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预测作文1 Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short eay.You should start your eay with a brief description of the picture and then expre your views on exaggeration in advertising.You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


On Exaggeration in Advertising The picture shows a concerned mother taking her kid to a doctor.Judging from the doctor’s words, the mother seems to be worrying that her kid is not developing as well as kids she saw in advertisements.The doctor aures her that the advertisements are not real ,and that her kid is just fine.Today, many advertisements tend to exaggerate.Some exaggerate on the effect of certain kinds of nutritions, saying that if you don’t buy their product for your kid, he/she won’t grow healthily.Some people believe what they see on TV, and spend a lot of money on the products.In my opinion, the advertisers are very irresponsible.They only care about making money, not people’s need.To solve this problem, I think people should learn more about science and technology in order not to be cheated.On the other hand, the media should take responsibility and stop spreading wrong information.

预测作文2 Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short eay.You should start your eay with a brief description of the picture and then expre your views on the topic that every has his own strength..You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


Everybody Has His Own Strength In the picture presented to us, a grandma is talking to a lady that although the little baby doesn’t really talk yet, he does some sound bites.Obviously, what the picture symbolically illustrates is that everyone has his own strength even if it is minimal.We live in a society where a lot people with their own skills play an important role in their own position.There are people responsible for supplying electricity for the city, and people treating illnees for others.Everyone develops a skill which others cannot surpa.From the above we can see every person has his merits and his good qualities which are worth being learned by others.So we should rationally ae others and ourselves.For one thing, we should stop comparing ourselves to others.No two people are alike.For another, digging out our own strength is of great importance.Only by this way, can we learn a little from every person we meet and continue to grow.

预测作文3 Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short eay.You should start your eay with a brief description of the picture and then expre your views on the topic that students take school seriously.You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


Students Should Take School Seriously The picture shows a scene in a library.A student wants to find a book on how to do well in school without studying, but the librarian tells him that that kind book would be nothing but fictional.I quite agree with her.As the saying goes, “NO pains, no gains”.If you want to achieve a goal, you must do the neceary work.You must sow the seeds in the spring if you want to harvest in the autumn.If you want master a skill, you must keep learning and practicing.You can’t skip the proce and go directly to the result.For us students, we should take school seriously.Only by studying hard can we learn the knowledge that we will need in the future.And to truly understand the knowledge, we must try our best to learn hard.Our had work will pay off in the future.

预测作文4 Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short eay.You should start your eay with a brief description of the picture and then expre your views on online shopping addiction.You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


Online Shopping Addiction In the picture, a student is criticised by the teacher, because she is so addicted to online shopping that she ordered something during cla.Today, it’s very convenient to buy things on the Internet.If something can be bought with money, then there is a very big chance you can buy it online.Moreover, you can have the things you bought delivered right to your house.You no longer need to go out and search for things you want in real shops.In my opinion, though online shopping is good, we can’t entirely rely on it.You don’t see the goods with your eyes when you shop online, and you might get cheated.Besides, the online stores usually offer a very low price, and you might end up in buying things you don’t really need.Last but not least, it’s not healthy to spend too much time surfing on line.Good as it is, we must do online shopping properly.

预测作文5 Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short eay.You should start your eay with a brief description of the picture and then expre your views on the importance of parents spending more time with their kids.You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


Importance of Parents Spending More Time with Their Kids In the picture, a man is making a call to his family, perhaps his wife.He says that he will stay late in the office, and he won’t be home until the kids are grown up.His words may be exaggerating, but the phenomenon is very serious.Nowadays, many people are so busy with work that they spend very little time with their children.They need to make money to feed the family, and they think the money will make up for their absence.I think they are irresponsible in thinking so.Kids don’t know much about money and work.All they want is the company of family.The happine of having family members at their side can’t be bought.Parents should spend more time their children for their healthy growth.

