人人范文网 范文大全


发布时间:2020-03-01 23:33:09 来源:范文大全 收藏本文 下载本文 手机版



In the last year, we met more difficulties but delivered a better performance than expected.


We endeavored to resolve deep-seated problems and difficulties, took reform and opening up as the fundamental way to advance development, and gave full rein to both the invisible hand of the market and the visible hand of the government to promote steady economic growth.


We v.ill strictly follow laws and regulations and comply with standards, and apply the strictest poible oversight, punishment and accountability to prevent and control food contamination and ensure that every bite of food we eat is safe.


The government must first examine itself to identify the causes of these problems and work out ways to resolve them.It must follow people\'s wishes in exercising governance.We must firmly bear in mind our duties and miion, increase our sense of vigilance against potential dangers, be eager to take on challenges, work tirelely and effectively to solve problems, and truly live up to people\'s expectations.


China\'s reform has entered a critical stage and a deep water zone.We must rely fully on the people, break mental shackles and vested interests with great determination.


We will expand the rebuilding of rundown urban areas so that cities will take on a new look instead of having stretches of rundown areas existing side by side with high-rise buildings.


We will strengthen comprehensive maintenance of public order, crack down hard on violent crimes of terrorism, safeguard China\'s national security, create good public order, and work together to ensure public security in China.


The people are the foundation of a nation, and a nation carl enjoy peace only when its foundation is strong.The fundamental goal of a government\'s work is to ensure that everyone lives a good life.We will continue to build institutions, improve weak links, help those in need of subsistence aistance, ensure everyone has acce to basic neceities, and improve people\'s living standards and quality oflife.


We will declare war against pollution and fight it with the same determination we battled poverty.


We will fully implement the basic strategy of law-based governance, act in accordance with the law in all our government work, and be guided by law in both thinking and action in performing our duties.


\"Hong Kong is now at a major croroads.Whether there are now too many tourists or investors from the mainland is an iue to be considered by the whole of society.It also requires talks between the government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and the central government in order to find a win-win solution.\" -- Tien Pei-Chun, a member of the CPPCC National Committee and leader of the Hong Kong Liberal Party.“香港面临一个十字路口,内地游客是否太多,内地投资者是否太多,这需要全社会思考。这需要港府与中央政府共同协商,寻找一个双赢出路。”


\"Cycling is the most environmentally friendly and energy-saving way of commuting.I will ride a bike to all the NPC seions during my tenure.\" -- Wu Bixia, a deputy to the National People\'s Congre and profeor at the Voice and Opera Department at the Central Conservatory of Music. “骑车是最环保、最节约的出行方式,在我任期内都会骑车来。” ——全国人大代表、中央音乐学院声乐歌剧系教授吴碧霞

\"The fight against smog also requires us to root out the hidden corruption behind the failure in government supervision, as well as bringing down both \'tigers\' and \'flies\'. -- Sun Taili, a member of the CPPCC National Committee and chairman of the board of the Qingda Group, referring to the established metaphors for senior and low-ranking officials involved in corruption.“治理雾霾也要‘老虎苍蝇一起打’,要挖出监管不力背后可能隐藏的腐败。” ——全国政协委员孙太利

全民阅读 nationwide reading 语境:发展文化艺术、新闻出版、广播电影电视、档案等事业,繁荣发展哲学社会科学,倡导全民阅读。

We will develop culture and arts, the pre and publishing, and radio, television and film, and run archives well.We will promote the flourishing of philosophy and social sciences.We will encourage the people to read.

阳光财政 transparency of public finance 语境:所有财政拨款的“三公”经费都要公开,打造阳光财政,让群众看明白、能监督。

All public spending on official overseas visits, official vehicles and public receptions should be made public.We will ensure transparency of public finance and make it easy for people to understand and oversee it.

精准扶贫 to take targeted measures in poverty alleviation 语境:地方要优化整合扶贫资源,实行精准扶贫,确保扶贫到村到户。

Local governments need to merge poverty alleviation resources to make better use of them and take targeted measures to ensure that aistance reaches poverty-stricken villages and households.

权力清单 power list 语境:确需设置的行政审批事项,要建立权力清单制度,一律向社会公开。 We will introduce a system to list all items over which government review and approval are required and release the list to the public.

互联网金融 Internet banking 语境:促进互联网金融健康发展。

We will promote the healthy development of Internet banking.

黑名单制度 blacklisting system 语境:对违背市场竞争原则和侵害消费者权益的企业建立黑名单制度,让失信者寸步难行。

We will implement a blacklisting system for enterprises that violate market competition principles and infringe on the rights and interests of consumers, and make those who lose credibility pay the price.

中国式办法 Chinese solution 语境:我们一定要坚定不移推进医改,用中国式办法解决好这个世界性难题。 We must resolutely pre ahead with medical reform and work out a Chinese solution to this global problem.

舌尖上的安全 safety of every bite of food 语境:用最严格监管、最严厉处罚、最严肃问责,坚决治理餐桌上的污染,切实保障“舌尖上的安全”。

We will strictly follow laws and regulations and comply with standards, and apply the strictest poible oversight, punishment and accountability to prevent and control food contamination and ensure that every bite of food we eat is safe.(ChinaDaily)



中新网3月5日电 十二届全国人大二次会议今日上午9时将在人民大会堂开幕

中国网3月5日讯 第十一届全国人民代表大会第四次会议上午9时在北京人民大会堂开幕(版)





十二届全国人大二次会议 政府工作报告摘要

