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Beat it! 人物:T:唐僧 陈鹏

M:孙悟空 陈中良

P:猪八戒 李涛

S:沙僧 魏涛 X:白骨精原型 李鹏程


X2:白骨精变成的女人 刘佳佳

Q:女儿国王后 徐静静

T: Wow…,boys,this place looks beautiful.where we are now?Does any one of you young men know what this place is? 众徒弟们摇头,除了八戒在看书。

T: bajie, give me the map(不回头,懒洋洋的问) T:bajie? Give the map to me!(严肃的问)

T:bajie! Give the fucking……..(转过身看到八戒在看书) T:(很吃惊) hey!bajie,you are making youself a new man.what kind of book are you reading? Is it 《jingangjing》 or 《dabeizhou》? 八戒依旧看书,不理睬。

T:(凑过去)let me have a look at it! 八戒才注意,赶忙藏书。但为时已晚,T一把抢过。发现是封面女郎很惹火,眼神立刻变得温柔,接过书开始看

T:yao….xi…..(流口水,八戒看到,拿出卫生纸给唐僧擦,唐僧回过神来) T:(转身训斥八戒)how many times I have told you! You are not supposed to read this kind of book! I will keep it for you until the trip is end…..(唐僧将画册掖到衣服里) P:But..um,why bo,why you always said we can never touch girls?I just do not understand…

T:(sigh),how many times I have to tell you ,That is because… (唐僧摆出一个酷酷的动作,一边跳舞,一边开始唱歌,Jackson的dangeous) ……… P:I know

T:Monkey,I am hungry.Go and get me some food….Shaseng,you go feed the horse.(声音放低)and I think it is the time for me to call my little honey pony(甜蜜的,一边掏出手机,回头看到八戒在身边) hey!pig, get out of here !give me some private space! 唐僧开始给Q打电话

T:hi..how you’re doing(不解释….) Q:I am fine,but I mi you.Since you left,I can not stoping recalling the days we are together..but you do not even give me a call T:oh darling….i am sorry.these boys are so gaush,it is not convenient to phone you.But you know I love you…oh…they are back! Fuck u boys,can you give me a moment of peace…

M:who you are phoning,bo? T:er (支支吾吾的)I was just having a chat with Budda.where is my food? M:here! I found some delicious bananas! T:bananas again?! How many times I have told you!i am a monk, not a monkey! I want meat, meat(加重语气)!don’t you understand? The next time,you still brings me nothing but bananas, I think we can do nothing but eat your buddy pig(眼睛瞄向八戒,流口水) (T拿起手机)

T:I will call you later,honey,I mi you Q:me too,I will be on the phone,bye…


X;Hahahaaa…I heard that any monster eating master tang will get a infinite life.how lucky am I,they are in my area.Wow,I get to come up with a plan.Ehn…..get it! i can pretend to be a poor man,so they will trust me.haha……change change…… 转了几圈,变成了一个男人。 X1:I look great! 蹒跚的走过去

X1:hello,master..i have not have food for days….can you give me some? T(瞄一眼,继续吃、看)what? i myself is starving now.out of here, you bastard! Pig,beat him,get him out of here.M正好回来 将它打死.

T:er…..悟空,I told you to get him out of here,not beat him to death…..Next time don’t do this kind of thing(摇头但继续吃,看书) M: whatever, all right(懒得解释) (悟空看到美女画册,急忙凑上去看,师傅把画册上下左右移动,悟空随之移动,师傅发现了,开始说:) Ah, wukong ,you want to have a look at it,aren’t you ,If you want to just tell me, I will give it to you, if you don’t tell me how can I know that you want to have a look at it, even if you think in your heart that you want to have a look at it, if you don’t tell me, I still do not know that you want to have a look at it…….(悟空早已痛苦不堪,逃离此地) T:wukong!come back!(唐僧摇摇头,继续看书)

X:(看到画册)ah…..I got a idea! 变成了一个女的 说话一定要嗲

X2:(曼妙的走过来,碰一下唐僧,唐僧不转头:leave me alone.x2有碰一下,唐僧依然不转头:I said leave me alone.这时,x2开口说话)

X2:hi….Mr handsome! T:(转头)wow…hi beauty!(扔掉画册,背景音乐响起,only you,神情对视,过会儿)come here,do you want some food?take some bananes。 i am tang seng,you can call me Tanny X:hi Tanny…you look great,maybe we can have some time together alone T:yeah,you are right, what are we waiting for?! Let us go! (半路碰到悟空,悟空火眼金睛看出是妖怪) M:Monster!!look at how I beat you….(唐僧赶忙拦住)

T:what you are doing,you bastard monkey!this beautiful lady is my guest, M:bo,it is a monster,he change himself into a charming girl so as to attact you.he will eat you T:bullshit!you must be fed up with this trip to west…..(悟空执意要打,唐僧苦劝不听) T:I think you little monkey need some punishment(摆姿势,要念咒语) M:(赶忙说)oh,no, master,not that spell.Q:(sigh)it is so late!(念咒,喜洋洋美羊羊灰太狼红太郎,别看我只是一只羊……悟空落荒而走) T安慰x2之后,继续走,一段路之后:

X2:hahaha…..look at who I am (变回原样,唐僧大喊救命) .X2:i will eat you….

Q及时赶来,从悟空那里得知了情况 Q:monster!...stop!he is my man....(转向T)you get attracted by this ugly monster,are you gay?(不可思议的) T:no, I am not!(有口莫辩) Q(面向x):who are you? X:I am baigujing….and you?

Q:doesn’t matter.i will finish you(举起魔杖,要说阿瓦达索命,突然停住)Oh…but you look familiar….you are xiaobai? X:you are小小? it must been hundreds of years since the last time I met you,where have you been these years.Q:why do not contact me? X:I do not know your number…..this is your man?! Q:how could it be poible(走过来,把唐僧拨拉到一旁)..i mi you,小白 X:I mi you too……(背景音乐响起,《红豆》) X:how about a cup of tea in my house? Q: that would be perfect, let us go….

音乐停,场上只有唐僧,犹豫的望着天空,音乐换成《可惜不是你》 一会儿,悟空和八戒上场,安慰唐僧,重新上路《敢问路在何方》…..全剧终










