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发布时间:2020-03-02 06:46:22 来源:范文大全 收藏本文 下载本文 手机版



Athletes 100 meters, the sun on the horizon slightly long, 130 meters, is a slight increase in 160 meters, the sun has been out of the horizon, 190 meters, the sun is crazy, ran the 220 meters, the field one blown call, 260 meters, in one go, 290 meters, slightly more than strength, the finish line in front of 330 meters, 400 meters, the victory belongs to you.Punch it! Toward the end, only one goal, only one conviction, the victory of the finish line banner belongs to you!


This is the will of the hard work, this is a high degree of challenge, which is the speed test.Turned into a persistent belief you keep running.Hearts burning dream is that you forward; all of you for your encouragement toward the end of your power.On it! 400-meter hurdles athletes who sprint ah! Victory to you waving paion


每一个跨栏,都是一个挑战 每一个跨栏,都是一种勇气 每一个跨栏,都是一种坚持 每一个跨栏,都是一种胜利 即使跌倒啦,也要坚强的站起来 只要坚持,就会获得最后的胜利 勇士们,冲吧,你们是我们心中的英雄 Each hurdle, is a challenge Each hurdle, is a courage Each hurdle, is a persist Each hurdle, is a triumph Even if the falling matter, but also a strong stand As long as we, will get the final victory The brave men, red bar, you are our hero 10米,是太阳在地平线上的微长 20米,是微微的增长 30米,太阳已跳出了地平线 40米,风正狂奔 50米,一片欢呼 60米,一鼓作气 70米,气力微余 80米,有了顺序 90米,坚持坚持

1 100米,终点线就在眼前 110米,胜利属于你

10 meters, the sun on the horizon long micro- 20 meters, the growth is slightly 30 meters, the sun has been out of the horizon 40 meters, the wind is bolted 50 meters, a cheer 60 meters, big bang 70 meters, pneumatic micro-I 80 meters, with the order of 90 meters, adhere to adhere to the 100 meters in front of the finish line 110 meters, victory belongs to you



Red on the runway, you\'re like a bunch of flames, the exhaustion of his enthusiasm, to burn their energy, in the glory for the cla, eye-catching in that circle of bandages, refuel it, we cry for you! 200米,有一个人生的起点 200米,有一个人生的弯道

200米,有一段人生的冲刺 200米,有一个辉煌的胜利

200米,只刹那一瞬间 却成就一段永恒的胜利

200米,只弯过一个转折 却折出多少汗水

冲向你那光辉煌的胜利吧 跨过那一瞬 转过那道弯 胜利在向你招手

200 meters, there is a starting point of 200 meters in life, there is a corner of life 200 meters, there is a 200 meters sprint in life, a brilliant victory 200 meters, only a moment the moment it achieved the victory of the eternal 200 meters, but only bending over a turning point in how much sweat off Rush and that it croed the light of brilliance that moment turned it bends victory beckoning to you 夏日的操场 竟是如此美丽 美丽地几乎令人绝望


每一块肌肉都固执得顶起 像一尊雕像 慢慢地 慢慢地

你抬起了头 坚毅的目光中透出了贪婪 汗湿的发丝终于飞了起来

冲吧冲吧 化作勇敢的苍鹰 去寻找我心中的太阳

Beautiful summer playground was actually pretty desperate to almost The starting line you squat Every muscle from the top of stubborn statue was shocked and slowly slowly You looked up the eyes of determination revealed a greedy sweaty hair finally flying Red bar red bar turned into a brave eagle to find sun in my heart

2 200M,有一个人生的起点












200M, there is a starting point in life 200M, there is a corner of life 200M, with a dash of life 200M, has a brilliant victory 200M, just moments moment Has achieved a victory of the eternal 200M, just bending over a turning point But how much sweat off Rush and it was brilliant victory of light Beyond the moment Turned it bends Victory beckoning to you 枪声响起,燃起的是你的激情,放飞的是你的理想,你的挥汗付出,在矫健的步伐以后逐一闪亮,纵使艰难,但,奔向前方,唯有它给你掌声,唯有它让你傲气昂扬。

