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The Figure of Speech in the Cro-talk and Short Sketch

The figure of speech can be seen everywhere in our daily life----in the literary works, in the music, even in the spoken English.Now, we are going to discu one of the literary works----the figure of speech of applying in the Cro-talk and Short Sketch full of Chinese characteristics.Below I will show some examples about that.Example 1: simile and metaphor

In the Short Sketch \"yesterday, today and tomorrow\", Heitu shows off his handsome, then Baiyun said:


And heitu refuted:“这叫鞋拔子脸那?这是正宗的猪腰子脸!”

This just made the audience burst into laughters.They use“鞋拔子”and “猪腰子”described the feature vividly and lively, achieving the funny result in a particular way.

Example 2:personification

Personification Personification is a figure of speech where a composer has given human qualities to an object or animal.Sometimes in the Short Sketch, the effect will be very good when the actor uses this figure of speech mixing with the expreion.

In the \"planning\", Niuqun wants Heitu to describe how\'s the rooster\'s condition before it lays the eggs.Heitu said:

“当时这个鸡心里特别矛盾„„大公鸡怎么看?鸭子怎么看?大鹅怎么看?” And Baiyun said:“它坚定了自己的信念,下自己的蛋,让别人说去吧!”

H and B uses the personification describing an image of a lovely Rooster who is full of contradiction expreions in his heart.

Example 3: Hyperbole

A statement surpaing the fact is hyperbole, which is a common figure of speech used in the Cro-talk and Short Sketch.Such as the Stand up comedy \"the universe cigarette\"acted by Maji in 1984, his word “宇宙牌香烟誉满全球”skillfully used hyperbole to satirize the mendacious advertisement, achieving the uproarious effect.He also said in the advertising“宇宙香烟打入您的生活,成为您生活三大要素之首!你不抽我这宇宙香烟就没有幸福美满的家庭!你不抽我这宇宙香烟,年轻人就搞不上对象!你不抽我宇宙香烟,学生考不上大学!”,which fully satirized those random propagandist face.So we can see that the figure of speech not only can entertain people, it also has the effect of exposing social problems.Example 4: Allusion

In the Short Sketch “说事儿”, Baiyun said\"\"女人,下手就该对自己狠点\"quoting the advertisement \"男人,就应该对自己狠点\", which made the old woman\'s image more interesting.

Example 5: Pun

Pun has a lot of advantages, such as wit and humor, novelty and vividne.It produces a particularly rhetorical and pragmatic effect when people use it.In the Zhao Benshan\'s works, pun is the general manifestation mode.1.\"秋波,就是秋天的菠菜\"(《昨天•今天•明天》),\"猫步,就是猫在散步\"(《红高粱模特队》),and describing the president of France \"戴高乐\" \"大总统给他

戴高帽他也乐啊\"(《过年》,the name of nashery \"麦当劳\" of \"麦当娜的妹妹\"

(《钟点工》),\"专机\" of \"拉砖的拖拉机\"(《小崔说事儿》)

In all these examples, Zhao utilizes the paronomasia, producing a lot of wit and humor.He distorts the proper noun on purpose, vividly showing an ignorant but artle peasant image.That constructs a humorous atmosphere.

2.Another example about pun, in \"Planning\", Heitu said the rooster laid the egg in the doghouse(狗窝), and then the fowls and animals throughout the village all knew this.The reason was that it was found by dog packs(“被狗仔队发现的”).This using of pun undoubtedly satirized the all-pervasive characteristic of the recreation reporters( dog packs) and pointed that the right of privacy should be improved.

Example 6: Parody

1.\"yesterday, today and tomorrow\"



These two dialogues all use parody.①\"老母\" versus \"老公\", ②\"月子\" and \"日子\".These parody manifestation mode are transformation of the

common word, building a humorous and wit peasant character, creating a relaxing atmosphere and drawing the audiences\' attention.

2.\"yesterday,today and tomorrow\"



赵:“剪完了就得禽流感了,死了一万多只鸡,人送她一个外号‘一剪没’。” In this dialogue, Zhao imitates the famous song \"一剪梅\" to \"一剪没\", which also can be seen as pun.And \"一剪没\" creates strong artistic effect.

Example 7: Irony






\"谦虚\" should be Commendatory term, but here the actors use it to expre a negative meaning.The negative use of the positive word enhances the irony effect.

Example 8: Transferred epithet

Transferred epithet is to describe something using some other things which have nothing to do with it.

In \"Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow\", Song said :\"两颗洁白的门牙也光荣地下岗了。\" Here she putting the \"门牙\" and \"下岗\" together, though a little neither fish nor fowl, reasonable yet, properly and vividly described the situation of the teeth.

朱红玉09331001 2012.06.14










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