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名山大川 famous mountains and great rivers 名胜古迹 scenic spots and historical sites 湖光山色 landscape of lakes and hills 青山绿水 green hills and clear waters 奇松怪石 strangely-shaped pines and grotesque rock formations平等互利 equality and mutual benefit 扬长避短 play up strengths and avoid weaknees 反腐倡廉 fight corruption and build a clean government 简政放权 streamline administration and institute decentralization 集思广益 draw on collective wisdom and absorb all useful ideas 国泰民安 the country flourish and the people live in peace and harmony 政通人和 the government functions well and people cooperate well 国计民生 national welfare and the people’s livelihood 辞旧迎新 bid farewell to the old year and usher in the new 徇私舞弊 bend the law for personal gain and engage in fraud 流连忘返 linger on with no thought of leaving for home 国际局势复杂多变 the complex and volatile international situation 开拓进取 blaze new trails and forge ahead 求同存异 seek common ground while shelving differences

(二) 语意重复

广袤无垠的中华大地 the boundle expanse of the Chinese territory 高瞻远瞩的决策 a visionary/far-sighted decision 贯彻落实重大决策carry out/ implement a series of major policy decisions 层峦叠嶂 peaks rising one after another 优胜劣汰 survival of the fittest 延年益寿 prolong one’s life

灵丹妙药 panacea / miraculous cure 长治久安 a long period of stability 求真务实 pragmatic 审时度势 size up the trend of events 招商引资 attract investment 誉满全球举世闻名 world-renowned 功在当代,利在千秋 in the interest of the current and future generations 继往开来,承前启后 (continue the past and open up the future ) break new ground for the future 路遥知马力,日久见人心 Time will tell.吃的苦中苦,方知甜中甜 no sweet without sweat 车到山前必有路,船到桥头自然直 in the end things mend /there’s always a way out 急功近利 eager for instant succe and quick profits 大黑扫黄 crack down on gangland and pornography 德高望重 of high ability and integrity 互利互补 mutually complementary and beneficial 互谅互让mutual understanding and accommodation 遵纪守法 observe the relevant code of conduct and the law

(三) 目的关系


减员增效 downsize (and cut payroll) to improve efficiency (for efficiency) 退耕还林 return cultivated land to forest or pastures 集资办学 raise money to set up new schools 结党营私 form.cliques for private gain 扭亏为盈 turn a lo-making enterprise into a profitable one

(四) 途径方式

寓教于乐 teach through lively activities 因材施教 teach students according to their aptitude 按劳分配 distribution according to performance 以商养文 support /sponsor cultural activities with the profits from doing busine

(五) 偏正词组

廉洁奉公 honestly perform.one’s official duties 环境绿化 environmental greening 超前消费 premature consumption; Over-consume; exceive consumption 以强凌弱 the strong domineering over the weak 以人为本 people foremost; People-oriented

(六) 动宾关系

优势互补 complement each other’s advantages

自主经营,自负盈亏 make one’s own management decisions, take full responsibility for one’s own profits and loes

(七) 条件关系

不进则退 no progre simply means regreion.

(八) 省略意象

瞻前顾后 overcautious and indecisive 源远流长 have a long history 呕心沥血 spare no efforts 画龙点睛 bring out the crucial point 花天酒地 go on the loose 汗马功劳 exploits 闻名遐迩 famous 独具匠心 original 中流砥柱 mainstay, chief cornerstone 鱼米之乡 a land of milk and honey 世外桃源 a haven of peace 浩如烟海的文化典籍 numerous volumes of literature


G20峰会 重点词汇梳理

The Fourth Summit of the Group of 20 (G20) major economies began a plenary seion at the Metro Toronto Convention Center on Sunday morning.(2010/6/27) Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper(哈珀), chair of the summit 胡主席致辞《同心协力 共创未来》:Work in unity for the future 复苏基础不牢固、进程不平衡,存在较大不确定性

the recovery was unfirmly established, unbalanced, and still facing "quite many uncertainties" 主权债务风险持续上升

