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生活大爆炸第四季 第一集 台词整理

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Howard: And now the Kung Pao Chicken.这是宫保鸡丁。 -Leonard: Ah, yeah.Wow.啊,好,哇。 -Raj: Smooth.厉害。

-Howard: And finally, my Moo Shu Pork.最后,是我的木须肉。 -Raj: Whoo-hoo! 哇塞! -Howard: Oh, there you have it, gentlemen.Our entire dinner unpacked by robot.好了,先生们,你们都看到了机器人已经把所有饭菜取出来了。 -Raj: And it only took 28 minutes.仅仅花了28分钟时间。 -Sheldon: Impreive, but we must be cautious.真不错啊,不过我们得小心点。 -Howard: Why? 为什么? -Sheldon: Today, it\'s a Chinese food retrieval robot.Tomorrow, it travels back in time and tries to kill Sarah Connor.今天,这是个中餐传递机器人,明天,它会及时地穿越时空,回去谋杀Sarah Connor(终结者外传女主人公)。

-Leonard: I don\'t think that\'s going to happen, Sheldon.Sheldon 我可不相信会发生这样的事情。

-Sheldon: No one ever does.That\'s why it happens.。没人相信所以才会发生啊。

-Penny: Hey.Is the food here? Ooh.What\'s that? 嘿,外卖都到了? 哇,那是什么? -Howard: That, dear lady, is the Wolowitz Programmable Hand, designed for extravehicular repairs on the International Space Station.专门为国际空间站的舱外维修而设计的。 -Penny: Ah, cool啊,酷。

-Howard: Ask me to pa the soy sauce.快让我帮你把酱油递过去。 -Penny: Oh, does that come up much on the space station? 呃,空间站上的人经常递酱油吗? -Howard: Mostly with Asian and Jewish astronauts.亚洲和犹太裔的宇航员经常需要。

-Penny: All right.Pa the soy sauce.好吧,把酱油递给我。

-Howard: Coming up.这就来。 -Leonard: So how\'s work? 工作顺利吗? -Penny: Oh, it\'s not bad.Kind of hungry.还不错啦,只是有点饿了。 -Leonard: Yeah, we all are.是的,我们都有点。 -Howard: Just wait.等一下就好。

heldon: You realize, Penny , that the technology that went into this arm will one day make unskilled food servers such as yourself obsolete.机器手类的高科技产品总有一天会让像你这种差劲的餐厅服务员失业。

-Penny: Really? 真的吗? They\'re going to make a robot that spits on your hamburger? 他们要做个能对着你的汉堡吐口水的机器人? -Sheldon: I thought you broke up with her.Why is she here? 我以为你们俩分手了,她还在这干什么? -Howard: Okay, here we go.Paing the soy sauce.Put out your hand.好了,来吧。递一下酱油。伸手。 -Penny: Oh! 啊! That\'s amazing.这太神奇了。

-Sheldon: I wouldn\'t say amazing.At best, it\'s a modest leap forward from the basic technology that gave us Country Bear Jamboree.要是我就不会说神奇,这科技顶多就是在迪士尼\"乡村熊俱乐部\"的简单编程上(70年代高仿真动画片) 推进了那么一步。 -Howard: Hey, Sheldon? -Sheldon: Yes? Peace? -Howard: No, not peace.Hang on.不,不是和平。等着

“Our whole universe was in a hot, dense state.“宇宙一度滚烫稠密,

Then nearly 14 billion years ago expansion started.Wait...140亿年前终于爆了炸,等着瞧...The earth began to cool地球开始降温,

The autotrophs began to drool, neanderthals developed tools autotrophs: 自养生物 drool: 从嘴淌下,散漫的说 neanderthals: 穴居人 tool: 工具

自养生物来起哄,穴居人发明工具。 We built the wall.We built the pyramids 我们建长城,我们建金字塔。

Math, science, history, unraveling the mystery.数学、自然科学、历史,揭开神秘。 That all started with a big bang.” 一切都开始于大爆炸。 Bang! 砰!”

