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创新理念 务实行动 坚持走中国特色可持续发展之路 ——在联合国可持续发展大会高级别圆桌会上的发言 中华人民共和国国务院总理 温家宝 2012年6月20日

Persevering in Sustainable Development with Chinese Characteristics through Innovative Thinking and Practical Action Premier of the State Council of the People\'s Republic of China At the High-level Roundtable Of the UN Conference on Sustainable Development Remarks by H.E.Wen Jiabao 20 June 2012 主席先生,

女士们、先生们、朋友们: Mr.Co-Chairs, Dear Friends, Ladies and Gentlemen, 很高兴参加今天的圆桌会议,就“展望未来、落实成果”这一主题交流看法。历史和现实表明,全球可持续发展的道路是曲折的,但前途是光明的,我们对此充满


It is my great pleasure to exchange views with you at today\'s roundtable on the theme \"looking at the way forward in implementing the expected outcomes of the Conference\".Both history and reality show that the path to global sustainable development may be tortuous, but the future remains bright.We must have full confidence in that.To translate the expected outcomes of the Conference into reality requires actions by all countries.China is committed to sustainable development along with the international community.中国是可持续发展理念的坚定支持者。上世纪70年代以来,从斯德哥尔摩到里约热内卢,中国参加了可持续发展理念形成和发展过程中历次重要国际会议,并作出积极贡献。进入新世纪,中国结合国内外实践,提出以人为本、全面协调可持续的科学发展观,建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会和生态文明,走新型工业化道路,这些先进理念,充分体现了中国特色,也吸取了有益的国际经验。

China is a staunch supporter of the concept of sustainable development.Since the 1970s, China has participated in all the conferences from Stockholm to Rio de Janeiro that were crucial to the formulation and development of the concept of sustainable development and made its own positive contributions.Since the beginning of the 21st century, China has, in light of useful practices at home and abroad, pursued the concept of scientific development featuring a people-oriented approach and comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development.We have endeavored to build a resource-saving and environment-friendly society, cultivate a conservation culture and blaze a new trail of industrialization.These advanced concepts and ideas have distinctive Chinese features, and have also drawn upon useful international experience.中国是可持续发展战略的积极实践者。我们注重统筹兼顾经济发展、社会进步和环境保护。在经济发展方面,过去34年国内生产总值年均增长9.9%,贫困人口


China is an active practitioner of the strategy of sustainable development.In dealing with the need for economic development, social progre and environmental protection, we take special care to harmonize their relationship.With respect to economic development, China\'s GDP maintained an average annual growth rate of 9.9% in the past 34 years, resulting in over 200 million people being lifted out of poverty and China becoming the first country in the world to reach the MDG target of halving the proportion of the poor.China, by practising the world\'s strictest farmland and water protection systems, has been able to feed one fifth of global population with le than 10% of global farmland and 28% of global average level of water resources in per capita terms.With respect to social development, China has introduced universal compulsory education for free, deepened the reform of old-age insurance system, and made basic old-age pension and medical services available to both urban and rural residents.With respect to environmental protection, China has stepped up energy conservation and carbon emiion reduction in an all-round way.In the past six years, China\'s energy consumption per unit of GDP was cut down by 21%, equivalent to 1.6 billion tons of CO2, and the total discharge of main pollutants dropped by around 15%.The reafforested areas have increased by 620,000 square kilometers, which was the largest in the world.With concrete actions, we have lived up to our solemn commitments to our own people and the international community at large.

中国是可持续发展国际合作的有力推动者。我们积极开展南南合作,为世界可持续发展作出了力所能及的贡献。截至2011年底,中国累计免除50个重债穷国和最不发达国家约300 亿元人民币债务,对38个最不发达国家实施了超过60%的产品零关税待遇,并向其他发展中国家提供了1000多亿元人民币优惠贷款。我们积极推进南北合作,与发达国家在环境保护、气候变化、能源资源等领域形成了制度化的合作机制。我们积极参与国际组织的活动,认真履行国际公约,承担了与自身能力相符的责任与义务。

China is an energetic promoter for international cooperation in sustainable development.Actively engaging in South-South cooperation, China has contributed to the sustainable development of the world to the best of its ability.By the end of 2011, we had cancelled about 30 billion RMB yuan of debts owed by 50 Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPCs and Least Developed Countries (LDCs, accorded zero-tariff treatment to over 60% of the products of 38 LDCs, and provided over 100 billion RMB yuan in conceional loans to other developing countries.Actively promoting North-South cooperation, China has developed institutionalized cooperation mechanisms with developed countries in such areas as environmental protection, climate change, energy and resources.We have vigorously involved in the activities of international organizations, earnestly implemented international conventions, and fulfilled the responsibilities and obligations commensurate with our capabilities.展望未来,中国推进可持续发展任重道远。中国仍是一个发展中国家,虽然经济总量较大,但人均国民收入还排在世界的90位左右,按照新的扶贫标准,还有1亿多人处于贫困线以下,资源环境压力不断增大,发展中不平衡不协调不可持续的问题依然突出。

Looking ahead, China faces an uphill journey in promoting sustainable development.As a developing country, China may boast a fairly large economy, but its per capita

income ranks only around the 90th place in the world.Calculated according to the new standard, China still has more than 100 million people living below the poverty line.What is more, preure from resources and the environment continues to mount, and problems of unbalanced, uncoordinated and unsustainable development remain challenging.我们将全面实施“十二五”规划,凝聚全社会力量,采取综合性措施,加快转变经济发展方式,调整优化经济结构,合理控制能源消费总量,大力建设节约资源、保护环境的生产生活方式和消费模式,努力完成2015年比2010年单位国内生产总值二氧化碳排放下降17%、能源消耗下降16%、非化石能源比重提高到11.4%、主要污染物排放总量降低8%到10%的约束性指标,提高发展质量,实现绿色繁荣。

In implementing our 12th Five-Year Plan in an all-round way, we will mobilize the entire society, adopt a holistic approach to shift our growth model quickly, adjust and optimize our economic structure, keep aggregate energy consumption at a reasonable level and energetically build a mode of production, way of life and consumption pattern conducive to resource conservation and environmental protection.In particular, we will strive to meet the obligatory targets set for the year 2015, namely, to lower CO2 emiions and energy consumption per unit of GDP by 17% and 16% respectively, raise the proportion of non-foil fuels to 11.4% and cut total discharge of main pollutants by 8% to 10% all from the 2010 levels.These efforts are aimed at improving the quality of development and realizing green prosperity.我们将更加积极地推进国际合作,参与可持续发展全球治理,并逐步增加对其他发展中国家的援助,与国际社会携手并肩、同舟共济,为子孙后代创造更加美好的家园。

We will take a more active part in pushing forward international cooperation, participate in global governance for sustainable development, gradually increase

aistance to other developing countries, and work with the international community to build a better world for the future generations.谢谢! Thank you.


王毅外长在联合国可持续发展高级别政治论坛上的发言 中英对照








温家宝在联合国粮农组织颁奖仪式上的答辞 中英对照
