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I am not unmindful that some of you have come here out of great trials and tribulations.Some of you have come fresh from narrow cells.Some of you have come from areas where your quest for freedom left you battered by the storms of persecution and staggered by the winds of police brutality.You have been the veterans of creative suffering.Continue to work with the faith that unearned suffering is redemptive. 我并非没有注意到你们有些人历尽艰难困苦来到这里。你们有些人刚刚走出狭小的牢房。有些人来自因追求自由而遭受迫-害风暴袭击和警-察暴虐狂飙摧残的地区。你们饱经风霜,历尽苦难。继续努力吧,要相信:无辜受苦终得拯救。 Go back to Miiippi, go back to Alabama, go back to Georgia, go back to Louisiana, go back to the slums and ghettos of our northern cities, knowing that somehow this situation can and will be changed.Let us not wallow in the valley of despair. 回到密西西比去吧;回到亚拉巴马去吧;回到南卡罗来纳去吧;回到佐治亚去吧;回到路易斯安那去吧;回到我们北方城市中的贫民窟和黑人居住区去吧。要知道,这种情况能够而且将会改变。我们切不要在绝望的深渊里沉沦。

I say to you today, my friends, that in spite of the difficulties and frustrations of the moment, I still have a dream.It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream. 朋友们,今天我要对你们说,尽管眼下困难重重,但我依然怀有一个梦。这个梦深深植根于美国梦之中。

I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: \"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal.\" 我梦想有一天,这个国家将会奋起,实现其立国信条的真谛:“我们认为这些真理不言而喻:人人生而平等。”

I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slaveowners will be able to sit down together at a table of brotherhood. 我梦想有一天,在佐治亚州的红色山岗上,昔日奴隶的儿子能够同昔日奴隶主的儿子同席而坐,亲如手足。

I have a dream that one day even the state of Miiippi, a desert state, sweltering with the heat of injustice and oppreion, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice. 【扩展阅读篇】

演讲稿又叫演说词,它是在大会上或其他公开场合发表个人的观点、见解和主张的文稿。演讲稿的好坏直接决 定了演讲的成功与失败。










一、针对性。演讲是一种社会活动,是用于公众场合的宣传形式。它为了以思想、感情、事例和理论来晓喻听众,打动听众,“征服”群众,必须要有现实的针对性。所谓针对性,首先是作者提出的问题是听众所关心的问题,评论和论辨要有雄辩的逻辑力量,要能为听众所接受并心悦诚服,这样,才能起到应有的社会效果;其次是要懂得听众有不同的对象 和不同的层次,而“公众场合”也有不同的类型,如党团集会、专业性会议、服务性俱乐部、学校、社会团体、宗教团体、各类竞赛场合,写作时要根据不同场合和不同对象,为听众设计不同的演讲内容。








第五、口语性 口语性是演讲稿区别于其他书面表达文章和会议文书的重要方面。书面性文章无需多说,其他会议文书如大会工作报告、领导讲话稿等,并不太讲究口语性,虽然由某一领导在台上宣读,但听众手中一般也有一份印制好的讲稿,一边听讲一边阅读,不会有什么听不明白的地方。演讲稿就不同了,它有较多的即兴发挥,不可能事先印好讲稿发给听众。为此,演讲稿必须讲究“上口”和“入耳”。所谓上口,就是讲起来通达流利。所谓入耳,就是听起来非常顺畅,没有什么语言障碍,不会发生曲解。具体要做到:

把长句改成适听的短句; 把倒装句改为常规句; 把听不明白的文言词语、成语加以改换或删去; 把单音节词换成双音节词; 把生僻的词换成常用的词; 把容易误听的词换成不易误听的词。

