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发布时间:2020-03-04 01:29:45 来源:范文大全 收藏本文 下载本文 手机版

9:54AM If you\'re seeing any trouble with comments, don\'t panic.It looks like Disqus might be experiencing the Apple effect right now.9:54AM 如果你们发现评论有任何困难的话,请别紧张。看上去 Disqus 正在被苹果的魅力所影响

9:56AM For those wondering -- no sign of Steve here, but Jony Ive is in the front row.9:56AM 看上去 Steve 并不在场,但是 Jony Ive 正在前排。

9:58AM Did we mention that they\'re playing a lot of Beatles right now? 9:58AM 我们有提到他们放了很多披头士的歌吗?

9:58AM As you can by the photo, the chair / table setup is here...just like when Steve showed off the first iPad.9:58AM 就像你在照片中看到的,台上有一台桌子和椅子...就像乔布斯展示iPad时那样

9:59AM \"Ladies and gentlemen, our presentation will begin shortly.Please switch devices to silent mode.\" 9:59AM “女士们先生们,我们的发布会马上就要开始了。请把您的设备置于静音模式。

10:02AM The lights are going down...we\'re about to begin! 10:02AM 灯光渐渐隐去……我们就要开始了!

10:02AM Whoa! Steve is out! 10:02AM 哇!史蒂夫•乔布斯出场了!

10:03AM Standing ovation for Steve Jobs.People are flipping out.He looks good! 10:03AM 大家都站了起来热烈欢迎着史蒂夫•乔布斯。大家异常激动。他看起来状态棒极了

10:03AM \"We\'ve been working on this product for awhile, and I didn\'t want to mi it.\" 10:03AM “我们已经努力改善这个产品有一段时间了,我不想错过它。”

10:03AM \"We\'ve got something great to announce today, but first some updates.First iBooks.\" 10:03AM “今天我们将发布一些很棒的东西,不过还是说说更新吧。首先是iBooks。”

10:04AM \"We have over 2500 publishers in the iBookstore.\" 10:04AM “用户们已经在一年内下载了超过10亿本书。今天,我们宣布兰登书屋将带来超过1.7万本新书。”

10:04AM \"Users have downloaded over 100m books in le than a year.Today we\'re announcing that Random House is bringing over 17k books.\" 10:04AM “iBooksStore现在已经拥有超过2500个出版商了。

10:05AM \"That\'s iBooks.As you know, that\'s one of our three stores.They all use the same Apple ID to acce them.Recently, we just croed 200m accounts.\" 10:05AM \"这是 iBooks.就像你知道的那样, 这是我们第三个在线商店.你都可以通过同样的Apple帐号来登录他们.最近,我们有超过了 2亿个帐号 .

10:05AM \"Now Amazon doesn\'t publish their numbers, but it\'s likely this is the most accounts with credit cards anywhere on the internet.\" 10:05AM \"现在Amazon不再公布他们的数字, 但这似乎是互联网上拥有信用卡账户最多的地方.\"

10:05AM \"Another milestone...let\'s look at the App Store.We recently paid out over $2b to devs in total.Devs have earned over $2b from selling their apps on the App Store.\" 10:05AM \"另一个里程碑...然我们来看看 App Store.我们最近一共支付了20亿美元给开发者。开发者通过在App Store销售应用程序赚了20亿美元。

10:06AM \"A lot of people have tried to copy this.\" 10:06AM \"有很多人想来复制这一切.\"

10:06AM \"Lastly -- we recently shipped our 100 millionth iPhone.\" 10:06AM \"最后 -- 我们最近卖出了第一亿部 iPhone.\"

10:07AM \"Today we\'re here to talk about Apple\'s third post-PC blockbuster product.That\'s how we think about these things.We started with the iPod, then we added the iPhone, and then the iPad.Every one has been a blockbuster.\" 10:07AM \"今天,我们在这里谈谈 Apple的第三个优秀的\"后PC\" 产品.我们是这么想的.我们通过 iPod开始, 然后我们增加了iPhone,然后是iPad.每一个产品都是一鸣惊人的!

10:07AM \"We\'re in a position where most of our revenue comes from these products.\" 10:07AM \"现在我们的大部分利润都来源于这些产品.\"

10:08AM \"When we said the iPad was magical, people laughed at us.But it\'s turned out to be magical.And people questioned whether it was an \'unbelievable\' price -- well ask our competitors.\" 10:08AM \"当我说iPad是魔术性的产品,很多人嘲笑我们,现在大家都相信了,它确实是Magical。然后人们开始关心它能否有一个很好的价格~这个问题同样丢给我们的竞争对手\"

10:08AM \"We sold 15m iPads...that\'s more than every tablet PC ever sold.\" 10:08AM \"我们已经卖了1500万台iPad,比任何其他的平板电脑都要多\"

10:09AM \"Many have said this is the most succeful consumer product ever launched.Over 90% market share...our competitors were flummoxed.\" 10:09AM \"很多人说这是有史以来最棒的产品.超过90%的市场份额..我们的竞争者很困惑\"

10:09AM \"Samsung put one out last year.They said \'our sell-in was quite aggreive, 2m, but our sell out was quite small\'.\" Zing! 10:09AM \"三星全年也出了一款.他们说他们的气势很状, 200万台, 但是我们的卖的不多\'.\" Zing!