-Penny: Does NASA know you\'re using that thing as a napkin holder? 国家航空宇航局知道你把那玩意当餐巾架用吗? -Howard: You kidding? They still think it\'s in a secure locker at JPL.JPL: 喷气推进实验室

开什么玩笑,他们还以为它乖乖待在喷气推进实验室的保险柜里呢。 -Penny: You stole it? 你偷来的? -Howard: Borrowed.The trick is to carry it out to your car like you own it.手法很简单,光明正大把它带上你的车,就跟你自己的似的。 -Sheldon: Excuse me.Oh.Amy\'s at the dry cleaners, and she\'s made a very amusing pun.Amy在干洗店呢,讲了个冷笑话。

\"I don\'t care for perchloroethylene, and I don\'t like glycol ether.\" 我既不喜欢全氯乙烯 ,也)不喜欢乙二醇醚\"。 Get it? 懂了吗? She doesn\'t like glycol ether.她不喜欢乙二醇醚,

Sounds like \"either.\" 听起来像是\"也\"(either和ether音似)。 L-O-L.哈哈。

-Penny: Who\'s Amy? Amy是谁? -Leonard: His girlfriend.他女朋友。

-Penny: Sheldon has a girlfriend? Sheldon有女朋友了? -Sheldon: She\'s not my girlfriend.她不是我女朋友。 -Penny: How long has this been going on? 这事有多久了? -Leonard: Four months.4个月。

-Sheldon: She\'s not my girlfriend.她不是我女朋友。

-Penny: Are you telling me, for the past four months I have been asking you, \"What\'s new?\" and you never thought to go with, Sheldon has a girlfriend? 你是说,过去的四个月里头,我每次问你\"最近有什么新鲜事?\" 你都从来没想过要告诉我,Sheldon有女朋友了? -Sheldon: She\'s not my girlfriend.她不是我女朋友。

-Penny: Ah...d-d-d-d...How did they meet? 啊...他...他...他...他俩怎么认识的? -Howard: Raj and I entered Sheldon\'s information on a dating site, and it spit out Amy Farrah Fowler.我和Raj帮Sheldon在一个交友网站上填了资料,然后就蹦出个Amy Farrah Fowler。 -Penny: Oh, my God! Sheldon and Amy.哇,天哪! Sheldon和Amy。 -Howard: Or, as we call them, \"Shamy.\" 或者,像我们叫的那样 \"Shamy\"(有\"丢脸\"之意)。 -Penny: Shamy.Shamy啊。

I am so digging the Shamy.我太喜欢这个说法了。

-Sheldon: All right, everyone pay attention.Yes, I have a friend named Amy Farrah Fowler.Yes, she is female.Yes, we communicate on a daily basis, but no, she is not my girlfriend.别说了,大家听着,没错,我有个朋友叫做Amy Farrah Fowler没错,她是个女的,没错,我们每天保持联系,但很可惜,她不是我女朋友。 -Penny: Okay, well, what do you communicate about? 好吧,那么,你们每天都聊些什么? -Sheldon: Well, my work in physics, her work in neurobiology, and most recently, the poibility of our having a child together.呃,我在物理学上的工作事宜啦,她在神经生物学上的工作事宜啦。 最近,聊的是我们俩会不会有个孩子。 -Penny: Thank you.谢谢。

-Leonard: Wait a minute...a child? You never see this girl.You just e-mail and text and Twitter.Now you\'re considering having a baby? 等会...孩子? 你从没见过这个女生,你们只是在发邮件,传短讯,聊微博。现在你们都已经考虑要孩子的事了? -Sheldon: Amy pointed out that between the two of us, our genetic material has the potential of producing the first in a line of intellectually superior, benign overlords to guide humanity to a brighter tomorrow.Amy提出,我们俩所具备的优异基因极有可能创造出史上最聪明绝顶、优秀贤明引领人类走向更美好明天的君主。