这样,才能保证讲起来朗朗上口,听起来清楚明白。 第








第五、“使人乐”演讲。这是一种以活跃气氛、调节情绪,使人快乐为主要功能的演讲,多以幽默、笑话或调侃为材料,一般常出现在喜庆的场合。这种演讲的事例很多,人们大都能听到。它的特点是材料幽默,语言诙谐。 篇2:名人经典演讲稿



mr.vice president,mr.speaker,members of the senate,and of the house of representatives:

yesterday,december 7th,1941--a date which will live in infamy--the united states of america was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the empire of japan. it will be recorded that the distance of hawaii from japan makes it obvious that the attack was deliberately planned many days or even weeks ago.during the intervening time,the japanese government has deliberately sought to deceive the united states by false statements and expreions of hope for continued peace. the attack yesterday on the hawaiian islands has caused severe damage to american naval and military forces.i regret to tell you that very many american lives have been lost.in addition,american ships have been reported torpedoed on the high seas between san francis co and honolulu yesterday,the japanese government also launched an attack against malaya.last night,japanese forces attacked hong kong. last night,japanese forces attacked guam. last night,japanese forces attacked the philippine islands. last night,the japanese attacked wake island. and thi--orning,the japanese attacked midway island. japan has,therefore,undertaken asurprise offensive extending throughout the pacific area.the facts of yesterday and today speak for themselves.the people of the united stateshave already formed their opinions and well understand the implications to the very life and safety of our nation. i believe that iinterpret the will of the congre and of the people when iaert that we will not only defend ourselves to the uttermost,but will make it very certain that this form of treachery shall never again endanger us. hostilities exist.there is no blinking at the fact that our people,our territory,and our interests are in grave danger. with confidence in our armed forces,with the unbounding determination of our people,we will gain the inevitable triumph--so help us god. i ask that the congre declare that since the unprovoked and dastardly attack by japan on sunday,december 7th,1941,a state of war has existed between the united states and the japanese empire. 副总统先生、议长先生、参众两院各位议员:








昨夜,日本人袭击了威克岛。 今晨,日本人袭击了中途岛。

因此,日本在整个太平洋地区采取了突然地攻势。发生在昨天和今天的事证实了这一点。美国的人民已经形成了自己的见解,并且十分清楚这关系到我们国家的安全和生存的本身。 作为三军总司令,我已指示,采取一切措施保卫我们的国家。




but,in alarger sense,we can not dedicate--we can not consecrate--we can not hallow--this ground.the brave men,living and dead,who struggled here,have consecrated it,far above our poor power to add or detract.the world will little note,nor long remember what we say here,but it can never forget what they did here.it is for us the living,rather,to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced.it is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us--that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion--that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain--that this nation,under god,shall have anew birth of freedom--and that government of the people,by the people,for the people,shall not perish from the earth. 八十七年之前,我们的祖先在这大陆上建立了一个国家,它孕育于自由,并且投身给一种理念,即所有人都是小时候起平等的。


可是,就更深一层意义而言,我们是无从奉献这片土地的--无从使它成为圣地--也不克不及把它变为许多人景仰之所。那些在这里战斗的猛士,活着的和死去的,已使这块土地神圣化了,远非我们的菲薄能力所能左右。世人会半大注意,更不会长久想的起来我们在此地所说的话,然而他们将永远忘不了这些人在这里所做的事。相反,我们活着的人应该投身于那些曾在此作战的许多人所英勇推动而尚未完成的事情。我们应该在此投身于我们面前所留存的伟大事情--由于他们的庆幸牺牲,我们要更坚定地致力于他们曾作最后全数贡献的阿谁事业--我们在此立志宣誓,不克不及让他们白白死去--要使这个国家在天主的保佑之下,获患上 新生的自由--要使那民有、民治、民享的政府不致从地球上消失。篇2:影响你一生的名人励志演讲

影响你一生的名人励志演讲(视频+mp3+演讲稿)--英语演讲专题 kira86 于2012-01-11发布 l 已有6383人浏览 我要评论( 0) | 英语专题 | 【字体:小大】 | 我要投稿




