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发布时间:2020-03-04 00:00:47 来源:范文大全 收藏本文 下载本文 手机版


Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, Thank you for coming.


This is the eighth year that we have run the Aihua Cup English competition, and this is the first year that we have felt that it is appropriate for me to give my opening speech in English.Until now, we have always felt that too many people would not understand what I am saying if I speak in English.It is very clear though, that since we started Aihua eight years ago, the general English level of people in this district has improved immensely.I really like to think that this improvement is at least in part due to the positive influence of Aihua.


There is no question that the English ability of the young students has improved since we first ran the Aihua cup competition 8 years ago.I am in a position to see this very clearly, because I have been the head judge and question master at each of our Rising Stars competitions.


With each paing year, I enjoy my role as the head question master of this competition more and more.In the first years, a difficult question for the students was “what color do you like?” Now I am able to communicate with the students on a much deeper level, and I learn so much about Chinese culture, and china’s future, from my conversations with these young people.

随着时间的推移,我越来越喜欢我在大赛中扮演的角色。第一届大赛,我们的选手感觉到难的问题会是一些简单的问题,比如“你喜欢什么颜色?”、“你们家有几口人?”而现在我却可以和选手们进行更深层次的交流。在和他们的交流中我也学到了中国的文化,更看到了中国的未来。 I always try to ask the students questions about things that might be interesting to them, in order to get them thinking, and get them talking.This year, I asked them to tell me about a clamate that they didn’t like.I was happily surprised by the answers that I received from the Chinese students.They all said, very sincerely: “I like all of my clamates: there is not one person in my cla that I don’t like.”Perhaps this does not seem strange to you, but believe me, this is a huge and very meaningful difference between foreign and Chinese students.

我经常试着问学生们感兴趣并能启发他们思维的话题,让他们更多的表达自己的想法。在这一届大赛中,我的一个问题是:“请你和我谈谈你不喜欢的一位同学”,而孩子们的回答给了我意想不到的惊喜,他们都十分认真的对我说:我非常喜欢我的同学们,在我的班里没有一个我不喜欢的。 也许对您来说这没什么可奇怪的,但请相信我,这反映出中国的学生和外国的学生很大的不同。Recently, there has been a sentence running round and round my head: “Live each day as though it were the last day of your life: learn each day as though you could live forever.”


I am 45 years old, and I have been in China for ten years now.I never really tried to learn Chinese, because I felt that I was too old to learn, because I felt that you could not teach an old dog new tricks.For the last 6 months though, I have made sure to study Chinese for at least one hour a day, and I have found that you are never too old to learn.


Looking back on my long life there is only one thing that I regret: I regret that I didn’t learn more.I regret that I didn’t learn Chinese before I came to China, that I can’t play piano or guitar, that I don’t understand astrophysics, that I can’t speak ten other languages.There is no excuse for ignorance.













南京大学考博 文学院博士复试安排

