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Distance doesn\'t matter if two hearts are loyal to each other.


If you\'re going to truly love someone, then love them with everything you have.


Don\'t let past relationships ruin your future happine.

4、那些曾经的拥抱是你不想让它流逝的。 Those hugs where you just don\'t want to let go.


Everyone in life is gonna hurt you, you just have to figure out which people are worth the pain.

6、你永远是我要的一切。 Your forever is all that I need.

7、一旦我得到你了,就没有打算失去你。 Once I get you, I don\'t plan on losing you.

8、我们的漫谈对我来说也意味着很多。 Our pointle conversations mean a lot to me.


Being someone\'s FIRST LOVE\' is great? but being someone\'s LAST LOVE\' is even better.


That feeling you get when you hug someone and you just don\'t wanna let go.


A relationship will only go as far as you both want it to.


People only get jealous because they care.

13、人们惯于把"爱"与"欲"混淆起来。 People tend to confuse \"Love\" with Lust.


In the end...love is the only thing that counts.It\'s stronger than death.


I want to go to sleep at night, wake up every day, and breathe knowing you are truly mine.


I still remember the feeling I felt when I first started talking to you.


every morning,I look forward to coming home and sleeping.




list of things you apparently can’t have at the same time.1.a nice body.2.pizza.


I want to refresh my mind, clear all my problems and just have fun with life.20、过度思虑会毁了你,毁了你的四周,把事情搅做一团,让你焦虑,让所有事情变得比原本更糟。

Over thinking ruins you.Ruins the situation, twists things around, makes you worry and just makes everything much worse than it actually is.


no matter how much I sleep,I am still always so tired.


When a woman tells you about her problems, that doesn\'t mean she\'s complaining.It just means she trusts you.


Sometimes, I just want to sit outside with someone and talk all night.


I\'ll always be there when you need me and I hope you\'ll do the same.

25、我希望在倾诉自己的真实感受后会感觉好一些。 I wish I was better at telling people how I really feel.

26、当感觉生活并不快乐时,总是应该去想想,会有某个人因你的存在而快乐。 When you think you\'re not happy with your life, always think that someone is happy simply because you exist.

27、维系各种关系主要靠的是信任。 Trust is the main need in every relationship.

28、你爱我是因为我这个人,因此别指望我有什么改变。 You love me for me and don\'t expect me to change anything.


A girl is happiest when she knows that you make her your everything.In front of everyone, every time.30、有时,你最不期待的人却成为你最需要的人。

Sometimes, the person you least expected becomes the one person you need the most.


If a girl admits that she likes you, know that it took her every ounce of courage she has.Don\'t take her for granted!

32、简爱书(@jianaishu168) 所有的男生都应该学马里奥兄弟,无论他们的女神离得有多远,他们都应追随其后。

All guys should learn from Mario Bros.No matter how far their prince is, they should go after her.


Sometimes it feels like the lyrics to a song you\'re listening to, were written just for you.

34、每一刻都有撞见生命中的爱的机遇,抓住它还是让它溜走取决于你。 Every moment is a chance to meet the love of your life, take it or ignore it.


You cannot love someone completely unle you trust them completely.


People change, things go wrong, shit happens, but life goes on.


Sometimes, we need to be hurt in order to grow.We must lose in order to gain.Sometimes, some leons are learned best through pain.

38、我是敏感的人,一点小事也让我琢磨半天,我太过在乎了。 I\'m sensitive, I over think every little thing, and I care way too much.


I think it\'s super adorable when guys get protective.40、尽管说我落伍好了,但是当某人给你写来情书,那依旧是件美妙的事情。 Call me old fashioned, but I still thinks it\'s cute when someone writes you a love letter.


I want to sleep for 2 years and wake up with a degree, an apartment and money in the bank.


If my husband doesn’t cry when he sees me on our wedding day I will softy kick him in the shin until he sheds a tear.

43、你是数学狂吗?我就是弄不明白你。 Are you math cause I just can’t understand you.

44、希望我的学校象电影里演的那样精彩。 I want my school to be like in the movies.

45、今早好冷,我需要什么来温暖一下,比如一个可爱的男生。 I’m so cold this morning i need something to warm me up like a cute boy.

46、如果他真是你的,他是不会离开的。 If he\'s the right guy, he won\'t leave.

47、每个女孩都应该有一个天天守着她,却又象初次相逢那样望着她的男孩。 Every girl deserves a guy who looks at her every day like it\'s the first time he saw her.


Love doesn\'t depend on sight or sound, just heart beats.


Getting a text from that special someone right when you\'ve felt like they forgot about you.50、在没有努力挽留之前,你不能以转身走开的方式责备某人。

You can\'t blame someone for walking away if you didn\'t do anything to make them stay.

51、从你口里听到"爱"这个字之前,它仅仅是个字。 Love was just a word till I heard it from you.

52、你优秀得难以置信,我无法把眼睛从你身上移开。 You\'re too good to be true.I can\'t take my eyes off you.

53、我希望你牵挂我,就像我牵挂你一样。 I want you to mi me, like I\'m miing you.


You take the breath right out of me.


Cold weather is the perfect excuse for cuddling.

56、我希望你有同感。 I wish you felt the same way.


Once you have true feelings for someone, it will always be there.You may not like them anymore, but you still care.


The best relationship is when you can act like lovers and best friends at the same time.