10:09AM Steve is showing off some of the iPad app selection.10:09AM 史蒂夫在展示一些精选的iPad app

10:10AM \"Fantastic games, a lot of apps for busine and vertical markets.The things people are doing here are amazing.\" 10:10AM “神奇的游戏。有很多商业和垂直市场方面的软件。人们在这些方面做了惊人的贡献”

10:10AM \"They\'re taking advantage of this incredible, magical UI.\" 10:10AM “他们得利于令人难以置信的,神奇的用户界面”

10:10AM \"There\'s never been anything like this for photography...65,000 apps specifically for the iPad.\" 10:10AM “在摄影方面没有任何设备可以比与之相比,65000个iPad专用的软件”

10:10AM Ouch -- Honeycomb logo...100 apps.10:10AM 哦。。蜂巢的图表。。100个App。。

10:11AM \"One of the things that\'s helped us roll this out so fast is our retail stores.They were built for moments like this.We have hundreds of Apple stores now.Without them, we wouldn\'t have been succeful.\" 10:11AM “帮助我们实现这些的事情之一就是我们的直营商店。它们目前是这样的。我们已经有了数百个Apple Store了。没有它们,我们无法如此成功。”

10:11AM \"We made a video about 2010, the year of the iPad...\" Video time! 10:11AM “我们做了个有关2010年的视频,iPad之年。。”视频时间!

10:11AM Hmm...screen just says...Video.Oh there we go.10:11AM 嗯。。屏幕上只写着。。Video。。哦,开始了

10:12AM Phil Schiller: No one predicted this would be as succeful as it\'s been.10:12AM Phil Schiller: 没人能预料到iPad能像现在这样成功。

10:13AM Gist of the video -- the iPad is magical.Sales were through the roof.Stuff is amazing.10:13AM 视频要点——iPad是神奇的设备。销量直线上升。功能令人惊叹。

10:13AM Phil: Some people call this a post-PC device 10:13AM Phil:人们称iPad为“后PC设备”

10:13AM Yes, Apple.10:13AM 是的,没错。

10:14AM Chicago schools...using the iPad, seeing huge gains.10:14AM 芝加哥学校正在使用iPad,获益很大。

10:15AM Doctors are using the iPad...and spending more time with patients.Also, the iPad has been performing brain surgery.10:15AM 医生正在使用iPad……与病人交流的时间更多了。另外,iPad还能辅助脑外科手术

10:16AM iPads are being used to work with Autistic children.This is pretty cool.\"We\'re not curing Autism, but it\'s helping.\" 10:16AM iPad被用于帮助有自闭症的孩子们。这真的是很酷。“我们不是在治疗自闭症,但我们在提供帮助。”

10:17AM Man this is actually really emotional...10:17AM 这还真是很感人……

10:17AM Damn you Apple for making everyone here cry about the iPad.10:17AM 苹果个滚蛋,你让在场的人都为iPad感动的哭了

10:17AM Phil: This is just the beginning.10:17AM Phil:这只是个开始而已。

10:17AM Steve is back.10:17AM 乔布斯回来了。

10:18AM \"We\'ve gotten off to an exceptional first year.We\'d like to build on that.What about 2011? Everyone\'s got a tablet.Will 2011 be the year of the copycat? If we did nothing, maybe a little bit...probably not.\" 10:18AM “这第一年我们做的非常出色。我们也愿意继续保持这样。那2011年如何呢?大家都有平板电脑了。2011年会是山寨横行的一年吗?如果我们什么也不做,有一点可能会……但那不大可能。”

10:18AM \"But we haven\'t been resting on our laurels.Today we\'re going to introduce iPad 2.\" 10:18AM “我们并没有因为领先而不思进取。今天我们将发布iPad 2。”

10:19AM \"What is iPad 2.What have we learned? It is an all new design.It\'s a completely new design.And it\'s dramatically faster.We have a new chip we call A5.\" 10:19AM “什么是iPad 2。我们了解到了什么?它拥有全新的设计。完全不一样的设计。而且它的速度将会快的惊人。因为我们有新的A5芯片。”

