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1994年南非总统尼尔森曼德拉就职演讲 our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.we ask ourselves, who am i to be ?brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? actually, who are you not to be? we were born to make manifest the glory of god that is within us.and as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permiion to do the same. from nelson mandela inauguration speech, 1994 我们最深的恐惧不是能力不够,我们最深的恐惧是能力超越了界限。扪心自问,我们想成为什么样的人?智者,天才,名人,伟人,事实上,哪一样你不能做到呢?我们生来就是为了证明上帝赋予了我们荣光,而我们让自己发出光芒,在不知不觉中,也感染了他人。(此版本为cctv6播放的中文配音版本的对应台词) 我们最恐惧的不是我们做不到,我们最恐惧的是我们的能力无法估量,我们扪心自问,我是不是聪明的慷慨的,才华横溢和出类拔萃的?事实上你为什么不能这样呢?我们生来就是为了证明,上帝的光芒在我们身上,而我们让自己发出光芒,我们不知不觉中也赋予别人这样做的权利。篇2:曼德拉的演讲稿 94年就职演说 曼德拉的演讲稿(译文) 南非总统曼德拉1994年就职演说 inaugural addre speech by nelson mandela may 10th 1994 1994年4月26—28日 南非第一次多种族大选举行,非国大取得决定性胜利。 1994年5月9日 多种族议会正式开幕,纳尔逊?曼德拉当选为新政府总统。 1994年5月10日 纳尔逊?曼德拉宣誓就职总统。翌日,南非新内阁宣誓就职。 as the worlds most famous prisoner and, now, his countrys leader, he exemplifies a moral integrity that shines far beyond south africa today, all of us do, by our presence here, and by our celebrations in other parts of our country and the world, confer glory and hope to newborn liberty. out of the experience of an extraordinary human disaster that lasted too long, must be born a society of which all humanity will be proud. our daily deeds as ordinary south africans must produce an actual south african reality that will reinforce humanitys belief in justice, strengthen its confidence in the nobility of the human soul and sustain all our hopes for a glorious life for all. all this we owe both to ourselves and to the peoples of the world who are so well represented here today. each time one of us touches the soil of this land, we feel a sense of personal renewal.the national mood changes as the seasons change. we are moved by a sense of joy and exhilaration when the gra turns green and the flowers bloom. we, the people of south africa, feel fulfilled that humanity has taken us back into its bosom, that we, who were outlaws not so long ago, have today been given the rare privilege to be host to the nations of the world on our own soil. we trust that you will continue to stand by us as we tackle the challenges of building peace, prosperity, non-sexism, non-racialism and democracy. we deeply appreciate the role that the maes of our people and their political ma democratic, religious, women, youth, busine, traditional and other leaders have played to bring about this conclusion.not least among them is my second deputy president, the honourable f.w.de klerk. we would also like to pay tribute to our security forces, in all their ranks, for the distinguished role they have played in securing our first democratic elections and the transition to democracy, from blood-thirsty forces which still refuse to see the light. the time to build is upon us. we have, at last, achieved our political emancipation.we pledge ourselves to liberate all our people from the continuing bondage of poverty, deprivation, suffering, gender and other discrimination. we have triumphed in the effort to implant hope in the breasts of the millions of our people.we enter into a covenant that we shall build the society in which all south africans, both black and white, will be able to walk tall, without any fear in their hearts, aured of their inalienable right to human dignity--a rainbow nation at peace with itself and the world. we dedicate this day to all the heroes and heroines in this country and the rest of the world who sacrificed in many ways and surrendered their lives so that we could be free. we are both humbled and elevated by the honour and privilege that you, the people of south africa, have bestowed on us, as the first president of a united, democratic, non-racial and non-sexist south africa, to lead our country out of the valley of darkne. we understand it still that there is no easy road to freedom. we know it well that none of us acting alone can achieve succe. we must therefore act together as a united people, for national reconciliation, for nation building, for the birth of a new world. let there be justice for all. let there be peace for all. let there be work, bread, water and salt for all. let each know that for each the body, the mind and the soul have been freed to fulfil themselves. never, never and never again shall it be that this beautiful land will again experience the oppreion of one by another and suffer the indignity of being the skunk of the world. let freedom reign. the sun shall never set on so glorious a human achievement! god ble africa! 曼德拉总统就职演说? 陛下,殿下,尊贵的嘉宾,同胞们,朋友们:? 今天,我们会聚于此,与我国和世界其他地方前来庆贺的人士一起,对新生的自由赋予光辉和希望。? 这异常的人类悲剧太过漫长了,这经验孕育出一个令全人类引以自豪的社会。?作为南非的一介平民,我们日常的一举一动,都要为南非创造现实条件,去巩固人类对正义的信念,增强人类对心灵深处高尚品德的信心,以及让所有人保持对美好生活的期望。? 对我的同胞,我可以毫不犹疑地说,我们每一个人都跟这美丽祖国的大地亲密地牢不可分,就如红木树之于比勒陀利亚,含羞草之于灌木林。?我们对这共同的家乡在精神上和肉体上有共同的感觉,当目睹国家因可怕的冲突而变得四分五裂,遭全球人民唾弃、孤立,特别是它成为恶毒的意识形态时,我们的内心如此地痛苦。? 我们南非人民,对全人类将我们再度纳入怀抱,感到非常高兴。不久之前,我们还遭全世界摒弃,而现在却能在自己的土地上,招待各国的嘉宾。?我们非常感谢我国广大人民,以及各方民主政治、宗教、妇女、青年、商业及其他方面领袖所作的贡献,使我们取得了上述的成就。特别功不可没的,是我的第二副总统——德克勒克先生。? 治愈创伤的时候已经来临。消除分隔我们的鸿沟的时刻已经来临。创建的时机就在眼前。? 我们终于取得了政治解放。我们承诺,会将依然陷于贫穷、剥削、苦难、受着性别及其他歧视的国人解放出来。? 我们已成功地让我们千千万万的国人的心中燃起希望。我们立下誓约,要建立一个让所有南非人,不论是黑人还是白人,都可以昂首阔步的社会。他们心中不再有恐惧,他们可以肯定自己拥有不可剥夺的人类尊严——这是一个在国内及与其他各国之间都保持和平的美好国度。? 作为我国致力更新的证明,新的全国统一过渡政府的当务之急是处理目前在狱中服刑囚犯的特赦问题。? 我们将今天献给为我们的自由而献出生命和作出牺牲的我国以至世界其他地方的英雄。? 他们的理想现已成真,自由就是他们的报酬。? 作为一个统

