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一· 教材部分

1.How are you doing?/ How is it going?/ How are you getting on?近来好


2. Is that right? (1)那样做对吗? (2)是这样的吗?

3.Have you got that?/ Have you got it? 明白了吗?

4.That’s settled.就这么定了。

5.That’s it.就这样。(不再继续)

6.Absolutely! 绝对地!(说话人有把握)

Definitely! 肯定地!当然!(表强烈的肯定)

7.Terrific! 好极了!太妙了!

8.Oh, dear! (1)语气亲密(2)语气重: oh, my god!

9.I have a sweet tooth.喜欢甜食。

10.That’s right.对,没错。

That’s all right.没关系。(道谢,道歉)

11.You can’t be serious!/ You must be kidding!/ You must be joking!你开玩笑吧!

12.You’ve got it right.你理解很对。

13.What do you reckon sth?/ What do you make of sth?/ What do you think of sth?/

How do you find sth?/ How do you like sth? 你认为。。。。。。怎么样?

14.Don’t change a thing.无需改变。

15.What’s on? (1) 你在干什么?(2)发生什么事了?(3)上映什么?(电影,电视)

16.Thanks for the compliment! 承蒙夸奖。

17.The thing is…… 问题是。。。。。。

18.Good for you.真有你的!很好!

19.Whereabouts is that?那是在哪里?

20.What’s sth like?询问对。。。。。。的评价与感觉。

What does sth look like?询问。。。。。。的外观如何(看)

21.It’s totally fascinating.太有趣了。

22.I don’t get that.我没听懂。

23.Let’s find some of the action.让我们找点事儿做吧。

24.(to put it)in a nutshell.简言之。

25.It’s scary.真吓人。

26.They’ve been around for 6,000 years.存在6,000年。

27.get a kick of sth从。。。。。。中得到乐趣。

28.That’s quite something.了不起。

29.I managed somehow.不管怎样我成功了。

30.Hang on a minute.等一下。

31.Get a move on.快一点。

32.Grab a bite to eat.赶快吃。

33.make a fu of sb/ sth(1) 小题大做(2)钟爱, 溺爱

34.feel in the mood for something有心情做。。。。。。。

35.Funnily enough.说来也怪。

36.high spot高潮,亮点

37.in one’s blood天生

38.wash down和水吞咽,和水吞服

39.walk off用走路的方式消化食物

40.That’s not the point.那不是重点。

That’s a good point.说的对,有道理。

41.keep an eye on 密切注视

42.a terrible din喧闹,吵闹

43.go for sb.攻击某人

44.go for sb.攻击某人



Not at all / Don’t mention it / You are welcome/ that’s all right/ it’s a pleasure / It’s doesn’t matter / It was nothing / No trouble at all / That’s ok


That’s all right / Don’t worry about it / No harm / No bother at all / /that not your fault / Never mind / Forget it / No trouble at all / That’s nothing / It doesn’t matter


Remember me to your parents.代我向你父母问好

Take care.保重,珍重

All the best.一切顺利

So long/See you 再见

remember to drop me a line 记得写信

Bon voyage 一路顺风

You bet/ Sure thing 一定,你可以确信


意: I’m with you on that/ That’s a good point/apparently/absolutely /definitely/exactly/ No doubt


Absolutely not / no way /It’s hard to say(tell)/ It’s not the case(事实不这样)/It’s not my cup of tea.这不合我的口味/I couldn’t say.我说不准/ You’d better not.


请求:Can I ask you a favor? /Could you do me a favor? / Would do you mind……..允许:

It’s no bother / With pleasure/ At your service/ All right ?/ go ahead / Yes, by all means.尽力,一定


You’re wanted on the phone./ The line is busy/ Hold on, please./This lines are croed.串线了

Let’s hang up.挂电话 I can’t get (put) you through.打不通电话


1.You deserve it! (1)这是你应该得的(2)你活该/罪有应得

2.Do you really mean it?此话当真?

3.That’s something.太好了,太棒了。

4.You’re a great help.你帮了大忙了。

5.I am behind you.我支持你。

6.Mind you.请注意!听着!

7.You can count on it.你尽管放心

8.It’ a deal 一言为定

9.what is going on ? 到底怎么回事?

10.I’ll drop you off.我送你回家

11.You’re not yourself today./ You seem different today.你今天有点儿不大对劲儿。

12.It happens.这是常有的事儿。

13.Poor thing / baby / Bob.真可怜。

14.I envy you / I’m green with envy.我羡慕你。

15.I wasn’t born yesterday.我又不是三岁孩子。

16.It’s my treat this time.这次我请客。

17.How do I addre you?怎么称呼你?

18.So far so good.一切安好。

19.Far from it.差得远呢?---------Do you think he is a good worker?---------Far from it.

20.Take it easy.


Take your time.

意为:no hurry.

21.well done.


22.what 的用法?

What for? (1) why 的含义(2)for what purpose 的含义/ Gue what? 猜猜?/ What’s up? 怎么啦?/ So what? 那又怎么样?/ What(How) about……? 表示提建议/ What’s wrong?/ What’s the matter?

23.Forget it.

(1) 别提它。(不想重提)(2)没关系(认为不重要)(3)休想,不可能(拒绝)

24.No way.

(1) 没门。表断然拒绝(2)“不可能”,表示不相信,惊讶

No chance.

“不可能”, 表示说话者确信某事不可能发生。

25.I should think so.


I should think not.

“当然不”, 表示强烈的反对。

26.How come?

“怎么会?” 表示惊讶

27.How do you mean?


28.How so?

为什么?(Why 的含义)

29.How is that?

“怎么样?” 询问对方是否满意

30.help yourself.


31.Just my luck./ Tough luck.真倒霉、瞧我这命、真够背的

32.Just have a look.随便看看。

33,Look out.“当心,小心”, 警告危险

Take care.(1) “小心,当心”, 警告行事小心。(2)珍重,保重。(道别时用语)

34.After you.你先请。

35.Is that so? 真是那样没?(听闻某事后惊疑)

36.Don’t play games with me.别跟我耍花招。

37.Not really.(1) “不很”,“不十分”, “不完全是”,表示轻微的否定。

----He tried to explain it to me but I just couldn’t understand.Do you?

----Not really.----不很懂。

(1) “不会吧”, “不见得”, “不是真的吧”, 表示怀疑,不相信 ----They got married last month.

----Not really.

(2) “真的没有”, “事实上没有”, 表示语气很强的否定。

---- You look very tired.Did you sleep at all last night?

----No, not really.I’m tired out now.

38.Not exactly.

(1) “不很”,表示轻微的否定。

He’s not exactly stupid, but he is too lazy.

(2) “不完全是”, “不完全如此”, 表示不完全否定。

-----Do you mean to say he will refuse us?

---- Not exactly.

39.I don’t know.



----Look, here comes your dream girl.Invite her to dance.----I don’t know.What if she refuses me?


40.come on.











高考二轮复习英语教案 专题十五 情景交际1


