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发布时间:2020-03-02 07:46:10 来源:范文大全 收藏本文 下载本文 手机版

a man is working hard to cut earth in a tunnel,he gives up halfway despite the fact that he is quite close to succe, leaving in depreion and frustration/feeling disappointed and frustrated.

•This picture reminds me of the fact that some people tend to give up when they

are very close to succe/The cartoon reminds me of the significance of persistence.As is vividly shown in the picture, with a bit more effort, the man would have seen those diamonds right in front of him.His story conveys the meage that it is persistence that counts most./that only when people stick to their goals and make succe is around the corner.

• As a student preparing for the entrance examinations, I am firmly convinced that

my efforts and persistence will finally pay off.Just like the man working hard to cut earth, I have been in my studies for many years, but I will never give up before I succeed.Therefore, I am determined to gather my courage to smooth away the difficulties in study just in preparation for the coming June! diamonds.Having worked hard for a long time in vain, he feels so disappointed and depreed that he gives up halfway despite the fact that he is quite close to succe.

This picture reminds me of the fact that some people tend to give up even when they are very close to succe.As is vividly shown in the picture, with one or two more attempts of cutting, the man would have seen those diamonds right in front of him.His story conveys the meage that we should believe in what we have chosen to do and never quit until we succeed.

As a student preparing for the entrance examinations, I should learn a leon from the man.Diamonds are to the man what the entrance examinations are to me.Just like the diamonds in the picture, succe is waiting for my last efforts.Now that I have been for so many years, I will never give up before I succeed.Therefore, I am determined to gather my courage to smooth away the difficulties in study just in preparation for the coming June!

在图片里,我们能看见一个人正忙着在隧道里挖土,希望找到钻石。努力了工作了很长时间后毫无结果,他感到如此的失望沮丧以至于尽管在他离成功很近的时候他中途放弃了。 diamonds.Having worked hard for a long time in vain, he feels so disappointed and depreed that he gives up halfway despite the fact that he is quite close to succe.


This picture reminds me of the fact that people tend to give up even when they are very close to succe.As is vividly shown in the picture, with one or two more attempts of cutting, the man would have seen those diamonds right in front of him.His story conveys the meage that we should believe in what we have chosen to do and never quit until we succeed.



As a student preparing for the entrance

examinations, I should learn a leon from the man.Diamonds are to the man what the entrance examinations are to me.Just like the diamonds in the picture, succe is waiting for give up before I succeed.Therefore, I am determined to gather my courage to smooth away the difficulties in study just in preparation for the coming June!

• Everyone in the world is eager to succeed, and everyone is trying his best to achieve


• As the picture shows, a thirsty crow is trying to drink water by putting small stones

into a bottle continuously, having realized that such little water in the bottle is beyond his reach.The picture reminds me of the fact that succe doesn’t lie in the future.Instead, succe consists in the accumulation of constant efforts from the very beginning.

• Personally, there is a lot we can learn from the picture.Water is to the crowwhat

succe is to us.Just like the accumulating stones in the picture, the accumulation of constant efforts contributes to succe.Once we make the decision, we are supposed to work hard persistently.Additionally, when faced with difficulties, we should think of a good way to solve the problems rather than lose heart.Only in this way can we accumulate our knowledge and experience in our daily life, thus achieving succe.

• Everyone in the world is eager to succeed, and everyone is trying his best to achieve


• As the picture shows, a thirsty crow is putting small stones into a bottle continuously

in order to drink water, since there is too little water in the bottle for it to drink directly.The picture reminds me of the fact that we can’t wait for succe to come by itself in the future.Instead, succe consists/lies in the accumulation of constant efforts from the very beginning.

• Personally, there is a lot we can learn from the picture.Water is to the crowwhat

succe is to us.Just like the accumulating stones in the picture, the accumulation of constant efforts contributes to succe.Once we make the decision, we are supposed to work hard persistently.Additionally, when faced with difficulties, we should think of a good way to solve the problems rather than lose heart.Only when we accumulate our knowledge, experience and skills in our daily life can we smooth away/overcome the difficulties in study, thus achieving succe.

• Everyone in the world is eager to succeed, and everyone is trying his best to achieve


• As the picture shows, a thirsty crow is putting small stones into a bottle continuously

in order to drink water, since there is too little water in the bottle for it to drink directly.The picture reminds me of the fact that we can’t wait for succe to come by itself in the future.Instead, succe consists/lies in the accumulation of constant efforts from the very beginning.

• Personally, there is a lot we can learn from the picture.Water is to the crowwhat

succe is to us.Just like the accumulating stones in the picture, the accumulation of constant efforts contributes to succe.Once we make the decision, we are supposed to work hard persistently.Additionally, when faced with difficulties, we should think of a good way to solve the problems rather than lose heart.Only when we accumulate our knowledge, experience and skills can we smooth away the difficulties in study, thus achieving succe.

• A is to B what C is to D










