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发布时间:2020-03-03 09:15:04 来源:范文大全 收藏本文 下载本文 手机版

Childhood children, in their hearts, there will always be a magnificent dream, and be always full of adventures in theirminds.They often have just little dreams, do just the little things, but in these small little things may show the greatest human emotions: love and trust, perseverance and adventure.

Carle,the little boy met Ellie by chance in an abandoned house because of a balloon.The little girl Ellie showed Carle her hand crafted \" My Adventure Book \" and told him her adventure dream of going to the Paradise Falls.Because of a common interest -

and adventure,they eventually met,acquaintance,love,

married,living a life with a positive attitude to achieve Ellie\'s dream.Although until Ellie left the world, their dream had not been able to achieve .

Love is Unending Legacy , regardle of whether you waited at the side of love.After the death of his wife, Ellie,Carle became withdrawn and,

when he learned that he and his wife\'s memory house was impoible to be hold,he thought of his wife failed to complete the adventure dream, so he decided to use a huge bunch of balloons to rise their house and began his and Ellie\'s dream -- Paradise Falls tour.Innocence will not disappear with age and even the heavy reality can not stop people realizing their dreams especially when there\'s love.The film characters in shaping, there is a kind of imperfect beauty : Carle, silent, unhurriedly, rigid and stubborn; Ruell lively and cheerful chatter.The bird Kevin is funny;the puppy Dug is simple and honest besides timid.These roles did ths may not be perfect: Ruell said that he was a \" senior Explorer \", but even he didn\'t know how to build a simple shelter; On the way, he always distracted to do other things,and tired only walked a few steps.While Carle only wanted to finish his wife\'s dream, abandoning Kevin, and he himself pulled the house to paradise falls.However,it is \'love\" that arouse these imperfect people\'s courages to save Kevin.Ruell alone broke into the spacecraft; Carle

saved the memories with his wife temporarily to rescue his partners ; the puppy Dugleft the evil master providing them help.In order to save Kevin returning back to the side of her baby birds,the four little guys all took out of their courage,to strive against the devil Charles Muntz.The entire film is no hero, but at the mean while everyone of them is the love and dare adventure hero.

At the end of the film, Carle thought that he had realized his wife\'s dream that the house had already been up of the Paradise Falls,and finally he had the courage to open Ellie\'s album, \"I want to do something that a,,, \" that page.To his surprise, her wife\'s dream was not to go toSouth America adventure, but to always be with him ,living a calm but happine life that was Ellie\'s most beautiful \" adventure \".At the moment,i have a strong feeling that eventhough couples may live a life simple without any exciting ,it is also moved to grow old together.In fact,all our lifes, are a kind of adventures, and this adventurous journey need love and trust, perseverance and courage.The dream of

the road, filled with legendary.Where there is life, there is love.