the expanding sovereign debt crisis



drastic exchange rates fluctuations of major currencies 国际金融市场动荡不定

persistent volatility in the international financial markets 环保低碳

在全球暖化(global warming)导致的气候变化(climate change)的威胁之下,全球正直面低碳挑战(low-carbon challenge),因此,发展低碳经济,减少碳排放(carbon emiion reduction),倡导低碳生活方式不但势在必行,而且是我们每一个地球人都必须重视和行动起来的头等大事。 1.低碳 Low-Carbon 2.低碳经济 Low-Carbon Economy(LCE) 3.低碳生活 Low-Carbon Life 4. 碳足迹,即carbon footprint 5. 低碳技术,即low-carbon technology 6. 低碳发展,即low-carbon development/growth 7. 低碳社会low-carbon society 低碳社区low carbon community 低碳城市low-carbon city 低碳世界low-carbon world 低碳开发区low carbon development zone 低碳旅游 Low-Carbon Tour 低碳城市化道路Low-Carbon urbanization way 碳 Carbon 二氧化碳 Carbon dioxide 二氧化碳排放 the output of the carbon dioxide 二氧化碳浓度Atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide 碳减排Carbon emiion reduction 碳排放标准 Standard for carbon dioxide emiion 碳排放责任 Liability for carbon dioxide emiion 越境碳污染 Trans-frontier carbon dioxide pollution 一氧化碳 Carbon monoxide


对华政策:China policy 起伏不定:be subject to fluctuation 经贸摩擦:economic and trade friction 中美三个联合公报:The three Sino-US Joint Communiques 建设性战略伙伴关系:constructive strategic partnership 面向21世纪的中美建设性伙伴关系 a constructive, strategic partnership between China and the United Stated aimed at the next century 历经风雨、不断向前发展 move ahead steadily amid twists and turns 看清中美关系的主流和时代潮流,把握大局,着眼未来,扩大共识,发展合作

(We should) stand high to get a commanding view, recognize the mainstream of the relationship and the trend of the times, keep the overall picture and the future in mind and work to broaden consensus and promote cooperation.立足当前、放眼长远,从战略的高度审视和处理中美关系


(Let us) get grounded on the current situation and take a long view with a strategic vision when looking at and handling Sino-U.S.relation.牢牢把握两国共同利益,加强对话、交流与合作

focus ourselves on our common interests with strengthened dialogue, exchanges and cooperation 努力消除误解

remove misunderstanding 妥善处理分歧

properly addre differences 5 proposals for Sino-US relations by President Hu(2009年11月17日,胡锦涛就进一步推进中美关系发展提出五点重要主张中涉及到的重点表述:

一、持之以恒增进中美战略互信。FURTHER STRATEGIC MUTUAL TRUST 1.尊重对方核心利益和重大关切是中美两国建立战略互信的前提。

The two countries continue to increase strategic mutual trust with prerequisite of respect for each other’s core interests and major concerns.

2.坚持一个中国政策sticks to the one-China policy 3.妥善处理台湾问题"properly handle" the Taiwan iue 4.不允许“藏独”、“东突”分裂势力利用美国领土从事反华分裂活动forbid "Tibet independence" and "East Turkistan" forces from using US territory to cover their anti-China separatist activities 5.中美两国不应互为对手,而要做相互信赖、真诚合作的伙伴。

China and the United States should not be opponents, but partners that trust each other and cooperate sincerely.6.中国的发展对包括美国在内的世界各国是机遇而不是挑战,更不是威胁。

The development of China is an opportunity for all nations, including the United States.It is not a challenge, let alone a threat.

二、保持密切高层交往和其他各级别对话磋商。MAINTAIN EXCHANGES AT ALL LEVELS 1.双方要继续通过互访、通话、通信和在多边场合会晤等方式就彼此关切的重大问题及时进行沟通和磋商。China and the United States should maintain different levels of communication and consultation on major iues in a timely manner through different channels, including exchange of visits, talks and meetings on multilateral occasions.2.中美战略与经济对话机制已成为加强两国交流合作的重要平台,双方要继续落实首轮战略与经济对话的成果,并尽早着手为明年夏天在北京举行第二轮对话做准备。

Sino-US Strategic Economic Dialogue is an important platform to enhance exchanges and cooperation between the two countries.The two countries should further substantiate the results of the first round of Sino-US Strategic Economic Dialogue and start soon to prepare for the second round of talks in Beijing next summer.

