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英 文 名:English Movie Appreciation 课程类别:专业选修课 前 置 课:基础英语 后 置 课:无 学

分:2学分 课

时:34课时 主讲教师:李丽萍 褚玉襄

选定教材:Andrew Lynn,英语电影赏析,北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2005年。 课程概述:


学习语言的过程很大程度上是文化习得的过程。 语言只有放置于一定的文化背景和语言环境的情况下才有其意义,学生才能够将语言认知能力转化为语言运用能力,达到学习语言的能力。


通过对影视英语的分析与欣赏,让学生能够身入其境地了解影视中各种人物的对话,了解各国的风土人情、特有的文化背景、历史与现状、科学技术的发展、地理地貌等特点。 本课程借助现代媒体手段,充分利用各种可能的途径,获得各种特点的素材和资料,在课堂上和学生一起分析其中所用语言和其使用的环境, 尤其是英文经典和热门电影的赏析和解读帮助学生领略电影大师们特色各异的创作韵趣,进一步认识电影思维、电影语言的独特规律,并从欧美和中国不同民族和地域的社会文化背景深入了解作品的文化学内蕴,通过教师分段的各种提问与讲解,使学生能对影片的内容有个透彻的了解,从而能逐渐培养起他们独立欣赏原版片的习惯与能力。 学生通过本课程的学习,可以提高自身通过听觉获取信息的能力,可以较为顺利地听懂有一定难度的英语电影、电视片段等,了解英语国家的人文特点,提高英语文化素养,能够在日常生活中灵活运用所学知识进行交流。

1 教学方法:

观看经典英语电影或片段、名人传记纪录片等内容,难度相当于四六级或以上水平。 重要的知识点为资料中所涉及的英语文化知识,对其中出现的重点句子及其结构加以强化、操练,使学生可以将所听到所看到的知识运用到自己的学习和生活中,达到提高运用英语能力的目标。


Chapter 1 History and Genre

课时分配:2课时 教学要求:

Introduce the history of early cinema, claical Hollywood cinema, and post-claical Hollywood cinema with regard to technological, industrial, and artistic developments.

Introduce the concept of genre and, in particular, the categorization of genres and the functions of genre.教学内容:

Early Cinema, Claical Hollywood Cinema, Categorization of Genres 思考题:

1.What are the advantages and disadvantages of approaching films through the concept of genre? 2.Do you think genres are historically and culturally specific?

Chapter 2 Character and Performance

课时分配:2课时 教学要求: Explain characterization in film from the perspectives of character functions and cast design, character archetypes, and motivation, conflict, and character growth.Explain performance in film by considering the specific qualities of cinematic performance(as opposed to its theatrical equivalent), the concept of the actor’s two bodies, the movement in acting known as Method acting and the phenomenon of the “star”.教学内容:

Character Functions and Cast Design , Cinematic Performance 思考题:

1.What makes a film character interesting to you? 2.What factors do you think should be taken into account when casting decisions are made?

Chapter 3 Narrative


2 教学要求: Define the basic terms used to analyze narratives---narrative, story, and plot.List and briefly describe the limited number of basic stories that form the basis for most narratives.教学内容:

The Basic Terms (Narrative, Story, and Plot) and the Basic Stories ,Subplots .思考题:

1.What are the main differences between Hollywood narratives and those of Chinese films? 2.Do you think that narrative in Hollywood is too formulaic to produce great art?

Chapter 4 Style

课时分配:2课时 教学要求:

Introduce methods for analyzing the cinematic shot using concepts such as composition and photographic techniques, mise-en- scene, setting, framing, sound and lighting, costume and props, and symbols and motifs.Introduce methods for analyzing the editing proce using concepts such as continuity editing, safe and unsafe space, and dialectical montage.教学内容:

The Shot: Composition and Photographic Techniques ,Symbols and Motifs .思考题:

1.What different kinds of effects can be produced by the manipulation of stylistic characteristics? 2.Do you think a film’s style really matters? Or is content more important?

Chapter 5 Critical Perspectives

课时分配:2课时 教学要求: Give a definition of theme and outline some typical thematic concerns.Introduce some of the main theoretical approaches to the study of film—auteur theory, structuralism, feminism and gender studies, psychoanalysis and the spectator, and polictics and ideology.教学内容:

Defining Theme & Typical Thematic Concerns , Structuralism .思考题:

1.How can a knowledge of theory contribute to our understanding of cinema? 2.Can these Western theories be applied to Chinese cinema?

Chapter 6 Blockbuster Film

课时分配:2课时 教学要求: Exemplify the blockbuster, and in particular to show how the eence of the blockbuster lies in its use of spectacle and generic mixing.Show how the four-function model of cast design can help one to better undersand characterization in popular Hollywood films.教学内容:

The Blockbuster and Synopsis , The Matrix .思考题:

The basic question posed by the The Matrix is this: Should one, like Nero, accept an unpleasant reality, or, like Cypher, choose a life that is perfect but unreal”? What do you think?

