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select sname NAME,\'year of birth:\' BIRTH,2004-sage BIRTHDAY,LOWER(sdept) DEPARTMENT FROM student; (2)有条件单表查询

SELECT sname,sdept,sage FROM student WHERE sage NOT BETWEEN 20 AND 23; (3)单表嵌套(一层)查询

SELECT sno,sname,sdept FROM student WHERE sdept IN(SELECT sdept FROM student WHERE sname=\'刘晨\'); (4)复合条件多表查询

SELECT student.sno,sname,cname,grade FROM student ,sc,course WHERE student.sno=sc.sno AND sc.cno=course.cno; (5)使用COUNT()的单表查询 SELECT COUNT(*) FROM student; (6)使用AVG()的单表查询

SELECT AVG(grade) \'平均成绩\' from SC where CNO=\'1\'; (7)查询结果分组

SELECT cno,COUNT(sno) \'人数\' FROM sc GROUP BY cno; (8)查询结果排序

SELECT * FROM student ORDER BY sdept,sage DESC; (9)使用通配符的查询

SELECT sname,sno,ex FROM student WHERE sname NOT LIKE\'刘%\'; (10)使用换码字符的单表查询

SELECT cno,ccredit FROM course WHERE cname LIKE \'DB\\_Design\'ESCAPE\'\\\'; (11)插入单个元组 插入一个新学生元组

Insert into student (sno,sname,ex,sdept,sage) values (\'200215128\',\'陈冬\',\'男\',\'IS\',18) (12)插入子查询结果

对每一个系,求学生平均年龄,并把结果存入数据库 Create table dept_age(sdept char(15),avg_age int) Insert into dept_age(sdept,avg_age) select sdept,avg(sage) from student group by sdept (13)修改某个元组的值


Update student set sage=’22’ where sno=’200215121’ (14)修改多个元组的值 将所有学生的年龄增加一岁 Update student set sage=sage+1 (15)删除一个元组的值 删除学号为200215128的学生记录

delete from student where sno=\'200215128\' (16)建立视图 建立信息系学生的视图

create view is_student as select sno,sname,sage from student where sdept=\'IS\' ×(17)查询视图


Select is_student.sno,sname from is_student,sc where is_student.sno=sc.sno and sc.cno=’1’ ×(18)更新视图

将信息系学生视图is_student中学号为95001的学生姓名改为李楠 update is_student set sname=\'李楠\' where sno=\'95002\' 将下列问题用SQL命令表示:


SELECT sno,sname,ex FROM student WHERE sdept=\'IS\'; 2.查询‘IS’系年龄在20岁以下的学生。

SELECT * FROM student WHERE sdept=\'IS\'AND sage

SELECT sname,sno,ex FROM student WHERE sname NOT LIKE\'刘%\'; 4.查询student表中学生的总人数。

SELECT COUNT(*) \'总人数\' FROM student; 5.查询和‘李勇’同性别的所有同学的姓名。

SELECT sname from student where ex in(select ex from student where sname=\'李勇\'); 6.查询和‘李勇’同性别并同系的所有同学的姓名。

Select sname from student where ex in (select ex from student where sname=\'李勇\') and sdept in (select sdept from student where sname=\'李勇\') 7.查询选修2号课程的学生的学号。 Select sno from sc where cno=\'2\' 8.求3号课程的平均成绩。

Select avg(grade) from sc where cno=’3’ 9.查询选修2号课程的学生的最高分。 Select max(grade) from sc where cno=’2’


Select sname,grade from student,sc where sdept=\'IS\' and cno=\'2\' and student.sno=sc.sno order by grade desc SQL查询分析器下建数据库的命令代码: create database 霍双双200826352 on(name=\'霍双双200826352_data\',filename=\'E:\\







双双200826352_data.mdf\',size=10mb,maxsize=50mb,filegrowth=10%) log on(name=\'霍双双200826352_log\',filename=\'E:\\200826352_log.ldf\',size=10mb,maxsize=50mb,filegrowth=10%) 在查询分析器重建立各表的命令代码: 建立student表:

create table student (sno char(5) primary key,sname char(20),ex char(2),sage int,sdept char(15)) 建立course表:

create table course (cno char(2)primary key,cname char(15),cpno char(2),ccredit int) 建立cs表:

use 霍双双200826352 create table sc (sno char(5),cno char(2),grade smallint,primary key(sno,cno),foreign key(sno)references student(sno),foreign key(cno)references course(cno)) 实验二