一、民主、非种族主义和非性别主义的南非首任总统,负责带领国家脱离黑暗的深谷。我们怀着既谦恭又欣喜的心情接受你们给予我们的这份荣誉与权利。? 我们深信,自由之路从来都不易走。我们很清楚,没有任何一个人可以单独取得成功。? 因此,为了全国和解,建设国家,为了一个新世界的诞生,我们必须团结成为一个民族,共同行动。? 让所有人得享正义。让所有人得享和平。让所有人得享工作、面包、水、盐分。让每个人都明白,每个人的身体、思想和灵魂都获得了解放,从属于自己。?这片美丽的土地永远、永远、永远再不会经历人对人的压迫,以及遭全球唾弃的屈辱。对于如此光辉的成就,太阳永不会停止照耀。? 让自由战胜一切。愿上帝保佑南非!?篇3:教案十曼德拉总统就职演说 篇4:曼德拉总统就职宣言



我们最大的恐惧是我们具有无与伦比的力量。 是我们的光芒而不是我们的黑暗使我们震惊。 我们常常自问,“我究竟是什么人,





而缩小你自己不能给人以任何启示。 我们生来就要 为我们心中的上帝增加荣耀!



而当我们允许自己发光时, 我们在潜意识里就会允许别人发光。 当我们从自己的恐惧中被解救出来时, 我们的风范就自动解救了他人! -- 尼尔森.曼德拉1994年篇5:曼德拉就职演说词





我们会问:我是谁能配得上拥有这样非凡的才智、惊人的艳丽? 其实,你为什么不可以?



你的畏缩,不能引领他人,让你周边的人感到安慰。 我们出生是为了彰显上帝在我们心里面的荣耀, 这份荣耀不是在某些人心里面,


当我们让自己光芒四射时,我们就不经意地容许他人做同样的事; 当我们从自己的恐惧中释放出来时,我们的存在也自动地解放了其他人。










