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陈家祠(陈氏书院)Ancestral Temple of the Chen Family(Chen Clan Academy Temple) 六榕寺Six Banyan Temple/Liurong Temple 黄花岗烈士陵园Huanghuagang Cemetery/Huanghuagang Park(The Tomb of 72 Revolutionary Martyrs at Huanghuagang)

镇海楼The Zhenhai Tower 越秀公园Yuexiu Park 五羊雕像The Five—Ram Sculpture 中山纪念堂The Memorial Hall of Dr.Sun Yat-sen 西汉南越王墓The Tomb of Western Han Nanyue King 三元宫Sanyuan Palace 越王井The Yuewang Well 兰圃Lanpu Park 流花湖Liuhua Lake 五仙观Wuxian Temple 光孝寺Guangxiao Temple 怀圣寺Huaisheng Mosque 北京路Beijing Road 陈家祠Chen Clan Academy Temple 上下九步行街Shangxiajiu Pedestrian Street 华林寺Hualin Temple 华林玉器街Hualin Jadeware Street 荔湾博物馆The Liwan Museum 白云山Baiyun Mountain 云台花园Yuntai Garden 广州雕塑公园Guangzhou Sculpture Park 广州体育馆The Guangzhou Gymnasium 三元里人民抗英斗争博物馆The Sanyuanli Anti—British Invasion Museum 华南植物园South China Botanical Garden 农民运动讲习所The Former Site of the National Peasant Movement Institution 广东省博物馆The Guangdong Provincial Museum 广州动物园 Guangzhou Zoological Garden 广州海洋世界Guangzhou Ocean World 火车东站瀑布The East Railway Station Waterfall 中信广场Zhongxin Plaza 天河体育中心The Tianhe Sports Cen~r 天河购书中心The Tianhe Book Center 天河公园Tianhe Park 广州奥林匹克运动中心The Guangzhou Olympic Stadium 黄埔军校旧址The Whampoa Military Academy 南海神庙Nanhai God Temple

莲花山Lianhua Mountain

宝墨园Baomo Garden

余荫园Yuyin Garden 长隆夜间野生动物园Changlong Night Zoo 南沙天后宫The Nansha Tianhou Palace 孙中山大元帅府纪念馆The Sun Yet-sen\'s Generaliimo Mansion 海幢寺Haizhuang Temple 瀛洲生态公园Yingzhou Ecological Park 芙蓉嶂旅游度假区The Furongzhang Holiday Resod 盘古皇庙Panguhuang Temple 洪秀全纪念馆The Memorial Museum of Hong Xiuquan 花都广场Huadu Square 珠江沿岸景观The Landscapes along the Zhujiang River 珠江航游The Zhuiiang River Cruise 沙面岛Shamian Island 南方大厦The Nanfang Mansion 爱群大厦The Aiqun Mansion 海珠广场Haizhu Plaza 石室圣心大教堂The Sacred Heart Cathedral 二沙岛Ersha Island 广州国际会展中心The Guangzhou International Convention and Exhibition Center 北回归线广州标志塔The Guangzhou Marking Tower of the Tropic of Cancer 从化温泉度假区The Conghua Hot Spring Resort 天湖游览区The Tianhu Sightseeing Zone 流溪河国家森林公园Liuxihe National Forest Park 白水寨省级风景名胜区The Baishuizhai Provincial Scenic Spot 何仙姑家庙Hexiangu Temple 挂绿广场Gual0 Plaza 鸦片战争纪念馆The Museum of the Opium War 佛山市Foshan city 梁园Liang Garden 清晖园Qinghui Garden 佛山祖庙Foshan Ancestral Temple 黄飞鸿纪念堂The Memorial Hal l of Huang Feihong 西樵山度假区The Xiqiao Mountain Tourist Resort 鼎湖山度假区The Dinghu Mountain Tourist Resort 迎春花市The Spring Festival Flower Fair 舞狮The Lion Dance 元宵节The Lantern Festival 重阳节The Double—Ninth Festival 龙舟节The Dragon Boat Festival 南海神诞辰(波罗诞)The Birthday of the God of the South Sea(The Boluo Dan) 番禺莲花节The Lotus Festival in Panyu 中秋节The Mid-Autumn Day