Gunfire sounded, lit is your paion, flying is your dream, your sweat to pay, one by one after the vigorous pace of shiny, even if difficult, but, toward the front, only it gives you applause Only it makes you high-spirited arrogance 200米跑200米 在这短短的几十秒内,你的风姿, 你的豪情,都倾洒在这红红的运动场上。你像奔跑的骏马,迈开你有力的步伐,摆开你雄健的双臂。 搏击运动员,有力的你冲向终点

200 meters 200 meters within this short period of tens of seconds, your grace, your pride, have poured in this red sports arena.You run like a horse, a strong pace of your stride, styled your vigorous arms.Fighting Athletes, you cro the finish line strong



Paword sounded ready, hold your hands, the center of gravity forward, the movement of the body burning infinite vitality.Gun sounding the same time, a goose flying straight on the blue sky.You with the same attitude, the same freedom, the same strong wings, effectively waving wings on runways in December\'s final 800-meter fly.

3 也许你心里忐忑不安,我们的心里早已热血沸腾。昔日,长长的跑道上,留下了你深深的足迹。抹不去你渗出的汗水,拉不动你沉重的双脚。你为了我们旅游学院,不在乎自己疲惫,不在乎泪水和汗水,因为你心里有一种坚定的信念。为了学院,我能行。

Maybe you uneasy heart, our hearts have already excited.Past, the long runway, leaving a deep footprint you.You wiped away the sweat oozing, pull them in your heavy feet.You travel for our School, do not care about their own fatigue, tears and sweat do not care, because you have in mind a firm belief.For college, I can do it.生命的意义在于奋斗,青春的意义在于拼搏,我们的激情在燃烧,我们的活力在四射,在今天这激动人心的日子里,运动健儿们请发挥你们的风采本色吧。



Life is about the struggle, the youth is about the hard work, our paion is burning, our activity in the shoot, in the heady days of today, athletes are invited to play a style of your character right.Come on, master, no matter the succe of winning or losing, go, and the sweat and dirt, and the tears and blood, under the blue sky out of a common spectrum of our own poetry.




3000 meters is really a hard number, is a physical test, the test of the will, along with the physical diipation, the pace of athletes increasingly heavy, but the cries are getting clear, loud, sweat soaked finally the clothes, but still people keep on, circle around, step by step, every step of the cro is a challenge, one moved 踏上跑道,是一种选择;奔出起点,是一种勇气;驰骋赛场,是一种骄傲;执着坚持,是一种胜利„„


Foot runway, is a choice; rushed out of the starting point is the kind of courage; gallop Games is a pride; persistent insist, is a victory.The wind speed is you race with the wind, like fine horses, a leap in the playing field.The dawn of victory not far away, sprint toward it.Three thousand meters, a great many people have the number, only the brave people will not fear

4 5000米

迎接你的,是五千米跑道 等待你的,是漫漫征途,勇敢的冲吧,勇士们不要畏惧对手的强大,你的对手只有自己,勇敢的冲吧,五千米算不得什么,胜利的泪水就要顺颊而下,秋风会为你喝彩,阳光会为你庆功,阳光会为你庆功。

Greet you, is five kilometers runway waiting for you, is the long journey, brave red bar, warriors do not fear a strong opponent, your opponent only himself, the brave red bar, five kilometers nothing, victory tears down the cheek would shun, autumn will be cheering for you, the sun will set for you celebration, the sun will set for you celebration.

4*400 观4*400接力接力棒带着你摩擦出的火光,暖了我的手。在急跑中,我们眼光在煞那间传递的是永恒力量你的吼震我他,牵动着你我他的心弦,撼了你。 让我们共同演这扣人心弦的激情飞荡。让我们共同为集体,我们大家的心,供一份热,点一盏温馨暖人的灯。4*400迸发的是无穷的力量,温暖的是我们的家,演绎的是团结友爱。

View 4 * 400 Relay baton with you rub out the fire, in the sprint, we look at the evil that is paed between the eternal power, let us play this exciting paion fly swing.Let us work together for the collective heart of all of us for a hot, warm person point of a warm light.4 * 400 burst is infinite power, warmth is our home, interpretation of the unity and fraternity.



