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请为你校的校长写一篇新年晚会致辞。发言稿包括以下内容: 1)对于所有来宾表示新年的祝福; 2)回顾过去一年,学校在科研、教学等方面取得的成绩; 3)这些成绩与学校全体教师的努力是分不开的,特别要感谢外国朋友,他们给予学校很多的帮助;

4)预祝在新的一年里工作顺利、身体健康。干杯! distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, good evening, everyone! please accept my new year greetings! i am very happy to see so many foreign profeors, teachers, students and friends here to celebrate the arrival of the new year.and also i am delighted to have with us this evening.looking back on the past year, with the joint efforts of all the faculty members and students we have made dominant achievements in both research and teaching field.some of research and teaching programs have won awards at the national or provincial levels.we also owe these achievements to our colleagues and our foreign friends. today, please allow me to take this opportunity to expre my thanks to you for what you have done for our university.finally, wish everybody good heath and succe in the new year.now let me propose a toast.happy new year!篇2:英语演讲稿:胡锦涛主席2012年新年贺词

胡锦涛主席2012年新年贺词 jointly improve world peace and development hu jintao president of people’s republic of china chinese and to friends all over the world! we will unswervingly adhere to the road of socialism with chinese characteristics, follow the guidelines of deng xiaoping theory and the important thought of three represents, and further carry out the scientific outlook on development.we will continue to properly deal with the relationship among maintaining a stable and relatively fast economic growth, adjusting economic structure and managing inflation expectations.we will accelerate the change of economic development mode and structural adjustment, focus on ensuring and improving people’s livelihood and work hard to consolidate the healthy momentum of economic and social development.we will sides of the taiwan straits. harmony.篇3:2015年习近平新年致辞中英文对照版


时间过得真快,2014年就要过去了,2015年正在向我们走来。在这辞旧 迎新的时刻,我向全国各族人民,向香港特别行政区同胞和澳门特别行政区同胞,向台湾同胞和海外侨胞,向世界各国和各地区的朋友们,致以新年的祝福! 2014年是令人难忘的。这一年,我们锐意推进改革,啃下了不少硬骨头,出台了一系列重大改革举措,许多改革举措同老百姓的利益密切相关。我们适应经济发展新常态,积极推动经济社会发展,人民生活有了新的改善。12月12日,南水北调中线一期工程正式通水,沿线40多万人移民搬迁,为这个工程作出了无私奉献,我们要向他们表示敬意,希望他们在新的家园生活幸福。这一年,我们着力正风肃纪,重点反对形式主义、官僚主义、享乐主义和奢靡之风,情况有了很大改观。我们加大反腐败斗争力度,以零容忍的态度严惩腐败分子,显示了反腐惩恶的坚定决心。这一年,我们加强同世界各国的合作交往,主办了北京亚太经合组织领导人非正式会议,我国领导人多次出访,外国领导人也大量来访,这些活动让世界更好认识了中国。




新年的钟声即将敲响。我们要继续努力,把人民的期待变成我们的行动,把人民的希望变成生活的现实。我们要继续全面深化改革,开弓没有回头箭,改革关头勇者胜。我们要全面推进依法治国,用法治保障人民权益、维护社会公平正义、促进国家发展。我们要让全面深化改革、全面推进依法治国如鸟之两翼、车之双轮,推动全面建成小康社会的目标如期实现。 我国人民生活总体越来越好,但我们时刻都要想着那些生活中还有难处的群众。我们要满腔热情做好民生工作,特别是要做好扶贫开发和基本生活保障工作,让农村贫困人口、城市困难群众等所有需要帮助的人们都能生活得到保障、心灵充满温暖。

我们要继续全面推进从严治党,毫不动摇转变作风,高举反腐的利剑,扎牢制度的笼子,在中国共产党领导的社会主义国家里,腐败分子发现一个就要查处一个,有腐必惩,有贪必肃。 我们正在从事的事业是伟大的,坚忍不拔才能胜利,半途而废必将一事无成。我们的蓝图是宏伟的,我们的奋斗必将是艰巨的。全党全国各族人民要团结一心,集思广益用好机遇,众志成城应对挑战,立行立改破解难题,奋发有为进行创新,让国家发展和人民生活一年比一年好。

