乡。

He had to quit the position and went in exile, having been deprived of his power. 汉语的定语一般在名词的前面, 英语的定语很多时候放在后面。 4) 一个可辩论的问题

a debatable subject

a subject which can be debated 5) 以空前的速度

at an unecpected speed at a speed unexpected

C.导致灵活语序的–connectives,还有非谓语形式:不定式、现在分词、过去分词; 介词短语及其他的独立成分。

Connectives (联系用语); Relative pronoun (关系代词);Relative adverb(关系副词) Coordinator(并列连接词); Subordinator (从属连接词);Relative Pronoun (who, whom, which, that, what); Relative Adverb (when, where, why, how)

and, or, but, both „ and „, either „ or „, neither „ nor „, not only „ but also „, so that, as well as, rather than, when/ as/ while/ every time/ as soon as/ directly/ / no sooner……where/ wherever/ where„there...

because of/ as a result of/ for the reason that/ for fear that/ seeing that/ considering/ given that/ as a result/ with the result that/ for this reason/ hence/ so that„



1) This is the reason why he is leaving so soon.这就是他匆匆离去的理由。

2) Do you know the way how they solved the problems? 你知道他是怎样解决这个问题的吗?

3) question discued; 讨论过的问题 question to be discued有待讨论的问题

汉语一般不习惯太长的句式,行文多用竹竿节一般的短句,语义信息按照一定的规 6 律编成竹竿节,再沿竹竿向前行走。这就决定了汉语的行文安排不如英语那样自由灵活。P34 (定语翻译)再说也不存在非限定动詞;汉语句子中的语法主要由词序来决定;词序的安排主要取决于动词在句子里的分配位置。

Eg.她心地善良,为人乐观,性情温柔,待人和蔼,心地宽阔(都是偏正关系)。 D..汉语词的语调常常表示一定的字义变化 汉语也有许多助词, 如动态助词:―着‖、―了‖、―过‖;结构助词:―吗‖、―呢‖、―吧‖、―啊‖、―嘛‖、―呀‖、―啦‖,有些表示语气, 有些左右结构( P41-42) 1) 今天不会下雨吧(了、吗)!(推测) 2)她来了(啦)!(语气) 3)多好的天气呀! (感叹) Examples Analysis 1) 这些问题已经(被)解决了。 昨天他很早(就)起床(了)。 2) These problem have been solved. 3) Yesterday he got up very early.E.英语语调

P45 英语的语音表意手段主要是语调和重音。 You may not go.

You may not go .You said he would come.

You said he would come.总结:

从形态上来说,英汉语存在哪些异同? 举例说明。(参考P34-48) 汉语的声调起什么作用? 英语的语调起什么作用?



Rigid vs.Supple P51

目 的 要 求

了解英语的刚性体现在什么地方;汉语的柔性体现在什么地方 作

对比分析英汉语句式有哪些的差异。 A.英语的刚性: 有严谨的主谓结构. Np+Vp English is confined to morphology and grammar.So it is rigid.


The meeting has begun.

Has the meeting begun ? 基本句型:There + be + 主语 There wasn‘t a meeting yesterday.There comes a bus .

基本句型(2)及其变式:svp We are students .Doesn‘t it sound interesting? 基本句型(3)及其变式:svo Labor created man.

Man was created by labor.

7 基本句型(4)及其变式:svoO She gave me a present. She gave a present to me.

基本句型(5)及其变式:svoC We called him Lao Li .The change made it impoible to to see what would happen later on.

Every language has its peculiarities; they are established by usuage, and whether(they are)right or wrong, they must be complied with.(svo) The greatest truths are the simplest, so are the greastest men.(svp) Neither could theory do without practice, nor(could)practice(do)without theory.(sv) The English sentences must have a subject and a predicate (= substance and attributes).This structure leads itself to the concept of the law of identity , which is the basis of Aristotelian logic.(P56) B.英语句子结构完整,结构形式规范;简繁交替,长短交错,许多聚集句子的手段使形式不致流散。

语法一致;The girl had her lunch at school.意义一致; Two thousand dollars is more than he can afford.

Sent to zoos in Tokyo and other cities, the pandas are reported to have settled down very well. 就近原则;

Neither you, nor I, nor anyone else knows the answer.In comparison with other languages, English can be claified as masculine.It is a language caring le for finery and elegance, but more for logical consistency(sytax)and is opposed to any attempt to narrow-in by regulations and strict rules either of grammar or of lexicon . 词组、从句或句型结构的运用可以导致这些基本句型的千变万化。P52-55 不管英句型如何变化,都可以从其结构形式中找出一定规律。S=NP+VP 句与句之间要保持人称、数、性和意义方面的协调一致。P56 C.汉语的柔性Supple 汉语句子的主语形式多样化,可有可无。

主语既可以是施事行为;也可以是受事 行为;表主体的既可以是时间、地点,也可以用形容词、数量词等。 一切皆在若隐若现中。


1) 文章翻译完了。

The article has been translated.2) 到处都在搞建设。

Construction has been carried out everywhere.3) 现在正下着毛毛雨。

It‘s drizzling at the moment.