梦想与责任——巴拉克·奥巴马 (>>查看演讲视频及双语演讲稿)

and even when you’re struggling, even when you’re discouraged, and you feel like other people have given up on you, don’t ever give up on yourself, because when you give up on yourself, you give up on your country.即使当你苦苦挣扎、灰心丧气、感到其他人对你放弃时,也不要放弃自己,因为当你放弃自己时,你也抛弃了自己的国家。

must be strong 我们必须强大——威廉·杰斐逊·克林顿

the only thing we have to fear is fear itself 我们唯一害怕的是害怕本身——富兰克林·罗斯福(>>查看演讲音频及演讲稿中英对照)

the only thing we have to fear is fear itself — namele, ueasoning, unjustified terror, which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.我们唯一害怕的 是害怕本身——这种难以名状、失去理智和毫无道理的恐惧,把人转退为进所需的种种努力化为泡影。

i am prepared to die for an ideal 为理想我愿献出生命——纳尔逊·曼德拉 (>>查看演讲音频及演讲稿中英对照)

i have fought against white domination, and i have fought against black domination.i have cherished the ideal of a democratic and free society in which all persons live together in harmony with equal opportunities.it is an ideal which i hope to live for and to see realized.but if needs be, it is an ideal for which i am prepared to die. 我反对白人统治,也反对黑人统治。我珍视民主和自由社会的理想,在这个社会中,人人和睦相处,机会均等。我希望为这个理想而生,并希望能实现这个理想。但是如果需要,为理想我愿献出生命。

we choose to go to the moon (>>查看演讲视频及英文演讲稿)


the greater our knowledge increases, the greater our ignorance unfolds.我们学到的知识越多,认识到的无知就越多。

never tiring, never yielding, never finishing 永不疲惫,永不气馁,永不完竭——乔治·布什

never tiring, never yielding, neverfinishing, we renew that purpose today; to make our country more just and generous; to affirm the dignity of our lives and every life.永 不疲惫,永不气馁,永不完竭,今天我们重树这样的目标:使我们的国家变得更加公正、更加慷慨,去体现我们每个人和所有人生命的尊严。


i have a dream (>>查看演讲音频及英文演讲稿)


let us not wallow in the valley of despair, i say to you today, my friends.and so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, i still have a dream.it is a dream deeply rooted in the american dream.朋友们,今天我要对你们说,千万不要沉沦在绝望的深谷里。尽管眼下困难重重,但我依然怀有一个梦想。这个梦想深深植根于美国梦之中。

i quit, but i will continue the fight 我放弃了,但我会继续战斗——希拉里·克林顿

on the day we live in an america where no child, no man, and no woman is without health insurance, we will live in a stronger america.that’s why we need to help elect barack obama our president.当我们有朝一日居住在一个让每个孩子、每个男人、每个女人都享有医疗保障的美国时,我们便拥有了一个更强大的美国。这就是为什么我们要帮助巴拉克·奥巴马竞选总统职位。

building the foundations for succe 为成功做好准备——安妮·德·萨里斯

knowing who we are and being confident enough to do what matters to us — that’s what counts.了解自己,满怀自信,做好我们认为重要的事情,这才是最重要的。

let’s elect barack obama president of usa 让我们选举巴拉克·奥巴马为美利坚合众国总统——米歇尔·奥巴马


unleashing your creativity (>>查看演讲稿中英文对照)


and i believe that through our natural inventivene, creativity and willingne to solve tough problems, were going to make some amazing achievements in all these areas in my lifetime.我相信,凭借人类与生俱来的发明创造能力和不畏艰难、坚韧不拔


grab your dreams when it shows up 当梦想来临时抓住它——拉里·佩奇

overall, i know it seems like the world is crumbling out there, but it is actually a great time in your life to get a little crazy, follow your curiosity, and be ambitious about it.dont give up on your dreams.the world needs you all!总而言之,我知道这个世界看起来已支离破碎,但这确实是你们人生中一个伟大的时代,你们可以疯狂一点,追随你们的好奇心,积极进取。不要放弃梦想。世界需要你们。

we are what we choose (>>查看演讲稿视频及双语演讲稿)


cleverne is a gift, kindne is a choice.gifts are easy — theyre given after all.choices can be hard.you can seduce yourself with your gifts if youre not careful, and if you do, itll probably be to the detriment of your choices.聪明是一种天赋,而善良是 一种选择。天赋得来很容易——毕竟它们与生俱来。而选择却颇为艰难。如果一不