Chapter 7 Comedy Film

课时分配:2课时 教学要求: Exemplify comedy as a genre, and in particular to consider what it is that gives rise to humour. Show how engagement with characters occurs through a tripartite proce of recognition, alignment, and allegiance.教学内容:

Comedy and synopsis , “Gumpism” as a Philosophy .思考题:

1.Do you think it is acceptable for Hollywood to rewrite history? 2.Why do you think Forrest Gump is popular in China?

Chapter 8 Social Drama Film

课时分配:2课时 教学要求:

Exemplify the social drama as a genre.Apply the ideas of the protagonist and forces of antagonism to the film.教学内容:

Social Drama and Synopsis , A concept of Beauty .思考题:

1.Does the idea of a “Crisis in Masculinity” have any significance in China?

4 2.How do Chinese films deal with the problem of the “mid-life crisis”?

Chapter 9 Action Film

课时分配:2课时 教学要求:

Exemplify the action genre, and in particular to show how the action film is characterized by action set-pieces, new technology and the “quip”.Introduce the Bond character and discu the importance of casting in the Bond series.教学内容:

Action and Synopsis, England and its Decline .思考题:

1.Do you think it’s true that Bond films totally lack “an ethical frame of reference”? 2.Why do you think Bond films are so popular?

Chapter 10 Film Noir/Neo-Noir

课时分配:2课时 教学要求:

Analyze characterization in the light of the cop/buddy model and the antagonist as representative of broader socio-cultural forces.

Show how the film deliberately frustrates narratives expectations. 教学内容:

Film Noir/ Neo-Noir and Synopsis , Sin in the Modern World. 思考题:

1.Consider how the following comments about real-life serial killers help us to better understand Se7en.2.Would it be true to say that Se7en is an unremittingly grim film?

Chapter 11 Romance Film

课时分配:2课时 教学要求:

Exemplify romance as a genre and to show how it rests on conventions such as that of the unlikely couple and the conflict of social and romantic perspectives.

Consider how the concepts of main plot/subplot, narrative circularity and narrative depth can help us to better understand the narrative of the film.

5 教学内容:

Romance and Synopsis , The Elements of Paionate Love .思考题:

1.Do you approve or disapprove of Almasy and Katherine’s behaviour? 2.How do Almasy and Katherine compare to the romantic leads in Chinese films?

Chapter 12 Gangster Film

课时分配:2课时 教学要求:

Consider how the film reworks the typical gangster character and how it provides a good example of method acting.

Analyze the gangster film as tragic narrative. 教学内容:

Gangster Films and Synopsis ,The Mafia .思考题:

1.Do you sympathize with Michael?

2.Why do you think The Godfather was such a popular film?

Chapter 13 War Film

课时分配:2课时 教学要求: Analyze the film as a kind of mythological narrative and consider the implications of having two distinct versions of the film.

Consider the role played by lighting and color in the film. 教学内容:

War Film and Synopsis , The Problems with American Culture .思考题:

1.Apocalypse Now offers an explanation for the American failure in Vietnam. What do you think it is.? 2.Do you sympathize with Kurtz?

Chapter 14 Horror Film

课时分配:2课时 教学要求: Show how casting decisions contribute to the overall effect of a film, and how characters can

6 sometimes represent externalizations(or to use a Freudian term “projections”) of other characters. 教学内容:

Horror and Synopsis , The American Family and other Problems .思考题:

1.What makes The Shining a frightening film? 2.Do you agree with the idea of evil that is advanced in The Shining ?

Chapter 15 Science Fiction Film

课时分配:2课时 教学要求:

Consider the role of non-human characters and of character absences in the film. Describe how editing, sound, and visual rhymes are employed in the film? 教学内容:

Science Fiction and Synopsis , “Absolute Cinema”.思考题:

1.Does 2001: A Space Odyey manage to raise Hollywood cinema to the level of “art”? 2.What, ultimately, do you think 2001: A Space Odyey is trying to say ?

7 附录:参考书目

1.黄际英、侯丹、王丽娟选编,《博学英语·英美影视欣赏》,上海:复旦大学出版社,2006年。 2.叶莉,《英语电影电视剧欣赏》,北京:北京航空航天大学出版社,2006年。 3.刘晓庆,《经典电影作品赏析》,北京:高等教育出版社,2005年。

4.朱维芳编,《英语电影教程(上、中、下)》,北京: 外语教学与研究出版社,2005年。 5.朱小品,《电影英语赏析》, 长沙:湖南人民出版社, 2005年。 6.赵英男,《英文影视赏析》,北京:清华大学出版社, 2005年。 7.吴耘,电影视听英语教程,北京:北京大学出版社,2004年。

8.朱小晶,郝昕荣编著,《电影英语赏析》,长沙:湖南人民出版社,2004年。 9.吴相松,《英语影视学习与欣赏第一辑》,北京:世界知识出版社,2002年。 10.蔡东东主编,《当代英美电影欣赏》,北京:外文出版社,2000年8月。


李丽萍 2006年6月 审定人:















