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From April 18 to April 21 in 2007, the founder and chairman of Microsoft Corporation—Bill Gates, paid his 10th visit to China.Gates visited Tsinghua University and Peking University during his China tour.4月19日, 盖茨先生在清华大学发表了主题为《未来之路:在中国共同创新》的演讲,并接受了清华大学颁发的名誉博士学位证书呢。好啦,让我们去实地感受一下吧!



The Way Ahead: Innovating Together in China


By Bill Gates, Chairman of Microsoft Corporation

Honorable President Gu, faculty and students of Tsinghua University,

I’m very honored to be here receiving this degree from Tsinghua, which is one of the top universities in the world.Throughout your 96 years, you not only produced outstanding scientists but also industry and government leaders.

When I visited here in 1997–10 years ago–I was very impreed by the talent, the enthusiasm and the creativity of the students that I met at Tsinghua.And it inspired me to support Microsoft in creating a research lab here in Beijing.That research lab has gone on to incredible succe, led by Harry Shum and joined by top university graduates from this school and others.It’s made huge contributions to Microsoft.In fact if you look at various conferences getting together to discu state-of-the-art iues, the researchers from this lab are making huge contributions.Or if you look at the products, even the most recent Windows Vista or Office 2007, we have substantial innovations in those products.This is an incredible time to be a student at this University.The frontiers of science, including computer science, have never been nearer.The opportunity to improve people’s lives in every way has never been stronger.

We’ve really just scratched the surface of the digital revolution.Yes, we have about a billion personal computers that are connected up to the Internet.And we’re already started to transform the way people, I think, are studying information and sharing information.But there are so much more that we can do.For example, when we think about TV.Today it’s just a paive, non-interactive situation, but that’s in the proce of changing: changing so that you can get any show that you want on the Internet, changing so that it can be interactive so that you can learn as you go home, changing so that the flexibility even to talk and collaborate with others will be part of that experience.

If you think about product design–and products are going to be designed digitally.I spent several hours yesterday at the Agricultural Rice Institute talking with the experts there about how they are using software technology to sequence different rice varieties.And they’re optimistic that they can come up with new varieties that will require le fertilizer, le water and yet increase the yield.And it’s advances like that that really reach out and change the lives not just of those of us who work in technology but people everywhere.In terms of learning, by creating what we call the “student tablet” that will be very inexpensive and the size of a tablet but wirelely connected to the Internet and able to record your voice or recognize your ink handwriting and yet provide learning experiences that are far more effective–and in fact bringing together all of the world’s knowledge on the Internet in a very attractive form.Teachers will be able to see the world’s best lectures, and they’ll be able to see the best materials and for the first time start to share with each other.And so for anyone who wants to learn or wants to teach, it will be a very, very different world.

It’s also an amazing time to this country.What’s going on in China and the growth of its economy with incredible contributions not just within the country but to the global economy as well.For Microsoft, we have a commitment to work with our partners here and make them succeful, to make sure that there are literally hundreds of software start-ups that not only sell in the market here but sell to the entire world.

We also want to make sure that the digital advances are available to all the citizens.And so whether it’s displaced workers or migrants or people who have disabilities–for example blind people–trying to use the computer, there are these special programs that we can put together to make sure that software really isn’t just for the few but really is about empowering everyone.A good example of that is the 170 Hope Cyber Schools where we provided lots of training.

This commitment to think long-term and this commitment to the future is something that the Chinese Government, this University and Microsoft all share.And so the opportunity of working together on new curriculum, faculty exchange: these have strengthened all three of our institutions.

In the last several years, over 2,000 students from 100 Asian universities have worked at our research center here and we’ve awarded over 200 fellowships, so it’s really become a mixing ground for the most talented people in the region.And of course, the university that has the largest representation has been Tsinghua.

Many more researchers are teaching courses, including the course here called “Hot Topics in Computing Research” that I think is a very novel type of course and I think will be a model for many other universities as well.

Today I get a chance to announce some new program between Microsoft and Tsinghua, which is the “Microsoft Distinguished Visiting Profeorship” at Tsinghua.And under this program, our research group will support a world-renowned computer scientist every year to visit the University at Profeor Yao’s Institute for Theoretical Computer Science.And the first recipient of this–a very impreive recipient–is Profeor Frans Kaashoek from MIT.

And so I hope you get a sense of my optimism–optimism about what software can do and the interesting breakthroughs we can all make, opportunities to use that–use it for making businees more effective, making jobs more interesting, designing far better products than ever before but also using it for the handicapped, for education, for outreach so that any student who has an opportunity to connect up to the Internet will have the same type of opportunities as most privileged students.

It’s fantastic for me to be here.You may realize that I’m actually getting an honorary degree from Tsinghua before I get an honorary from Harvard–actually just

le than two months I’ll be at Harvard to get my first degree from the school that I spent several years at.

So these are amazing times and, you know, I think the intersection of what’s going on in China, what’s going on with companies like Microsoft to take this long-term approach and the great academic tradition that is exemplified by the excellence of this University, I think, we can all have a very high expectation.And certainly we’re committed to working with all of you to realize that potential.Thank you!


获得清华大学这所世界一流大学的荣誉博士学位,让我感到非常荣幸。清华是所有着上百年历史的名校,这里诞生了很多杰出的科学家、商业和政治领袖。我上一次造访贵校是在1997年,十年以前。当时,贵校学生的才华、热情和创造性给我留下了很深的印象。之后,我决定在中国设立微软研究院。在沈向洋博士的领导下,清华和其他大学的优秀毕业生帮助微软研究院取得了惊人的成功,为公司作出了巨大的贡献。事实上,在各种国际会议上,他们都正作出着巨大的贡献。他们也为微软的新产品如Windows Vista或Office 2007的创新,付出了辛勤的努力。在计算机科学更加迅速发展的今天、在各个领域更快提高人们生活水平的大好机遇中,身为贵校的学生是件激动人心的事。












现在正处于瞬息万变的时代,无论中国如何发展,无论如微软般的那些公司如何发展,微软公司对于中国市场的专注都是长期的。我们对于以学术严谨闻名的贵校有着很高的期望。让我们携手努力,共创信息技术未来的辉煌! 谢谢大家。











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