T-SQL查询、存储过程、触发器、完整性上机作业题 第一部分 :T-SQL程序设计

(1).如果3号课程的平均成绩在80分以上,则输出“3号课程成绩良好”,否则输出“3号成绩一般” declare @avg float set @avg=(select avg(grade)from sc where cno=\'3\')if @avg>80print\'3号课程成绩良好\'else print\'3号成绩一般\' (2)计算并输出95003号学生的平均成绩,若无该生信息,则显示“该生未选课”,提示信息.declare @avg float if(select count(*)from sc where sno=\'95003\')=0 print \'该生未选课\' else begin select @avg=avg(grade)from sc where sno=\'95003\' print\'95003号学生平均成绩\' print @avg end (3).如果有成绩在90分以上的学生,则显示他的学号,课程和成绩,否则显示“没有学生的课程成绩在90分以上”提示信息

declare @text char(10) if exists(select grade from SC where grade>90)select Sno,Cno,Grade from SC where Grade>90 else begin set @text=\'没有学生的课程成绩在90分以上\' print @text end ×(4).利用游标逐行显示student表中的记录。

declare stu cursor for select *from student open stu fetch next from stu while @@fetch_status=0 fetch next from stu close stu deallocate stu (5).用自定义函数计算全体男生的平均年龄

create function avg_age(@sex char(2)) returns int as begin declare @aver int select @aver=(select avg(Sage) from Student where Ssex=@sex )return @aver end go declare @aver1 int,@sex char(2) set @sex=\'男\' select @aver1=dbo.avg_age(@sex) select @aver1 as \'全体男生的平均年龄\' go (6).显示course表中课程名的前2个字符。 select substring(Cname,1,2) from Course (7).在一列中显示student中各元组的学号中的年级,列名显示为“年级”;另一列中显示学号中的学生序列号,列名显示为“序号”。

select substring(Sno,1,2) 年级,substring(Sno,3,len(Sno)-1) 序号 from Student order by Sno (8).在选课表中显示学号、课程号,并根据成绩:0-59显示“不合格”;60-79显示“合格”;80-89显示“良好”;90-100显示“优秀。”

select Sno as \'学号\',Cno as \'课程号\', grade =case when Grade=60 and Grade=80 and Grade

(1) 创建一个为worker表添加职工记录的存储过程Addworker go

if exists(select name from sysobjects where name=\'Addworker\' and type=\'P\') drop procedure Addworker go create proc Addworker @职工号 char(4),@姓名 char(8),@性别 char(2),@出生日期 datetime,@党员否 char(2),@参加工作 datetime,@部门号 char(4) as insert into worker(职工号,姓名,性别,出生日期,党员否,参加工作,部门号)values(@职工号,@姓名,@性别,@出生日期,@党员否,@参加工作,@部门号) go exec Addworker \'16\',\'王璐\',\'女\',\'1988-11-20\',\'否\',\'2010-08-21\',\'11\' (2)创建一个存储过程Delworker删除worker表中指定职工号的记录 go

if exists(select name from sysobjects where name=\'Delworker\' and type=\'P\') drop procedure Delworker go create procedure Delworker @职工号 char(4) as delete from worker where 职工号=@职工号

go exec Delworker \'16\' (3)显示存储过程Delworker的定义信息。 Sp_helptext Delworker (4)删除存储过程Addworker和Delworker。 drop procedure Addworker, Delworker (5)创建并执行以下存储过程:

a.从数据库表中查询,返回学生学号、姓名、课程名、成绩 use 霍双双200826351 go if exists(select name from sysobjects where name=\'select_stu\' and type=\'P\') drop procedure select_stu go create procedure select_stu as select SC.Sno,Sname,Cname,Grade from Student,SC,Course where SC.Sno=Student.Sno and SC.Cno=Course.Cno go exec select_stu b.从数据库表中查询指定学号的学生学号,姓名,该存储过程接受与传递参数,精确匹配的值 use 霍双双200826351 go if exists(select name from sysobjects where name=\'select_sno\' and type=\'P\') drop procedure select_sno go create procedure select_sno @Sno char(5) as select Sno,Sname from Student where Sno=@Sno go exec select_sno \'95002\' ×第三部分:触发器

(1)在表depart上创建一个触发器 depart_update , 当更改部门号时同步更改 worker表中对应的部门号。 Go If exists(select name from sysobjects where name=\'depart_update\'and type=\'tr\') drop trigger depart_update go Create trigger depart_update on depart for update as set worker.部门号=(select 部门号 from inserted) where worker.部门号=(select 部门号from deleted) (2)在表worker上创建一个触发器worker_delete,当删除职工记录时同步删除salary表中对应的职工记录。 Go If exists(select name from sysobjects where name=\'worker_delete\'and type=\'tr\') drop trigger worker_delete go create trigger worker_delete on worker for delete as delete salary where salary.职工号=(select 职工号 from deleted) (3) 删除触发器depart_update (4) 删除触发器worker_delete (5)在数据库中创建一个触发器,向选课表添加一条纪录时,检查该纪录的学号在学生表中是否存在,检查该纪录的课程号在课程表中是否存在,若其中有一项为否,则拒绝添加操作,并显示“违反数据一致性”提示信息。 Go If exists(select name from sysobjects where name=\'add_student\'and type=\'tr\') drop trigger add_student go

create trigger add_student on sc for insert as go 第四部分:数据库完整性

1、实施worker表的“性别”字段默认值为“男”的约束 create default default_sex as \'男\' go sp_bindefault\'default_sex\',\'worker.性别\'

2、实施salary表的“工资”字段值在0~9999的约束、create rule salary_rule as @salary=\'[0~9999]\' go sp_bindrule \'salary_rule\',\'salary.工资\'



5、建立一个规则 sex:@性别=’男’OR @性别=’女’,将其绑定到worker表的“性别”列上。 Create rule sex as @性别=\'男\'OR @性别=\'女\' Go Sp_bindrule \'sex\',\'worker.性别\'