Guangzhou History.from googleearth It is believed that the first city built at the site of Guangzhou was Panyu (蕃禺, later simplifed to 番禺; the locals pronounced this in Cantonese as Poon Yu) founded in 214 BC.The city has been continuously occupied since that time.Panyu was expanded when it became the capital of the Nanyue Kingdom (南越) in 206 BC.Recent archaeological founding of her palace suggests that the city might have traded frequently with foreigners by the sea routes.The foreign trade continued through every following dynasty and the city remains a major international trading port to this day.The Han Dynasty annexed Nanyue in 111 BC, and Panyu became a provincial capital and remains so until this day.In 226 AD, the city became the seat of the Guang Prefecture (廣州; Guangzhou).Therefore, \'Guangzhou\' was the name of the prefecture, not of the city.However, people grew accustomed to calling the city Guangzhou, instead of Panyu.Although the Chinese name of Guangzhou replaced Panyu as the name of the walled city, Panyu was still the name of the area surrounding the walled city until the end of Qing era.Arabs and Persians sacked Guangzhou (known to them as Sin-Kalan) in AD 758, 2 according to a local Guangzhou government report on October 30, 758, which corresponded to the day of Guisi (癸巳) of the ninth lunar month in the first year of the Qianyuan era of Emperor Suzong of the Tang Dynasty.[1][2][3] During the Northern Song Dynasty, a celebrated poet called Su Shi visited Guangzhou\'s Baozhuangyan Temple and wrote the inscription \'Liu Rong\' (Six Banyan Trees) because of the six banyan trees he saw there.It has since been called the Temple of the Six Banyan Trees.The Portuguese were the first Europeans to arrive to the city by sea, obtaining the monopoly for external trade with its harbour by 1511.They were later expelled from their

settlements in Guangzhou (in Portuguese Canton or Cantao), but instead granted use of Macao (first occupied in 1511) as a trade base with the city in 1557.They would keep a near monopoly of foreign trade in the region until the arrival of the Dutch in the early XVII century.After China brought Taiwan under its control in 1683, the Qing government became open to encouraging foreign trade.Guangzhou quickly emerged as one of the most adaptable ports for negotiating commerce and before long, many foreign ships were going there to procure cargos.Portuguese in Macao, Spanish in Manila, and Armenians and Muslims from India were already actively trading in the port by the 1690s, when the French and English East India companies\' ships began frequenting the port.Other companies were soon to follow: the Ostend General India Company in 1717; Dutch East India Company in 1729; the first Danish ship in 1731, which was followed by a Danish Asiatic Company ship in 1734; the Swedish East India Company in 1732; followed by an occasional Pruian and Trieste Company ship; the Americans in 1784; and the first ships from Australia in 1788.By the middle of the 18th century, Guangzhou had emerged as one of the world\'s great trading ports, which was a distinction it maintained until the outbreak of the Opium War in 1839 and the opening of other ports in China in 1842.Guangzhou was one of the five Chinese treaty ports opened by the Treaty of Nanking (signed in 1842) at the end of the First Opium War between Britain and China.The other ports were Fuzhou, Xiamen, Ningbo, and Shanghai.In 1918, \'Guangzhou\' became the official name of the city, when an urban council was established in it.Panyu became a county\'s name south of Guangzhou.In both 1930 and 1953, Guangzhou was promoted to the status of a Municipality, but each promotion was cancelled within the year.Japanese troops occupied Guangzhou from 1938-10-12 to 1945-09-16.Communist forces entered the city on October 14, 1949.Their urban renewal projects i

mproved the lives of many residents.New housing on the shores of the Pearl River provided homes for the poor boat people.Reforms by Deng Xiaoping, who came to power in the late 1970s, led to rapid economic growth due to the city\'s close proximity to Hong Kong and acce to the Pearl River.As labor costs increased in Hong Kong, manufacturers opened new plants in the cities of Guangdong including Guangzhou.As the largest city in one of China\'s wealthiest provinces, Guangzhou attracts farmers from the countryside looking for factory work.Cantonese links to overseas Chinese and beneficial tax reforms of the 1990s have aided the city\'s rapid growth.In 2000, Huadu and Panyu were merged into Guangzhou as districts, and Conghua and Zengcheng became county-level cities of Guangzhou.


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