小心, 你可能被天赋所诱惑,这可能会损害到你做出的选择。


the spirit of man 人类的精神——威廉·福克纳

tribute to diana (>>查看英文演讲稿)



follow your bli, follow your heart(>>查看演讲音频及英文演讲稿) 追随你的幸福,倾听你的心声——安德森·库珀

but it actually was the best thing that ever happened to me.i decided that if no one would give me a chance, i’d have to take a chance, and if no one would give me an opportunity, i would have to create my own opportunity.但这次失败却成了我人生中最有价值的经历。我下定决心,如果没人给我机会,我就自己寻找机会;如果没人给我机会,我就自己创造机会。

娱乐名人failure is an option, but fear is not(>>查看演讲视频及演讲稿中英双语对照)


so, thats the thought i would leave you with, is that in whatever youre doing, failure is an option, but fear is not. 所以,这是我想给你的想法,不管你做什么,失败是 一个选项,但畏惧不是。

feelings, failure and finding happine (点我去查看奥普拉演讲视频和双语演讲稿) 感觉、失败及寻找幸福——奥普拉·温弗瑞

——美国著名电视节目主持人奥普拉·温弗瑞2008年在斯坦福大学毕业典礼上发表的演讲 外国名人的演讲稿

asking the devotees of civil rights, when will you be satisfied? we can never be satisfied as long as our bodies, heavy with the fatigue of travel, cannot gain lodging in the motels of the highways and the hotels of the cities.we cannot be satisfied as long as the negros basic mobility is from a smaller ghetto to a larger one.we can never be satisfied as long as a negro in miiippi cannot vote and a negro in new york believes he has nothing for which to vote.no, no, we are not satisfied, and we will not be satisfied until justice rolls down like waters and righteousnelike a mighty stream.


but there is something that i must say to my people who stand on the warm threshold which leads into the palace of justice.in the proceof gaining our rightful place we must not be guilty of wrongful deeds.let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterneand hatred. 但是,对于站在通向正义之宫艰险门槛上的人们,有一些话我必须要说。在我们争取合法地位的过程中,切不要错误行事导致犯罪。我们切不要吞饮仇恨辛酸的苦酒,来解除对于自由的饮渴。

we must forever conduct our struggle on the high plane of dignity and discipline.篇3:名人演讲稿

Richard M.Nixon The Great Silent Majority delivered 3 November 1969 演讲者简介:理查德·米尔豪斯·尼克松(Richard Milhous Nixon,1913年1月9日-1994年4月22日),第36任美国副总统(1953年-1961年)与第37任美国总统(1969年-1974年)。尼克松是美国史上唯一当过两届总统与两届副总统的人,但也是唯一于在位期间,以辞职的方式离开总统职位的美国总统。演讲背景介绍:1969年,美国深陷越南战争的泥潭,为了应付国内国外的压力弄的焦头烂额。在越南,美军损兵折将,而在国内,反战运动风起云涌(看过《阿甘正传》的应该对反战运动的“盛况”有所认识)。越战这个烫手的山芋于是如同现在的伊拉克一般,成了食之无味而弃之可惜的鸡肋。当时的美国总统尼克松为了应对危局,在国内寻求广泛的人民的首肯,提出了“沉默的大多数”这个说法。



Good evening, my fellow Americans. 晚上好!亲爱的同胞们:

Tonight I want to talk to you on a subject of deep concern to all Americans and to many people in all parts of the world, the war in Vietnam.今晚,我想与各位探讨一个问题,这是所有美国人和全球无数人所深切关注的一个问题——越南战争。

I believe that one of the reasons for the deep division about Vietnam is that many Americans have lost confidence in what their Government has told them about our policy.The American people cannot and should not be asked to support a policy which involves the overriding iues of war and peace unle they know the truth about that policy. 我认为,在关于越南战争一事上,大家的观点出现了严重分歧的一个重要原因在于:很多美国民众对我们的政府所宣扬的政策已失去了信心。当前情况下,除非美国人民真正认清政策本质,否则不能也不应该被要求去支持涉及战争与和平等重大问题的政策。

Tonight, therefore, I would like to answer some of the questions that I know are on the minds of many of you listening to me. 所以,今晚,我想借此机会回答一些问题,一些萦绕在你们许多人脑海中的问题。