59、不是我选择了你,是心选择了你。 I didn\'t choose you, my heart did.60、你确实是我唯一在意的人。

You\'re all I honestly think about, no one else.6


When we first met I honestly had no idea you would be so important to me.6


My stomach drops when I think about you being with somebody else.6


Because of you, half the time I don\'t even know I\'m smiling.6


I can\'t promise that you\'ll fall in love with me, but I can promise you that its not going to be a waste of your time.6


I don’t get how babies can cry at restaurants, why u cry in there’s food around u.6

6、做个善意而谦和的人,这使事情在大多数时候更加容易完成。 Be nice.It makes things so much easier most of the time.6


There’s a difference between “lazy” and “I don’t want to fucking do that shit”.6

8、是所有东西都很贵还是我比较穷...Is everything expensive or am I just poor.6


You said you\'d never change.But then you became who you said you\'d never become.70、当相互间可以无话不谈、没有秘密没有谎言时,就可以算得上真正可靠的关系了。

A true relationship is when you can tell each other anything and everything.No secrets and no lies.7


When I\'m sad, please don\'t ask me what\'s wrong.Just hug me.7


Physically, mentally, emotionally tired.7

3、感觉让我困惑。 My feelings confuse me.7


God may not always get you out of a situation, but he will give you the strength to get through it.7


Someday you\'ll be everything to someone, just be patient.7


Being with you makes me feel like for once in my life I don\'t have to try so hard to be happy.It can just happen.7

7、沉默是一个女生最痛苦的嚎啕。 Silence is a girl\'s loudest cry.7


Don\'t worry about someone who doesn\'t worry about you.7

9、如果他们不欣赏你,说明他们也配不上你。 If they don\'t appreciate you, they don\'t deserve you.80、你想知道谁最令人惊喜、笑容最可爱吗?回头去看第一个字。

You wanna know who\'s amazing & has the cutest smile ever? Read the first word again.8

1、我想要的一切就是为我爱的人所爱。 All I want is to be loved with someone I love.8


Sometimes, the person you really need is the one you didn\'t think you wanted.8


People change, feelings fade, and hearts move on.8


Never give up on something you really want.It\'s difficult to wait, but worse to regret. 8


I want you to make me feel like I\'m the only girl in the world.8


Every time I look into your eyes, it\'s like its just you and me and I can\'t help myself to smile even if I am upset at you.8


The best memories are the ones that you try to explain, but in the end you just say you had to be there.8

8、现实生活让我感觉身处梦境。 Living life like I\'m in a dream.8


If two people are meant to be together, eventually they\'ll find their way back.90、我们需要一个通用的手势来表示"爸妈都不知道咱俩的事哦" We need a universal hand signal for “my parents don’t know about that”.9


Ki slowly, play hard, forgive quickly, take chances, give everything and have no regrets.Life\'s too short to be anything? But happy.9

2、他接受我、爱我就为了我这个人,无它。 He accepts me for me and he loves me for who I am.9

3、如果你跟其他哪个人保持说不清道不明的关系,就别说我是你的谁。 Don\'t call me yours if you\'re flirting with someone else.9


If you can go days without talking to me, I\'m obviously not that important to you.9

5、当别人把你过去的糗事扔你脸上,那简直糟糕透了,谨慎。 It\'s fucked up when people throw things from your past in your face.9


I hate when good songs are ruined by bad memories.9


if you see me laughing while texting,there’s a 99.9% chance I’m laughing at a text meage I sent, because I’m equal parts vain and hilarious.9

8、有些歌曲传递的情绪是你难以言表的。 Those songs that expre the feelings you can\'t say.9

9、父母往往比你更早觉察到你身边的损友。 Parents notice your fake friends before you do.100、我喜欢那种自己讲笑话却把自己笑到讲不下去了的人。

People who laugh so hard at their own jokes that they can’t even finish the joke bc they’re laughing so hard are my favorite kind of people.10


A true relationship is having someone who accepts your past, supports your present, loves you and encourages your future.10

2、我只是想得到真心待我的人。 I just want someone to be real with me.10


Love is about holding on, even when you feel like letting go.10

4、我不想去爱根本就没有机会在一起的人。 I hate liking someone I don\'t have a chance with.10

5、你不可能与已经疯狂爱上的人保持所谓"普通朋友"关系。 You can\'t be \"just friends\" with someone you\'re madly in love with.10

6、我们往往是熬到周五,当周末来了却没啥事可做。 We wait all week for Friday and then do nothing when it comes.10


do your eyes ever randomly go out of focus and then you are too lazy to focus them back in and just stare at nothing for a while.10


Nothing Is Better Than having someone as your lover and your best friend.10


If you love someone, tell him or her.Forget about the rules or the fear of looking ridiculous.


Your first love will always have a special place in your heart.1


I was praying that you and me might end up together.1

12、我不想在错误的时间碰到有缘人。 Right person, wrong time.I hate that.1


I hate opening a text that I know is going to make my heart drop.1

14、如果伤痛依旧,说明你仍然在意。 If it still hurts, you still care.1

15、第一个吻发生在长时间分别之后。 That first ki after spending a long time apart.1


It’s nice being appreciated.It’s even better being loved.1


Just thinking about you, makes me smile.1

18、某一天,我将会是你的女孩儿。 Someday, I will be your girl.



美文:爱情俏皮箴言 中英文