三、加强宏观经济金融政策协调。STEP UP MACRO CONTROL 1.双方有必要在加强宏观经济金融政策协调、推进国际金融体系改革、完善全球经济治理结构等方面加强合作,为推动世界经济全面恢复和长远发展发挥更大作用。It is "neceary" for China and the United States to step up cooperation on coordinating macro economic and financial policies, pushing forward reforms in the international financial system and improving global economic governance structure.2.当前形势下,两国应该以更加坚决的态度反对和抵制各种形式的保护主义。Under the current circumstances the two countries should more resolutely oppose and resist trade protectionism in any form.3.放宽对华高技术产品出口限制,承认中国市场经济地位,并为双方企业扩大贸易和投资


合作提供便利loosen restrictions on its export of hi-tech products to China, while recognizing China's market economy status and facilitating expansion of trade and investment cooperation.

四、继续推进各领域交流合作。ADVANCE EXCHANGES, COOPERATION IN VARIOUS AREAS 1.空间探索space exploration 2.高速铁路construction of high-speed railways 3.基础设施建设infrastructure 4.以中美清洁能源联合研究中心正式启动为契机,深化节能减排、新能源、可再生能源、清洁能源、提高能效、环境治理等领域合作The two sides should take the launch of the joint clean energy research center as a turning point and deepen cooperation on energy saving, emiions reduction, renewable energy and treatment of environmental pollution 5.中方愿继续本着双向互利的原则同美方加强反恐合作,也愿在平等、相互尊重、互不干涉内政的基础上就人权和宗教等问题开展对话交流,以增进了解、减少分歧、扩大共识。China is also willing to increase counter-terrorism cooperation with the United Stats on a basis of mutual benefit and hold dialogues with the United States on iues of human rights and religions based on the principle of equality, mutual respect and non-interference with each other's internal affairs.

五、共同应对各种地区和全球性挑战。WORK TOGETHER TO MEET GLOBAL, REGIONAL CHALLENGES近年来,中美两国就地区热点问题和气候变化、核安全与核不扩散、打击跨国犯罪、减灾防灾、跨国传染病防治等全球性问题开展了密切协调和合作,使中美关系的战略水平和全球影响显著提升。

The two countries should continue to work together on global and regional hot iues in light of the benefit gained in recent years by cooperating on climate change, nuclear non-proliferation, crackdown on transnational crimes, disaster relief and prevention and treatment of contagious diseases.中美关系发展历程证明一个道理 (2009年11月18日,总理温家宝总结的中美关系发展历程证明的道理)


The history of Sino-US relations has made it clear that cooperation benefits both sides while confrontation results in harms, and mutual trust brings progre while suspicion causes setbacks.合作比遏制好,对话比对抗好,伙伴比对手好。

Cooperation is better than containment, dialogue is better than confrontation, and partnership is better than rivalship


2010年4月墨西哥湾爆发漏油事故the Gulf oil spill of April 2010 Such oil spill has created an environmental catastrophe unparalleled in US history as tens of millions of gallons of have spewed into the Gulf of Mexico ecosystem.The oil will penetrate into habitats that it’s difficult to get the oil out of.油污会蔓延到人们不易接近的生物栖息地,从而难以清理。

Eventually, oil does degrade.The toxic fractions are all removed through natural procees, you know, oxidation and photodegradation and things like that, microbial decomposition.最终石油是会降解的。有毒物质经过氧化、光降解、微生物作用等自然过程被降级。但整个过程绝不是一夜之间、甚至几年的事。

The April 2010 explosion that sent millions of gallons of crude oil gushing into the Gulf of


Mexico threatens the hard-to-reach salt marshes lining the Gulf Coast.2010年墨西哥湾油井爆炸喷发出来的原油已经对沿岸的盐沼造成威胁,这些盐沼是人们很难接近的。

需掌握的词汇表达: oil spill/leak 漏油

Deepwater Horizon oil rig 深海地平线钻井平台 last-ditch effort 最后的努力 gasoline/petrol 汽油

top kill 灭顶法(通过泵将大量高密度液体注入输油管,抑制原油上涌,再用水泥封死漏油点。)

marsh湿地 clean-up清理

oceanographer海洋生物学家 oil well 油井 crude oil 原油 diesel oil 柴油

criminal probe 刑事调查 civil investigation 民事调查 filter feeders 滤食动物 spill zone 漏油区

ultra deep-water area 超深水区 shallow water areas 浅水区

environmental disaster 环境灾难 global crude prices 国际原油价格 toxic effects of oil 石油的毒性作用 dead zone 死亡区 leaking pipe 漏油管道


Duration: May 1 to Oct 31, 2010 Theme:Better City, Better Life Sub-themes: Blending of diverse cultures in the city, Economic prosperity in the city, Innovation of science and technology in the city, Remodeling of communities in the city, Rural-urban Interaction Goal: To attract the participation of 200 countries and international organizations and 70 million visitors Significance of hosting an Expo

Everything begins with the World Expo.As a top event of mankind at a peaceful time, it records the contemporary civilization and looks to future development.Through the inclusive World Expo, new technologies, products, ideas, knowledge and cultures can be exchanged among different countries.