4) 累得我站不起来了。

I‘m so exhausted that I can‘t stand up. 5) 如今没奈何,把你雇在隔壁人家放牛。

There is no way out but to set you to look for our neighbor‘s buffalo.

中国人习惯把他心中认为最重要的一个词提出来做句子的主语,然后把其余部分按原来( ―自然‖)的次序说出来做句子的谓语。---吕叔湘(1979)

Without the law of identity in logic or the concept of substance in philosophy, there could

8 be no idea of causality or science.Instead, the Chinese develop correlational logic, analogical thought, and relational thinking , which though inappropriate to science, are highly useful in sociopolitical theory.P60

The grammatical meaning of subject and predicte in a Chinese sentence is topic and comment, rather than actor and action...Not obligatory from a grammatical standpoint, the sentence starts with context and topic rather than jumping immediately to a subject as it is frenquently the case in English.D.汉语重意合,以功能意义为主。

按照表意功能及表达形式,汉语大体可以分为七大类: 话题句1.topic +comment 开车她没有经验。 一辆摩托车坐三人。

She is inexperienced in driving. Three people rode on the motorcycle.主谓句 2.(Np) 1)有无句: 他有热情、有朝气。 2)描写句:这部小车很新。 3)说明句:今天星期天。

4)施事句:雨水促使杂草生长。 She is paionate and energetic. The car is brand-new. It is Sunday today.

The rain stimulates the growth of the weeds.

复句表:并列、转折、假设、条件、因果、让步 关系句3. 也就是复句


The problem will be easy to solve if properly handled.鸡蛋未孵,勿先数蛋。

Don‘t count your chickens before they are hatched.紧缩句4.形式上的单句,实际上的复句

不进则退。He who doesn‘t advance falls backward.无事不登三宝殿。

I won‘t come to you if I hadn‘t something to ask of you.存现句5:表示人或事物的存在和消失。


There is a stretch of rice fields ahead.还有许多工作要做。

Much remains to be done.呼叹句 6:

看她多精神!Look how energetic she is! 是呀,她车开的真好!

Yes, she is an excellent drive! 祈使句 7:

不要总以为自己是对的。Don‘t think you‘re always right.

别管我,救火要紧! Don‘t care about me! Put out the fire first! 以上是根据表意功能和表达形式进行的大致分类。


9 Chinese is featured with flexibility of gramatical function.The understanding of it depends on the connotation of words, context,word order, feeling, communicational purpose...Chinese doesn‘t belong to S-V concord ,like English, and is lack of logic, full of illogical expreions.So it‘s very hard to understand and explain from the angle of English logic sense.But it is in conformity with its culture, social psychology and tradition, so it is arbitrary.No language is logic in every respect.—Jesperson(1956)

For example: 晒太阳;烤火;吃食堂;住四人;住旅馆;救火;打扫卫生;养病;恢复疲劳...P63 语言是一种社会现象,也是一种心理现象,是人类用来思维的工具。未必如实反映客观事物。

思考:以下词语组合表达一种什么意境或文化心理? 自行车、自来水、马路、火车、吃公款,吃官司 F. 英语也有―非逻辑‖的表达方式吗?

Sweetmeat( 蜜饯),

boxing rings( 拳击台 ), pineapple( 菠萝 ); quick sand ( 流沙

); look out (当心)...

Stars are out vs.Lights are out.Drive on a parkway . a wise man \\ a wise guy G.歧义的产生:脱离语境容易产生歧义。

汉语是儒、道、佛的哲学;偏重意会,不拘于形式,因而表达和理解要靠语境、悟性合―约定俗成‖。P65 男: 你还没有给(书)我呢。 女:给你了, 我给你了。 男: 没有, 你没有给我。

女: 我给你了, 我全都给你了。 请翻译

P65 1) 烤羊肉

2) 两个乡干部 3) 鸡不吃了。 4) 神秘的少女的心 5) 准备了两年的食物 6) 找到了孩子的妈妈 7) 我差一点没跟他结婚。

英语受约于变化规则,因模棱两可的修饰关系而产生歧义。请翻译: 1)John saw Mary with the binoculars. 2) All of the arrows didn‘t hit the target.3) He love the dog more than his wife.

4) I knew that you had seen him before I met you.

East Asian languages are highly ―contexual‖, because words typically have multiple meanings.While Americans attempt to decontextualize their language.They make it independent of verbal context.H. 中国话、中国语法:流泻铺排的女性特征

汉语句式中富含有完全句与不完全句,大句和小句混合交错,似句似段,若断若连,组成流水句。因表意需要而变通,词语的分合伸缩比较灵活,一切以双方意会为依据。 10 P67-69 1) 字典来了, 赶快去买吧!

2) 好不容易才说服她照我的想法办。 3) 酒不醉人人自醉。 作业:

思考: 英语或汉语中的歧义句产生的原因?










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