谢谢大家。 on the last day of 2014, chinese president xi jinping delivered his 2015 new year meage.the speech was broadcast live on cctv news. the new year meage is traditionally given every year on new year’s eve, by the serving chinese president.here we bring you xi jinping’s speech, in full. 2014 has been an unforgettable year for china. during this past year, we have preed ahead with our reforms with keen determination.we have cracked many hard nuts, introducing a string of major reform measures.many of these reforms are closely intertwined with the daily lives of all our people. we have adapted to new normals in our economic development.we have actively promoted economic and social development.living standards have improved. on the 12th of december, phase 1 of the central route of china’s south to north water diversion project went into operation. more than 400,000 people along the route have been relocated.they have made a selfle contribution to this project. we expre our respect to them and wish them happine in their new homes. during this past year, we have worked hard to improve working style and strengthen discipline.our key focus has been to fight against formalism,bureaucracy, hedonism and extravagance.the situation has greatly improved.we have enhanced our efforts to fight against corruption and punished corrupt officials with a zero-tolerance attitude.this has demonstrated our strong determination in our anti-corruption campaign. during this past year, we have enhanced cooperation and exchanges with countries around the world.we also hosted the apec economic leaders’ meeting in beijing.our country’s leaders have paid multiple visits to other nations.international leaders have also made a great number of visits to china.these activities have given the world a greater opportunity to learn about china. in order to do these things well, government officials at all levels have worked extremely hard.of course, without the support of our people, our work cannot be done well.i would like to give a “thumbs up” to all our great people. during this past year, we have paed key decisions through legislative procedures to establish the victory day of the chinese peoples war of resistance against japanese aggreion; the martyrs day; and the national memorial day for victims of the nanjing maacre.these new memorial days included many solemn events.for all the people who sacrificed their precious lives for the state, for the nation and for peace, however times may have changed, we should always remember their sacrifices and contributions. during this past year, we have also experienced some sad moments.malaysia airlines mh370 wentmiing.the whereabouts of more than 150 of our fellow countrymen remainunknown.we have not forgotten them.we will be absolutely resolute incontinuing to make all poible efforts to find them. during this pastyear, our country has also experienced some major natural disasters and accidents.we have lost a number of our fellow countrymen.the ludian earthquake in yunnan province left over 600 people dead.we remember them.we wish all their relatives well. right now we are pursuing an extraordinary cause.we will only succeed through perseverance.if we give up halfway we will get nowhere.our blueprint is ambitious, our task is arduous.the whole party and chinese people of all ethnic groups acro the country must rally together.we must pool our wisdom to maximize our opportunity.we must work together to embrace challenges.we must take resolute action to tackle problems; and we must explore innovation with enthusiasm, so that the country can develop in a better way and living standards can improve. at present, the world is not a tranquil place.we call for peace and we sincerely hope that people of all countries can work together to ensure that all people be free from the torture of hunger and cold, and all families free from the threat of wars.all the world’s children must flourish under the sun of peace. thank you. 选段一: 2014年是令人难忘的。这一年,我们锐意推进改革,啃下了不少硬骨头,出台了一系列重大改革举措,许多改革举措同老百姓的利益密切相关。我们适应经济发展新常态,积极推动经济社会发展,人民生活有了新的改善。12月12日,南水北调中线一期工程正式通水,沿线40多万人移民搬迁,为这个工程作出了无私奉献,我们要向他们表示敬意,希望他们在新的家园生活幸福。这一年,我们着力正风肃纪,重点反对形式主义、官僚主义、享乐主义和奢靡之风,情况有了很大改观。我们加大反腐败斗争力度,以零容忍的态度严惩腐败分子,显示了反腐惩恶的坚定决心。这一年,我们加强同世界各国的合作交往,主办了北京亚太经合组织领导人非正式会议,我国领导人多次出访,外国领导人也大量来访,这些活动让世界更好认识了中国。 countries and received many foreign leaders.such exchanges of visits have helped the rest of the world understand china better. 选段二: 为了做好这些工作,我们的各级干部也是蛮拼的。当然,没有人民支持,这些工作是难以做好的,我要为我们伟大的人民点赞。 officials at various levels have also spared no efforts performing their duty.of course, those achievements would not have been poible without the support of the people.i would like to salute our great people. 选段三:



我们正在从事的事业是伟大的,坚忍不拔才能胜利,半途而废必将一事无成。我们的蓝图是宏伟的,我们的奋斗必将是艰巨的。全党全国各族人民要团结一心,集思广益用好机遇,众志成城应对挑战,立行立改破解难题,奋发有为进行创新,让国家发展和人民生活一年比一年好。 we’re engaged in a lofty miion.only perseverance will lead to victory, while giving up halfway will end up with failure to do whatever.our blueprint is magnificent, but our struggle will certainly be arduous.all party members and people of all ethnic groups in the country must be united as one, draw on collective wisdom and useful ideas to grasp opportunities, jointly face challenges with united strength, conquer problems with quick action, be bold to carry on innovation, making china a better country year by year and constantly improving people’s lives.篇4:新年贺词中英文版 新年主持中英版 2012元旦将至,大部分学校都会组织一些元旦晚会等庆祝活动,在辞去旧岁,喜迎新的一年。既然有活动就少不了主持,今天小编准备了元旦晚会等活动主持词中的常用英语句子,希望各位小主持人有一个出色的表现:

满天的雪花,是飞舞的音符,以欢乐谱成乐章,用祝福奏出期盼,带给你,欢欣鼓舞的一年! 让我们一起静静地等待:未来、希望和光明就要敲响春天的钟?? 刚刚迈越的365个昼夜,彷佛是365个台阶,横亘在未及尘封的历史上。

春已归来,让我们打开蜂箱吧,那里有储存了一冬的甜蜜。今天,就让我们乘着歌声的翅膀,向着明天——飞翔! spring has been back.let’s open the bee box where there’s so much honey stored over the winter.so today, let’s fly towards the future with the melody of the songs. xx学校2012年辞旧迎新元旦文艺演出现在开始。 the new year’s day celebration by xx school , now begins ! 岁末岁首,正是祝福的时候, it’s the best time to give regards at the beginning and ending of the year. 过去的一年,我们有欢乐也有遗憾,而此时此刻,就让我们虔诚地祝福, we had both happine and regret in the past year.now , let’s sincerely ble 为我们华初祝福,为新年祝福,为未来祝福。 ble our huachu, ble the new year and our future 请听,校合唱队为我们带来的精彩节目...... well, let’s enjoy the wonderful programs by ...... 新春将至,我们祝愿我们伟大的祖国更加繁荣昌盛, the new spring is round the corner.we wish our great motherland prosperity day by day 祝愿我们的华初涌现出更多的才俊,创造更多的佳绩, we wish our huachu will bring up more talents and create more achievements 祝愿在座的嘉宾、老师、同学快乐幸福! we wish all the distinguished guests, teachers, schoolmates present happine! 一代又一代的革命者和建设者的努力,打造了我们今天富饶的中国,我们幸运,因为我们生长在这个古老而又永远年轻的国度; we are lucky because we are living in an age-old but young and prosperous nation through the revolutionists and builders’ struggle and efforts generation after generation.我们骄傲,因为我们有一个伟大的祖国,新年到了,我们最想说的话就是, we are proud because we have a great motherland.as the new year arrives, we want to say: 祖国,我为您祝福,祖国,我为您喝彩! china, i shall give my best regards to you; china, i shall give my cheers for you 是的,我们是幸福的一代,我们生活在灿烂的阳光下; it’s true that we are a generation full of happine ; 是的,我们是富有活力的一代,我们生活在灿烂的阳光下; it’s true that we are a generation full of vigour. 我们拥有激情,我们拥有梦想; we are enthusiastic; we have dreams; 我们青春健美,我们意气风发。 we are young and healthy, we have inspiration . 心存感恩,才会使我们的生命更加厚重; to learn to thank others makes our life more valuable; 心存感恩,才会使我们的道德根基长存。 to learn to thank others makes our morality permanent. 吃水不忘挖井人,成功不忘摆渡人,我们的点滴进步,有老师的心血付出,我们的智慧开发,离不开老师的辛勤耕耘。 as the saying goes, “ when we drink water from the well, we shall never forget the person who digs the well.” you know, our progre lies in. 新年的钟声就要敲响,庆典的序曲正要奏响, the bell for the new year is soon to strike; the overture for the ceremony is soon to play.让我们伴着管乐队的乐曲,祝福我们的祖国更加强大昌盛,祝福我们的学校

更加郁郁葱葱。 more verdure . 新春的脚步已在耳畔响起。 the footsteps of the new spring are nearer and nearer. 让我们衷心祝福我们的嘉宾、老师在新的一年里工作顺利,家庭幸福! wish each of our distinguished guests and teachers a succeful career and a happy family.祝福我们的同学学习进步,再创佳绩。 wish our schoolmates great progre and more achievements. 祝福我们的华初,在新的一年里, wish our huachu a more splendid future 再攀高峰,再创辉煌。 in the new year. xx学校2012年辞旧迎新元旦文艺演出到此结束。











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