-Howard: I\'m gueing that future historians will condemn us for not taking this opportunity to kill Sheldon.我猜想将来的历史学家一定会强烈谴责我们没有好好把握住这个杀了Sheldon的机会。

-Penny: Okay, I have a question.好吧,我有个问题。 -Sheldon: Yes, Penny.Penny 什么问题? -Penny: You don\'t even like people touching you.How are you going to have sex? 你连别人碰你都受不了,你怎么能够做爱呢? -Sheldon: Why on Earth would we have sex? 我们为啥要做爱了? -Penny: Oh, honey, did your mom not have the talk with you? You know, when your private parts started growing? 就是,当你的私密处开始发育的时候? -Sheldon: I\'m quite aware of the way humans usually reproduce, which is mey, unsanitary, and based on living next to you for three years, involves loud and unneceary appeals to a deity.我对人类通常所采用的那种又混乱又不卫生的繁殖方式非常了解, 再加上和你做了三年邻居,听够了你一遍遍呼天喊地的叫床声。 -Penny: Oh, God.噢,天啊。

-Sheldon: Yes, exactly.Consequently, if Amy and I choose to bring new life into this world, it will be accomplished clinically, with fertility experts in a lab with Petri dishes.Which reminds me...you have broad hips and a certain corn-fed vigor.Is your womb available for rental? 没错,就是这声音。所以,如果Amy和我决定要生一个孩子的话,它会以临床方式,在生育学专家实验室的培养皿里诞生我突然想到...你的髋部宽大,体格健壮,你愿意租借你的子宫吗? -Leonard: Still digging the Shamy? 还喜欢Shamy这名字吗? -Penny: Look, Sheldon, before you race off to the fertility clinic, you might want to think about...uh, gee, I don\'t know...maybe actually spending some time with her.听着,Sheldon,在你去生育诊所之前你也许可以考虑一下...呃,啊,我也不知道怎么说...或许真正和她相处一段时间。 -Sheldon: You mean dating? 你是说约会? -Penny: yeah.是啊。

-Sheldon: I can\'t date Amy.我不能和Amy约会。 -Penny: Why not? 为什么不行?

-Sheldon: She\'s not my girlfriend.她又不是我的女朋友。 -Penny: Okay, look, don\'t think of it as dating a girlfriend.好吧,听着,不要想成是和女朋友约会。 Think of it as, uh...getting to know the future mother of your child 把它想象成是,呃...和你孩子未来的母亲认识一下。

-Sheldon: Oh.I hadn\'t considered that.I suppose she will have to have acce to our progeny.And you don\'t think I can achieve the required intimacy via text meaging? 噢。我以前都没想到过这件事。我觉得她可以和我们的孩子接触。 你不觉得我通过和她发短信就可以达到必要的亲密关系了吗? -Penny: Probably not.可能不行吧。

-Sheldon: Huh.It would appear as if the phone companies have been lying to me.哼,这样看起来,电话公司一直在欺骗我。

-Penny: You do realize I stand on the other side of the door waiting for you to finish knocking three times.你真聪明,知道我站在门的另一边等着你敲完三次。

-Sheldon: I know.I can see the shadow of your feet under the door.我当然知道,我从门底下看到你脚的影子了。 -Penny: Yeah, my point is it\'s a waste of time.是啊,但我想说的是,你那样做是浪费时间。

-Sheldon: If you\'re looking for an example of a waste of time, I would refer you to the conversation we\'re having right now.如果你想找个有关浪费时间的例子,我会告诉你我们现在的对话就是一个。 -Penny: What do you want? 你要干吗? -Sheldon: I\'ve decided to take your advice and have arranged to go on a date with Amy Farrah Fowler.我决定采纳你的建议,并且安排好了和Amy Farrah Fowler进行一次约会。

-Penny: Oh, that\'s great.Have fun.噢,那太好了。祝你约会愉快。

-Sheldon: Wait.You have to drive me.等等。你要开车送我过去。 -Penny: What?

-Sheldon: You know I don\'t drive.-Penny: Well, go ask Leonard.

