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Unit4 A We Love Animals教学设计

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Unit4 A We Love Animals教学设计(PEP三年级英语上册)

教学内容: Unit4 A : Let’s learn / Let’s do



2、在句型I have a … I like … Where is your … This is …和听听做做Let’s do中巩固词汇,拓展句型What animal do you like? I like … What about you?


教学难点:句型Act like a …边说边表演.教学准备:录音带 熊猫、小兔子绒毛玩具 猴子头饰 片动物卡 教学过程:

一Warm up / Revision 1.Greet to the Ss.(问候学生) 2 Sing a English song.(唱一首英语歌,用喜闻乐见的形式,愉悦身心,创设英语课堂气氛。) 二:Presentation and practice 1.导入 Today we’ll meet some friends.They are having a party in the forest.They are very happy, too.They can sing.They can dance.Do you want to know them? Look! They are coming.Let’s go and see.(悬念式激情导入,激发学生的好奇心和兴趣,吸引他们的注意力,调动他们的积极参与热情,产生主观能动性)

2.出示熊猫 Hello! My name is Panda.Nice to meet you.(引导学生用所学问候语向熊猫打招呼)

S1: Hello! Panda, How are you? S2: Good morning, panda! S3: Nice to meet you, panda! T: What color is the panda? Ss: It’s black and white.T: Do you like panda? Ss: Yes.(It’s cute and lovely)

T: Who can act like a panda? (Get the students act and say “Hello, I’m a panda.”) (单词的呈现是在熟知的语言中,在真实的交际中,避免了枯燥无意义的机械重复,使课堂生动、鲜活、富有生活情趣,最终习得的语言才能用于交际之中) 3.出示兔子熊猫玩具(Get the Ss close the eyes .Then show the rabbit.) T: Is this a panda? Ss: No,it’s a rabbit.

T: Do you like rabbit? (Yes) What color is the rabbit? (Ss answer “It’s white/ black/ gray”) T: I have a rabbit? (Me, too) Who can act like a rabbit? (Get the students act and say) 4.(用头饰出示 monkey) Come ,Come ,Mr.Monkey, Where is my monkey? It’s here.

Good morning ,boys and girls! This is Mr.Monkey.(把头饰给一生带上,引导其他学生与猴子先生问候,打招呼) Act like a monkey.5.游戏 Do as I say .Not as I do.(按我说的做,不要照我做的做.做游戏缓和紧张快节奏的学习和操练,适合小学生的心理特征。)

6.In the band .We know monkey、panda、rabbit, other three animals are coming .引出cat、dog、duck.用句型What’s this? It’s a … 和Act like …展示和操练词汇。 Mew! Mew! cat I’m a cat. Woof! Woof! dog I’m a dog.Quack! Quack! duck I’m a duck..


7.Let’s learn.Six animals we all know now.They are in our books.请学生打开课本41页。 First, listen and point.(听、指) Then, listen and repeat.(听、重复)

Last, read the new words in pairs.(同桌互相检测,互相帮助。) 8.Let’s play.用大卡片师生一起做动物表演游戏。引出Act like a … 9.Let’s do.First, listen and circle the animal words.(听音圈动物单词。在听音圈词中学生又一次认读识记单词,避免学生会说不会认)

Then, listen and do with the teacher.(听音和老师一起做动作) Last,try to say and do.(试着边说边做动作) 三.Practice and consolidation拓展操练

1.Take out your animal cards and play.学生拿出动物小卡片俩人一组编入歌谣 S1:I have a duck.S2:Me, too.S1:Where is your cat? S2:Here it is.2.巩固拓展提高句型 So many animals you know , what animal do you like? I like panda.What about you? Ss: I like …(make Ss try to say “what animal do you like? I like … what about you?) (师生互问,角色变换引出新句型)

3.Make some new dialogues in pairs.(分组练习对话。学生以小组合作形式自编自演情景对话,培养合作意识。)

4.Check some pairs.(反馈几组,适时检测) 5.歌曲欣赏,播放“Old MacDonald” 四.homework











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