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2012年05月03日 09:53 来源:沪江英语网


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Host:Could someone back there please turn off the President\'s mic? I think the President\'s mic is hot, please turn it off.Thank you.Thank you.后台哪位帮忙把总统的麦克风关一下?我觉得总统的麦克风没有关,请帮忙关一下,谢谢,谢谢。


Obama:Great.I gotta get warmed up.I...I\'m so in love...God! I totally had that.Seriously guys, what am I doing here? 太棒了,我来个热身。我„„我太爱你„„(一月份演讲时他唱过Al Green这首歌)天哪!我真是擅长唱歌!说正经的各位,我来这是干什么的?

I\'m the President of the United States, and I\'m openning for Jimmy Kimmel? I have the nuclear codes, why am I telling \"knock knock\" jokes to Kim Kardashian? Why is she famous anyway? 我可是美国总统啊,我竟然为吉米·凯莫(ABC电视台深夜脱口秀主持人)热场?我是手握核武器的统领(美国总统有一只广为流传的“核按钮手提箱”,里面存放着启动美国核武器的密码),干嘛要来这给卡戴珊讲“敲门”笑话?她到底为啥出名呢?


That\'s it.Next year we send Biden.Now you\'re right.It\'s way too risky.我受够了。明年让拜登替我来好了。你说得对,这么干太危险。(拜登可是口误帝)

Wow, look at my hair.It really went gray.Do you think anybody would notice if I just went a little darker? Right now like a five on the \"Just For Men\" scale.I think I would go to 6 and nobody would notice.哇,看我的头发。一片灰白啊!你说我要是染黑一点会有人发现不?按照“Just For Men”(著名染发产品)的标准,我如今只剩5分黑了。我觉得我要是染成6分黑也应该不会有人注意吧。

Is the teleprompterworking? Are you kidding? What do you expect me to do out there? I literally have no idea what I\'m saying tonight.提词器准备好没?(自嘲演讲全靠提词器)开什么玩笑?那我一会上场怎么说话啊?我根本不知道今晚要说点什么。

Man! I could really use a cigarette right now.唉,现在真想抽根烟!(自嘲以前是烟鬼)

Okay, okay, I\'m going.God forbid we keep Chuck Todd and the cast of Glee waiting.好了好了,这就上场。谁敢让查克·陶德(美国国家广播公司政治中心主管)和Glee剧组久等啊!

Host:Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the President of the United States.女士们先生们,掌声有请美国总统!

Obama:Thank you! Good evening everybody.Good evening! I could not be more thrilled to be here tonight at the White House Correspondents\'Dinner.That is great crowd.They\'re already laughing.It\'s terrific.谢谢!晚上好各位,晚上好!今天我怀着无比激动的心情来出席白宫记者晚宴。这观众太好了,还没开始就笑成这样,太好了!

Chuck Todd -- love you, brother.I’m delighted to see some of the cast members of Glee are here.And Jimmy Kimmel, it’s an honor, man.What’s so funny? 查克·陶德,哥们我爱你哦!我很高兴见到Glee剧组也到场了。还有吉米·凯莫,真是荣幸啊!有啥好笑的? My fellow Americans, we gather during a historic anniversary.Last year at this time -- in fact, on this very weekend -- we finally delivered justice to one of the world’s most notoriousindividuals.


Now, this year, we gather in the midst of a heated election season.And Axelrod tells me I should never mi a chance to re introduce myself to the American people.So tonight, this is how I’d like to begin: My name is Barack Obama.My mother was born in Kansas.My father was born in Kenya.And I was born, of course, in Hawaii.今年,在白热化的大选季我们再次聚首,Axelrod(奥巴马的顾问)说我不应该错过任何重新向美国人民介绍自己的机会。所以今晚我打算就这样开场:我名叫贝拉克·奥巴马,我母亲出生在堪萨斯,我父亲出生在肯尼亚,而我出生在:当然是夏威夷。(自嘲出生证明事件)

