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发布时间:2020-03-03 19:05:46 来源:范文大全 收藏本文 下载本文 手机版

Yesterday\'s riddle: Why do dogs bark?

Answer:They don\'t know how to talk.因为它们不会说话。 Yesterday\'s riddle: Why are grandpa\'s false teeth like stars?

Answer:They both come out at night.它们都是晚上才出来

Yesterday\'s riddle: What do every couple have in common?

Answer:They\'re married on the same day.他们是同一天结婚的

Why is a crow the bravest bird in the world?

 Because it never shows the white feather.(crow乌鸦没有白羽毛,但是show the white feather又是一个意为“胆怯”的成语。)

Iam something that has four legs and only one

foot,What am I?

The answer of yesterday\'s riddle is (29日的谜底是):

A bed.


The answer of yesterday\'s riddle is (28日的谜底是):

How can you make a slow horse fast?

Don\'t give him anything to eat for a while.


Why are your legs like cows? The answer of yesterday\'s riddle is (昨天的谜底是):

besause they have calves. calves:小牛;小腿; calf有小腿,小牛的意思,calves是calf的复数形式,当然就是your legs are like cows What do people do in a clock factory? The answer is: They make faces all day.

一看到make faces这个短语,你可千万别以为是在钟表厂工作的人整天都做鬼脸呀!因为除了这个意思以外,它还可以从字面上解释为制造钟面。

When is a house not on land nor on water?

The answer is :

When it\'s on fire.

当一所房子既不在陆地上,又不在水中的时候,它会在哪儿呢?它肯定不会在空中的,所以答案说它在火里。也就是它着火了。on fire的意思是“着火”。 I am something that can run but can\'t walk.What am I? Water.谜题里的run作“流、淌”解。The water is running.水在流动

Why is it that every man\'s trousers are too short? TOO SHORT 是"两个裤管"的同音?

When is a ship falling in love with someone? When it seeks a mate.mate即有"大副"的意思,又有"伴侣"的意思.你猜对了吗?

Why is the letter A like a flower? Because a \"B\" comes after it! 你答对了吗?

What nation is one that has come to an end? Termination(告终,结束).Termi-nation.此谜取后缀做谜题,nation即可理解为某个国家,也可以是某种后缀。你答对了吗? What fruit is never found singly? A pear(pair).你答对了吗?

Why don\'t you take the bus home? it\'s to big for me to take it home! 你猜对了吗

When do people have two mouth? When there\'s two of them 有两个人时! what two words have the most letters? Post Office.(原文中的letters是指“信”哦,而不是我们通常马上想到的“字母”,呵呵~~~)

What is heavier in summer than in winter?

Traffic to the beach.

去海滩的人流。(我们说交通拥挤用heavy来形容,所以夏天去海滩的人流会比冬天heavier~~ 你猜对了

If the green house is on the right side of the road,and the red house is on the left side of the road,where is the white house? The White House is In Washington,D. C.

I have a tree in my hand.What kind of tree is it?

The answer to yesterday\'s riddle:It’s a palm. 是你的手掌。

If you were given the choice of how to die,What manner of death would you choose? I would choose to die of old age.我愿意老死。

Yesterday\'s riddle:What\'s too much for one, just rignt for two, but nothing at all for three?

Answer:Secret Yesterday\'s riddle:What month do soldiers hate?

Answer:March 三月 /行军 (除了大写表示三月外还有参军,行军的意思) What has a soft bed but never sleeps, a big mouth but never speaks?river Why is the camel so easily angered?

谜底是:Because he always has his back up.这里has his back up既可以作"他的背竖得高高的"解,又可作"让别人惹生气了"解.这就是骆驼为什么很容易发怒的原因.爱动脑筋的你,答对了么?悬赏分即刻送出,请继续参与!

Why is your nose in the middle of your face?