预测作文6 Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short eay.You should start your eay with a brief description of the picture and then expre your views on the importance of students managing and saving money.You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


Importance of Students Managing and Saving Money The picture features a female student named Jill.According to the text, she used to keep asking her parents to send her money, until they grew tired and installed an ATM in her dorm room.Is it really neceary for Jill to learn hoe to manage and save her money? I would definitely say “yes”.Most college students live away from home.Some develop a habit of spending money whenever they want wo, without making plans.As a result,they soon run out of money, and they just ask their parents for more.In my opinion, this is a very bad habit.In a few years, they will enter the society and begin to make a living on their own.If they don’t make plans on spending money, they will face the same problem/ But it’s such a disgrace to ask parents for money, because they are supposed to live on their own.Students should form a good habit of making plans, so that they can live well in the future.

预测作文7 Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short eay.You should start your eay with a brief description of the picture and then expre your views on self diagnosis.You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


On Self Diagnosis In the picture, an angry patient is pointing at his doctor, saying that he searched on the Internet about his symptoms, and he should have been dead according to what he found.To me, the patient seems very ridiculous and unreasonable.Today, it’s very easy to find information you need on the Internet.Some people would try to diagnose themselves by looking up their symptoms on the Internet when they are ill to save the money of seeing a doctor.However, this kind of self diagnosis could be very dangerous.The human body is very complex.People who are not trained on medical on medical skills might misread their symptoms and come up with wrong conclusions.Some people do this because they don’t trust doctors.Certainly, there are some doctors who only want to make money and don’t treat patients well.But not all doctors act like that.People should still go to doctors, and doctors should take measures to earn back people’s trust.

预测作文8 Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short eay.You should start your eay with a brief description of the picture and then expre your views on celebrity worship.You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


On Celebrity Worship In the picture, a woman is talking about her decision on switching her major to “rehab”.She wants to do that because she wants to meet celebrities.In my opinion, switching the major is all right, but her reason is questionable.Nowadays, with the entertainment industry developing rapidly, we are having more and more celebrities.Many people have a few celebrities as their idols, and they have different reasons for that.Some adore celebrities because they are attractive, while some find their personality honorable.In my view, adoring celebrities is nothing wrong.However, we must pay attention to the way we like them.If we take them as examples and try to work as hard as them, then it will be helpful to us.But if we spend too much time and money in celebrity worship,the result could be bad.

预测作文9 Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short eay.You should start your eay with a brief description of the picture and then expre your views on multitasking.You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


Multitasking Is Inefficient In the picture, the son is trying to do several things at the same time: he is using a laptop, looking at a cellphone and changing the TV channel.His mother is talking to him and from her words we can infer that the boy must have done several things when doing his homework so he performed badly in his study.In my point of view,this boy can’t do all the things well.Each task that he is trying to do needs a lot of attention,but people’s attention is limited.As a result, he will likely fail every task.Sometimes people can do more than one thing at a time.For example, my mother used to knit a sweater while watching TV.However, neither knitting a sweater nor watching TV requires much attention.That’s why she can manage that.But what the man in the picture is trying to do is another story.If we need to do something that requires a lot of attention, we’d better do only one thing at a time, so that we can concentrate on that task and do it well.

预测作文10 Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short eay.You should start your eay with a brief description of the picture and then expre your views on raising the retirement age.You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


On Raising the Retirement Age One of the two kids in the picture is complaining that he can’t finish his third grade, because the retirement age is always rising.His words may be funny, but the phenomenon behind them is serious.In recent years, many countries are raising their retirement age.There are many reasons.Firstly, the birth rate is dropping, and the society is aging.There are more senior people retiring from work, and it costs a lot to pay their retirement pension.Secondly, people are living longer than before.In old times, a 70-year-old man would be rare, but today it’s normal.In my opinion, raising the retirement age could be an efficient measure to solve the problems, but the government must be careful.Many people expect to retire at a certain age.When the standard is raised, the could feel cheated.The government must consider their sentiments.