In 2009, I took office in the face of some enormouschallenges.Now, some have said I blame too many problems on my predeceor, but let’s not forget that’s a practice that was initiated by George W.Bush.Since then, Congre and I have certainly had our differences; yet, I’ve tried to be civil, to not take any cheap shots.And that’s why I want to especially thank all the members who took a break from their exhausting schedule of not paing any laws to be here tonight.Let’s give them a big round of applause.2009年我就任总统时面临众多艰巨挑战。现在许多人说我把太多问题归咎于前任身上,但大家别忘了,这样的做法是小布什首创的。(这句本身就是推给 前任)从那时起,国会跟我就矛盾不断,但我尽量保持风度,从不阴损吐槽。所以我今天要特别感谢那些从无所事事的百忙之中抽空到场的国会议员。(这就是 cheap shot阴损吐槽啊)大家把热烈的掌声献给他们吧。

Despite many obstacles, much has changed during my time in office.Four years ago, I was locked in a brutal primary battle with Hillary Clinton.Four years later, she won’t stop drunk-texting me from Cartagena.尽管险阻重重,但自我上任以来,许多事都有所改变,四年前,我跟希拉里在初选中斗得你死我活;四年后,她一喝多就从Cartagena给我发短信(希拉里最近走红的短信照和喝酒照,Cartagena也是特工嫖妓门的发生地)。

Four years ago, I was a Washington outsider.Four years later, I’m at this dinner.Four years ago, I looked like this.Today, I look like this.And four years from now, I will look like this.That’s not even funny.四年前,我是首都政界圈外人;四年后,我出现在白宫晚宴上。四年前,我长这样;四年后,我长这样;再过四年,我就会长成这样了(摩根·弗里曼)。一点也不好笑。

Anyway, it’s great to be here this evening in the vast, magnificent Hilton ballroom -- or what Mitt Romney would call a little fixer-upper.I mean, look at this party.We’ve got men in tuxes, women in gowns, fine wine, first-cla entertainment.I was just relieved to learn this was not a GSA conference.Unbelievable.Not even the mind reader knew what they were thinking.总之,我很高兴今晚来到这宏伟辉煌的希尔顿舞厅,或者用罗姆尼的话来说叫“日久失修的小破屋”(暗指罗姆尼是富二代)。我想说,瞧这派对,有穿着燕 尾服的绅士,穿晚礼服的淑女,醉人美酒和一流演出——听说这不是GSA大会我才放心(联邦政府总务署公款吃喝事件)。难以置信啊!连读心术都看不到他们脑 子里的想法(指脑袋空空)。

Of course, the White House Correspondents’ Dinner is known as the promof Washington D.C.-- a term coined by political reporters who clearly never had the chance to go to an actual prom.当然了,白宫记者晚宴又被成为“首都毕业舞会”。发明这个词的记者显然从没真正参加过真正的毕业舞会。

Our chaperone for the evening is Jimmy Kimmel -- who is perfect for the job since most of tonight’s audience is in his key demographic-- people who fall asleep during Nightline.Jimmy got his start years ago on The Man Show.In Washington, that’s what we call a congreional hearing on contraception.我们今晚的“监护人”是吉米·凯莫(指毕业舞会的成年监护人),他是这个职位的不二人选,因为今晚观众都是他的目标人群:那些看 Nightline(凯莫节目之前播出的晚新闻)睡着没关电视的人。吉米多年前在“男人秀”出道。在华盛顿,“男人秀”是关于女性避孕药品的国会听证(听 证会全是男人出席)。 And plenty of journalists are here tonight.I\'d be remi if I didn’t congratulate the Huffington Post on their Pulitzer Prize.You deserve it, Arianna.There\'s no one else out there linking to the kinds of hard-hitting journalism that HuffPo is linking to every single day.Give them a round of applause.And you don’t pay them -- it\'s a great busine model.今晚众多媒体人到场,我必须要恭喜“赫芬顿邮报”获得普利策奖。Arianna(该报女掌门),你们当之无愧!没人能像你们一样每天“链接”到这么多的犀利新闻(指赫芬顿邮报的新闻都是盗用别家链接)。请把掌声献给他们。你们还不付原作者钱,这是伟大的经营模式啊!

Even Sarah Palin is getting back into the game, guest hosting on The Today Show -- which reminds me of an old saying: What\'s the difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull? A pit bull is delicious.A little soy sauce.连佩林都重返舞台了,在“今日秀”做嘉宾主持。这使我想起一句老话:“冰球老妈和牛头犬有什么不同”(这句的内涵是说二者一样)。牛头犬的味道好极了。(自嘲6岁吃狗肉事件)再加点酱油。 Now, I know at this point many of you are expecting me to go after my likely opponent, Newt Gingrich.Newt, there\'s still time, man.But I\'m not going to do that -- I\'m not going to attack any of the Republican candidates.Take Mitt Romney -- he and I actually have a lot in common.We both think of our wives as our better halves, and polls show, to a alarmingly insulting extent, the American people agree.We also both have degrees from Harvard; I have one, he has two.What a snob.现在,说道这里我知道很多人都在期待我出言攻击未来的对手,金里奇。纽特你还来得及啊!但我不会那么做。我不会攻击任何共和党候选人。比如鲁姆你, 我们两个其实有很多共同点,我们都认为自己的老婆比自己更优秀。而且民意调查显示,令人震惊而难堪的是,很大一部分美国人也这样认为(他俩都没老婆受欢 迎)。我们都有哈佛的学位,我有一个,他有两个。真是势利小人。

Of course, we\'ve also had our differences.Recently, his campaign criticized me for slow jamming the news with Jimmy Fallon.In fact, I understand Governor Romney was so incensed he asked his staff if he could get some equal time on The Merv Griffin Show.Still, I gue Governor Romney is feeling pretty good about things because he took a few hours off the other day to see The Hunger Games -- some of you have seen it.It\'s a movie about people who court wealthy sponsors and then brutally savage each other until only one contestant is left standing.I\'m sure this was a really good change of pace for him.I have not seen The Hunger Games; not enough cla warfare for me.当然我俩也有不同之处,近年来他的竞选团队批评我和吉米·法伦表演的“最慢新闻风”。实际上,我知道罗姆尼州长气疯了,一直问手下能否上“Merv Griffin秀”(1986年就停播的电视节目)也来这么一长段。而且我举得罗姆尼最近的心情还是不错的,因为前几天他抽时间去看了“饥饿游戏”,有些 人看过了,电影讲述的是一群人围了取悦赞助人残忍搏杀,直到剩下最后一位幸存者的故事。他看了这片子绝对可以转换心情啊。我还没看过“饥饿游戏”,对我来 说片中的“阶级斗争”还不够(共和党将税务问题称为“阶级斗争”)。 Of course, I know everybody is predicting a nastyelection, and thankfully, we\'ve all agreed that families are off limits.Dogs, however, are apparently fair game.And while both campaigns have had some fun with this, the other day I saw a new ad from one of these outside groups that, frankly,I think croed the line.I know Governor Romney says he has no control over what his super PACs do, but can we show the ad real quick? (Video is played.) 当然我知道大家都认为本届选战将会不择手段,幸好,我们都同意不可殃及家人。但是对于狗,显然就是公平竞争了。双方阵营都拿这事玩得很开心。某天我 看到这段外围组织制作的视频,说实话,我觉得过分了。我知道罗姆尼自称跟他的“超级PAC”绝无串通,我们来看一下这段宣传广告吧。(播放视频) That’s pretty rough,but I can take it,because my stepfather always told me, it\'s a boy-eat-dog world out there.这一段太凶残了,但我还能忍受得住。因为我的继父经常教导我,这是个“童咬狗”的世界(被罗姆尼阵营曝光的6岁吃狗肉事件)。

