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P117 任务型

发布时间:2020-03-02 21:39:53 来源:范文大全 收藏本文 下载本文 手机版

P-117-IV (任务型阅读):

Every year, wildfires destroy much forest land.Homes are broken doen, and thousands of people die.Smokejumpers are helping to stop this.

Smokejumpers are a special kind of firefighter.They jump from places into areas that are difficult to reach by car or on foot.They race to put out fire as fast as they can.

At fire site, Smokejumpers first examine that land and decide how to fight the fire.Their main goal is to stop fire from spreading.Using shovels and axes, smokejumpers clear land of burnable material like plants and other dry material.They carry water with them too, but not much.

Although most smokejumpers are men, more women are joining.Most important are your weight and height.Smokejumpers in the US for example, must be 54 to 91 kilograms, so thet don’t get hurt when they land, or get blown by strong winds.

Smokejumpers must be able to live in the wilderne (荒野).Mant smokejumpers know how to find food in the forest and even make simple furniture from tre.The work is dangerous, and the hours are long.

But for these firefighters, smokejumping isn’t just a job.They love being able to jump out of planes, fight fires and live in the forest.



I am a vet ().Once I was called to examine a ten-year-old dog named Jimmy.The dog’s owner, Ron with his wife and his son all loved Jimmy.They were very sad.I examined Jimmy and found he was dying of dancer.I told the family that we could not do anything for Jimmy.Then, Ron and his wife asked their six-year-old son Tom to see the whole thing.They felt this was a good chance for the little boy to learn something from this experience.To my surprise, Tom seemed calm.He touched the lovely gog for the last time.I don’t whether he could understand what was going on.After a few minutes, Jimmy died peacefully.The little boy seemed to understand Jimmy’s change.We sat together for a while after Jimmy’s death.We talked about the fact that animal lives are shorter than human lives.Tom, who was listening quietly, suddenly said, “I know why.” Surprised, we all turned to kim.Then, I heard the best reason that had ever heard.He said, “People are born to learn how to live a good life.They learn to love everybody and he ”











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