10:19AM Boom.Dual core CPU.10:19AM 嘭!双核CPU。

10:19AM \"We go all out on the graphics performance.Up to 9 times faster.Same low power as A4.This will be the first dual core tablet to ship in volume.\" 10:19AM “我们全力以赴得提升了图形处理能力。提升了9倍之多。而且和A4的耗电量持平。这将是第一个开始出售的双核平板电脑。”

10:19AM \"The first iPad was no slouch...so a lot faster.\" 10:19AM \"第一,iPad速度有了一些的提升.\"

10:20AM \"Second, we\'ve built in some cameras for video.We\'ve got a rear and front facing.More on that in a few minutes.\" 10:20AM \"第二,我们为了视频功能内置了一些摄像头.正面和背面都有一个.接下来几分钟你们会看到.\"

10:20AM \'We\'ve also built in the gyroscope we have in the iPhone and iPod touch.\" 10:20AM \'我们同样内置了iPhone和Touch中已经有的陀螺仪.\"

10:20AM \"Having built in all this stuff, one of the striking things about the iPad 2 is that\'s dramatically thinner.33% thinner.\" 10:20AM \"将这些结合在一起, 难以置信的是iPad2 更加薄了.薄了33% .\"

10:21AM 13.4mm to 8.8mm 10:21AM 13.4mm 减少到 8.8mm

10:21AM \"The new iPad 2 is thinner than your iPhone 4.\" 10:21AM \"新iPad 2 比你的iPhone 4 还要薄\"

10:21AM \"When you get your hands on one, it feels totally different.\" 10:21AM \"当你亲手拿在手中,感觉将会完全不一样.\"

10:21AM \"Nothing approaches this.\" 10:21AM \"全新的设计,这就是它的样子.\"

10:22AM \"It\'s really thin...and it comes in two colors.And we\'re shipping white from day one!\" 10:22AM \"它真的是很薄...并且推出两种颜色.白色同时出售!\"

10:22AM Big cheers for that.

10:22AM \"In addition to having both colors, we have models that work with both AT&T and Verizon.\" 10:22AM \"除了有2中颜色, 我们还有兼容AT&T和Verizon的3G版本.\"

10:23AM \"Now here we are adding stuff into the iPad.Cameras, faster CPUs, gyroscope and all this stuff.We\'ve made it way thinner.Something\'s gotta give.You would think we\'d have to give up battery life.But we found a way...the same battery life as the original iPad.\" 10:23AM \"现在我们在iPad里加了新东西.相机, 更快的CPUs, 螺旋仪 还有这些.我们让它变得更薄.有人可能会牺牲掉电池寿命,不过我们找到了一种解决方案\"

10:23AM \"Over a month of standby.\" 10:23AM \"超过一个月的待机时间.\"

10:23AM \"This has been tried and tested...iPads get 10 hours of battery life.\" 10:23AM \"我们反复的测试...iPad有10个小时的使用时间.\"

10:24AM \"In addition to preserving the battery life, we\'ve also preserved the price.The same exact prices.\" 10:24AM \"它不仅有相同的使用时间,还有维持同样的价格,完全一样的价格\"

10:24AM \"Now some folks are out there saying they\'re only a little bit more expensive than us.When you look at this matrix, five of these six are le than $799.\" Burn Moto.10:24AM \"有人说,这比我们的产品贵那么一点.可是你看这个矩形的价格表, 6款中有5款价格在 $799以下.\"

10:25AM \"When you add this together with over 65,000 apps...we think 2011 is going to be the year of iPad 2.\" Big cheers from the crowd.10:25AM \"当你把这些和超过 65,000个软件加在一起...我们认为2011年将是iPad 2年\" 欢呼声

10:25AM \"Just a beautiful product...so when are we going to ship it? April, May, June? No.March 11th.\" 10:25AM \"漂亮的产品...那我们什么时候发售呢? 四月, 五月, 还是六月? 不.三月11号.\"

10:25AM \"26 countries or more on March 25th.And that is iPad 2.\" 10:25AM \"到3月25,会在另外26个国家发售.\"

10:26AM \"Some other new features.HDMI out.We have a cable that does just that.\" 10:26AM \"还有一些新功能.HDMI 输出.我们有了一个新的转机器来实现它.\"

10:26AM \"Mirrored video output.\" 10:26AM “对称视频输出”

10:26AM Provides output up to 1080p.Works with all apps.10:26AM 提供1080p高清输出,所有软件都适用

10:27AM You can charge while using.10:27AM 你可以一边充电一边使用

10:27AM \"Here\'s what it looks like.\" 10:27AM “它就长这样”

10:27AM $39 10:27AM 39美金










乔布斯传 演讲
