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(Disneyland Park)”和“加州冒险乐园(Disney\'s California Adventure Park)”。加州洛杉矶迪士尼乐园已经成为世界最受欢迎的主题乐园之一。以米老鼠為首的迪士尼家族,每年都有新成员加入,加上软硬体不断推陈出新,使得迪士尼乐园成为观光客前往洛杉矶决不会错过的重要景点。



1、美国大街(Main Street USA)

仿造一百多年前的美国景观所建,一草一木均有相当古味。对参观游客而言,美国大街是进入迪士尼各主题园区的第一站,因此又有「时光隧道」的效果。美国大街也是迪士尼拥有最多服务设施、商店和餐饮的区域。除此之外,此地更是观赏迪士尼花车游行的最佳地点。不过想卡到最佳位子,可要提早至少半个小时准备。大街上的市政府(City Hall),其实就是访客中心,如果小朋友走失了,工作人员就会带他们来这边照顾。


于1998 年重新整建完成,以超越想像的主题,呈现明日世界从古到今的未来观,游客将经历搭乘高速行进火箭的典型未来世界,动手体验尖端科技,在新地标「太空轨道车」(Astro Orbitor)的轨道上快速飞驰,或置身让人翻天覆地的3D 立体电影中,以及许多新增的游乐设施。除此之外,呼啸穿过深邃宇宙的剧烈云霄飞车「太空山」(Space Mountain),依旧是「明日世界」的重点游乐设施,每个座椅新增加了电脑控制的音效,让乘客更能进入全方位的太空之旅。「星际之旅」(Star Tours)则让你我彷彿置身于电影《星际大战》中,激烈的宇宙空战里。


注重美国早期移民的开垦精神,边疆世界的背景设定在美国早期刚开垦的时代,这里最热门的就是「大霹靂火车」(Big Thunder Railroad),类似採矿车的云霄飞车,在布满红色石头的

河床,以及恐龙肋骨中穿过,最后还有巨石滚滚而来的山崩。旁边湖面上的马克吐温号(Mark Twain)是艘仿古的木製蒸汽客轮,坐在上头,时光彷彿倒转到100多年前的美国中部密西西比河流域。


这是迪士尼乐园内游乐设施最多,与童话故事最密不可分的梦幻王国,耸立在乐园正中央的睡美人城堡,也是整个迪士尼乐园的精神象徵和地标。其中小小世界(It\'s a Small World)是迪士尼乐园的经典之作,充满童趣。

5、动物天地(Critter Country)

迪士尼动画影片中的动物角色,是此园区的最大卖点。事实上,动物天地并不见得永远像它的名称一样温和,因為里面有一个总是让人尖叫不已的飞溅山(Splash Mountain),在原木小船的带领下,迂回前进于室内及室外流域,最后从瀑布,几成90度垂直冲下,将紧张气氛带至最高点

6、米奇卡通城(Mickey\'s Toontown)



综合非洲、亚洲与南太平洋许多原始区域的风景特色,以一条河流贯穿整个园区,两岸展现非洲丛林的一景一物,是充满野性的世外桃源。冒险世界最受欢迎的就是 95年揭幕的印第安琼斯探险(Indiana Jones Adventure),不论何时总是大排长龙,其灵感取材膾炙人口的法柜奇兵系列,名导演乔治卢卡斯也参与製作,吸引不少游客前来亲身体验电影般的魔幻魅力。另外新开放的泰山树屋,则是仿泰山卡通中,泰山父母在树上所建造的房子

8、纽奥良广场(New Orleans Square)

以路易斯安纳州的纽奥良市为背景,呈现当地深受法国殖民文化影响的特色,其中又以法式风格的露天咖啡座,及「Blue Bayou」餐厅最富盛名,在「Blue Bayou」内可与乘坐「加勒比海海盗船」(Pirates of the Caribbean)的游客打招呼。此外,夏日晚上的纽奥良广场也是观赏幻想奇观(Fantasmic)的最佳场所,不过占佔到好位子可要趁早,大约要提前一个小时。广场内还有一栋「鬼魅大楼」(Haunted Mansion),乃是乐园里最有名的大鬼屋,进去以后鬼魂无时无刻都在纠缠著你,直到你逃出大楼。

Disneyland® Park

Welcome to the place where imagination is the destination.For young and old, big and small — it\'s the happiest place on earth! Come build memories with your family that last a lifetime as you discover the wonder of this magical, fantastical world.When you enter one of the Lands that comprise Disneyland Park, stories come to life around you, immersing you in tales from some of your favorite Disney films...

Main Street, U.S.A.Main Street, U.S.A.is the entrance to Disneyland Park.Stroll down the street where turn-of-the-century architecture and transportation recreate a bygone era.Be sure to board afor a ride back in time and then marvel at .Before you leave, don\'t forget to visit the Emporium, an old-time Victorian general store filled with all kinds of Disney memorabilia.


Located beyond Sleeping Beauty Castle, Fantasyland is where you can meet the heroes and villains of your favorite Disney stories.Encounter princees

from the royal realms of Disney films such as Snow White, Sleeping Beauty and Cinderella.Step into their enchanting stories about the triumph of true love.Sing along with a claic song and sail past the pageantry of \"it\'s a small world\".Take a spin in a tea cup or fly over London with Peter Pan.Revel in the enchantment that surrounds you!


Ready your rockets as you blast into the twin orbits of innovation and exploration at Tomorrowland! Rocket into the outer reaches of darkest space on Space Mountain and battle galactic bad guys in Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters.To infinity and beyond!

New Orleans Square

Welcome to the French Quarter of New Orleans Square where you can celebrate Mardi Gras all year round.Pay your respects to the 999 ghostly residents of the Haunted Mansion and then join the Pirates of the Caribbean on a bayou bateau for a swashbuckling voyage! Raise a mint julep to this land of buried treasure and supernatural secrets, parasols and pirate curses.It\'s home to swashbucklers and haunts alike!


Chart a course for Adventureland and embark on a bold expedition into excitement and intrigue! Enter a lost temple on Indiana Jones Adventure and delve into dark jungles on .Join your fellow explorers as you boldly seek mystery and imagination.

Critter Country

Come play in the deep backwoods of .Hear the rumble of railroads and waterfalls, not to mention a chorus of critters singin\' \"Zip-a-Dee-Do-Dah\" at Splash Mountain.See one of the most beloved critters when you journey through the Hundred Acre Wood on The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh.It\'s a hunny of a place to play!

Mickey\'s Toontown

Mickey\'s Toontown is a miniature interactive metropolis full of topsy turvy architecture and screwy sculptures.For the ultimate taste of Toon mania, hail a wacky taxi for the ride of your life on Roger Rabbit\'s Car Toon Spin or brave Gadget\'s Go Coaster.Or visit the charming houses of Mickey, Minnie and other claic Disney characters.It\'s where some of your favorite Toons call home.

Frontierland Frontierland celebrates the trailblazers, settlers and other heroes of the Old West.For big adventure, rumble over the mountain on a runaway railroad car when you ride .And there\'s a mighty fine show at the .From theto the rippling waters of the Rivers of America, it\'s a pioneer\'s paradise.






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