How and why did America get involved in Vietnam in the first place?How has this administration changed the policy of the previous Administration? What has really happened in the negotiations in Paris and on the battlefront in Vietnam? What choices do we have if we are to end the war? What are the prospects for peace? Now let me begin by describing the situation I found when I was inaugurated on January 20: The war had been going on for four years.Thirty-one thousand Americans had been killed in action.The training program for the South Vietnamese was beyond [behind] schedule.Five hundred and forty-thousand Americans were in Vietnam with no plans to reduce the number.No progre had been made at the negotiations in Paris and the United States had not put forth a comprehensive peace proposal. The war was causing deep division at home and criticism from many of our friends, as well as our enemies, abroad. In view of these circumstances, there were some who urged that I end the war at once by ordering the immediate withdrawal of all American forces.From a political standpoint, this would have been a popular and easy course to follow.After all, we became involved in the war while my predeceor was in office.I could blame the defeat, which would be the result of my action, on him -- and come out as the peacemaker.Some put it to me quite bluntly: This was the only way to avoid allowing Johnson’s war to become Nixon’s war. But I had a greater obligation than to think only of the years of my Administration, and of the next election.I had to think of the effect of my decision on the next generation, and on the future of peace and freedom in America, and in the world. Let us all understand that the question before us is not whether some Americans are for peace and some Americans are against peace.The question at iue is not whether Johnson’s war becomes Nixon’s war.The great question is: How can we win America’s peace? Well, let us turn now to the fundamental iue: Why and how did the United States become involved in Vietnam in the first place? Fifteen years ago North Vietnam, with the logistical support of Communist China and the Soviet Union, launched a campaign to impose a Communist government on South Vietnam by instigating and supporting a revolution.In response to the request of the Government of South Vietnam, President Eisenhower sent economic aid and military equipment to aist the people of South Vietnam in their efforts to prevent a Communist takeover.Seven years ago, President Kennedy sent 16,000 military personnel to Vietnam as combat advisers.Four years ago, President Johnson sent American combat forces to South Vietnam.Now many believe that President Johnson’s decision to send American combat forces to South Vietnam was wrong.And many others, I among them, have been strongly critical of the way the war has been conducted. But the question facing us today is: Now that we are in the war, what is the best way to end it? In January I could only conclude that the precipitate withdrawal of all American forces from Vietnam would be a disaster not only for South Vietnam but for the United States and for the cause of peace.For the South Vietnamese, our precipitate withdrawal would inevitably allow the Communists to repeat the maacres which followed their takeover in the North 15 years before.They then murdered more than 50,000 people and hundreds of thousands more died in slave labor camps. We saw a prelude of what would happen in South Vietnam when the Communists entered the city of Hue last year.During their brief rule there, there was a bloody reign of terror in which 3,000 civilians were clubbed, shot to death, and buried in ma graves. With the sudden collapse of our support, these atrocities at Hue would become the nightmare of the entire nation and particularly for the million-and-a half Catholic refugees who fled to South Vietnam when the Communists took over in the North.For the United States this first defeat in our nation’s history would result in a collapse of confidence in American leadership not only in Asia but throughout the world. Three American Presidents have recognized the great stakes involved in Vietnam and understood what had to be done. In 1963 President Kennedy with his characteristic eloquence and clarity said, \"We want to see a stable Government there,\" carrying on the [a] struggle to maintain its national independence.\" We believe strongly in that.We are not going to withdraw from that effort.In my opinion, for us to withdraw from that effort would mean a collapse not only of South Vietnam but Southeast Asia.So we’re going to stay there.\"President Eisenhower and President Johnson expreed the same conclusion during their terms of office. For the future of peace, precipitate withdrawal would be a disaster of immense magnitude.A nation cannot remain great if it betrays its allies and lets down its friends.Our defeat and humiliation in South Vietnam without question would promote recklene in the councils of those great powers who have not yet abandoned their goals of worlds conquest.This would spark violence wherever our commitments help maintain the peace -- in the Middle East, in Berlin, eventually even in the Western Hemisphere.Ultimately, this would cost more lives.It would not bring peace.It would bring more war. For these reasons I rejected the recommendation that I should end the war by immediately withdrawing all of our forces.I chose instead to change American policy on both the negotiating front and the battle front in order to end the war fought on many fronts.I initiated a pursuit for peace on many fronts.In a television speech on May 14, in a speech











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