-Sheldon: I did.He said...and I quote...\"Ask Penny.It was her cockamamy idea.\" 他说...以下是原话...\"去找Penny这是她出的蠢主意\"。

-Penny: Leonard said \"cockamamy\"? Leonard说了\"蠢主意\"? -Sheldon: Actually, I\'m paraphrasing.Having been raised in a Christian household, I\'m uncomfortable with the language he used.And to be honest, I\'m not entirely comfortable with \"cockamamy.\" 这是我意译的。我生长在一个基督徒家庭,所以不喜欢他使用的语句 老实说,愚蠢的这个词,我也不怎么喜欢。

-Penny: Okay, fine.When\'s the date? 好吧好吧,约会定在什么时候? -Sheldon: Hurry.We\'re going to be late.快点吧,我们要迟到了。 -Penny: Sheldon, did it ever occur to you that I might have other plans? Sheldon你难道没想过我可能有其他安排吗? -Sheldon: I\'m sorry.Do you have other plans?很抱歉,你有其他安排吗? -Penny: Well, no, not per se, but...嗯,没有,本质上没有,但是...-Sheldon: So this conversation is as pointle as your door-knocking soliloquy? 你不觉得我们现在的对话和你刚才谈敲门的那段话一样没有意义吗? -Penny: Let me get my...cockamamy keys.让我去拿...愚蠢的车钥匙。 -Howard: Oh, God, that feels so good.Yeah, that\'s the spot.Oh, baby.噢,天啊,这感觉太棒了。啊,就是这个地方。噢,宝贝。 -Woman: Howard, dinner\'s ready! Howard晚饭做好了

-Howard: I\'ll eat later.I\'m busy! Oh, yeah.Just like a real hand.Hmm.我过会儿再吃。我现在很忙。噢,耶。简直和人手没有两样嘛。嗯。 -Sheldon: Thank you for driving me.谢谢你开车送我。 -Penny: You\'re welcome.不用客气。

-Sheldon: I wish you weren\'t wearing flip-flops.It\'s dangerous to drive in flip-flops.我希望你没有穿拖鞋。穿拖鞋开车很危险。 -Penny: Sheldon.

-Sheldon: Sorry.I just don\'t want to be yet another flip-flop fatality.我只是不想成为另一个惨死于拖鞋事故的人。

-Penny: Can I ask you a question? 我可以问你一个问题吗? -Sheldon: Given your community college education, I encourage you to ask me as many as poible.鉴于你社区大学的教育背景,我鼓励你尽可能多问一点。

-Penny: Yeah.Well, my question is...and I\'m pretty sure I know the answer...is this your first date? 其实我对答案很清楚,这是你第一次约会吗? -Sheldon: That depends.Does square-dancing with my sister at a Teens for Jesus Fourth of July Hoedown count as a date? 看你怎么说了。独立日那天,我和妹妹在纪念耶稣的青少年舞会上跳方块舞(四队舞伴参与的民间舞蹈) 算是约会吗? -Penny: No.不算。

-Sheldon: Then, this is my first date.那这就是我第一次约会。 -Penny: Okay.Well, then, there\'s a couple of things you should probably know.嗯,那么,有些事你应该要知道。

-Sheldon: I have a master\'s degree and two doctorates.The things I should know, I do know.我有一个硕士学位,两个博士学位,那些我应该知道的事情,我都已经知道了。

-Penny: My point is, I know more about dating than you, and if you were as smart as you think you are, you would listen to me.我想说的是,约会这方面,我懂得比你多,如果你有你自己想得那么聪明的话,你就该听我说。

-Sheldon: If you know so much, how come I have a date tonight and you have nothing better to do than drive me to it? 如果你懂得那么多,为什么我今晚有个约会而你却无所事事,只落得开车送我去约会的下场? -Penny: Fair point.说得好。

-Raj: You know, there\'s something I\'ve always wondered about Aquaman.你知道吗,对于潜水侠我一直有些疑惑。 -Leonard: Yeah? 是吗?