预测作文11 Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short eay.You should start your eay with a brief description of the picture and then expre your views on Internet addiction among kids.You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


On Internet Addiction Among Kids The picture shows a scene in a family of three.The kid seems to be addicted to the Internet and has forgotten everything else in his life.His parents are worried about that.Just some twenty years ago, computers were still rare things, not to mention the Internet.But today, they are so common that nearly every family has one or more computers.In the meantime, children also start to use computers at an earlier age, and they are very easy to become addicted.In my opinion, it’s not good for kids to use computers too much.For one thing, it’s harmful to their vision.For another, if children spend too much time on the computer, they won’t do enough exercise.For children’s health, the parents should limit their kids’ use of computer.

预测作文12 Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short eay.You should start your eay with a brief description of the picture and then expre your views on people’s relying too much on the Internet.You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


On people’s Relying Too Much on the Internet In the picture, we can see a teacher criticizing a student.The student relied too much on the Internet when doing his homework, although the homework is very simple.Today, it’s very easy to find all kinds of information using the Internet, from names of places you have never been to, to names of people you have never heard of.If you want to look up something, the Internet is always your best choices.That’s why many students use the Internet to help do their homework.In my opinion, using the Internet is a good thing.However, relying too much in it is another story.The Internet is convenient, but it can’t do everything for you.Besides, if you want to master a skill, you must have the knowledge stored in your mind rather than look it up each time you need it.Internet is a tool, and we must use it with care.

预测作文13 Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short eay.You should start your eay with a brief description of the picture and then expre your views on whether appearance is important.You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


`Does Appearance Really Counts? In the picture, a discuion on the importance of appearance is going on between two frogs.One frog tells the other, “Looks aren’t everything.It’s what’s inside you that really matters.” Namely, it is our qualities and abilities rather than appearance that speak louder in our way to succe.Undoubtedly, the appearance leaves immediate impreions on others and its effect cannot be ignored.Sometimes beautiful and handsome ones do have some advantages in communication and in getting helps from others.However, “it’s what’s inside you that really matters”.For most of us, it is the inceant diligence and efforts that bring us achievements in studies; it is the prominent working competence that determines the succe of our careers; and it is the kindne and sincerity we have that unites friends and family around us.Personally speaking, I think we should “Never judge a person by appearance”.For beneath the appearance, the respectable qualities, the self-cultivation and the brilliant competences we have what eventually decide who we are and how far we will go in life.

预测作文14 Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short eay.You should start your eay with a brief description of the picture and then expre your views on unemployment.You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


On Unemployment There is a man watching TV in the picture.The news reporter on the TV is talking about unemployment, but he can’t tell more, because he has also lost his job.A few years ago, we encountered a severe financial crisis.At that time, many people lost their jobs.That brought many consequences to the society.Firstly, most people need to work to make a living.Without a job, they will have difficulty in feeding themselves and their family.Secondly, if there are too many joble people wandering around, it could be very harmful to public security.Thirdly, some companies couldn’t afford to hire so many employees, so they fired some.But after that,they don’t have enough people to do the job.Finally, they could end up with bankruptcy.The unemployment problem, if not properly solved, will develop into a vicious cycle.The society must work together to solve it.The government should create more job opportunities, and people should try jobs they have never done before.

预测作文15 Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short eay.You should start your eay with a brief description of the picture and then expre your views on the power of smiling.You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


The power of smiling We can see two men in the picture.One of them seems to be the bo, who is giving an order to one of his staff. He wants to hire someone with a bright smile, so that they don’t need to turn on the light.Of course, it is a joke, because a smile, however bright it is, can’t poibly light up a room.But we can see the meaning behind the words: smile has amazing power.We can find many reasons to smile.Firstly, when you meet someone, a smile makes you look friendly and easy to get along with.Secondly, when one of your friends is upset, just give him or her a warm smile.It shows that you really care about them, and you will support then heart and soul.Thirdly, when you fail a task, give yourself a smile.what’s done is done, but you can still do it better next time.The power of smile is great.Fill your life with smile, and you will have happy life.