(I) Relevance to science and technology: driving scientific and technological innovation

As a result of the progreing science and technology driven by the Industrial Revolution, the World Expo has become a trend-setter for contemporary technologies and promotes the application of modern science and technology into everyday life.Many new technologies and products made their debut in the World Expo before going public: it was through the World Expo


that people got to know steam engine, sewing machine, rubber, submarine cable, telephone, TV and automobile and got familiar with computer science, public network and digitalized economy, human genome research, modern biotechnology, life science, nanometer technology and modern digital image technology etc.For example, the Eiffel Tower constructed for the 1889 Paris Expo became a world famous landmark, and the stone taken from the moon by American astronauts became an appealing exhibit in the 1970 Osaka Expo.The World Expo is a combination of scientific spirit, ideas, achievements, power and wisdom.Seeking truth, facts and laws can help get mankind closer to the objectivity and law of nature.

(II) Relevance to economy: promoting the industrial upgrade of the host city

Holding a World Expo can bring together all kinds of production factors in one area and at a certain time to optimize the allocation of economic resources and speed up the long-term development of the area.That has been the basic motivation for most of the World Expos staged.The phenomenon of "Expo Economy" is divided into three parts: firstly, economic activities directly caused by the Expo; secondly, economic activities centering on the use of Expo resources; thirdly, as a result of the Expo, the developmental environment of the surrounding areas of the host city can be improved, and related economy-boosting activities can be promoted.(III) Relevance to politics: building up national image of the host country

As a global event, the World Expo is inclusive both geographically and in terms of contents.Because there are no limits for polity, region, ethnicity, religion and cultural and economic level, the participating countries can be from any part of the world, thus giving the host country an opportunity to communicate itself and make new friends at home.In the meantime, the participating countries present colorful and varied products that are the most distinctive and latest in their own countries, thus enabling the host country to see and learn about a lot of new things at a lower cost.What’s more, the World Expo stands for a rare occasion for the host city to upgrade its municipal construction.Apart from a gathering of friends and guests from around the world, the World Expo also means numerous busine opportunities, giving a new shot to the tertiary industry of the host city.More importantly, the World Expo is a window for the host country to communicate and promote itself and display its comprehensive national strength.It is never a surprise that every World Expo attracts so many candidates for bidding.

Fundamentally, the first modern World Expo held in the UK in 1851 was to show its achievements in the Industrial Revolution and its overriding position among all the powers.(IV) Relevance to culture: facilitating the fusion of cultures in the world

The World Expo is an event for peace, friendship and harmony.It binds people together, regardle of their ethnicities, religions and nationalities.It is deeply rooted in the idea of “Comprehension, Communication, Congregation and Cooperation”.The most important miion of the World Expo is to bring together contemporary civilizations; put together those singular, dispersed and rough produces in the same category under a selected theme and give them an improved, systemic and even artistic expreion; bridge common concerns of people around the world and their solutions and then display them so as to provide food for thought.

The World Expo is a symbol of cultural diversity and cultural convergence.When a city, standing for a nation and country, solemnly hosts a World Expo and engage in spiritual pursuit, civil aspirations, cultural thinking and pledge fulfillment, it need a renewed city spirit; when a city, with its advanced productive forces and culture, urban history, urban will and common wisdom, makes great efforts in preparing for a World Expo, it often extends the city spirit to the future; when a city receives tens of millions of people to have an interactive inspection of world economy, society and culture and when the it intensively displays economic ideas, scientific and


technological innovations, humanistic considerations, cultural creativity, social trends and renewed time and space, the city spirit is often lifted to a new height.

