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翻译 王志兵

发布时间:2020-03-04 08:55:52 来源:范文大全 收藏本文 下载本文 手机版



当一名作家称自己的作品为浪漫故事时,几乎无需质疑的是,他希望用它来宣示某种程度上的自由权——关于方式和素材。如果他断言正在写一部小说,他就不会感觉到自己有权承担这种责任。后者被认为趋向于描摹详细而现实的事,它不仅仅是可能的,而是人们所体验的平常过程的可信的反映。前者—— 尽管作为一种艺术作品,它必须严格遵守自己的规则;尽管它可能无可宽恕地违背戒律,以致背离了人们内心的真实—— 依然公平地拥有呈现某种情况下的、很大程度上是作者择取和创造的真实。还有,假如他认为合适,他可以调整自己的气体媒介以产生或润泽自己照片的光线,和加强或丰富图片的阴影。毫无疑问,他会明智而适当地利用这种特权,特别地向公众呈现一种纤微的、精妙的、若隐若现的、非凡的气味混合,但不是真实菜肴的滋味。然而,据说即使他罔顾警示,他也不会犯下文学方面的罪行。

在目前的作品中,作者向自己提出观点——带着某种成功,幸运地是他不是为自己做审判—— 以坚定地维持自己的豁免权。来源于他用浪漫解释的故事的观点企图把已逝去的时间和现在正飞速离我们而去的时光结合在一起。它是一部把时光拉伸的传奇,从遥远过去的灰色的时间点一直延伸到我们光明辽阔的今天。它带着一层薄雾,让读者以自己的喜好忽略或允许它在人物和事件之间毫无察觉地飘荡,以达到图画般的效果。它的叙述也许会变得简单,以平衡前面的那种优势,达到更难企及的效果。


读者可能会选择将生活现实附加于叙述的虚构事件上。如果允许和历史事件相关联,——很轻微,但对他的计划很重要——他可能会愿意避免这种性质。不用说其他反对,由于将他虚构的图片和此刻的现实相关联,它将浪漫故事暴露于顽固的,极其危险的批评者面前。他的目标已不是描述当地的礼仪,或者以任何方式干预他尊重和看重的团体的特征。通过描画出一条没有侵害任何人权利的街道,占用许多没有实际主人的土地,建造长久使用的房屋来构造他的空中楼阁,作者相信他不会无可宽恕地冒犯别人。他故事的角色,——尽管表现出古代既定的,杰出人物的特点,——实际上是作者糅合了所有事件中人物特征的自己的创造。在很大程度上,角色的优秀品德不会滋润他所居住的城镇的信誉,人物的缺点也不会改变什么。如果他的书被人们,尤其是他顺便提到的地方的人们当做浪漫故事阅读的时候,他就会很高兴,而所谓浪漫故事涉及更多是艾塞克斯郡上方的浮云而不是它下方任何现实的土壤。 2.1

Rumor is always superficial.It has a vulgar heart and is unavoidably willing to be basebred.It is the water in the drain, which has been used and polluted.It is not aured and bold with justice, so it has to goip secretly.It has no sense of responsibility, and doesn’t aume the consequence, so it does what it wishes, just as water flows anywhere.It can never stand to be deliberated, and no one would like to deliberate it.It somewhat likes the rubbish of words, however, sometimes rubbish hides something useful.It is the leftover material of the honest words, the old yellow leave, or the barn gra in the rice.It always has a kind of mean face, and has more evil things than good things, and it is also dirty.In fact, they are made of the most inferior materials which are unavoidably collected a little by the girls in the apartments of the west block of Shanghai.However, only these inferior and unpresentable materials would hide something true.The true things are behind the dignity, which they don’t dare to hear by themselves, so they take them and make rumors with them.If rumor really has something good, it may lie in these true things.But the true things always have fake faces.They are the true made of the fake, and the actual made of the imaginary.They always change their appearances and look one way and row another.

There is a little courage in the true things, with which one is not afraid of losing face, with which one would be a ghost rather than a man, and with which one would like to oppose.There is some sorrow in the courage.It is the sorrow of diatisfaction and there is some anger in it.Sad though it is, it wants to hit its wagon to a star.Then it brings sorrow of diatisfaction to itself.Therefore, the sorrow is superficial, not like the sorrow in the poems of Tang and Song dynasty.It is one kind of sorrow among the goip along the streets.The sorrow is heavy, which is the deposit of diatisfaction, not the romantic view on the water.Rumor is really a deposit.It does not form by being trained over and over, but it is inbred.It lives continuously and can’t be washed away and can’t be refined.It has a little toughne of being a person, but it is the toughne of bearing insult and being shamele.Rumors always bravado, exaggerate, and sneak.They come out and go away in the wind, so one can catch neither their heads nor their tails.However, the true heart of the city is only can be found in the rumors.Whatever beautiful the city’s appearance is, its heart is superficial.The heart is put in the rumors and the rumors are put in the alleys of Shanghai.Without its shell, the legend of East Paris is actually the heart of rumors.Just like the heart of a pearl, rumor is actually a rough grain of sand.(805words, 20 points)











翻译 王志兵
《翻译 王志兵.doc》
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