-Raj: Where does he poop? 他在哪里大便呢? -Leonard: What? 什么? -Raj: What would a toilet look like in Atlantis? How would you flush it? And when you did flush it, where would the poop go? 亚特兰蒂斯岛(潜水侠的居住地)的厕所看起来会是什么样? 怎么冲厕所? 另外,冲了厕所后,粪便被冲到哪里了?

-Leonard: Hold that thought.Hey, Howard.What\'s going on? What...Hold on.Howard, Howard, slow down.The robot hand is stuck on your what? You\'re not going to believe this.你先想着。嘿,Howard,怎么了? 什么...等下,Howard Howard,慢点说,机器人的手卡在你哪里了? 你想不到发生了什么。

-Penny: So, um, Amy, Sheldon tells me you\'re a neuro...something-or-other.嗯,呃,Amy Sheldon告诉我你是个神经...什么的。 -Amy: Neurobiologist.Your \"check engine\" light is on.神经生物学家。你\"检查引擎\"的灯亮了。 -Penny: Yeah, it\'s okay.是的,没事的。 -Amy: But the light indicates...但那灯说明了...-Sheldon: Don\'t bother.I\'ve wasted many an hour tilting at that particular windmill.别费力气了。我浪费了好多时间试图纠正这一错误。 tilt at: 抨击 -Penny: Uh, what is that scent you\'re wearing? It smells great.呃,你擦了什么香水? 很好闻。

-Amy: Dandruff shampoo.I have dry scalp.dandruff: 头皮屑 shampoo: 洗发水 去屑香波。我头皮很干。

-Penny: Ah.Well, your hair looks very nice.啊,嗯,你头发看起来很好。

-Amy: Are you a homosexual? 你是同性恋吗?

-Penny: No, no, I\'m just giving you a compliment.-Amy: Hmm.Would have been more flattered if you were a homosexual.如果你是同性恋,我会更感到荣幸的。

-Penny: Guys, how bout some music? 伙计们,来点音乐如何? -Sheldon: Oh, no, I wouldn\'t care for that.哦,不用,我不在乎那个。 Uncomfortable silence it is.Hey, Sheldon, have you told Amy what it was like for you growing up in Texas? 多么令人难受的沉默啊。嘿,Sheldon,你告诉过Amy在德州长大感觉如何吗? -Sheldon: No.没有。

-Penny: Well, why don\'t you tell her? 那么,为何不告诉她? -Sheldon: All right.It was hell.好吧,简直是地狱 -Penny: Any follow up, Amy? 有什么想说的吗,Amy? -Amy: No没有。

.-Penny: I myself grew up in Nebraska.Small town outside of Omaha.Nice place, mostly family farms, a few meth labs.我自己在内布拉斯加长大,奥马哈市郊的小镇。不错的地方,大多地方是家庭农场,还有几个毒品作坊。

-Sheldon: I\'m sorry, how is this better than uncomfortable silence? 不好意思,这比令人难受的沉默好在哪里? -Penny: I don\'t know.I was just trying something.我不知道。我只是尝试一下。

-Sheldon: Muggles.麻瓜(\"哈里波特\"系列中不会魔法的人)。 -Raj: You slipped and fell into a robot hand? 你滑了一下,然后掉进机器人手里了? -Howard: Yes.是的。

-Raj: Penis first? 小弟弟先进去的? -Howard: Yes.Now, help me! 是的,快帮帮我呀! -Leonard: I\'d suggest a lubricant, but I have a feeling you fell on some of that as well.我建议用润滑剂,但我有种感觉你肯定已经用过些了 -Howard: Not funny, Leonard.不好笑,Leonard。

-Raj: Really? A robot hand\'s got a death grip on your junk, dude.That\'s funny, ask anyone.真的吗? 机器人的手可是紧紧握住你那玩意呢老兄谁都会觉得很好笑.-Howard: Plea...before my mother walks in, get this off me! 求...在我妈进来前把这从我身上拿掉.-Leonard: Okay, let\'s see.好吧,让我看看.-Howard: No, no! Don\'t touch.The program is paused.不,不要! 别碰.程序暂停了。