预测作文16 Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short eay.You should start your eay with a brief description of the picture and then expre your views on the impact of cell phones on people’s life.You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


Impact of Cell Phones on People’s Life In the picture there are two men, who seem to be a bo and his employee.The bo has given the employee a vacation, but he asks her to stay in touch through her cell phone.Perhaps he will give her some work to do in her vacation.Today, nearly everyone has a cell phone.Cell phones have greatly changed our life.In the past, when we had no cell phones, it was not very easy to stay in touch with people living in another place.Mails are too slow, and traditional phones are inconvenient.But cell phones have solved all these problems.You can send text, voice or video in a very fast manner.Besides, because people usually carry their cell phone with them, it’s very easy to contact them.Cell phones have solved many problems, but they have also created a few new ones.For example, it has become hard to really stay alone with a cell phone in your pocket, just as shown in the picture.In general, cell phones have made life easier and more convenient.We must get used to it.

预测作文17 Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short eay.You should start your eay with a brief description of the picture and then expre your views on companies monitoring their employees electronically.You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


On Companies Monitoring Their Employees Electronically The picture shows two employees in front of a computer monitor.According to their conversation, their bo likes to keep a eye on his employees.Even when he isn’t around, he uses a screen saver to make the employees feel that he is still watching.Some employers have grown the habit of watching their employees work.They have different reasons.Some think that if they don’t watch, the employees will waste time at work or spend time on something else, like playing games.Some others think that the employees will work harder if they receive a little preure from their bo.In my opinion, watching the employees is quite unneceary.Firstly, it gives then the feeling that the bo doesn’t trust them.Secondly, they may also feel that their privacy is not respected.These bad feelings won’t help them work better.If I were the bo, I would stop watching my employees, and let them work without unneceary preure.

预测作文18 Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short eay.You should start your eay with a brief description of the picture and then expre your views on the importance of work-life balance.You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


Importance of Work-Life Balance The conversation in the picture seems to take place in an office.A bo is asking an employee to stay late that night, because he wants her to attend a talk on work-life balance.The demand is quite irony, because if the employee agrees to stay late for work, her work-life balance will be interrupted.Nowadays, the pace of life is becoming faster and faster.Many people must work overtime to accomplish their work.However, people’s time is limited.If they put more time on work,they will have le time for their personal life.They will have le time to rest, to relax, and to recover from the fatigue of work.In my opinion, this is not only unhealthy, but harmful to them.If they continue to work overtime, they will become more and more tired, and finally fall ill.I think employers should take employees’ health into consideration, and give them enough time to rest.

预测作文19 Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short eay.You should start your eay with a brief description of the picture and then expre your views on cheating.You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


On Cheating An exam is going on in the picture.It is an ethics exam, but a student is cheating.If he can cheat in an ethics exam, what else can’t he cheat on? I think what he is doing is seriously wrong.Some students like to cheat in exams.They say that exams are only a waste of time, so is preparing for them.As long as they can pa, they don’t care about the method.Cheating can save a lot of time.If they do it carefully, they won’t get caught.So why don’t they cheat? In my opinion, they made two mistakes.Firstly, the purpose of exam is to test whether they have learned the neceary knowledge.If they only pa exams by cheating, then there is no point in taking the courses.Secondly, exams are not only tests for knowledge, but personality.If they cheat, they fail to be honest.They must stop cheating.

预测作文20 Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short eay.You should start your eay with a brief description of the picture and then expre your views on the topic that computer is changing the way we learn.You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


Computer Is Changing the Way We Learn In the picture, a little kid is asking his father to let him use the computer, because he needs to do his homework on it.From the picture, we can learn that the way today’s children things is quite from what we used to do.When I was a kid, all I had were books.In the school, we used books to study.After school, we used books to do homework.Things have changed a lot recently.Some schools are using digital textbooks, and students are using computer to do homework.I think it’s a good change.The e-books have a lot of advantages.They are easy to carry, and have many functions.Science is changing people’s life, and we must get used to the new technologies.

