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1 过分自信


2 不够自信

谦虚虽然是美德,可是现代社会里过谦却越来越不合时宜了。大学生应该在信里强调自己的长处,如果你不能避免要在信中提到你的缺点,则尽量轻轻带过。 推理有问题 很多学生为了取悦招聘者,便再三强调自己的学业成绩,保证自己会成为优秀的职员;另一些人则在信中三番四次地提到自己对这行业的兴趣等等。以上的人都犯了一个重大的错误,就是以为只要有好成绩或有浓厚兴趣,或者有着满腔热诚便可以成为一个理想的职员,而不知其他方面的能力和经验亦是很重要的。

3 语气不庄重


4 消极工作态度


5 措辞不当

这方面的例子实在数不胜数,有些叫人捧腹大笑(招聘者又何不会觉得好笑呢)。曾经有学生这样写:\"你知道有我这类应聘,势必大喜过望。\" 或者:\"我(她是女的)特别喜欢陌生人。\" 再如:\"这职位对我来说简直是无法抵挡的引诱。\" 如果小心撰写的话,这种种不妥当的修辞其实是完全可避免的。

6 过多简写词语

可能你与朋友交谈时习惯简称自己的学校或所修的学科,但在申请书上是绝不应该这样写的,如简称\"?大\"、\" ?工\"、\"商院\"等,这样只会使人觉得你做事还是个学生气,予人不良印象。

College Students\' job hunting letter several wrong habits

Because the undergraduate experience in your cover letter often appear some problems.Some looks quite obvious, but often in some students\' letter appears.Presented here a few friends, hope students can pay attention to, be aware of, in order to guard against mistakes.

1 overconfidence

Just graduated from school a lot of students, will make a wrong, is that as long as the good http:// achievement, he is a competent clerk.In fact,

many employers have repeatedly pointed out, good staff must have a good academic performance, but also to have the experience and skills.So, if because of their transcripts are in number of outstanding achievement http:// oneself, ignore experience and character of the condition, will make the recruitment unit that he have a high opinion of oneself, the thought is immature.

2 not confident enough

Modest though is a virtue, but modern society than is more and more be inopportune or inappropriate.College students should be in a letter to emphasize their strengths, if you cannot avoid to be mentioned in the letter your shortcomings, so lightly.Inference problem many students to impre employers, he repeatedly emphasized his academic achievement, that he would be a good staff; others in the letter for four times referred to his interest in this industry.More people have made a big mistake, it is thought that as long as there are good grades or interest, or with my enthusiasm can become an http:// perform their duties, then I should ......\".It will make people feel that you are very paive, do not http:// mind.In modern society, creativity and courage and insight, cover letter writes is not a good impreion.

5 inappropriate wording

Examples of this is really beyond count, some people uproarious ( recruiters how does not laugh ).Have students http:// wrote: \" you know I have this kind of candidates, will be overjoyed.\" Or: \" I (who is female ) especially like strangers.\" Or: \" this job for me is simply cannot resist the temptation.\" If careful writing words, this kind of inappropriate rhetoric is entirely avoidable.6 short words too much

Could you talk with friends when used as their school or field of study, but in the application is not should be http:// written like this, such as \"?

\", \"? \" \", \" busine school \", this will only make people feel that you or a student, gives people a bad impreion.