Now, if I do win a second term as President, let me just say something to all the--let me just say something to all my conspiracy-oriented friends on the right who think I\'m planning to unleash some secret agenda: You\'re absolutely right.So allow me to close with a quick preview of the secret agenda you can expect in a second Obama administration.现在,如果我真的赢得连任,我想告诉所有热爱阴谋论的右派朋友,你们认为我企图进行某些秘密计划,你们说得一点没错。所以结尾部分我要预告一下在我的第二任期内将出现的秘密计划。

In my first term, I sang Al Green; in my second term, I\'m going with Young Jeezy.Michelle said, yeah.I sing that to her sometimes.In my first term, we ended the war in Iraq; in my second term, I will win the war on Christmas.In my first term, we repealed the policy known as \"don\'t ask, don\'t tell\" -- wait, though;in my second term, we will replace it with a policy known as, it\'s raining men.In my first term, we paed health care reform; in my second term, I gue I\'ll pa it again.在我的第一任期我唱了Al Green的歌,在我的第二任期,我要唱Young Jeezy。米歇尔说:“好啊。”我有时候会给她唱。在我的第一任期我们结束了伊拉克战争,在第二任期,我们会打赢“圣诞之战”(共和党上纲上线捏造的战 争)。在我的第一任期,我们推翻了“不问不说”政策(军队的歧视同性恋政策),先别急,在我的第二任期,我们会将此政策替换成“漫天男人”(经典的同性恋 歌曲)。在我第一任期,我们通过了医保改革;在我的第二任期,我想我得再通过一次(共和党企图推翻医保改革)。

I do want to end tonight on a slightly more serious note -- whoever takes the oath of office next January will face some great challenges, but he will also inherit traditions that make us greater than the challenges we face.And one of those traditions is represented here tonight: a free pre that isn\'t afraid to ask questions, to examine and to criticize.And in service of that miion, all of you make sacrifices.其实我想用正经点的内容做今晚的结语,无论明年一月谁宣誓就职都会面临严峻的考验,但他也会继承使我们能战胜考验的传统精神。今晚各位所代表的就是这样的传统精神。媒体自由让我们不怕质疑,敢于调查,直言批判。而为了这样的目标,你们所有人都做出了牺牲。 Tonight, we remember journalists such as Anthony Shadid and Marie Colvin-- who made the ultimatesacrifice as they sought to shine a light on some of the most important stories of our time.So whether you are a blogger or a broadcaster, whether you take on powerful interests here at home or put yourself in harm\'s way overseas, I have the greatest respect and admiration for what you do.I know sometimes you like to give me a hard time -- and I certainly like to return the favor-- but I never forget that our country depends on you.You help protect our freedom, our democracy, and our way of life.今晚,让我们来纪念像Anthony Shadid和Marie Colvin这样的勇敢记者(都是在国外报道时去世),他们为了将当代最重大的新闻公诸于世做出了崇高的牺牲。所以无论你是博客作者还是广播主持,无论你 是在国内尽力报道还是在海外身处险境,我都对你们的事业表示最高的尊敬和赞赏。我知道有时候你们让我不好过,我也非常想让你们不好过。但我从未忘记我们的 国家要仰仗你们。你帮助捍卫我们的自由、我们的民主和我们的生活方式。

And just to set the record straight, I really do enjoy attending these dinners.In fact, I had a lot more material prepared, but I have to get the Secret Service home in time for their new curfew.最后说正经的,我确实喜欢参加这样的晚宴。事实上我还准备了很多段子,但我得让特勤工们早点回家跟妻子报到。

Thank you very much, everybody.Thank you.非常感谢各位,谢谢!


奥巴马白宫演讲 2

白宫记者年会 奥巴马上演精彩喜剧脱口秀



胡锦涛 奥巴马 白宫晚宴




