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Unit 2邀请篇

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Unit 2邀请篇



Dear Lynn, I have good news to tell you.Bill and I had moved to Chaoyang District, which I had told you last time.We liked it very much.We would like to invite all of our friends come to our new home for a housewarming party.Please join us at 17:00 p.m.on Sunday, March 28, 2010.Directions are enclosed.We hope you and your wife will be able to attend on time.Yours truly, Laura


我有个高兴的事要告诉你,那就是最近比尔和我已经搬到了朝阳区,就是上次我给你说的那个小区,我们都很喜欢,并且想邀请所有的朋友来我们的新家参加家庭聚会。时间就定在这个星期日,即2010年3月28日下午五点,附地图。 希望您和您太太都能够准时来参加。 劳拉


Dear Laura, Hearing this news, I am also very happy for you.I know you are very satisfied with that village, and the environment is really good.The traffic is so convenient that you can save a lot of time.It is near the school for children.I think it very good to live there.We will attend your party on time.Yours, Lynn


听到这个消息,我也很替你们开心。我知道你们都很中意那个小区,小区的环境的确不错,交通也很方便,以后你上下班就省掉很多时间了,离孩子学校也近,想想真好。我们一定会准时参加的。 林恩


Dear Laura, This is exciting news.Congratulations to you.I believe that new home will bring you a better living environment, and make your whole family more laughter.If there\'s anything I can do, please tell me.I will do my utmost to help you.My wife and I will attend the party on time.Yours, Lynn


这真是个让人兴奋的消息,先在这里祝贺你们了。我相信新家一定会给你们带来一个更好的生活环境,给你们全家人带来更多欢笑。另外如果有什么需要帮忙的请告诉我们一定会尽力。聚会我和太太一定准时参加。 林恩



Dear John, On Labor Day, May 1, at ten o\'clock a.m., Leo and I are going to hold wedding ceremony.We are getting married at St.Peter\', that quiet little church which you know — at 5 Zhongguancun Street.We have sent the invitation card to you.It would not be perfect if you were not absent.There will be an informal reception in the church parlor and afterwards we want you be there, too.Affectionately yours, Cathy&Robin


劳动节当天,5月1日上午10点,我和里尔将举行结婚仪式。我们选在圣彼得那座宁静的小教堂里举行,你知道它的地址——中关村大街5号。我们给你寄了喜帖,如果你不在场,这场婚礼就显得不那么完美。我们还设了便宴,婚礼后在接待室举行,我们同样希望你能光临。 凯西


Dear Cathy, Congratulations.The day of your wedding finally comes.I could imagine how excited and happy you are.We are the witnees of your love all the time.I believe that god will not be ill-treated to those who spares no effort to the pursuit of happine.You are going to get what you want.I will attend your wedding.Yours sincerely John


恭喜你,这一天终于来临,我能想象你有多么激动和幸福。这一路上,我们见证着你们的爱情,知道这一路你们走来有多么不易。相信上天不会亏待每个用心去努力追求幸福的女孩,你也一定会得到自己想要的幸福。我一定会准时参加的。 约翰


Dear Cathy, I\'m really happy for you.Lille is an outstanding and promising young man.You are the world\'s most kind of persistent girl.You two make a lovely couple.I believe Lille would always be with you, and you will be the happiest person in the world.You bravely pursue your happine.We will ble you forever.Robin and I will attend your wedding, looking forward to seeing you.You will be the most beautiful bride in your wedding.Yours, John


我真为你开心。里尔是个优秀的青年人,年轻有为,而你是这世界上最善良最执着的女孩,你们是天造地设的一对璧人。我相信里尔会永远守护你,你们一定会是世界上最幸福的人。你勇敢地的追求幸福,我们会永远祝福你,我和罗宾会准时参加你的婚礼,期待婚礼上见到你,你将是最漂亮的那个新娘。 约翰



Dear Louise, I sincerely invite you to join my birthday party! It\'s my 18th birthday.I am going to have a huge birthday cake and we have prepared all kinds of interesting games! Please call me to let me know if you can come.If the answer is yes, don\'t forget to bring me a beautiful present! The date: Sunday, April 4, from 5 to 8 p.m.P.S.: Please tell your parents that there will be a dance party for the grownups, too! Yours sincerely, Hannah



这是我18岁生日。我将有一个巨大的生日蛋糕,而且准备了好多有趣的游戏!请打电话告诉我你来不来。如果你愿意来,别忘了带给我一份漂亮的礼物哦! 时间:星期日,4月4日,下午5点到8点。 附言:请告诉你的父母,我们也为大人准备了舞会! 汉娜


Dear Hannah, Wish you happy birthday in advance.The time paed quickly, so you have grown into a handsome, sensible girl.As your friend, I can feel your youth and vitality.I prepare a gift for you; I hope you\'ll like it.It\'s a secret.I will attend the party on time, and let us sing songs together for your birthday.Yours Louise


提前祝贺你生日快乐,时间过的真快,这么快你也成年了,长成一个漂亮懂事的姑娘,作为你的朋友,我时刻能感受到你身上翻发出来的青春与活力。给你准备了一份生日礼物,相信你一定会喜欢,暂时就小小保密下。这个聚会我一定会准时参加,倒是让我们一起为你唱生日歌。 路易斯


Dear Hannah, Thank you for your invitation, and I will attend your birthday party.Long time no see , I mi you all sorts of weird.Congratulations that you are one year old than before, you will stand on a major turning point in life.From now on you should behave like an adult.By the way, tell you good news that my parents will also take part in your birthday party.You know they like you very much.Yours Louise



对了,告诉你一个好消息,我爸妈也会参加,你知道他们有多么喜欢你。 路易斯 4.邀请看话剧


Dear Sally, My husband and I are very pleased to invite you and your husband to see the play.It is scheduled on next Saturday night at seven o\'clock, at Qintai Theatre.I also invited several other friends, and I hope we can go after watching the drama, singing karaoke.If you can bring some tapes, I believe this will be a very wonderful evening.We sincerely hope you will be able to come.Yours, Mary



时间定于下个星期六晚上七点,地点是琴台大剧院。我还邀请了几位别的朋友,并且希望看完话剧之后我们可以去唱卡拉OK。如果你能带些录像带来,我确信这会是一个非常愉快的夜晚。 我们真心希望你们能够前来,期待你们届时光临。 玛丽


Dear Mary, Thank you for your invitation, Robin and I will be punctual for the appointment.You still remember that I am very fond of play.I\'ve just learned the drama next Saturday is the one I have been looking for.Robin is also fond of singing.Thank you for your thoughtful arrangement.I believe we will have a pleasant weekend.I can\'t wait to see it.Yours sincerely, Sally


谢谢你的邀请,我和罗宾一定会准时赴约的。你一定还记得我非常喜欢话剧,我刚得知下周六上映的话剧正是我一直期待的那个,而罗宾他很喜欢唱歌,感谢你们如此周到的安排。我相信我们一定会度过一个愉悦的周末。想到这我都已经有些迫不及待了。 萨利


Dear Mary, My friend, thank you for your letter.Your letter says there will be a play on the next Saturday in Qintai theatre, and you want to invite Robin and me to see the play.However, I am very sorry to tell you that on that day I am going to see off an old friend who will go to study in America.So I am afraid it\'s impoible for me to go with you then.I believe that you can find another partner soon.Yours faithfully, Sally


我的朋友,谢谢你的邀请。你信上说下周六在琴台大剧院有个话剧,你想要请我和罗宾一起参加。但是我非常抱歉地告诉你,那天我要去为我的一个老朋友送行,他将前往美国读书,所以届时我可能没办法去了。相信你会找到其他同伴的。 萨利



Dear Doctor Chen, I am delighted to inform you that you are sincerely invited to participate in the book club of Wuhan as our guest.Your round-trip air ticket, accommodations and meal expenses will be subsidized by us.If you are interested in this, please let us know at your earliest convenience.I am looking forward to seeing you in this conference, and I am sure you will play an important role in the event.If your response is yes, I\'ll send the relevant information to you.Sincerely yours, NS Sponsor



期待在会议上看到您的身影,我确信您会在此次会议中担任重要的角色。如果您答应参加,我会把相关信息寄送给您。 NS 主办者


Dear NS Sponsor, Thank you for your kind invitation to attend the book club, and deliver a speech at the meeting.I am pleased to accept your invitation.It has always been my favorite way to make friends through book club.In the book club we can make more illustrious, and share the joy of books, and obtain knowledge of life.I will attend on time, please remember to send me relevant information to facilitate preparations in advance.Dr.Chen 主办者:

感谢你盛情邀请我参加这次书友会,并在会上发言。我很高兴接受你的邀请。以书会友,一直都是我喜欢的交友方式。在这里可以结识更多同道中人,大家一起分享书籍带给我们的欢乐,并从中获取人生认知。我会准时参加,请记得寄给我相关信息,以方便提前准备。 陈博士 邀请参加书友会英文邮件范文3

NS Sponsor, Thank the organizers of the book club; I am very glad that you can organize such an activity.It makes sense to the one who love reading books.But I am very sorry to tell you I am afraid I can not attend the book club on time, because I have a academic conference that day.There was not enough time for me to attend the book club after the meeting.But I will go to the book club as soon as poible.Please change the arrangement.Yours sincerely, Dr.Chen 主办者:

感谢主办方的邀请,我非常高兴你们主办这样的活动,这很有意义。但是我要很抱歉地告诉你我恐怕不能按时参加这次书友会,因为当天我还有个学术会议,当然如果时间来得及会议结束后,我会尽快赶过去, 还请贵方能做出调整。 陈博士



Dear Mr.Yang, With great pleasure I have received your invitation letter to have lunch on Saturday, June, 15.I would be very happy to have the opportunity of discuing with you on the proposed visit to Beijing by your Minister of Education.I would be even happier if you could let me host the lunch for you at 12:00 on that day in Royal Hotel of Beijing.I am sure you will give me your consent since you are in Beijing and I should be the host.I am looking forward to the pleasure of meeting you on Saturday at 12:00 in the lobby of Beijing Royal Hotel.With my best regards, Hanna Wei


收到关于您希望我参加六月十五日(星期六)午宴的邀请信,我非常高兴。 我非常高兴有这样一个机会就贵国教育部长计划访问北京一事与您进行讨论,更乐于尽地主之谊,于当天十二点在王府井饭店宴请您。我相信您会给我这个机会,因为您来到了北京,作为东道主的我理应如此。

我期待星期六十二点在北京王府井饭店大厅与您相见。 魏汉纳


Dear Mr.Wei, Thank you for your invitation.It is kind of you.Having heard that Beijing food is good, I will be punctual for the appointments.I\'m glad to take this opportunity to discu with you about the education and cooperation between our two countries.I believe this is the academic cooperation and promote friendship between the two countries.This has far-reaching significance.Yours sincerely, Yang


感谢您的邀请,您真是太热情了。早就听说北京菜很不错,我一定会准时赴约。我也很高兴借这个机会和您一起商讨两国教育合作的事情,我相信这对于推进学术合作,促进两国友谊有深远意义。 杨xx


Dear Mr.Wei Firstly thank you for your gracious hospitality; I hope you can come to our luncheon.I have sent the invitation card to you.There are many educators there then.I think you are interested in making some friends.This also has important influence on the visit of the minister to Beijing.Looking forward to your attendance.Yours sincerely, Yang


首先感谢您的盛情邀约,我还是希望您能来参加我的午宴,宾客邀请函都已经发出,到时会有许多教育界人士参加,我想您也会有兴趣结交并了解,这对于这次教育部长访问北京一事也有重要影响。期待您的参加。 杨xx 7.出游邀请


Dear Mary, The cherry blooms of Wuhan University is blooming, so Jack and I invite you to see the flowers on Saturday.You know that the cherry blooms in Wuhan University is very famous.Every year a lot of tourists come here especially for the beautiful cherry blooms.I think you\'ll like it.Wuhan University has a long history and a strong Academic atmosphere.Walking in such a beautiful campus, you will get your body and mind relaxed.I am looking forward to your reply.Yours.Lily


武汉大学的樱花盛开了,因此我和杰克邀请你本周六去武大赏花。你也知道武汉大学的樱花很出名,每年樱花盛开的时候都有很多游客慕名而来,樱花盛开的时候非常漂亮,我想你一定会喜欢的。武汉大学也是一个有着悠久历史的大学,有着浓厚的学术氛围。漫步在这样一个美丽的校园,你会从身心上得到放松,期待你的同游。 莉莉


Dear Lily, Thank you for your invitation this Saturday.I was too tired these days.It is just a chance to rest myself.You know I like the flowers of cherry blooms.I have heard that Wuhan University is famous for cherry blooms.But I have no chance to enjoy it.Your invitation is too exciting.I hope the week end come soon.We will meet at the school gate of the Wuhan University.Yours sincerely, Lily


谢谢你的邀请,这周六我刚好放假,这段时间太累了也想给自己找个机会休息下,你知道吗,我最喜欢的花就是樱花了,一直都听说武汉大学的樱花很有名却没机会欣赏,这个消息太让人兴奋了,真希望周末快点来临。到时我们在校门口见。 玛丽


Dear Lily, Thank you for your invitation.I had heard that the cherry blooms have been parts of Wuhan University.I would like to see it.But very unfortunately, this weekend I\'m going to visit my uncle.So I can\'t go with you.If there is a chance next time, I will go.Yours, Lily


感谢你的邀请。早已听说武大的樱花已经成为武汉大学的文化,我也很想去观赏,但是很遗憾的是这个周末我要去拜访我的叔叔,所以我不能和你们同游了,如果有机会的话,下次出游我一定去的。 玛丽

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