-Leonard: Well, then let\'s un-pause it.好吧,那就继续程序。

-Howard: No, no! I loaded the wrong program.The hand thinks it\'s holding a screwdriver in outer space.If you continue the program, it\'s gonna start twisting.不,我载入了错误的程序。那只手认为它在外太空,握着螺丝刀,如果你继续程序,它就会开始拧了。

-Raj: A...All right.Um, how about this.When...when Winnie the Pooh got his head stuck in the honey tree, his friends all grabbed onto him and pulled and pulled.好...好吧。呃,这样如何,当...当小熊维尼把它的头卡到蜂蜜树里时,它的朋友一起抓住他 拉啊拉啊拉

-Leonard: You do what you want, I\'m not touching another man\'s honey tree.你想干什么都行,可我决不会碰另一男人的蜂蜜树的

-Raj: All right, uh, forget pulling.How about we get an electric saw and cut it off? 好吧,呃,不用拉的用电锯把它切掉如何? -Howard: What?! No saws.One circumcision was enough.什么?! 不要锯! 一次割礼就够了。

-Leonard: How about an acetylene torch? 用乙炔焊炬怎么样? -Howard: Okay, I can\'t believe this needs to be said out loud.No pulling, no saws, no torches.我真不敢相信我要大声说出来,不要拉,不要锯,不要焊炬。 -Leonard: Well, then what do you want us to do? 好吧,那你要我们怎么做? -Woman: Howard, I made cookies for you and your little friends! Howard我给你和你的小朋友们做了饼干。

-Howard: That\'s great, Mom, thanks! 那太好了,妈妈,谢谢。 -Woman: I\'ll bring them up with some Hawaiian Punch! 我会把它们和夏威夷鸡尾酒一起送去。 -Howard: Don\'t come up here! 不要上来! -Woman: Why not?! Are you ashamed of your mother?! 为什么不?! 你以你妈为耻?! -Howard: Yes, but that\'s not the point! Get me out of here.是的,但那不是重点! 把我从这里弄走。

-Leonard: You have any ideas, Raj? 你有什么主意吗,Raj? -Raj: Right now, all I can think about is cookies and Hawaiian Punch.现在,我能想到的只有饼干和夏威夷鸡尾酒。

-Penny: Hey, here\'s another poible topic of conversation.This is a big night for Sheldon.Right, Sheldon? 嘿,还有一个可以谈论的话题。这个夜晚对Sheldon意义重大。对吗,Sheldon? -Sheldon: Big night? The winter solstice is a big night.It\'s over 14 hours in Southern California.意义重大的夜晚? 冬至的夜晚才算意义重大。在加州南部它会超过14个小时winter solstice: 冬至 -Amy: That\'s an amusing factoid.-Sheldon: Thank you.谢谢。

-Penny: No, no.My point is, uh, tonight is Sheldon\'s first official date. 不,不,我的意思是,呃,今晚是Sheldon的第一次正式约会 -Amy: Is this true? 真的吗? -Sheldon: Apparently, a semi-incestuous Teens for Jesus Fourth of July Hoedown didn\'t count.是的,带有乱伦性质的独立日纪念耶稣青少年舞会显然不算。 -Penny: So, um, Amy, what about you? Do you date much? 那么,呃,Amy,你呢? 经常约会吗? -Amy: Once a year.It\'s a deal I made with my mother in exchange for her silence on the matter, as well as the occasional use of her George Foreman Grill that seals in the flavor without the fat.How about you, Penny? Do you go on many dates? 一年一次。这是和我妈达成的协议,为了让她对此事闭嘴。另外也是为了让她偶尔秀一下自己脱脂密封的乔治·福尔曼烤具 你呢,Penny? 你约会过很多次? -Penny: Uh, yeah, I wouldn\'t say many.A few.What\'s...? 呃,是,我不会说很多。几个。你哼哼啥? -Sheldon: Your characterization of approximately 171 different men as \"a few\".characterization: 描述,鉴定,特征描述 差不多171个不同的男人约会称作\"一点\"。