预测作文21 Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short eay.You should start your eay with a brief description of the picture and then expre your views on the importance of teaching children independent living skills.You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


Importance of Teaching Children Independent Living Skills In the picture, a graduating student is talking to the college counselor about her future.She says she wants to be completely independent; however she can’t even do her laundry on her own.Nowadays, people are putting too much focus on academic records, thus ignoring other skills.But study is not the only thing in life.We need to eat meals, to wear clothes, and have a house to live in.Someone must do the cooking, the washing and the cleaning.If you can’t do these things, then you need to either live with someone who would take care of you, or pay someone to do them.In my view, we should learn to do these things from childhood.We can’t rely on parents forever.One day we will need to live on our own, and these living skills would be neceary.

预测作文22 Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short eay.You should start your eay with a brief description of the picture and then expre your views on the topic that college students need more social practice.You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


College Students Need More Social Practice The picture shows a graduation ceremony.The profeor is telling the graduates that their student life is over, and they must face the real world from now on.Today, many students feel at a lo when they graduate.That is because they must enter the society after graduation, but the society is so different from the college that they don’t know what to do.In college, things are always simple.But in the society, there is so much to consider.In my opinion, to get rid of this confusion, college students need to have more social experience.Social practice is a good way for them.Through social practice, students can learn what it’s like to br in the real society, and it won’t be as hard as real work.The experience will also be helpful when they look for a job.

预测作文23 Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short eay.You should start your eay with a brief description of the picture and then expre your views on how to get students’ attention in your claes.You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


How to Get Students’ Attention in Your Claes In the picture, two teachers are talking about getting students’ attention.It seems that they are going to use a huge trumpet, because the students are so noisy that they can’t hear the teachers speak.As long as I am concerned, a trumpet isn’t always the solution to the students’ lack of attention.Generally speaking, the reason for a student not listening to the teacher is always that he is not interested in the cla.I agree that claes aren’t designed to be entertaining.However, if a teacher wants to grasp the students’ attention, he/she must find a way to make the cla interesting.For example, he/she can tell stories that are not mentioned in the textbook in a history cla, or the latest progre of technology in a physics cla.Only when the students feel interested will they put heart on the cla.

预测作文24 Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short eay.You should start your eay with a brief description of the picture and then expre your views on the topic that positive attitudes are eential to succe.You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


Positive Attitudes Are Eential to Succe In the picture, a person is asking for guidance.What the counselor tells him is that though aptitude matters, attitude is even more important.I quite agree with her.The great inventor Edison made thousand of inventions in his life.However, he didn’t make them because he is extraordinarily smart.It was because he didn’t give up.When he failed, he tried another solution.He kept failing and trying, and finally he succeeded.Nobody is perfect.We all meet problems in our life, and we fail one time or another.It is our attitude that determines how we deal with the failure.A negative person may think it’s too difficult and give up.In doing so, he loses the poibility to succeed.A positive person, on the other hand, will learn from the experience, and think about how to do it better.If he keeps trying, he will succeed.That is the power of a positive attitude.

预测作文25 Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short eay.You should start your eay with a brief description of the picture and then expre your views on what needs to be changed in higher education.You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


What Needs to Be Changed in Higher Education A meeting is going on in the picture.Some teachers are discuing the changes in their school, and their conclusion is that nothing has been changed.I think it’s time for schools to make some changes.Everything is changing now.Life is quite different from what it used to be.Some of what was once neceary knowledge is now out of date.Meanwhile, new things are being created everyday.There is new knowledge to be learned.To accommodate the changes of time, the schools have many things to do.To start with, they can remove the outdated materials from the textbook and replace them with articles on latest technology.Besides, they can use new teaching methods, like using computers to help give leons.Last but not least, they can start new courses on newly created useful skills.Only by making changes can schools keep up with the time.