Slender bamboo pole, is a manifestation of your youth.With energy running, throwing with a paion! When the javelin fall, no matter how succeful you are, will be our pride, we will cheer you, cheers! I believe he can work miracles! 人声鼎沸的赛道上,驰骋着一匹匹骏马,风儿为他们鸣响,鲜花为他们绽放。但你不声不响,手中紧握着沉沉的标枪,眼光凝视着远远的目标,耳边响起裁判挥舞旗帜的声音,你打开尘封已久的力量。释放着无限的激情,用热情挑战阳光,一阵清风掠过,标枪似长鹰划过晴空,你衣角飞扬„„你的梦想飞扬。

Voices on the track, ride a horse horse, the wind as they sound, and flowers as they bloom.But you quietly, hands clasped heavy javelin, eyes gazing far from the goal, the referee waved the banner of ear ringing voice, you open the dusty power.The release of the infinite paion, challenge with enthusiasm the sun, a breeze swept, javelin acro the skies like a long eagle, clothing or jewelry, you dream of flying ......you flying


左手遮不住汗水 右手遮不住太阳 满场的眼睛 是满场的渴望。 跨出的脚踩在云层 飞跃的心儿在沸腾 轻捷如燕 威猛如鹰 欢乐扬起了臂膀 沉浸在反复轮回的场面中 汗水淌过, 泪水泡过 在太阳下发出光芒。

Not cover the sun sweat left over right field not cover the full field of eager eyes.The foot taken the leap in the clouds in the boiling heart of children, such as brisk as the mighty eagle joy Yan raise the arm immersed in a scene repeated in the sweat streaming down his reincarnation, tears soaked in the sun to shine

5 一根细细的杆子横放在半空中,它细,然而却像你生命中的坎,不可怕,不要怕,只要你有决心,只要你有信心,这又算得了什么?没有经历过坎坷就不会有成功的喜悦,一次次的战胜,一次次的超越自己,加油吧,努力跳过这挡在你前面的坎。去燃烧你的青春! A thin pole placed acro the sky, it is fine, but like a bucket in your life, not terrible, do not be afraid, as long as you have the determination, as long as you have confidence that what did it matter? Did not experience there will be ups and downs the joy of succe, and again defeated, and again beyond themselves, refuel it, to skip this block in front of you in Canton.To burn your youth!



On several occasions sweat, the pain was fill up the memory, just as has the confidence to struggle to succeed.Always encouraged myself to win you have to work, as long as the courage to fly out, cro over, you can create a world.That tension open your heart, dare to go beyond their own and challenge yourself! Succefully open the door for you forever.Believe in yourself, bold jump bar, waiting for you brilliant succe! 离弦箭似的助跑,蚂蚱似的起跳,空中的走步表演,引起阵阵惊叹,落地的瞬间,你触到了沙的柔软,不管怎样,荣誉永远属于你。

Cosine arrow-like approach, grahopper-like off the air, walking performance, causing bursts of wonder, the moment of landing, and you touched the soft sand, in any case, honor will always belong to you.


手里紧握那沉重的铁饼,那铁饼上凝集了你的希望,你的理想,汇集全身的力量,投出理想, 投出希望,铁饼在空中闪亮,理想在空中发光

Gripping the heavy discus, discus lectin that your hopes, your ideals, bringing together the power of the body, the ideal cast, cast out hope that the discus in the air, shining, perfect light in the sky



再这竞赛的操场上,有掌声,有着运动员们的动“美”,有着啦啦队员们的助威,当然还有我们辛勤的裁判员们,汗水浸渍着汗衫,烈日灼烧着躯体,在这里,那边,在运动员的每份成绩中,殊不知裁判员们付出了多少,两条锁不住热情的腾飞,热浪击不溃执著的意念,是他们造就了我们,正在造就着,已经造就着,将来造就着。Thank you, 我们的裁判们,我们会用自己的行动去博取冲击,为此换来一点良知的欣慰,Let’s go,运动员们,啦啦队员们,让我们为敬爱的裁判员们也来一些掌声吧。

6 啦啦队





带来一点点和谐的旋律 你们传递着一个个喜悦







You pa a beautiful in the background note Bring a little melody harmony You convey the joy of one You no regrets You are in the wood lark You are hard-working public servants You are under a clear spring breeding Refreshing We thank you for your loyalty 听,是谁的声音? 那么清脆,那么嘹亮




















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