-Penny: What...Where did you get 171 men? 你怎么知道是171个人的? -Sheldon: Simple extrapolation.In the three years that I\'ve known you, you were single for two.During that time, I saw 17 different suitors.If we work backwards, correcting for observation bias and postulate an initial dating age of 15...extrapolation: 推断

简单推理。我认识你的三年里,你单身了两年,在这段期间里,我看到过17个人向你求婚。依此类推,修正信息偏倚并且假设你从15岁就开始约会...work backwards: 逆向推理,以此类推postulate: 假定 initial: 最初的 -Penny: Whoa, wait, wait, w ait.I did not start dating at 15.诶,等一下,等一下,我不是15岁开始约会的 -Sheldon: I\'m sorry.Sixteen? 不好意思,那是16岁? -Penny: Fourteen.十四岁。

-Sheldon: My mistake.Now, auming the left side of a bell curve peaking around the present, that would bring total of up to 193 men.Plus or minus eight men. 是我的失误。假设钟形曲线的左峰代表现在这说明总共有193个人。误差8人。

-Amy: Remarkable.Did you have sexual intercourse with all of these men? 真厉害。那你和这些人都发生过性关系吗? -Penny: No.没有。

-Sheldon: Although that number would be fairly easy to calculate.其实那个数字也是很好算的。 -Penny: Oh.呃。

-Sheldon: Based on the number of awkward encounters I\'ve had with strange men leaving her apartment in the morning, plus the number of times she\'s returned home wearing the same clothes she wore the night before...通过计算我早上遇到陌生男人,从她房间出来的尴尬场景的次数,再加上她第二天回家的时候还穿着前一天晚上的衣服的次数...-Penny: Okay, Sheldon, I think you\'ve made your point.好了,Sheldon 我觉得你说的很清楚了。

-Sheldon: So we multiply 193...minus 21 men before the lo of virginity...times 0.18 gives us...30.96 sexual partners.Let\'s round that up to 31.我们用193...减去她破处前的21个男人...得出172,再乘以0.18 就算出.她有30.96个性伴侣。约等于31个。 -Penny: Okay, Sheldon, you are so wrong.That is not even close to the real number.I\'m gonna need a drink over here.够了,Sheldon 你全算错了,这甚至和实际一点都不相符。我需要一杯酒。

-Amy: This is very interesting.Cultural perceptions are subjective.Penny, to your mind, are you a slut? 真有意思。道德观念还真是因人而异。Penny 在你的认知里,你是一个荡妇吗? -Penny: No! No! Let\'s just all finish our dinners, okay? 不! 不! 我们赶紧吃饭,好吗? -Sheldon: This is an interesting topic.How many sexual encounters have you had? 这个话题还真有意思。你有过几次性生活呢? -Amy: Does volunteering for a scientific experiment in which orgasm was achieved by electronically stimulating the pleasure centers of the brain count? 那作为志愿者参加通过用电击刺激大脑的快感中枢来达到性高潮的试验算吗? -Sheldon: I should think so.我觉得算。 -Amy: Then 128.那就128次。 -Leonard: Okay, come on.好的,过来。 Almost there.马上就到了。

-Howard: Don\'t tug.No tugging.别用力,别用力。

-Raj: Next time, take your own advice.下回,记着你刚说的话。

-Leonard: Excuse me, could you help us out? 不好意思,可不可以帮帮我们? -Woman: My, my, my.What do we have here? 天啊,天啊,天啊,这是怎么了? -Howard: I slipped and fell.我滑倒摔了。

-Woman: Yeah, we get that a lot.What is this? 嗯,这种情况倒是经常发生这是什么? -Howard: It\'s a robot arm.机器人手臂。

-Woman: Where\'s the rest of the robot? 机器人的其余部分呢? -Howard: I only built the arm.我只做了手臂。