场馆 Pavilion

Shanghai Expo/ The World Exposition Shanghai China 2010上海世博会

expo garden 世博园

China pavilion 中国馆

theme pavilion 主题馆

foreign national pavilion 外国馆

stand-alone pavilion 独立展馆

corporate joint pavilion 企业联合馆

African Joint Pavilion 非洲联合馆

trial opening/operation/run 试运行

exhibition hall 展台

booth 展会上隔开的小间

four pavilions along the central axis 一轴四馆

emblem and mascot 会徽与吉祥物

official mascot 官方吉祥物

Expo centre 世博中心

Expo performance centre 世博演艺中心

Expo Shanghai online 网上世博会

门票与交通 Ticket&Transportation

designated day 指定日

Peak Day ticket 指定日门票

standard day平日

standard day ticket平日门票

designated/peak day special ticket 指定日优惠票

standard day special ticket平日优惠票

universal ticket system 一票通用制度

reservation service 预约服务

one-day travel card/one-day ticket 一日票

multi-day travel card 多日门票

multiple-use travel card 多次门票

airport terminal 航站楼

expo host 世博会主办方

expo-themed souvenir 世博会纪念品

franchised/licensed product 特许商品

Mi Etiquette 礼仪小姐

mobile toilet 移动厕所



First, we should continue to work together and prevail over the crisis, The storm has not


subsided, and we have to continue working together like paengers on a same boat.In a globalized world, the economies of all countries are interdependent and mutually reinforcing.The policies of one country can well impact those of others.Only when global economic recovery is achieved can the recovery of national economies be secured.The recent joint response by various countries has reduced the severe impact of the international financial crisis and prevented a serious receion that might have otherwise occurred.The international financial crisis is not over yet and the foundation for economic recovery is still weak.Continued cooperation among countries is needed to avoid twists and turns and reduce risks in the course of recovery.The international community should increase coordination and cooperation in macro-economic policies, identify the right direction and priorities of their economic policies, and withdraw stimulus policies at the right time and right pace in order to bring about a full recovery of the world economy at an early date.


Second, we should promote more open market, Li said.This is the only way forward in our continued response to the crisis.Opening-up can be both bilateral and multilateral.It helps increase cooperation, bolster development and promote prosperity.In this sense, one plus one is, more often than not, bigger than two.Trade protectionist practice will only exacerbate the economic crisis, slow down the recovery proce and ultimately harm the interests of the very countries who apply such measures.


Third, we should promote balanced development of the world, Li said.The goal of opening-up is to achieve development, and development is what we need in order to improve people's livelihood.We should not forget that one billion people on this planet are still suffering from poverty and hunger.Only by helping developing countries out of economic backwardne can we ensure enough food and clothing for their people, achieve the goal of poverty reduction.And only by tapping the potential demand of developing countries can we expand the global market and reduce unemployment around the world.第四,携手应对重大挑战。这是促进世界经济健康复苏和持续发展的紧迫课题。在气候变化、能源资源安全、粮食安全、公共卫生安全、重大自然灾害等全球性挑战面前,没有一个国家可以独善其身,没有一个国家可以摆脱责任,国际社会应当协调行动。

Fourth, we should jointly tackle major challenges.This is our urgent task if we want to ensure sound recovery and sustained development of the world economy.No country is immune, nor can it shirk its responsibility from tackling global challenges like climate change, energy and resources security, food security, public health security and major natural disasters.The international community ought to coordinate actions to meet the challenges.In the fight against climate change, countries need to actively follow up on the Copenhagen Accord, act in unison and be forward-looking.


Fifth, we should improve the structure of global governance, Li said.If we are to overcome


the crisis, open up markets, promote balanced development and addre major challenges, we need not only more consensus and actions, but also reliable institutional guarantee.It has become a consensus of all parties to improve current structures and develop a more fair and efficient structure of the global governance that reflects changes in the global political and economic landscape.The principle of equal participation and inclusive cooperation should be followed in improving global governance.It is imperative to raise the voice and representation of developing countries.Choice of different development models should be respected.The primary role of the United Nations and relevant agencies and the constructive role of the G20 should be given a better play.


次贷危机:subprime mortgage crisis (SMC)

地产泡沫:real estate bubble -- 相关:泡沫经济: bubble economy

经济衰退或萧条: economic receion/ economic declining / economic depreion

经济复苏:economic recovery

全球金融危机:Global financial crisis / financial turmoil / meltdown

可调整利率: adjustable rate

固定利率:fixed rate



货币发行:note iue


抛售美国债:short-selling US treasury bonds (逼美国拿出黄金储备)

外汇储备:foreign currency reserve 黄金储备: gold reserve

顺差:: favorable balance / surplus

逆差:adverse balance / deficit

房贷:home-loan 投机者: speculator 抛售房产: flip one's house

信用危机:credit risk / 信用不足: poor credit

不良贷款:non-performing loan / Bad loan

救市资金:bailout (居2008美国热词排行榜首位)


财政刺激:fiscal stimulus

申请破产:file for bankruptcy

收购:take over


裁员:ax jobs(大刀阔斧的砍) lay off / cut jobs / 口语委婉可以说 I'm between jobs.