-Woman: \'Cause that\'s all you needed, right? 因为你只需要手臂,对吧? -Howard: Can you please just help me?! 你能不能就帮帮我?! -Woman: All right, all right.Hang on, stay calm.I need an orderly with a wheelchair.I got a robot hand grasping a man\'s penis out here.好,好。等下,冷静。这里需要一位护工和一张轮椅,有一个人的小弟弟被机器人抓住了。

-Howard: You think you could be a little more discreet? 你就不能稍微婉转点吗? -Woman: I\'m sorry, we don\'t have a code for robot hand grasping a man\'s penis.Why is it hooked up to a computer? 抱歉,但是我们没有可以表达机器人抓着别人的小弟弟的术语。 为什么它还要连着电脑? -Leonard: Uh, it\'s what controls the arm.这个电脑控制手臂。 -Howard: But it\'s frozen但是现在不能用了。

-Woman: Did you try turning it off and back on again? 你试着重启了没? -Howard: No, you see, it\'s more complicated than that.No, wait! Winnie the Pooh is out of the honey tree.不是,比那个要复杂点。不,不要! 小熊维尼终于离开了蜂蜜树。 -Raj: Now can we have cookies and Hawaiian Punch? 那我们是不可以去吃饼干喝夏威夷鸡尾酒了? -Sheldon: You were right.This was a very productive evening.I saw a whole new side of Amy Farrah Fowler tonight.你说的对。今晚非常富有成效。我认识了Amy Farrah Fowler的另一面。

-Penny: I did not have sex with 31 guys.我没有和31个人发生过性关系。

-Sheldon: I\'ll be happy to check the math, but numbers don\'t lie, Penny.In any event, now that Amy and I have spent quality time together, I feel much more confident proceeding to the next stage of our relationship.我很乐意再算一遍。数字是不会撒谎的。无论如何,在与Amy度过这一段美好时光后,我觉得是时候我们的关系有进一步的发展了。 -Penny: And that is? 就是说? -Sheldon: Using in vitro fertilization and a surrogate uterus to gift humanity with our progeny.通过人工受精并寻找代理孕母,为我们的后人带来福音。

surrogate: 代理的 uterus: 子宫 humanity: 人类 progeny: 后裔 -Penny: You\'re still on that? 你还在想这事啊? -Sheldon: In these uncertain times, doesn\'t humanity deserve a gift? 在这非常时期,难道人类不该有得到什么福音吗? -Penny: Okay, you know what? I\'m gonna come at this in a whole new way.Sheldon, if you try to make a baby with Amy in a Petri dish, I\'m gonna tell your mother on you.好吧,你知道吗? 我要用一个新的方法来搞定你。

Sheldon 如果你要用培养皿生出你和Amy的孩子,我就向你妈告状。 -Sheldon: That\'s no threat.My mother\'s always wanted a grandchild.这算不上威胁。我妈妈一直想要一个孙子。

-Penny: Really? Your deeply religious born-again Christian mother wants a test-tube grandbaby born out of wedlock? deeply: 深刻地,深深地 religious: 宗教的 born-again: 信仰再生的 Christian: 基督教的

真的? 你那十分虔诚的基督教福音教派的母亲会想要一个非婚生的试管孙子吗? test-tube: 人工授精的 born out of wedlock: 非婚生 -Sheldon: Curses.诅咒死你。

-Penny: If I\'d thought of that in the first place, I could\'ve saved myself this whole night.如果我当初能瞬间想到这个方法今晚就不会这么痛苦了。

-Sheldon: Well, it\'s not that late.You could still go out and look for number 32.Good night.其实也不晚啊。你还是可以去寻找第32个男人的。晚安。 -Leonard: Hey, Howard, what\'s up? 嘿,Howard 咋样了? -Sheldon: I\'ve decided not to procreate.我决定不生小孩了。

-Leonard: Yeah, yeah, great.Howard, uh, slow down.What do you mean it happened again? 好,好,好。你说又发生了是什么意思?


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