失业率:unemployment rate

刺激消费:to stimulate consumption

扩大内需:to expand domestic demands

美联储:Federal Reserve

贸易保护主义、贸易壁垒:trade protectionism; trade barrier (美国宣扬“买国货”的实质)

股市下滑(挫):slide / fall / slump / tumble

经济刺激方案:economic stimulus plan

道琼斯:Dow Jones Industrial average(INDU)

纳斯达克:Nasdaq composite

原油:crude oil

金价:...an ounce (注意“一盎司”的连读,很像announce)




The heavy rains and floods(暴雨洪灾) have ravaged (devastate,破坏)10 southern Chinese regions, leaving 211 dead and 119 miing as of 4pm yesterday, a Ministry of Civil Affairs(民政部)statement said.Swollen river(不断上涨的洪水)adds to Jiangxi flooding woes(不幸、灾难)

The floods have caused direct economic loes(直接经济损失)of around 43.3 billion yuan (US$6.4 billion), as rivers broke their banks(决堤), landslides(山崩/滑坡) severed road and rail links and houses collapsed.

Rain and Flood 暴雨洪灾

to burst their banks/breaching of the dyke 决堤/溃堤

floods/floodwater/inundation 洪水

freshet 河水猛涨/涨水

water levels 水位

Rescue workers/ rescuers救援人员

watercourses 河道/水道

the flood level 洪水水位

warning level 警戒水位

historic highs 历史最高点

torrential downpours/rains 暴雨/倾盆大雨

muddy 泥泞的

frequent showers 经常性的阵雨

rain cats and dogs 倾盆大雨

persistent rain 持续降雨

heavy rain 大雨

rainfall 降雨

downpour 暴雨

shower 阵雨

storm/tempest/rainstorms 暴风雨

thundershower 雷阵雨

drizzle 毛毛雨

flash floods 山洪暴发

water discharge 水流量/排水

water reservoirs 水库

water volume 水量

Relief 救灾

Office of State Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters 国家防汛抗旱总指挥部

disaster areas 受灾地区

evacuate 疏散

rescue boats 救生艇

stranded residents 受困居民

temporary tents 临时帐篷

settlements 临时居住点

plug the breach 封堵决堤口

inundate farmland 淹没农田

worst hit 最严重受灾地区


low-lying areas 低洼地区 landslides 山崩/滑坡

emergency alert level 紧急警戒级别 emergency materials 紧急援助物资 inflatable boats 充气艇 rubber boats 橡皮艇 fuel barrels 燃料桶 life vests 救生衣

warning mark 警戒标志 灾害及相关表述 Mudslide 泥石流

mudslide-stricken region 泥石流受灾地区 geological disasters 地质灾害 secondary disaster 次生灾害 barrier lake 堰塞湖

rain-triggered landslide 暴雨引发的山体滑坡 mountain torrents 山洪 flood peak 洪峰

ma evacuation 大规模疏散

the emergency rescue headquarters 紧急救援指挥部 epidemic prevention 传染病预防 psychological trauma 心理创伤

voluntary rescue work 志愿救援工作 disinfectant 消毒剂 living subsidy 生活补助 resettlement 重新安置 抗灾精神

1.抗震救灾,众志成城 United as a wall, making quake small.2.抗震救灾 Fighting against earthquake and relieving disaster 3.众志成城 United as a wall 4.万众一心 Working with one heart 5.团结一致 United as one 6.守望相助 Offering timely help 7.灾难有界,大爱无疆 Disaster has limit while the greatest love knows no boundary 8.血脉相连 Linked with the same flesh and blood 9.灾情就是命令,时间就是生命 As a disaster is an order, every second counts for a survivor 10.一方有难,八方支援 When disaster strikes, help comes from all sides 温总理地震语录:


“As long as there is a ray of hope, we will make every effort and never say never.” 2.“不抛弃,不放弃”!–72小时过去之后,温总理仍然坚持人员探救 “Never cast aside and never give up!” 3.“救人是重中之重!”

“Saving a life belittles anything else!”











